Year 7 Safety Online Homework 2

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Year 7 Safety Online Homework 2

This homework should be completed after you have filmed and edited your internet
safety video. You should make sure that you have all the knowledge required so that
you can complete this task to the best of your ability.

Levelled task
In this task you will be required to complete the same task as everyone
else in the class. This will be marked and will help contribute to your end
of unit NC level. You must complete this task and the work should all
be your own; copied work or working as a pair is not acceptable.

Evaluate your Internet Safety Video

You will be required to evaluate your video by answering the questions in

as much detail as possible. You are required to type this homework.
Answers should be in full sentences and when possible explain things as
clearly as you can.

1. What was the main message of your video?

2. Who was your intended audience?

3. Why do you think the message in your video is important?

4. Where would you expect your audience to watch this video?

E.g at school, on the internet

5. Describe the steps you and your group took to produce the

6. How well did you meet the criteria given for the video?

7. How well do you think your video gives the message it was
intended to have?

8. What advice was given to the audience of your video to help

them stay safe online?

9. How well do you think your video targeted the intended


10. What did you do to make sure the video was suitable for the
intended audience?

This homework should be completed when you are able to do so and

should be handed in during the final lesson of the unit

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