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Patty’s Day Family Dance

March 18th ~ 6:30pm to 9:30pm
Last chance to RSVP for the family dance!
Please fill in the RSVP form below and return by March 11th.
Dance is free ~ sponsored by the Parent Council

i c k e t s f or s a le! Concessio
Raffle T n
! - Pop
Prizes to win
e p a r e d t o w in!! - Chips
Come pr
- Candy B
- Glow
Students must be accompanied by an adult!

Change for Change

As you know, the students at Forest Green have been running a coin drive for 3 dif-
ferent charities. We set a lofty goal of $1500 and need your help in order to reach
it! At the Family Dance there will be a large collection jar that we are hoping will
be filled to the brim by the time the dance is over! Please bring in any change you
may have lying around, every penny counts. Seeing that the theme of the dance is
green, it would also be great to see some green bills in there too!

Students Name: ______________________

Number of people attending dance:________
Parent Signature:______________________

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