Question Bank of Microcontroller

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Questions Mont Yea Mark

No. h r s
1 Give difference between Microcontroller and Microprocessor Dec 200 4
2 Name four major difference between a microprocessor and
3 Compare Von Neumann and Harvard architecture of Dec 200 4
microprocessor 5
4 Differentiate between Harvard and Von Neumann architecture. Dec 200 4
Give one example of each 6
5 Differentiate between Harvard and Von Neumann architecture. May 200 4
Give one example of Harvard architecture. 7
6 Give the difference between Von-Neumann and Harvard Dec 200 4
architecture of microprocessor. 9
7 Explain architecture of 8051 in detail May 200 8
8 Draw an architecture of 8051 Dec 200 8
9 Explain PSW register of 8051. Dec 200 8
10 Explain facts about stack pointer in 8051 Dec 200 2
11 Explain conflict about stack in 8051 with example May 200 4
12 Explain structure of internal memory of 8051 Dec 200 6
13 With memory map explain internal memory organization of Dec 200 4
8051. 6
14 Explain an internal memory organization of 8051 with proper May 200 8
memory map. Explain bit addressable area. 7
15 Explain structure of internal memory of 8051 May 200 8
16 Explain memory organization of 8051 in detail. May 200 8
17 Explain in detail special function register (SFR). Give its bit Dec 200 8
address. Dec 7 8
18 Explain the port structure in 8051. May 200 8
19 Explain four modes of timers of 8051 Dec 200 6
20 Explain in detail timer/counter modes of 8051. Dec 200 8
Dec 7 8
21 Describe various modes of timer in 8051. Find out hex number Dec 200 8
to be loaded in TH0, to produce delay of 4.096 msec in mode 0 5
operation. Assume clock frequency of 12MHz.
22 Write an assembly language program for 8051 such that LED Dec 200 6
connected to port P1.0 will flash at a rate 0.5 sec rate when line 6
P2 goes high use timer 0 for generating delay.
23 State and explain serial modes of 8051. How baud rate is set? Dec 200 8
Show calculations for setting baud rate of 2400. 6
24 Explain various modes of serial communication in 8051. May 200 8
Dec 8 8
25 State and explain the serial modes of 8051. Show the calculation Dec 200 8
for setting baud rate 9600 in mode 1 of serial communication. 8
26 With the help of IP and IE explain interrupt structure of 8051 Dec 200 6
27 Explain all the interrupts of 8051. Also explain their priorities. May 200 8
Dec 7 8
Dec 200 8
28 Explain an interrupts structure of 8051 Dec 200 8
29 Explain the interrupt structure for 8051 microcontroller along May 200 10
with priorities. 9
30 Explain interrupt structure of 8051 Dec 200 8
31 Explain need of power saving modes in 8051. State and explain Dec 200 8
steps in using power down and idle mode. What are typical 6
values of supply currents for 89c51 RD or 89c51 microcontroller
in these modes ?
32 Explain power down mode and idle mode of 8051. May 200 4
33 Explain power switching circuit for power down mode. Dec 200 8
May 7 8
34 Explain single stepping in MCS-51 family. May 200 6
35 Explain various addressing modes of 8051. Dec 200 6
36 Explain addressing modes of 8051 with example. Dec 200 6
37 Explain all the addressing modes of 8051 with suitable examples May 200 5
and necessary diagrams. 7
38 Explain the different addressing modes for ORL instruction. Dec 200 6
39 Explain the bit oriented instruction in 8051 May 200 6
40 Explain need of software development tools May 200 8
1. Assembler Dec 5 8
2. Emulator May 200 8
Dec 5 8
41 Explain software development and testing tools. Dec 200 6
42 Explain hardware development tool for microprocessor. Dec 200 6
43 Explain the following debugging tool : In circuit emulator Dec 200 8
44 Explain following hardware troubleshooting tool in brief : In May 200 4
circuit emulator Dec 6 4
45 Explain following hardware troubleshooting tools in brief : logic May 200 4
analyzer Dec 6 4
46 Explain following debugging tool in brief : logic analyzer May 200 8
47 Explain in detail Logic analyzer and its display format. Dec 200 6
48 Explain Logic analyzer. Dec 200 10
49 Explain following debugging tools in brief : simulator May 200 8
May 7 8
Dec 200 8
50 Write note on 8051 simulator. May 200 8
51 Explain need of hardware development tool : simulator May 200 4
52 What is RS 232 ? Dec 200 8
53 What are the features of RS 232 ?
54 Explain RS 232 standards in detail Dec 200 10
55 Explain need of MAX 232 chip in serial communication. May 200 8
56 Interface 8051 to COM1 port of PC at 4800 baud rate. Write a Dec 200 8
program in assembly language to send a message ‘WELCOME’ 5
stored in memory of controller.
57 How serial interface of microcontroller is converted into RS232? Dec 200 4
58 How 8051 is interfaced to PC using RS232 standards ? Dec 200 4
59 Explain data transmission and reception using RS232C. Dec 200 10
60 Explain RS232C interface standards. May 200 8
61 Write short note on: RS232C Dec 200 4
62 write an assembly language program to transfer the message May 200 8
‘WELCOME’ serially at 4800 baud rate, 9 bit data and 1 stop bit 9
per 8051.
63 Write short note on : RS422 May 200 2.5
64 Write short note on : RS423 A May 200 2.5
65 State advantage of RS485 over RS232. Dec 200 4
Dec 5 4
66 State specification of RS485 interface. Dec 200 4
67 Explain details of RS485. Give the detailed specifications of May 200 10
versions of RS485 9
68 Explain various modes of serial communication supported by Dec 200 5
8051. 5
69 State and explain serial modes of 8051. How baud rate is set, Dec 200 8
show calculations for setting baud rate of 2400. 6
Question Bank of Memory Interfacing
Interface 8K EPROM and 16 KRAM to 8 bit Dec 200 10
microprocessor/microcontroller using suitable 3:8 decoder, Such 9
that following address are generated
1. EPROM starts from 0000H
2. RAM starts from 8000H
Interface 4 K X8 EPROM and 4 K X8 RAM with an 8 bit May 200 8
microcontroller using sixteen address lines. 7
EPROM address should starts at 0000H and RAM address should
follow end address of EPROM. Show all interface signal
Design an 8051 based system with 8 KB program ROM and 8 KB 8
data ROM
Show the interfacing of 8051 to external data RAM. 6
Design a 8051 based microcontroller system with following 10
1. 8051 CPU working at 12 MHz
2. 32 KB program memory.
3. 16 KB Data memory
With the neat schematic only, show the interface of 8051 with 8
following memory and I/O sub systems.
1. 32 KB SRAM
2. 32 KB EPROM
Why all newer microcontrollers entering in market are 8051 4
compatible or upgraded version of 8051 ?
Explain features of MCS 51 compatible microcontrollers 4
Explain working of RST pin 4
Write a short note on typical connection of XTAL1 and XTAL2. 4
What do you mean by 1. Pulse, 2. Machine cycle. 3. States, How 4
they are related?
What are the functions of following pin 1. ALE 2. PSEN, 3. EA, 4. 6
Explain the alternate function of port 3 4
What are the current limitations issue of 8051 pins? 4
Explain what is meant by Minimum system design for 8051 6
Draw and explain 8051 architecture 8
Draw and explain internal RAM structure 6
What do you mean by SFR’s ? draw and explain memory map of 8
Draw the structure of SBUF and SCON 8
How overflow of any counter is detected? 4
Explain the baud rates in Mode 0 , Mode 1,Mode 2 4
Calculate TH1 if standard 9600 baud rate is required with 4
standard 11.0592 Mhz clock frequency.
Which register controls the serial communication? 4
Explain the structure of PCON register 4
Why is need of power consumption ? how it is achieved in 8051? 4
Explain interrupt system internal details with schematic. 8
Explain the interrupts with its vector addresses and sources 8
What is meant of interrupt? and what is need of interrupt? 4
How priority of interrupt is decided? 4
What do you mean by program? How many instructions are in 6
the MCS 51 instruction set? How many instructions are one
byte? How many instructions are two byte instructions?
What is meant by following terms :
1. Higher level languages
2. Machine code
3. Assembly level language
4. Interpreters
5. Compilers
What is meant by addressing modes? Classify addressing modes 8
of 8051. Explain any one addressing mode in detail.
Explain the following addressing mode with correct examples 4
1 Register addressing mode mark
2 Direct addressing mode s
3 Immediate addressing mode each
4 Indirect addressing mode
5 Indirect addressing mode for external and internal
6 Relative addressing mode
7 Absolute addressing mode
8 Long addressing mode
9 Base indexed addressing mode
Write a short note on following 4
1. Simulator mark
2. Emulator s
3. Logic analyzer each
4. Debugger
5. Micro assembler
6. Assembler
7. Compilers
8. Cross compilers
9. Performance analyzers
10. In circuit emulator
Explain the project development tools for 8051 in detail
Write a short note on integrated development environment (IDE)
and facilities provided by IDE
What is meant by assembler directives? With proper example 4
elaborate the use of directives.
Explain ISP (In system Programming) in detail 4
Explain following instructions with effect after execution on
program counter, stack pointer, etc.
1. POP, 2. PUSH, 3. RET, 4. RETI, 5. LCALL, 6.ACALL, 7.SJMP
Explain the difference between SET and EQU directive. 4
How to select register banks with directives and PSW 4
What is RS232 standard? What are its specifications? 6
How connections of RS232 are implemented on the telephone 6
Write a feature of RS232 scheme 4
Explain null modem concept 4
How DTE to DCE communications are made in RS232? 4
Which pins are involved in DB9 connecter and what is their 6
direction of signal transmission?
Describe RS485 communication technique 4
Write advantages of RS485 4
Differentiate between RS232 and RS485 or differentiate various 4
communication standards.
Explain IIC physical protocol 6
Explain basic command sequence for IIC 6
Write a sequence to read the slave device in IIC protocol 6
Explain role of EA and PSEN pin signal for selection of external 8
Explain the role of ALE signal for selection of external RAM 4
Describe the feature of RTC12C887
Explain in brief address map of DS12c887 8
Explain SPI Protocol
Describe the feature of RTC1306
Explain in brief address map of DS1306
Explain how to interface RTC using SPI (DS1306)
Explain how to interface RTC using IIC Protocol (DS1307)
Explain hoe to interface EEPROM using IIC protocol
Explain the format of following registers in RTC DS12C887
1. Register A
2. Register B
Explain the pins of ADC0804
How step size and digital output is calculated
How Vref/2 is calculated and what is concept of differential
analog inputs in ADC 0804?
Explain the ways to provide clocking to ADC0804 6
What self clocking for ADC 0804 4
How step size and resolution is calculated for ADC0804/0809? 4
Write a procedure to write programmes for ADC 0808 and 0809 8
How channels are selected in 0808/0809?
Draw and explain timing diagram of ADC0808
How DAC is interfaced with 8051
How the output voltage is calculated for DAC 0808
Explain the procedure to write following programs for DAC 0808
1. Sine waveform generation
2. Square waveform generation
3. Triangular waveform generation
4. Ram waveform generation
Explain use and construction of LCD
What are the disadvantages of using LCD over LED
Explain general procedure to initialize LCD
How LCD is interfaced with microcontroller
How busy flag is used for programming LCD? Explain with
related timing diagram.
Write program for display “YES” or “NO” on LCD with or without
checking busy flag.
Interface LCD with microcontroller in 4 bit mode
Interface LCD with microcontroller in 8 bit mode
Explain key debounce problem. What are the solution for the
What are hardware key debounce scheme?
How key debounce problem is solved with software
programming approach?
What do you mean by following terms:
1. Matrix keyboard
2. X:Y matrix
3. Non matrix keyboard
4. Coded keyboard
Suggest hardware technique to identify keyboard hit?
What do you mean by rollover problem? How they are solved?
Explain the basic structure of stepper motor showing
construction of rotor and stator?
What is meant by step angle , step per revolution? Steps per
How following parameters are calculated?
1. Stepping sequence
2. Motor speed
3. Holding torque
How 8051 is interfaced with stepper motor?
What do you mean by ;
1. Half stepping method
2. Full stepping method
Explain general procedure to connect stepper motor to
How stepper motor can be interfaced with 8051 using
1. Transistor
2. Using Opto Isolator
3. Using ULN2003
Write a program to observe status of switch to pin P1.7 to
perform following :
a. If SW=0, the stepper motor moves clockwise,
b. If SW=1, the stepper motor moves anticlockwise?
What is PIC? How PIC family can be categorized?
Draw and explain general organization of PIC microcontroller
Explain architectural features of PIC 18 family
How PIC family members can be differentiated based on
architectural details?
Even if PIC 18F series is operated on 16 bit program instructions,
why it is called as 8-bit chip?
List and explain general addressing modes of PIC microcontroller
List and explain features of PIC 18F XX2 series
What are the members of PIC 18F XX2 family
List application of PIC
Draw and explain block diagram of PIC18FXXX
Write format of status register of PIC 18FXXX in detail
Explain the functional description of pins of PIC1FF452
How oscillator connection is provided to PIC18F452 PIC family?
List important PIC 18 CPU register with their short description?
Write structure of PIC 18 family general status register used for
Explain memory organization of PIC 18 in short
How separation of program and data memory is done in PIC 18?
Draw and explain data memory map of PIC18 devices
Explain concept of pipelining for PIC 18 devices
Write PIC 18 instruction format
List and explain addressing modes of PIC 18 family with
Give examples of some common instructions for PIC 18
What is necessity of programming PIC in C language?
List and explain data types useful for C18 microchip compiler
Explain how PIC register banks are selected with important
Explain design consideration for microcontroller based systems.
Explain microcontroller performance factors in detail
List and explain microcontroller based design steps in detail
Justify the need of microcontroller for design of control
applications in microcontroller based system.
What are the alternatives for implementation other than
microcontroller when over all system design is taken into
Which aspects of design and knowledge are required for
selection process of Data Acquisition Process?
Which factors are required to be considered for design of DAS?
Write the application areas of DAS? Also Explain concept of data
converters and where they are used?
Explain the idea of basic data acquisition system (DAS) with
block diagram.
What are the differences between the data acquisition system
and the data Distribution System?
Draw the actual DAS case study and also explain its stepwise
design along with algorithm and timing diagram required for
Write algorithm for using a 8051 microcontroller for DAS
Define ROBOT in various aspects. Also list types of ROBOTS.
Which technology contributes the making of ROBOTS?
What are the fundamental parts of ROBOTS? Also list
advantages and disadvantages of ROBOTS?
Explain design of line follower Robot on detail.
Which components are used for line follower Robots? Describe
the design with diagrams?

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