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1. They arrested her last week.

2. John wrote a letter.

3. They invited ten friends to the party.

4. They have just built a new house.

5. The police caught the thieves yesterday.

6. The maid will clean all the house for tomorrow.

7. They removed two cars from the street.

8. They have just cleaned the room

9. Harry will meet you at the airport

10. Jane upsets me by the way she said

11. Sheila might come to see us tomorrow

12. Frank Sinatra sang "My way"

13. You must wash this shirt for tonight´s party

14. Did the explosion frighten you?

15. We will have to examine you again

16. They bought us some ice-cream

17. Someone has taken the book after I left it in the bedroom

18 Someone will meet the visitors at the airport

19. They didn´t do anything until he arrived

Error correction

2. The stolen car were left in the ditch.

3. John and Ann was not misled.

4. It had not been knew for years.

6. Peter and Tom was hurt in an accident yesterday.

7. South Florida and Hawaii has been hit by a hurricane.

9. Everything that had is overheard remained a secret.

10. The money have not been given to me.

11. I have not be given the money.

12. All bottles was frozen before transportation.

15. Everything are forbidden.

16. The best way will been found.

19. It are said that learning English is easy.

20. Our horses is well fed.

1. We were meet at the railway station.

2. We were hold up in the traffic.

7. The table was layn.

10. The parcel will be send today.

11. The old dog were run over by a lorry.

12. The book were layed on the table.

13. The bills could be payed.

15. Some products can hardly be selled.

16. It are said to be important.

19. All the clocks was set forward.

20. A decision must made today.

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