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Obama + Wife + Son + Daughter + Ped Male Dog + Satan Coming in Obams's Body for

He is Obama's Father, and Master = Jesus the Messiah Seperate Me for I am Jesus'
s Son, His Daughter, His Wife, and His Husband, and His Male Pet Dog for He is M
y Father, and My Husband, and My Master.
For while Michelle Obama was Also Satan's Wife for Prince william is one Except
the Daughter for that is Kate's Part for Kate Is Marrying His Sister for To Prin
ce William Satan is His Father, and Kate is Satan's Daughter for Satan is Marryi
ng both His Son, and His Daughter.
Satan is the Genital Cancer then Obama the Heart Cancer Came in for He created a
Link between the Heart, and Genital Cancer to Enter the Heart, and Infect it wi
th Cancer, and now the Last Link for Genital Cancer to get the Spirit the Mind,
and Kill it off the Body, and Mind fully for Prince William's Marriage will Crea
te this Link thus thereby in the end Creating a Link between the Genital Cancer
up to the Heart, and into the Brain whereby Killing off the Body, and Soul, and
Bringing forth the Body, and Soul directly into Hell where Satan Lives.
Please note that As Time passes on this Earth toward the End I begin to Understa
nd More, and More of what was, is, and is to be for Whilst Prince William, and O
bama Get Paler, and Uglier, etc for I get Fatter, and Beautiful for our Lives ar
e Seperate yet Connected because of Satan, God, Jesus, the Angels, etc, for Agai
n as Time Passes toward Jesus's Return the Closer it gets the More knowledgeable
, and More Powerful, and More Stable, and More beautiful in Life.
I will Always be forever Jesus's Male Pet Dog, His Wife, His Husband, and His So
n, and Daughter, and He will always Be My Father, and My Master Knowing these ch
aracteristics is to know how We will treat each other, and act amongst Another f
or these are Jesus, and I.
In the End Satan Can Only be My Birth Father, and Neither can the StepFather I w
as Given be My Father for I am not to be with them for Jesus is My True Father,
and this is why I have always stuck with Him without end for in the end I can no
t Be Satan's Son, but By Physical Birth for I can never Be His Son, and Daughter
for it can not Be for I am never nor ever will be His in the end as this is why
Only He, and Prince William, and Obama, and Kate Middleton, and Michelle Obama,
and Obama Himself, and Their Pet Dog etc for This is why They will Always Be Sa
tan's True Family, etc, and Whilst I will always be Jesus's True Family, etc.

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