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Wednesday, February 16 at 3:30 p.m.

College Hall, Lyceum
Interpreters scheduled


1.p  Introductions of who is in attendance

 to give brief agenda overview and expectations of this meeting (will also take notes)
2.p c
to provide status update of situation, including:
yp mroviding clarify on the CDC funding shortfall (amount and time period)
yp What is being explored to keep the CDC open? (briefing us on conversations with the
Clerc Center; they are exploring a hybrid management model for the CDC/cooperative
arrangement that would lower CDC operational costs)
3.p marents to articulate the many ways that the CDC supports Gallaudet Strategic mlans ( 

yp include the ways 8+ departments are/could be connected to the CDC
yp keep as bilingual program for Gallaudet and greater DC community
 to summarize parent͛s fundraising efforts and thoughts to date
yp mledge drive results to date
yp ‰pportunities for new funding (re: Candice list and talking points)
yp  parents can offer additional fundraising ideas, including marketing to wider potential
parent pool and need for marketing collateral
5.p c
 ʹ Next Steps
yp uctions and timing
yp Nikol and Kathryn can discuss parent group outreach (DC Council; next parent meeting
is with mresident and mrovost͙?)

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