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What is a Black Hole?

A Black Hole is a region in space where nothing can escape. The Black Hole’s center is a point
called a Singularity. The Black Hole’s mass is concentrated at this one point of almost infinite
density. The gravity at this point is often so strong that it distorts normal space-time (a space
with three dimensions, and a fourth dimension of time) out of existence. As you move further
away from the Singularity, the gravity continuously lessens, but you still get attracted to the
Singularity, until you pass an arbitrary line known as the Event Horizon. The Event Horizon, is a
line, a certain distance from the Singularity, where you cannot see beyond this line, because of
the fact that light gets absorbed into the Black Hole, and not reflected to the observer.
Anything that passes the Event Horizon will be consumed by the Black Hole and is trapped
inside the Black Hole.

~Jason Sze

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