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According to Christian Copeland, “Online games have been one of the most attracted

hobbies in the internet now. More and more people are getting into online gaming,

because it gives them a lot of fun. Why it is that an online game is fun to play than a

local game? First of all, a local game can be played by a single player only. It can be

played with more than two players, but only within a single area. If you are familiar

about a game called Defense of the Ancients (DOTA), it is a 5-on-5 local game that

players are playing against each other within a single area.

In other words, they can only play in a single computer or gaming shop. They are using

an Ethernet connection called Local Area Connection (LAN). The wire was plugged into

the local computers within a gaming shop for them to allow play against each other.

What about if we compare them to online gaming? You will see the big difference

between a local game and an online game later on, and you may evaluate which one is

better. For games online, it's truly recommended that they need some sort of internet

connection. Most games are using an internet connection called DSL.

DSL is one of the fastest internet connections today, and it was widely used by lots of

internet users and online gamers. Without DSL high-speed internet, we can't play

games online. If we stay connected using the DSL high-speed internet connection, we

can play against other players nationwide, or even worldwide. Compare to limited

players in one gaming station, online games may let you interact with other players from

around the world. You may enjoy playing with them through team battle or any type of
battle you want. This is where DSL internet grows for their customers, especially games


If you have lots of time to search on the internet, there are thousands of local and

international online games that exist to the public. The market of both DSL internet and

online games has been growing as fast as possible, and may grow even more in the

near future. Both of them are making serious income from their customers through

recurring and prepaid payments. But what is the reason for all online games that need

DSL connection, rather than the others? If speed really matters for them, a high-speed

DSL internet connection is good for them.

An average speed of DSL internet would be up to 3 megabytes per second. It is faster

than wireless or cheap dial-up modems. Wireless internet is not really designed for us to

play games online, because it can only pick up signals with the use of wireless antenna.

It may give them a greater chance to be interrupted by the connection, and it's not

recommended for online games. But with DSL high-speed internet, you may experience

playing games smoothly and it gives pure entertainment like no other. This is how a

high-speed DSL internet grows to the public, along with games. Not only they are

designed for gaming, but also for fast browsing and digital file downloading.”

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