Dinwiddie None Opp

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LAW OFFICES OF JOSEPH R. MANNING, JR. A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION Joseph K: Manning, I. State Bar #223381 2010 Main St., Suite 1680 Irvine, CA 92614 Tet: (949) 361-3232 Fax: (366) 843-8308 Attomeys for Defendant, 7132 Dinwiddie Street Trust, U-D.T. 11/03/10, MNK Properties Management, Inc., as Trustee SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ~ NORWALK COURTHOUSE FLOR DEL ROSARIO REALES, vC057729 Plaintiff, ul ) NOTICE OF NON-OFPOSITION TO MOTION TO STRIKE WELLS FARGO BANK N.4.; WACHOVIA MORTGAGE, FSB: WORLD SAVINGS BANK, FSB; NDEX WEST, LLC, a > California Corporation; 7132 Dinwiddie Street ) Trust, U.D.T. 11/03/10, MNK Properties 3 Management, Inc. as Trustee; and DOES 1} ) through 50, inclusive. Defendants. LLL ME LAM LAME LL) NOTICE OF NON-OPPOSITION aH TO THE ABOVE-ENTITLED COURT AND ALL INTERESTED PARTIES HEREIN: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Defendant 7132 Dinwiddie Street Trust, U.D.T. 11/03/10. MNK Properties Management, Inc. as Trustee will not file an opposition to the Demurrer filed set for Hearing on February 25, 2011 instead Plaintiff request an opportunity to amend the operative pleading. Dated: February 15, 2011 LAW OFFICES OF JOSEPH R, MANNING, JR. A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION Wg] Jpseph R. Manning Ir... Esq. Attomey for Defendant 732 Dinwiddie Street Trust, U.D.T. 11/03/10, MNK Properties Management, Inc. as Trustee. NOTICE OF NON-GPPOSITION “2. 26 n 28 PROOF OF SERVICE - CCP.10134 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ORANGE |, the undersigned, am employed in the County of Orange, State of California, Lam over the age of eighteen (18) years and not a party to the cause, My business address is 2010 Main Street, Suite 1080, Irvine CA 92614 On February 15, 201 1, I served the true copics of the foregoing document described as NOTICE OF NON-OPPOSITION on the interested parties in this action, addressed as follows; Charles O. Agege, Esq. Law Offices of Charles 0. Agege 12400 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 400 Los Angeles, CA 90025 Fax (310) 447-6100 [X] BY United States Postal Service: The documents were mailed as set forth above by ULS. Mail and placed in sealed, addressed envelopes on the above date and deposited into a USS. Postal Service Mail box on the date set forth above, with postage thereon fully prepaid at Newport Beach, Califomia prior to the time for collection on that day. Tam aware that on motion of the party served, service is presumed invalid if postal cancellation date or postage ‘meter date is more than one day after date of deposit for mailing in the affidavit, [X] BY Fax Transmission. Based on an agreement of the parties to accept service by fax transmission, | faxed the documents to the persone at the fax numbers listed. No exror was teported by the fax machine that I used. A copy of the record of the fax transmission, which T printed out, is attached. certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct and that this affidavit was executed on February 15, 2011 t Tina Mehrazar 4 ‘NOTICE OF NON-OPPOSITION

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