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What have you learnt about the

technologies from the process of

constructing this product?
• I definitely believe we have improved from the first task we
did, which was ‘walking through the door task’ I think doing
that first task It taught us about the cameras so we were
ready to do this Thriller.
• In the walking through the door task we learnt the basics on
the cameras where as in this task we learnt more, and have
educated ourselves with the camera.
• I believe the shots we used where good enough, I just don’t
think they gave the overall message across very well.
• Another problem we faced was the length of our Thriller, we
had to re-film several times because the film was too short,
so we needed to film more shots, and make it longer.
• This is so we could portray the family life image, and
something coming to disrupt this.
• When filming our film we hit a few problems due to the actors
we were using and continuity issues with the costumes.
• When we started filming we had an understanding with the
cinemas since we had practise from when we filmed ‘walking
through the door’. This we did in college and really got us using
the cameras so we understood the programs.
• Even when we took them home to film our Thrillers, we were
still learning what worked best and the programs on the
cameras, I’m sure the next time we film we will find more
things in which we didn’t know before.
• We didn’t realised until we were filming how long it takes to do
each shot, since we needed to do each shot a few times and
also from different angles.
• While filming we didn’t face any problems with the costume
and the props, but we were very aware about these things, and
considering these things before filming each shot.
• For example, we filmed twice so we needed to make sure
our actor was wearing the same clothes and that her hair
style was the same the second time.
• The problem we faced with lighting was the different times
of filming. The first and second time had different lighting.
This is because of the time of year, it goes darker earlier and
• Filming this ourselves makes you realise the time it takes
professionals to film.
• The battery could have been a problem but we prepared
ourselves for this so we took an extra battery.
• We had to re-film because the first two actors we used
weren't free the next time we needed to film, so we had to
use different actors the second time round.
•  The people we used the second time of filming, we needed
to use them again because we needed to film some more
shots, it was lucky that they were free at the times in which
we needed them.
 We didn’t want to put any over exaggerated special effects
on our thriller because we wanted it to be true and believable
• When filming the camera picked up back ground noise and
we didn’t want this, so when we put our filming on to the
computer we had to delete this and replace it with the
suspense music in which we used.
• When we had filmed we put it on the computer we edited
this, making all the shots flow together, we then put the text
over the top of this, making the shots flow was priority.
• The program we used was Adobe Premier Pro, as we used to
it began to get more simple.
These pictures are of the camera and tripod that we used, as
you can see on the camera there are a lot of buttons so when
we where filming we only used the few that we knew about
and how to use these, although when we were filming we
were learning as we went along.

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