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Abdul-Samad Ako 1604
Alons Dwayne 1104
Anderson Richard T. 1494
Arnold Richard 681
Avenarius Tom 1660
Bailey McKinley 1665
Ballard Matthew 1759
Baresel Cayla 1773
Bartz Merlin 318
Baudler Clel 1105
Beard John 1736
Behn Jerry 984
Bell Paul 765
Belt Scott 1656
Berry Deborah 1393
Bertrand Rick 1755
Best Frank 1758
Braden Randy 1725
Brandenburg Mark 1764
Brown Matthew 1768
Bukta Polly 975
Burke Leonard 1800
Burt Kerry 1782
Bussanmas Maxine 1675
Carroll Danny 913
Chambers Royd 1333
Childers William 1709
Cohoon Dennis 376
Cooper Dennis 1785
Courtney Thomas 1344
Cownie Peter 1711
Creasman Jan 1765
Dandekar Swati 1324
Danielson Jeff 1338
Davitt Mark 1395
De Boef Betty 1237
Dearden Dick 840
Deyoe David 1686
Dolecheck Cecil 990
Drake Jack 727
Eaton Josh 1712
Fedler Ron 1741
Feenstra Randy 1777
Ficken Gene 1719
Ford Wayne 1061
Forristall Greg 1680
Fraise Eugene 293
Franzen John 1706
Frevert Marcella 1017
Friedrichsen Don 1784
Gaskill Mary 1376
Gayman Elesha 1600

Page 1

Giunta Francis 1746

Grassley Patrick 1605
Greenlee Linda 1766
Gronstal Michael 1612
Hadley Michael 1804
Hageman Carlin 1798
Hagenow Christopher 1737
Hahn James 656
Hamerlinck Shawn 1740
Hancock Tom 1502
Hansen Thomas 1659
Heaton David 930
Heddens Lisa 1339
Heil Jarret 1779
Helland Erik 1703
Hertle Terry 1769
Himes Dena 1720
Horbach Lance 1088
Howard Robert 1718
Hoy Tim 1651
Hubler Kurt 1807
Hunter Bruce 1488
Huseman Dan 881
Huser Geri 987
Isenhart Charles 1722
Jacoby David 1491
Jech Jane 1723
Jochum Pam 731
Johnson Jamie 1700
Kapucian Tim 1724
Kaufmann Jeff 1497
Kearns Jerry 1757
Kelley Doris J. 1641
Kerr David 1770
Kettering Steve 699
Kibbie John 464
Klein Jarad 1705
Koester Kevin 1735
Kohlsdorf Eric 1802
Koslow Alan 1780
Kressig Bob 1504
Kuhn Mark 1131
Kvach Janet 1664
Lawyer Gretchen 1748
Lensing Vicki 1260
Lorenzen Albert 1716
Lorenzen Austin 1704
Lukan Steven 1428
Lykam Jim 1397
Marek Larry 1707
Mascher Mary 863
May William "Mike" 1509
McCarthy Kevin 1385

Page 2

McKinley Paul 1269

McLaughlin Dave 1778
Mennig Adam 1803
Mertz Dolores 527
Miller Helen 1445
Miller Linda 1611
Mokricky Victor 1792
Mosiman Jeffrey 1783
Murphy Patrick 564
Murphy Susan 1799
Nelson Chris 1762
Nemecek Emma 1760
Oldson Jo 1326
Olson Donovan 1392
Olson Rick 1560
Olson Steve 1387
Olson Tyler 1602
Oswald Lou 1790
Palmer Eric J. 1545
Parker James 1743
Paulsen Kraig 1318
Paustian Ross 1708
Payne Ronald 1781
Petersen Janet 1206
Pettengill Dawn 1507
Pfaltzgraf Matt 1739
Potts Kathy 1734
Quirk Brian 1255
Radke Susan 1640
Raecker Scott 1123
Rainer Randall 1795
Rants Christopher 662
Rasmussen Dan 1329
Rayhons Henry 968
Reasoner Michael 1343
Reedy Tyler 1730
Reichert Nathan K. 1553
Reynolds Kim 1731
Rhodes Ryan 1801
Richards Stephen 1728
Rielly Tom 1516
Roberts Rod 1110
Robinson Mike 1788
Rogers Walt 1751
Rosmann Ron 1729
Sands Thomas 1467
Sanger Chris 1767
Satern Debra 1756
Savage Sharon 1714
Schissel Randal 1721
Schoenjahn Brian H. 1534
Schueller Thomas J. 1505
Schulte Renee 1713

Page 3

Schultz Jason 1715

Scott Tamara 1222
Seymour James 1411
Shatzer Don 1750
Shomshor Paul 1490
Sibert Karla 1786
Smith Doug 1772
Smith Mark 1247
Smith Ruth 1738
Sodders Steven 1702
Soderberg Charles 1492
Sokolowski Lori 1771
Sorensen Albert 1749
Sorenson Kent 1794
Staed Art 1586
Steckman Sharon 1747
Strosahl Scott 1787
Struyk Doug 1416
Sturgis Joseph 1775
Sullivan Jerry 1745
Svejda Steve 1791
Swaim Kurt 1357
Sweeney Annette 1776
Taylor Jeremy 1701
Taylor Richard 1217
Taylor Todd 957
Temere Susan 1752
Templeton T. J. 1793
Thede Phyllis 1688
Thomas Roger 1046
Thompson Doug 1710
Tjepkes David 1355
Tornquist Scott 1727
Tymeson Jodi 1211
Upmeyer Linda 1400
Van Bruggen James 1742
Van Engelenhoven Jim 1099
Van Fossen James K 851
Van Zante Pat 1761
Vance Tracy 1763
Vandall Adam 1666
Vander Mey Richard 1809
Venable-Ridley Carlos 1796
Wagner Nick 1619
Ward Pat 1500
Waterman Steve 1508
Watts Ralph 1334
Wearmouth Rebecca 1797
Wendt Roger 1369
Wenthe Andrew 1613
Wessel-Kroeschell Beth 1526
Whitaker John 1434
White Darren 1754

Page 4

Whitead Wes 1444

Wiencek Tami 1661
Wilhelm Mary Jo 1717
Willems Nate 1753
Winckler Cindy 1229
Windschitl Matt 1639
Wood Frank 1563
Worthan Gary 1697
Wright Jeffery 1726
Wynn Kevin 1744
Zaun Brad 1521
Zieman Mark 1243
Zirkelbach Ray 1535

Page 5


Citizens for Ako Abdul-Samad 5-15-08 WRS
Alons for Representative Committee 5-19-08 WRS
Citizens for Anderson 5-16-08 WRS
Arnold for House 5-18-08 WRS
Avenarius for House District 32 5-19-08 WRS
Bailey for State House 5-17-08 WRS
Ballard for State Representative 05/19/2008 fax
Cayla Baresel for State Representative 5-16-08 e-mail
Citizens for Good Government 05/20/2008 usps - pm 05/19/2008
Baudler for State Representative 5-19-08 WRS
Beard for State House 05/16/2008 fax
Behn for Senate 05/16/2008 certified
Paul Bell for State Representative 05/15/2008 hd
Committee to Elect Scott A. Belt 05/16/2008 fax
Berry for Iowa House of Representatives 05/20/2008 usps - pm 05/17/2008
Team Bertrand 5-19-08 e-mail
Best for the Statehouse 5-15-08 WRS
Braden for Senate 05/22/2008 usps - pm 5/16/2008
Brandenburg for Iowa Senate 5-15-08 WRS
Brown for Senate 05/19/2008 fax
Polly Bukta Campaign Committee 5-17-08 WRS
Lennie Burke for Representative 5-16-08 WRS
Kerry Burt for State Representative 5-19-08 WRS
Maxine Bussanmas for State Rep. 05/19/2008 fax
The Carroll Committee 5-18-08 WRS
Chambers for Iowa House 05/21/2008 usps, pm 05/19/2008
Citizens for Childers 5-18-08 WRS
Cohoon for Representative 05/21/2008 usps, pm 05/19/2008
Cooper for State Representative 05/19/2008 usps
Courtney for State Senate 05/19/2008 14194.82
Cownie for Statehouse 5-18-08 WRS
Citizens for Creasman 5-18-08 WRS
Swati Dandekar Campaign Committee 5-18-08 WRS
Danielson for Senate 05/19/2008 fax
Davitt for House 5-18-08 WRS
Betty De Boef Committee 5-19-08 WRS
Dearden for State Senate Committee 5-9-08 h.d.
Deyoe for House 5-19-08 WRS
Dolecheck for Representative 5-17-08 WRS
Jack Drake for State Representative 05/19/2008 fax
Josh Eaton for State Representative 05/19/2008 fax
Fedler for Representative 05/19/2008 fax
Randy Feenstra Iowa Senate Committee 5-19-08 WRS
Gene Ficken for State Representative 05/19/2008 usps
Citizens to Re-Elect Wayne Ford 05/19/2008 hd
Committee to Elect Greg Foristall 05/19/2008 fax
Fraise for Senate 05/19/2008 fax
Franzen for House District 16 5-18-08 WRS
Frevert for the House 05/20/2008 usps - pm 05/19/2008
Friedrichsen for Iowa 5-8-08 usps
Gaskill for State Representative 05/19/2008 usps
Elesha Gayman for Iowa 05/19/2008 fax

Page 6

Citizens for Giunta 05/20/2008 usps - pm 05/19/2008

Citizens for Pat Grassley 05/19/2008 fax
Greenlee for Iowa House Committee 05/19/2008 fax
Citizens for Gronstal 5-19-08 WRS
Michael Hadley for Senate 5-16-08 WRS
Hageman for State House
Hagenow for Iowa House 05/19/2008 fax
Committee to Elect Jim Hahn 5-8-08 WRS
Committee to Elect Shawn Hamerlinck 05/14/2008 fax
Hancock for Senate 05/19/2008 usps
The Committee to Elect Thomas Hansen 05/16/2008 usps
Citizens for Heaton 05/21/2008 usps, pm 05/16/2008
Committee to Elect Lisa Heddens 05/19/2008 hd
Heil for Senate 5-18-08 WRS
Friends of Helland 05/19/2008 hd
Terry Hertle for State Representative 05/20/2008 usps - pm 05/19/2008
Himes for House 05/19/2008 certfied
Horbach for House of Representatives 5-15-08 WRS
Committee to Elect Robert E. Howard 05/20/2008 usps - pm 05/16/2008
Hoy for House 5-19-08 WRS
Kurt Hubler for State Representative 5-20-08 USPS p.m. 5-16
Committee to Elect Bruce Hunter 05/19/2008 hd
The Daniel A. Huseman Election Committee 05/21/2008 usps, pm 05/19/2008
Huser for State Representative 5-19-08 WRS
Isenhart Campaign for the Common Good 5-19-08 WRS
Jacoby for House 5-14-08 WRS
Jane Jech for Iowa House 5-19-08 WRS
People for Pam Jochum 5-15-08 WRS
Johnson for Iowa House 5-15-08 WRS
Kapucian for State Senate 05/15/2008 fax
Jeff Kaufmann for State Representative 5-19-08 WRS
Kearns for State Representative Committee 05/20/2008 usps - pm 05/19/2008
Doris Kelley for Iowa House 5-18-08 WRS
Kerr for Senate 5-18-08 WRS
Kettering Campaign 05/19/2008 usps
Kibbie for Senate 05/19/2008 usps
Klein for Statehouse 05/16/2008 fax
Kevin Koester for House 5-15-08 WRS
Iowans for Kohlsdorf n/a-under $750
Koslow for Iowa's Health 5-16-08 WRS
Kressig for Iowa House District 19 5-18-08 WRS
Citizens for Kuhn 5-19-08 WRS
Kvach for Iowans 5-17-08 WRS
Citizens for Gretchen Lawyer 5-19-08 WRS
Lensing for House District #78 5-15-08 WRS
Team Lorenzen 5-19-08 WRS
Lorenzen for Iowa's Future 5-19-08 WRS
Committee to Elect Steve Lukan 05/19/2008 del conf
Friends of Jim Lykam 05/20/2008 certified
Marek for State Representative 5-15-08 WRS
Committee to Elect Mascher 5-9-08 usps
May for Iowa House 5-18-08 WRS
McCarthy for State Representative/McCarthy for Iowa 5-19-08 WRS

Page 7

McKinley for State Senate 05/16/2008 fax

Iowans for Dave McLaughlin 05/16/2008 fax
The People for Mennig 5-19-2008 WRS
Mertz for Representative 05/19/2008 fax
Committee to Elect Helen Miller 05/19/2008 usps
Concerned Citizens for Miller 05/14/2008 fax
Mokricky for Iowa House 05/15/2008 fedex
Citizen's for Jeff Mosiman Iowa House 05/15/2008 fax
Murphy for State Representative 05/19/2008 fax
Susan Murphy House District 59 05/19/2008 fax
Chris Nelson Campaign Fund 5-16-08 WRS
Emma Nemecek 08 5-17-08 WRS
Oldson for State Representative 05/19/2008 hd
Olson for State Representative Committee 5-17-08 WRS
Committee to Elect Rick Olson 05/19/2008 hd
Steve Olson for State Representative 5-16-08 WRS
Committee to Elect Tyler Olson 5-13-08 WRS
Lou Oswald for State House 27 05/16/2008 fax
Palmer for State Representative 5-18-08 WRS
Jim Parker for Senate 05/21/2008 usps, pm 05/19/2008
Paulsen for State House Committee 5-19-08 WRS
Paustian for State House 5-19-08 WRS
committee to elect ron payne 05/19/2008 usps
Petersen for State Representative 05/19/2008 hd
Pettengill for Iowans 05/19/2008 fax
Matt Pfaltzgraf for State Representative 05/20/2008 fax
People for Potts 5-19-08 WRS
Brian Quirk for State Representative 05/19/2008 fax
Vote Radke 5-19-08 e-mail
Raecker for State Representative Committee 5-16-08 WRS
Committee to elect Rainer State Representative 5-18-08 WRS
Rants for State House 05/21/2008 usps, pm 05/19/2008
Friends of Rasmussen for Iowa House 05/19/2008 express mail
Rayhons for Representative 05/19/2008 usps
Reasoner for State Representative 05/21/2008 usps, pm 05/19/2008
Reedy for State House 05/15/2008 hd
Committee to Elect Nathan Reichert 05/19/2008 fax
Reynolds for Senate 5-19-08 WRS
Committee to Elect Rhodes 5-14-08 WRS
Citizens for Richards 05/19/2008 UPS
Rielly for Senate 5-19-08 WRS
Rod Roberts for Iowa House 5-19-08 WRS
Robinson for Iowa 35 05/21/2008 express mail
Walt Rogers for Iowa 05/20/2008 usps - pm 05/19/2008
Ron Rosmann for State Representative 05/16/2008 fax
Sands for State House 5-18-08 WRS
Sanger for State Representative 5-19-08 WRS
Committee to Elect Debra Satern for State House 05/19/2008 fax
Savage for Senate Committee 05/20/2008 usps - pm 05/19/2008
Schissel for Iowa House 5-19-08 WRS
Citizens for Schoenjahn 5-16-08 WRS
Citizens for Schueller 5-15-08 WRS
Concerned Taxpayers for Schulte 5-19-08 WRS

Page 8

Friends of Jason Schultz 05/19/2008 fax

Scott for State Representative
Seymour for Senate 05/16/2008 usps
Citizens for Don Shatzer 5-19-08 WRS
Shomshor for Iowa House 05/20/2008 express mail
Citizens for Sibert 5-19-08 WRS
Doug Smith for House of Representatives 05/19/2008 fax
Mark Smith for Iowa House 5-19-08 WRS
Ruth Smith for State Senate 5-19-08 WRS
Sodders for State Senate 05/19/2008 fax
Soderberg for House 5-15-08 WRS
Sokolowski for State Representative Committee 5-16-08 WRS
Sorensen for Senate Committee 5-13-08 WRS
Sorenson for Statehouse 5-20-08 WRS
Committee to Elect Art Staed 05/19/2008 fax
Citizens for Sharon Steckman 5-19-08 WRS
Strosahl for Senate 5-18-08 WRS
Citizens for Struyk 05/19/2008 fax
Sturgis for Iowa Statehouse 05/19/2008 fax
Sullivan for State Representative 5-16-08 WRS
Steve Svejda 08 5-15-08 WRS
Swaim for House 5-19-08 fax
Sweeney for State House 5-19-08 fax
Taylor for Iowa House 5-16-08 WRS
Dick Taylor for State Representative 5-16-08 WRS
Taylor for Representative 5-17-08 WRS
Friends of Susan Temere 05/16/2008 fax
Committee for T. J. Templeton 5-15-08 WRS
Thede for Iowa Families 5-17-08 WRS
People for Roger Thomas 05/16/2008 usps
Thompson for State Senate 05/19/2008 fax
David Tjepkes for Iowa House Committee 05/19/2008 usps
Citizens for Tornquist 5-18-08 WRS
Tymeson for House 5-16-08 WRS
Upmeyer for House 05/15/2008 fax
Voters for Van Bruggen 5-16-08 WRS
Jim Van Engelenhoven Election for State Representative Committee 5-14-08 WRS
Iowans for Van Fossen 05/19/2008 fax
Pat Van Zante Campaign Committee 05/16/2008 fax
Vote for Vance Committee 05/20/2008 certified
Vandall for Iowa House 5-18-08 WRS
Vander Mey Campaign Committee 5/30/2008 usps pm 5-29
Venable-Ridley for State Representative 5-18-08 WRS
Nick Wagner for State House 5-19-08 WRS
Ward for Senate 5-22-08 WRS
Waterman for State Senate 05/19/2008 fax
Watts for House 5-19-08 WRS
Rebecca Wearmouth for Iowa Senate 5-16-08 WRS
Committee to Elect Roger Wendt State Representative 5-19-08 WRS
Citizens to Elect Andrew Wenthe 5-19-08 e-mail
Citizens for Wessel-Kroeschell 05/15/2008 usps
Committee to Elect John Whitaker 5-18-08 WRS
White for State Rep. Dist. 28 5-11-08 WRS

Page 9

Committee to Elect Wes Whitead 05/15/2008 hd

Citizens for Wiencek 05/19/2008 usps
Wilhelm for Iowa Senate 05/20/2008 usps - pm 05/19/2008
Citizens for Willems 05/19/2008 fax
Winckler for State House 05/14/2008 fax
Win With Windschitl 05/16/2008 fax
Frank Wood for Senate 5-17-08 WRS
Worthan for Iowa House 5-13-08 WRS
Committee to Elect Jeff Wright 5-17-08 WRS
Win with Wynn Senate Committee 05/20/2008 usps - pm 05/19/2008
Zaun for Iowa Senate 5-16-08 WRS
Mark Zieman for Senate Committee 5-16-08 WRS
Citizens for Zirkelbach 05/14/2008 usps

Page 10


Abdul-Samad Ako 1604
Alons Dwayne 1104
Anderson Richard T. 1494
Angelo Jeff 964
Arnold Richard 681
Avenarius Tom 1660
Bailey McKinley 1665
Ballard Matthew 1759
Baresel Cayla 1773
Bartz Merlin 318
Baudler Clel 1105
Beard John 1736
Bearden Christopher 1789
Behn Jerry 984
Bell Paul 765
Belt Scott 1656
Berry Deborah 1393
Bertrand Rick 1755
Best Frank 1758
Braden Randy 1725
Brandenburg Mark 1764
Brown Jim 1733
Brown Matthew 1768
Bukta Polly 975
Burke Leonard 1800
Burt Kerry 1782
Bussanmas Maxine 1675
Carroll Danny 913
Chambers Royd 1333
Childers William 1709
Cohoon Dennis 376
Cooper Dennis 1785
Courtney Thomas 1344
Cownie Peter 1711
Creasman Jan 1765
Dandekar Swati 1324
Danielson Jeff 1338
Davitt Mark 1395
De Boef Betty 1237
Dearden Dick 840
Deyoe David 1686
Disney Larry 1805
Dolecheck Cecil 990
Drake Jack 727
Eaton Josh 1712
Fedler Ron 1741
Feenstra Randy 1777
Ficken Gene 1719
Ford Wayne 1061
Forristall Greg 1680
Fraise Eugene 293
Franzen John 1706

Page 11

Frevert Marcella 1017

Friedrichsen Don 1784
Gaskill Mary 1376
Gayman Elesha 1600
Giunta Francis 1746
Grassley Patrick 1605
Greenlee Linda 1766
Gronstal Michael 1612
Hadley Michael 1804
Hageman Carlin 1798
Hagenow Christopher 1737
Hahn James 656
Hamerlinck Shawn 1740
Hancock Tom 1502
Hansen Thomas 1659
Heaton David 930
Heddens Lisa 1339
Heil Jarret 1779
Helland Erik 1703
Hertle Terry 1769
Himes Dena 1720
Horbach Lance 1088
Howard Robert 1718
Hoy Tim 1651
Hubler Kurt 1807
Hunter Bruce 1488
Huseman Dan 881
Huser Geri 987
Isenhart Charles 1722
Jacoby David 1491
Jech Jane 1723
Jochum Pam 731
Johnson Jamie 1700
Johnson Willie 1662
Kapucian Tim 1724
Kaufmann Jeff 1497
Kearns Jerry 1757
Kelley Doris J. 1641
Kerr David 1770
Kettering Steve 699
Kibbie John 464
Klein Jarad 1705
Koester Kevin 1735
Kohlsdorf Eric 1802
Koslow Alan 1780
Kressig Bob 1504
Kuhn Mark 1131
Kvach Janet 1664
Lawyer Gretchen 1748
Lensing Vicki 1260
Lorenzen Albert 1716
Lorenzen Austin 1704
Lukan Steven 1428

Page 12

Lykam Jim 1397

Marek Larry 1707
Mascher Mary 863
May William "Mike" 1509
McCarthy Kevin 1385
McKibben Larry 965
McKinley Paul 1269
McLaughlin Dave 1778
Mennig Adam 1803
Mertz Dolores 527
Miller Helen 1445
Miller Linda 1611
Mokricky Victor 1792
Mosiman Jeffrey 1783
Murphy Patrick 564
Murphy Susan 1799
Nelson Chris 1762
Nemecek Emma 1760
Oldson Jo 1326
Olson Donovan 1392
Olson Rick 1560
Olson Steve 1387
Olson Tyler 1602
Oswald Lou 1790
Palmer Eric J. 1545
Parker James 1743
Paulsen Kraig 1318
Paustian Ross 1708
Payne Ronald 1781
Petersen Janet 1206
Pettengill Dawn 1507
Pfaltzgraf Matt 1739
Potts Kathy 1734
Quirk Brian 1255
Radke Susan 1640
Raecker Scott 1123
Rainer Randall 1795
Rants Christopher 662
Rasmussen Dan 1329
Rayhons Henry 968
Reasoner Michael 1343
Reedy Tyler 1730
Reichert Nathan K. 1553
Reynolds Kim 1731
Rhodes Ryan 1801
Richards Stephen 1728
Rielly Tom 1516
Roberts Rod 1110
Robinson Mike 1788
Rogers Walt 1751
Rosmann Ron 1729
Sands Thomas 1467
Sanger Chris 1767

Page 13

Satern Debra 1756

Savage Sharon 1714
Schissel Randal 1721
Schoenjahn Brian H. 1534
Schueller Thomas J. 1505
Schulte Renee 1713
Schultz Jason 1715
Scott Tamara 1222
Seymour James 1411
Shatzer Don 1750
Shomshor Paul 1490
Sibert Karla 1786
Smith Doug 1772
Smith Mark 1247
Smith Ruth 1738
Sodders Steven 1702
Soderberg Charles 1492
Sokolowski Lori 1771
Sorensen Albert 1749
Sorenson Kent 1794
Staed Art 1586
Steckman Sharon 1747
Strosahl Scott 1787
Struyk Doug 1416
Sturgis Joseph 1775
Sullivan Jerry 1745
Svejda Steve 1791
Swaim Kurt 1357
Sweeney Annette 1776
Taylor Jeremy 1701
Taylor Richard 1217
Taylor Todd 957
Temere Susan 1752
Templeton T. J. 1793
Thede Phyllis 1688
Thomas Roger 1046
Thompson Doug 1710
Tjepkes David 1355
Tornquist Scott 1727
Tymeson Jodi 1211
Upmeyer Linda 1400
Van Bruggen James 1742
Van Engelenhoven Jim 1099
Van Fossen James K 851
Van Scoyoc Jim 1806
Van Zante Pat 1761
Vance Tracy 1763
Vandall Adam 1666
Venable-Ridley Carlos 1796
Wagner Nick 1619
Ward Pat 1500
Waterman Steve 1508
Watts Ralph 1334

Page 14

Wearmouth Rebecca 1797

Wendt Roger 1369
Wenthe Andrew 1613
Wessel-Kroeschell Beth 1526
Whitaker John 1434
White Darren 1754
Whitead Wes 1444
Wiencek Tami 1661
Wilhelm Mary Jo 1717
Willems Nate 1753
Winckler Cindy 1229
Windschitl Matt 1639
Wood Frank 1563
Worthan Gary 1697
Wright Jeffery 1726
Wynn Kevin 1744
Zaun Brad 1521
Zieman Mark 1243
Zirkelbach Ray 1535

Page 15


Citizens for Ako Abdul-Samad
Alons for Representative Committee 5-30-08 WRS @5:46 pm
Citizens for Anderson
Angelo for Senate
Arnold for House
Avenarius for House District 32
Bailey for State House 5-28-08 WRS
Ballard for State Representative
Cayla Baresel for State Representative
Citizens for Good Government
Baudler for State Representative
Beard for State House 5-29-08 fax
Chris Bearden for State Representative
Behn for Senate
Paul Bell for State Representative
Committee to Elect Scott A. Belt
Berry for Iowa House of Representatives 5-28-08 usps
Team Bertrand
Best for the Statehouse
Braden for Senate 6-2-08 usps
Brandenburg for Iowa Senate
Jim Brown for IA House
Brown for Senate
Polly Bukta Campaign Committee
Lennie Burke for Representative
Kerry Burt for State Representative
Maxine Bussanmas for State Rep.
The Carroll Committee 5-30-08 WRS
Chambers for Iowa House
Citizens for Childers
Cohoon for Representative
Cooper for State Representative
Courtney for State Senate Committee
Cownie for Statehouse
Citizens for Creasman
Swati Dandekar Campaign Committee
Danielson for Senate 5-30-08 fax
Davitt for House
Betty De Boef Committee
Dearden for State Senate Committee
Deyoe for House
Disney for Iowa House
Dolecheck for Representative
Jack Drake for State Representative
Josh Eaton for State Representative
Fedler for Representative
Randy Feenstra Iowa Senate Committee
Gene Ficken for State Representative 5-30-08 fax
Citizens to Re-Elect Wayne Ford 5-30-08 h.d.
Committee to Elect Greg Foristall
Fraise for Senate 06/03/2008 fax
Franzen for House District 16

Page 16

Frevert for the House

Friedrichsen for Iowa 5-29-08 fax
Gaskill for State Representative
Elesha Gayman for Iowa 5-30-08 fax
Citizens for Giunta 5-30-08 usps
Citizens for Pat Grassley
Greenlee for Iowa House Committee
Citizens for Gronstal 5-30-08 WRS
Michael Hadley for Senate
Hageman for State House 5-30-08 fax
Hagenow for Iowa House 5-30-08 h.d.
Committee to Elect Jim Hahn
Committee to Elect Shawn Hamerlinck 5-28-08 fax
Hancock for Senate
The Committee to Elect Thomas Hansen
Citizens for Heaton
Committee to Elect Lisa Heddens
Heil for Senate
Friends of Helland 5-30-08 h.d.
Terry Hertle for State Representative
Himes for House
Horbach for House of Representatives
Committee to Elect Robert E. Howard 5-29-08 usps
Hoy for House 5-30-08 WRS 6:46 pm
Kurt Hubler for State Representative
Committee to Elect Bruce Hunter
The Daniel A. Huseman Election Committee
Huser for State Representative 5-30-08 WRS
Isenhart Campaign for the Common Good
Jacoby for House
Jane Jech for Iowa House
People for Pam Jochum
Johnson for Iowa House
Committee to Elect Willie Johnson
Kapucian for State Senate
Jeff Kaufmann for State Representative 5-28-08 WRS
Kearns for State Representative Committee 5-30-08 fax
Doris Kelley for Iowa House 5-29-08 WRS
Kerr for Senate 5-30-08 WRS
Kettering Campaign
Kibbie for Senate 5-30-08 fax
Klein for Statehouse
Kevin Koester for House 5-30-08 WRS
Iowans for Kohlsdorf 5-30-08 h.d.
Koslow for Iowa's Health
Kressig for Iowa House District 19 5-29-08 WRS
Citizens for Kuhn
Kvach for Iowans
Citizens for Gretchen Lawyer 5-30-08 WRS
Lensing for House District #78
Team Lorenzen 5-30-08 WRS
Lorenzen for Iowa's Future 5-30-08 WRS
Committee to Elect Steve Lukan

Page 17

Friends of Jim Lykam 5-30-08 usps

Marek for State Representative
Committee to Elect Mascher
May for Iowa House
McCarthy for State Representative/McCarthy for Iowa 5-31-08 WRS
McKibben for Senate Committee
McKinley for State Senate
Iowans for Dave McLaughlin 5-30-08 WRS
The People for Mennig
Mertz for Representative
Committee to Elect Helen Miller 5-30-08 usps
Concerned Citizens for Miller 5-27-08 fax
Mokricky for Iowa House 5-29-08 fax
Citizen's for Jeff Mosiman Iowa House
Murphy for State Representative 5-30-08 fax
Susan Murphy House District 59 6-2-08 h.d.
Chris Nelson Campaign Fund
Emma Nemecek 08
Oldson for State Representative
Olson for State Representative Committee
Committee to Elect Rick Olson
Steve Olson for State Representative
Committee to Elect Tyler Olson 5-29-08 WRS
Lou Oswald for State House 27
Palmer for State Representative 5-30-08 WRS
Jim Parker for Senate
Paulsen for State House Committee
Paustian for State House
committee to elect ron payne
Petersen for State Representative
Pettengill for Iowans 5-29-08 fax
Matt Pfaltzgraf for State Representative 5-30-08 fax
People for Potts
Brian Quirk for State Representative
Vote Radke
Raecker for State Representative Committee
Committee to elect Rainer State Representative
Rants for State House 5-30-08 usps
Friends of Rasmussen for Iowa House
Rayhons for Representative
Reasoner for State Representative
Reedy for State House
Committee to Elect Nathan Reichert 5-28-08 fax
Reynolds for Senate 5-30-08 WRS
Committee to Elect Rhodes
Citizens for Richards
Rielly for Senate 5-29-08 WRS
Rod Roberts for Iowa House
Robinson for Iowa 35
Walt Rogers for Iowa 5-30-08 usps
Ron Rosmann for State Representative
Sands for State House 5-28-08 WRS
Sanger for State Representative

Page 18

Committee to Elect Debra Satern for State House

Savage for Senate Committee
Schissel for Iowa House
Citizens for Schoenjahn 5-29-08 WRS
Citizens for Schueller
Concerned Taxpayers for Schulte
Friends of Jason Schultz 5-30-08 fax
Scott for State Representative
Seymour for Senate
Citizens for Don Shatzer
Shomshor for Iowa House
Citizens for Sibert
Doug Smith for House of Representatives
Mark Smith for Iowa House
Ruth Smith for State Senate 5-30-08 WRS
Sodders for State Senate 5-29-08 fax
Soderberg for House
Sokolowski for State Representative Committee
Sorensen for Senate Committee
Sorenson for Statehouse 5-30-08 WRS
Committee to Elect Art Staed
Citizens for Sharon Steckman 5-30-08 WRS
Strosahl for Senate
Citizens for Struyk 5-30-08 fax
Sturgis for Iowa Statehouse
Sullivan for State Representative 5-27-08 WRS
Steve Svejda 08
Swaim for House
Sweeney for State House 5-30-08 e-mail
Taylor for Iowa House
Dick Taylor for State Representative
Taylor for Representative
Friends of Susan Temere
Committee for T. J. Templeton
Thede for Iowa Families 5-28-08 WRS
People for Roger Thomas
Thompson for State Senate
David Tjepkes for Iowa House Committee
Citizens for Tornquist
Tymeson for House
Upmeyer for House
Voters for Van Bruggen
Jim Van Engelenhoven Election for State Representative Committee 5-28-08 WRS
Iowans for Van Fossen
Jim Van Scoyoc for State Representative
Pat Van Zante Campaign Committee
Vote for Vance Committee 5-29-08 fax
Vandall for Iowa House
Carlos Venable-Ridley Candidate for Iowa State Representative
Nick Wagner for State House
Ward for Senate
Waterman for State Senate
Watts for House

Page 19

Rebecca Wearmouth for Iowa Senate

Committee to Elect Roger Wendt State Representative
Citizens to Elect Andrew Wenthe 5-29-08 e-mail
Citizens for Wessel-Kroeschell
Committee to Elect John Whitaker
White for State Rep. Dist. 28
Committee to Elect Wes Whitead 5-30-08 h.d.
Citizens for Wiencek
Wilhelm for Iowa Senate
Citizens for Willems 5-29-08 fax
Winckler for State House
Win With Windschitl
Frank Wood for Senate
Worthan for Iowa House
Committee to Elect Jeff Wright
Win with Wynn Senate Committee 5-29-08 usps
Zaun for Iowa Senate
Mark Zieman for Senate Committee
Citizens for Zirkelbach

Page 20


Abdul-Samad Ako 1604
Abolt Doug 1810
Alons Dwayne 1104
Anderson Richard T. 1494
Arnold Richard 681
Avenarius Tom 1660
Bailey McKinley 1665
Ballard Matthew 1759
Baresel Cayla 1773
Barnett David 1816
Bartz Merlin 318
Baudler Clel 1105
Beard John 1736
Bearden Christopher 1789
Behn Jerry 984
Bell Paul 765
Belt Scott 1656
Berry Deborah 1393
Bertrand Rick 1755
Best Frank 1758
Braden Randy 1725
Brandenburg Mark 1764
Brown Matthew 1768
Bukta Polly 975
Burke Leonard 1800
Burt Kerry 1782
Bussanmas Maxine 1675
Carroll Danny 913
Chambers Royd 1333
Childers William 1709
Cohoon Dennis 376
Cooper Dennis 1785
Courtney Thomas 1344
Cownie Peter 1711
Creasman Jan 1765
Dandekar Swati 1324
Danielson Jeff 1338
Davitt Mark 1395
De Boef Betty 1237
Dearden Dick 840
Deyoe David 1686
Disney Larry 1805
Dolecheck Cecil 990
Drake Jack 727
Eaton Josh 1712
Fedler Ron 1741
Feenstra Randy 1777
Ficken Gene 1719
Ford Wayne 1061
Forristall Greg 1680
Fraise Eugene 293
Franzen John 1706

Page 21

Frevert Marcella 1017

Friedrichsen Don 1784
Garvin Nita 1814
Gaskill Mary 1376
Gayman Elesha 1600
Giunta Francis 1746
Grassley Patrick 1605
Greenlee Linda 1766
Gronstal Michael 1612
Hadley Michael 1804
Hageman Carlin 1798
Hagenow Christopher 1737
Hahn James 656
Hamerlinck Shawn 1740
Hancock Tom 1502
Hansen Thomas 1659
Heaton David 930
Heddens Lisa 1339
Heil Jarret 1779
Helland Erik 1703
Hertle Terry 1769
Himes Dena 1720
Horbach Lance 1088
Howard Robert 1718
Hoy Tim 1651
Hubler Kurt 1807
Hunter Bruce 1488
Huseman Dan 881
Huser Geri 987
Isenhart Charles 1722
Jacoby David 1491
Jech Jane 1723
Jochum Pam 731
Johnson Jamie 1700
Kapucian Tim 1724
Kaufmann Jeff 1497
Kearns Jerry 1757
Kelley Doris J. 1641
Kerr David 1770
Kettering Steve 699
Kibbie John 464
Klein Jarad 1705
Koester Kevin 1735
Kohlsdorf Eric 1802
Koslow Alan 1780
Kressig Bob 1504
Kuhn Mark 1131
Lawyer Gretchen 1748
Lensing Vicki 1260
Lorenzen Albert 1716
Lorenzen Austin 1704
Lukan Steven 1428
Lykam Jim 1397

Page 22

Marek Larry 1707

Mascher Mary 863
May William "Mike" 1509
McCarthy Kevin 1385
McKinley Paul 1269
McLaughlin Dave 1778
Mennig Adam 1803
Mertz Dolores 527
Miller Helen 1445
Miller Linda 1611
Mokricky Victor 1792
Mosiman Jeffrey 1783
Murphy Patrick 564
Murphy Susan 1799
Nelson Chris 1762
Nemecek Emma 1760
Oldson Jo 1326
Olson Donovan 1392
Olson Rick 1560
Olson Steve 1387
Olson Tyler 1602
Oswald Lou 1790
Palmer Eric J. 1545
Parker James 1743
Paulsen Kraig 1318
Paustian Ross 1708
Payne Ronald 1781
Petersen Janet 1206
Pettengill Dawn 1507
Pfaltzgraf Matt 1739
Potts Kathy 1734
Quirk Brian 1255
Radke Susan 1640
Raecker Scott 1123
Rainer Randall 1795
Ramaker Gary 1813
Rants Christopher 662
Rasmussen Dan 1329
Rayhons Henry 968
Reasoner Michael 1343
Reedy Tyler 1730
Reichert Nathan K. 1553
Reynolds Kim 1731
Rhodes Ryan 1801
Richards Stephen 1728
Rielly Tom 1516
Roberts Rod 1110
Robinson Mike 1788
Rogers Walt 1751
Rosmann Ron 1729
Sands Thomas 1467
Sanger Chris 1767
Satern Debra 1756

Page 23

Savage Sharon 1714

Schissel Randal 1721
Schoenjahn Brian H. 1534
Schueller Thomas J. 1505
Schulte Renee 1713
Schultz Jason 1715
Seymour James 1411
Shatzer Don 1750
Shomshor Paul 1490
Sibert Karla 1786
Smith Doug 1772
Smith Mark 1247
Smith Ruth 1738
Sodders Steven 1702
Soderberg Charles 1492
Sokolowski Lori 1771
Sorensen Albert 1749
Sorenson Kent 1794
Staed Art 1586
Steckman Sharon 1747
Strosahl Scott 1787
Struyk Doug 1416
Sturgis Joseph 1775
Sullivan Jerry 1745
Svejda Steve 1791
Swaim Kurt 1357
Sweeney Annette 1776
Taylor Jeremy 1701
Taylor Richard 1217
Taylor Todd 957
Temere Susan 1752
Templeton T. J. 1793
Thede Phyllis 1688
Thomas Roger 1046
Thompson Doug 1710
Tjepkes David 1355
Tornquist Scott 1727
Tymeson Jodi 1211
Upmeyer Linda 1400
Van Bruggen James 1742
Van Engelenhoven Jim 1099
Van Fossen James K 851
Van Roekel Jonathan 1811
Van Scoyoc Jim 1806
Van Zante Pat 1761
Vance Tracy 1763
Vandall Adam 1666
Vander Mey Richard 1809
Vaske Ken 1812
Venable-Ridley Carlos 1796
Wagner Nick 1619
Ward Pat 1500
Waterman Steve 1508

Page 24

Watts Ralph 1334

Wearmouth Rebecca 1797
Wendt Roger 1369
Wenthe Andrew 1613
Wessel-Kroeschell Beth 1526
Whitaker John 1434
White Darren 1754
Whitead Wes 1444
Wiencek Tami 1661
Wilhelm Mary Jo 1717
Willems Nate 1753
Winckler Cindy 1229
Windschitl Matt 1639
Wood Frank 1563
Worthan Gary 1697
Wright Jeff 1726
Wynn Kevin 1744
Zaun Brad 1521
Zieman Mark 1243
Zirkelbach Ray 1535

Page 25


Citizens for Ako Abdul-Samad 7-20-08 WRS
Abolt for Senate 7-21-08 WRS
Alons for Representative Committee 7-16-08 WRS
Citizens for Anderson 7-18-08 WRS
Arnold for House 7-20-08 WRS
Avenarius for House District 32 7-15-08 WRS
Bailey for State House 7-19-08 WRS
Ballard for State Representative 07/18/2008 fax
Cayla Baresel for State Representative 7-16-08 e-mail
Barnett for North Des Moines 7-17-08 USPS
Citizens for Good Government 07/22/2008 usps
Baudler for State Representative 7-17-08 WRS
Beard for State House 7-15-08 fax
Chris Bearden for State Representative 7-21-08 WRS
Behn for Senate 07/16/2008 usps
Paul Bell for State Representative 07/16/2008 hd
Committee to Elect Scott A. Belt 07/24/2008 fax
Berry for Iowa House of Representatives 07/18/2008 usps
Team Bertrand 7-18-08 e-mail
Best for the Statehouse 7-20-08 WRS
Braden for Senate 07/17/2008 usps
Brandenburg for Iowa Senate 7-17-08 WRS
Brown for Senate 07/17/2008 fax
Polly Bukta Campaign Committee 7-16-08 WRS
Lennie Burke for Representative 7-19-08 WRS
Kerry Burt for State Representative 7-17-08 WRS
Maxine Bussanmas for State Rep. 7-21-08 WRS
The Carroll Committee 7-20-08 WRS
Chambers for Iowa House 07/21/2008 certified
Citizens for Childers 7-20-08 WRS
Cohoon for Representative 07/21/2008 usps
Cooper for State Representative 07/22/2008 usps
Courtney for State Senate Committee 07/16/2008 fax
Cownie for Statehouse 7-21-08 WRS
Citizens for Creasman 7-15-08 WRS
Swati Dandekar Campaign Committee 7-17-08 WRS
Danielson for Senate 07/17/2008 fax
Davitt for House 7-20-08 WRS
Betty De Boef Committee 7-16-08 WRS
Dearden for State Senate Committee 07/18/2008 hd
Deyoe for House 7-21-08 WRS
Disney for Iowa House 07/18/2008 usps
Dolecheck for Representative 7-18-08 WRS
Jack Drake for State Representative 7-20-08 fax
Josh Eaton for State Representative 07/18/2008 fax
Fedler for Representative 07/16/2008 fax
Randy Feenstra Iowa Senate Committee 7-24-08 WRS
Gene Ficken for State Representative 07/21/2008 fax
Citizens to Re-Elect Wayne Ford 07/21/2008 hd
Committee to Elect Greg Foristall 07/18/2008 fax
Fraise for Senate 7-14-08 fax
Franzen for House District 16 7-18-08 WRS

Page 26

Frevert for the House 07/22/2008 usps

Friedrichsen for Iowa 07/16/2008 usps
Garvin for State Representative 7-14-08 h.d.
Gaskill for State Representative 07/21/2008 usps
Elesha Gayman for Iowa 7-21-08 fax
Citizens for Giunta 07/22/2008 usps, pm 07/19/2008
Citizens for Pat Grassley 07/19/2008 fax
Greenlee for Iowa House Committee 07/18/2008 fax
Citizens for Gronstal 7-21-08 WRS
Michael Hadley for Senate 7-20-08 WRS
Hageman for State House 07/21/2008 fax
Hagenow for Iowa House 07/18/2008 fax
Committee to Elect Jim Hahn 7-21-08 WRS
Committee to Elect Shawn Hamerlinck 07/19/2008 fax
Hancock for Senate 07/18/2008 usps
The Committee to Elect Thomas Hansen 07/21/2008 usps
Citizens for Heaton 07/18/2008 usps
Committee to Elect Lisa Heddens 7-15-08 h.d.
Heil for Senate 7-19-08 WRS
Friends of Helland 07/18/2008 hd
Terry Hertle for State Representative 07/21/2008 usps
Himes for House 07/17/2008 certified
Horbach for House of Representatives 7-17-08 WRS
Committee to Elect Robert E. Howard 07/17/2008 usps
Hoy for House 7-20-08 WRS
Kurt Hubler for State Representative 07/21/2008 usps
Committee to Elect Bruce Hunter 07/21/2008 hd
The Daniel A. Huseman Election Committee 07/23/2008 usps, pm 07/21/2008
Huser for State Representative 7-15-08 WRS
Isenhart Campaign for the Common Good 7-21-08 WRS
Jacoby for House 7-18-08 WRS
Jane Jech for Iowa House 7-21-08 WRS
People for Pam Jochum 7-17-08 WRS
Johnson for Iowa House 7-17-08 WRS
Kapucian for State Senate 07/17/2008 fax
Jeff Kaufmann for State Representative 7-19-08 WRS
Kearns for State Representative Committee 07/21/2008 fax
Doris Kelley for Iowa House 7-18-08 WRS
Kerr for Senate 7-20-08 WRS
Kettering Campaign 07/18/2008 usps
Kibbie for Senate 07/17/2008 usps
Klein for Statehouse 07/21/2008 fax
Kevin Koester for House 7-21-08 WRS
Iowans for Kohlsdorf 7-21-08 WRS
Koslow for Iowa's Health 7-16-08 WRS
Kressig for Iowa House District 19 7-17-08 WRS
Citizens for Kuhn 7-20-08 WRS
Citizens for Gretchen Lawyer 7-17-08 WRS
Lensing for House District #78 7-20-08 WRS
Team Lorenzen 7-21-08 WRS
Lorenzen for Iowa's Future 7-21-08 WRS
Committee to Elect Steve Lukan 07/16/2008 usps
Friends of Jim Lykam 07/17/2008 certified

Page 27

Marek for State Representative 7-18-08 WRS

Committee to Elect Mascher 07/16/2008 usps
May for Iowa House 7-20-08 WRS
McCarthy for State Representative/McCarthy for Iowa 7-18-08 WRS
McKinley for State Senate 7-17-08 WRS
Iowans for Dave McLaughlin 7-12-08 WRS
The People for Mennig 6-19-08 WRS
Mertz for Representative 07/17/2008 fax
Committee to Elect Helen Miller 07/21/2008 usps
Concerned Citizens for Miller 07/18/2008 fax
Mokricky for Iowa House 07/17/2008 fax
Citizen's for Jeff Mosiman Iowa House 07/21/2008 fax
Murphy for State Representative 07/21/2008 fax
Susan Murphy House District 59 6-13-08 fax
Chris Nelson Campaign Fund 7-17-08 WRS
Emma Nemecek 08 7-21-08 WRS
Oldson for State Representative 07/21/2008 hd
Olson for State Representative Committee 7-20-08 WRS
Committee to Elect Rick Olson 07/21/2008 hd
Steve Olson for State Representative 7-21-08 WRS
Committee to Elect Tyler Olson 7-15-08 WRS
Lou Oswald for State House 27 07/18/2008 usps
Palmer for State Representative 7-21-08 WRS
Jim Parker for Senate 07/22/2008 usps
Paulsen for State House Committee 7-20-08 WRS
Paustian for State House 7-18-08 WRS
committee to elect ron payne 07/24/2008 fax
Petersen for State Representative 07/21/2008 hd
Pettengill for Iowans 7-21-08 WRS
Matt Pfaltzgraf for State Representative 7-21-08 fax
People for Potts 7-19-08 WRS
Brian Quirk for State Representative 07/21/2008 fax
Vote Radke 07/21/2008 fax
Raecker for State Representative Committee 7-17-08 WRS
Committee to elect Rainer State Representative 7-20-08 WRS
Committee to elect Gary Ramaker 07/17/2008 usps
Rants for State House 07/17/2008 usps
Friends of Rasmussen for Iowa House 07/17/2008 express mail
Rayhons for Representative 07/21/2008 usps
Reasoner for State Representative 07/22/2008 usps
Reedy for State House 07/18/2008 hd
Committee to Elect Nathan Reichert 07/18/2008 fax
Reynolds for Senate 7-19-08 WRS
Committee to Elect Rhodes 7-21-08 WRS
Citizens for Richards 07/16/2008 ups
Rielly for Senate 7-21-08 WRS
Rod Roberts for Iowa House 7-17-08 WRS
Robinson for Iowa 35 7-21-08 WRS
Walt Rogers for Iowa 07/21/2008 usps
Ron Rosmann for State Representative 07/18/2008 fax
Sands for State House 7-17-08 WRS
Sanger for State Representative 7-21-08 WRS
Committee to Elect Debra Satern for State House 07/21/2008 fax

Page 28

Savage for Senate Committee 07/23/2008 usps

Schissel for Iowa House 7-21-08 WRS
Citizens for Schoenjahn 7-15-08 WRS
Citizens for Schueller 7-9-08 WRS
Concerned Taxpayers for Schulte 7-16-08 WRS
Friends of Jason Schultz 07/18/2008 fax
Seymour for Senate 07/16/2008 hd
Citizens for Don Shatzer 7-19-08 WRS
Shomshor for Iowa House 07/18/2008 fax
Citizens for Sibert 7-19-08 WRS
Doug Smith for House of Representatives 7-18-08 WRS
Mark Smith for Iowa House 7-21-08 WRS
Ruth Smith for State Senate 7-18-08 WRS
Sodders for State Senate 07/17/2008 fax
Soderberg for House 7-17-08 WRS
Sokolowski for State Representative Committee 7-17-08 WRS
Sorensen for Senate Committee 7-20-08 WRS
Sorenson for Statehouse 7-18-08 WRS
Committee to Elect Art Staed 07/19/2008 fax
Citizens for Sharon Steckman 7-18-08 WRS
Strosahl for Senate 7-20-08 WRS
Citizens for Struyk 07/21/2008 fax
Sturgis for Iowa Statehouse 07/17/2008 fax
Sullivan for State Representative 7-19-08 WRS
Steve Svejda 08 7-21-08 WRS
Swaim for House 7-19-08 e-mail
Sweeney for State House 07/17/2008 fax
Taylor for Iowa House 7-15-08 WRS
Dick Taylor for State Representative 7-17-08 WRS
Taylor for Representative 7-21-08 WRS
Friends of Susan Temere 07/21/2008 fax
Committee for T. J. Templeton 7-16-08 WRS
Thede for Iowa Families 7-21-08 WRS
People for Roger Thomas 07/18/2008 hd
Thompson for State Senate 07/20/2008 fax
David Tjepkes for Iowa House Committee 07/16/2008 usps
Citizens for Tornquist 7-17-08 WRS
Tymeson for House 7-17-08 WRS
Upmeyer for House 07/18/2008 fax
Voters for Van Bruggen 7-21-08 WRS
Jim Van Engelenhoven Election for State Representative Committee 7-19-08 WRS
Iowans for Van Fossen 07/21/2008 fax
Citizens to Elect Van Roekel 7-21-08 e-mail
Jim Van Scoyoc for State Representative 7-14-08 fax
Pat Van Zante Campaign Committee 7-21-08 e-mail
Vote for Vance Committee 07/21/2008 usps
Vandall for Iowa House 7-16-08 WRS
Vander Mey Campaign Committee 07/21/2008 fax
Ken Vaske Campaign 7-22-08 WRS
Carlos Venable-Ridley Candidate for Iowa State Representative 7-19-08 WRS
Nick Wagner for State House 7-18-08 WRS
Ward for Senate 7-21-08 WRS
Waterman for State Senate 07/18/2008 fax

Page 29

Watts for House 7-21-08 WRS

Rebecca Wearmouth for Iowa Senate 7-21-08 WRS
Committee to Elect Roger Wendt State Representative 7-15-08 WRS
Citizens to Elect Andrew Wenthe 7-21-08 e-mail
Citizens for Wessel-Kroeschell 07/18/2008 usps
Committee to Elect John Whitaker 7-20-08 WRS
White for State Rep. Dist. 28 7-22-08 WRS
Committee to Elect Wes Whitead 07/21/2008 hd
Citizens for Wiencek 07/16/2008 usps
Wilhelm for Iowa Senate 07/18/2008 usps
Citizens for Willems 07/21/2008 fax
Winckler for State House 07/19/2008 fax
Win With Windschitl 07/17/2008 fax
Frank Wood for Senate 7-15-08 WRS
Worthan for Iowa House 7-18-08 WRS
Committee to Elect Jeff Wright 7-14-08 WRS
Win with Wynn Senate Committee 07/21/2008 usps
Zaun for Iowa Senate 7-17-08 WRS
Mark Zieman for Senate Committee 7-17-08 WRS
Citizens for Zirkelbach 07/16/2008 usps

Page 30


Abdul-Samad Ako 1604
Abolt Doug 1810
Alons Dwayne 1104
Anderson Richard T. 1494
Arnold Richard 681
Avenarius Tom 1660
Bailey McKinley 1665
Ballalatak Deb 1819
Ballard Matthew 1759
Baresel Cayla 1773
Barnett David 1816
Bartz Merlin 318
Baudler Clel 1105
Beard John 1736
Bearden Christopher 1789
Behn Jerry 984
Bell Paul 765
Belt Scott 1656
Berry Deborah 1393
Bertrand Rick 1755
Best Frank 1758
Braden Randy 1725
Brandenburg Mark 1764
Brown Matthew 1768
Bukta Polly 975
Burke Leonard 1800
Burt Kerry 1782
Bussanmas Maxine 1675
Camerer Russell 1815
Carroll Danny 913
Cesar Dan 1828
Chambers Royd 1333
Childers William 1709
Cohoon Dennis 376
Cooper Dennis 1785
Cooper Eric 1827
Courtney Thomas 1344
Cownie Peter 1711
Creasman Jan 1765
Dandekar Swati 1324
Danielson Jeff 1338
Davitt Mark 1395
De Boef Betty 1237
Dearden Dick 840
Demichelis Jr. James 1818
Deyoe David 1686
Disney Larry 1805
Dolecheck Cecil 990
Drake Jack 727
Eaton Josh 1712
Fedler Ron 1741
Feenstra Randy 1777

Page 31

Ficken Gene 1719

Ford Wayne 1061
Forristall Greg 1680
Fraise Eugene 293
Franzen John 1706
Frevert Marcella 1017
Friedrichsen Don 1784
Garvin Nita 1814
Gaskill Mary 1376
Gayman Elesha 1600
Gentry Lynne 1820
Gibson Russell 1822
Giunta Francis 1746
Grassley Patrick 1605
Greenlee Linda 1766
Gronstal Michael 1612
Hadley Michael 1804
Hageman Carlin 1798
Hagenow Christopher 1737
Hahn James 656
Hamerlinck Shawn 1740
Hancock Tom 1502
Hansen Thomas 1659
Heaton David 930
Heddens Lisa 1339
Heil Jarret 1779
Helland Erik 1703
Hertle Terry 1769
Himes Dena 1720
Horbach Lance 1088
Howard Robert 1718
Hoy Tim 1651
Hubler Kurt 1807
Hulsizer John 1824
Hunter Bruce 1488
Huseman Dan 881
Huser Geri 987
Isenhart Charles 1722
Jacoby David 1491
Jech Jane 1723
Jochum Pam 731
Johnson Jamie 1700
Kapucian Tim 1724
Kaufmann Jeff 1497
Kearns Jerry 1757
Kelley Doris J. 1641
Kerr David 1770
Kettering Steve 699
Kibbie John 464
Klein Jarad 1705
Koester Kevin 1735
Kohlsdorf Eric 1802
Koslow Alan 1780

Page 32

Kressig Bob 1504

Kuhn Mark 1131
Lawyer Gretchen 1748
Lensing Vicki 1260
Littzen Michael 1817
Lorenzen Albert 1716
Lorenzen Austin 1704
Lukan Steven 1428
Lykam Jim 1397
Marek Larry 1707
Mascher Mary 863
May William "Mike" 1509
McCarthy Kevin 1385
McClure Rick 1825
McKinley Paul 1269
McLaughlin Dave 1778
Mennig Adam 1803
Mertz Dolores 527
Miller Helen 1445
Miller Linda 1611
Moeller Chris 1829
Mokricky Victor 1792
Mosiman Jeffrey 1783
Murphy Patrick 564
Nelson Chris 1762
Nemecek Emma 1760
Oldson Jo 1326
Olson Donovan 1392
Olson Rick 1560
Olson Steve 1387
Olson Tyler 1602
Oswald Lou 1790
Palmer Eric J. 1545
Parker James 1743
Paulsen Kraig 1318
Paustian Ross 1708
Payne Ronald 1781
Petersen Janet 1206
Pettengill Dawn 1507
Pfaltzgraf Matt 1739
Potts Kathy 1734
Quirk Brian 1255
Radke Susan 1640
Raecker Scott 1123
Rainer Randall 1795
Ramaker Gary 1813
Rants Christopher 662
Rasmussen Dan 1329
Rayhons Henry 968
Reasoner Michael 1343
Reedy Tyler 1730
Reichert Nathan K. 1553
Reynolds Kim 1731

Page 33

Rhodes Ryan 1801

Richards Stephen 1728
Rielly Tom 1516
Roberts Rod 1110
Robinson Mike 1788
Rogers Walt 1751
Rosmann Ron 1729
Sands Thomas 1467
Sanger Chris 1767
Satern Debra 1756
Savage Sharon 1714
Schissel Randal 1721
Schoenjahn Brian H. 1534
Schueller Thomas J. 1505
Schulte Renee 1713
Schultz Jason 1715
Seymour James 1411
Shatzer Don 1750
Shomshor Paul 1490
Sibert Karla 1786
Smith Doug 1772
Smith Mark 1247
Smith Ruth 1738
Smith Steven 1823
Sodders Steven 1702
Soderberg Charles 1492
Sokolowski Lori 1771
Sorensen Albert 1749
Sorenson Kent 1794
Staed Art 1586
Steckman Sharon 1747
Strosahl Scott 1787
Struyk Doug 1416
Sturgis Joseph 1775
Sullivan Jerry 1745
Svejda Steve 1791
Swaim Kurt 1357
Sweeney Annette 1776
Taylor Jeremy 1701
Taylor Richard 1217
Taylor Todd 957
Temere Susan 1752
Templeton T. J. 1793
Thede Phyllis 1688
Thomas Roger 1046
Thompson Doug 1710
Tjepkes David 1355
Tornquist Scott 1727
Tymeson Jodi 1211
Upmeyer Linda 1400
Van Bruggen James 1742
Van Engelenhoven Jim 1099
Van Fossen James K 851

Page 34

Van Roekel Jonathan 1811

Van Scoyoc Jim 1806
Van Zante Pat 1761
Vandall Adam 1666
Vander Mey Richard 1809
Vaske Ken 1812
Venable-Ridley Carlos 1796
Voorhees Larry 1821
Wagner Nick 1619
Ward Pat 1500
Waterman Steve 1508
Watts Ralph 1334
Wearmouth Rebecca 1797
Wendt Roger 1369
Wenthe Andrew 1613
Wessel-Kroeschell Beth 1526
Whitaker John 1434
White Darren 1754
Whitead Wes 1444
Wiencek Tami 1661
Wilhelm Mary Jo 1717
Willems Nate 1753
Winckler Cindy 1229
Windschitl Matt 1639
Wood Frank 1563
Worthan Gary 1697
Zaun Brad 1521
Zieman Mark 1243
Zirkelbach Ray 1535

Page 35


Citizens for Ako Abdul-Samad 10-19-08 WRS
Abolt for Senate 10-20-08 WRS
Alons for Representative Committee 10-18-08 WRS
Citizens for Anderson 10-15-08 WRS
Arnold for House 10-19-08 WRS
Avenarius for House District 32 10-17-08 WRS
Bailey for State House 10-19-08 WRS
Team Ballalatak 10/17/2008 hd
Ballard for State Representative 10/20/2008 fax
Cayla Baresel for State Representative 10-20-08 e-mail
Barnett for North Des Moines 10/20/2008 fax
Citizens for Good Government 10/22/2008 usps, pm 10/20/2008
Baudler for State Representative 10-20-08 WRS
Beard for State House 10/20/2008 fax
Chris Bearden for State Representative 10-16-08 WRS
Behn for Senate 10/21/2008 certified
Paul Bell for State Representative 10/17/2008 hd
Committee to Elect Scott A. Belt 10/20/2008 usps
Berry for Iowa House of Representatives 10/17/2008 fax
Team Bertrand 10/22/2008 certified, pm 10/20/2008
Best for the Statehouse 10-20-08 WRS
Braden for Senate 10-16-08 WRS
Brandenburg for Iowa Senate 10-16-08 WRS
Brown for Senate 10-23-08 fax
Polly Bukta Campaign Committee 10-16-08 WRS
Lennie Burke for Representative 10-27-08 WRS
Kerry Burt for State Representative 10-17-08 WRS
Maxine Bussanmas for State Rep. 10-20-08 WRS
Camerer for State Representative 10/15/2008 fax
The Carroll Committee 10-20-08 WRS
Dan Cesar 2008 10-10-2008 USPS
Chambers for Iowa House 10/22/2008 usps, pm 10/20/2008
Citizens for Childers 10-19-08 WRS
Cohoon for Representative 10/17/2008 delivery confirmation
Cooper for State Representative 10/20/2008 usps
Free Citizens for Cooper 10/20/2008 usps
Courtney for State Senate Committee 10/20/2008 usps
Cownie for Statehouse 10-20-08 WRS
Citizens for Creasman 10-17-08 WRS
Swati Dandekar Campaign Committee 10-17-08 WRS
Danielson for Senate 10/20/2008 fax
Davitt for House 10-20-08 WRS
Betty De Boef Committee 10-16-08 WRS
Dearden for State Senate Committee 10/20/2008 hd
Demichelis for State Representative 10-20-08 WRS
Deyoe for House 10-20-08 WRS
Disney for Iowa House 10/20/2008 usps
Dolecheck for Representative 10-18-08 WRS
Jack Drake for State Representative 10/20/2008 fax
Josh Eaton for State Representative 10/17/2008 fax
Fedler for Representative 10/20/2008 fax
Randy Feenstra Iowa Senate Committee 10-15-08 WRS

Page 36

Gene Ficken for State Representative 10/20/2008 fax

Citizens to Re-Elect Wayne Ford 10/20/2008 hd
Committee to Elect Greg Foristall 10/20/2008 fax
Fraise for Senate 10/20/2008 fax
Franzen for House District 16 12-02-08 WRS
Frevert for the House 10/22/2008 usps, pm 10/20/2008
Friedrichsen for Iowa 10/21/2008 usps
Garvin for State Representative 10/17/2008 hd
Gaskill for State Representative 10/22/2008 usps, pm 10/20/2008
Elesha Gayman for Iowa 10/20/2008 fax
Citizens for Gentry 10/22/2008 usps, pm 10/17/2008
Gibson for Iowa's Future 10/17/2008 fax
Citizens for Giunta 10/20/2008 fax
Citizens for Pat Grassley 10/20/2008 fax
Greenlee for Iowa House Committee 10/20/2008 fax
Citizens for Gronstal 10-20-08 WRS
Michael Hadley for Senate 10-17-08 WRS
Hageman for State House 10/20/2008 fax
Hagenow for Iowa House 10/20/2008 fax
Committee to Elect Jim Hahn 10-16-08 WRS
Committee to Elect Shawn Hamerlinck 10/20/2008 fax
Hancock for Senate 10/21/2008 usps
The Committee to Elect Thomas Hansen
Citizens for Heaton 10/21/2008 usps
Committee to Elect Lisa Heddens 10/20/2008 hd
Heil for Senate 10-17-08 WRS
Friends of Helland 10/20/2008 hd
Terry Hertle for State Representative 10/21/2008 certified
Himes for House 10/20/2008 certified
Horbach for House of Representatives 10-16-08 WRS
Committee to Elect Robert E. Howard 10/20/2008 usps
Hoy for House 10-20-08 WRS
Kurt Hubler for State Representative 10/23/2008 usps, pm 10/20/2008
Committee to Elect John Hulsizer for State Senate 10-18-08 WRS
Committee to Elect Bruce Hunter 10/20/2008 hd
The Daniel A. Huseman Election Committee 10/23/2008 usps, pm 10/20/2008
Huser for State Representative 10-19-08 WRS
Isenhart Campaign for the Common Good 10-21-08 WRS
Jacoby for House 10-20-08 WRS
Jane Jech for Iowa House 10-20-08 WRS
People for Pam Jochum 10-17-08 WRS
Johnson for Iowa House 10-20-08 WRS
Kapucian for State Senate 10/17/2008 fax
Jeff Kaufmann for State Representative 10-15-08 WRS
Kearns for State Representative Committee 10/22/2008 usps, pm 10/20/2008
Doris Kelley for Iowa House 10-17-08 WRS
Kerr for Senate 10-19-08 WRS
Kettering Campaign 10/17/2008 usps
Kibbie for Senate 10/17/2008 usps
Klein for Statehouse 10/20/2008 fax
Kevin Koester for House 10-20-08 WRS
Iowans for Kohlsdorf 10/20/2008 hd
Koslow for Iowa's Health 10-17-08 WRS

Page 37

Kressig for Iowa House District 19 10-17-08 WRS

Citizens for Kuhn 10-20-08 WRS
Citizens for Gretchen Lawyer 10-19-08 WRS
Lensing for House District #78 10-15-08 WRS
Elect Littzen 10-16-08 WRS
Team Lorenzen 10-20-08 WRS
Lorenzen for Iowa's Future 10-20-08 WRS
Committee to Elect Steve Lukan 10/21/2008 usps
Friends of Jim Lykam 10/20/2008 certified
Marek for State Representative 10-20-08 WRS
Committee to Elect Mascher 10/17/2008 usps
May for Iowa House 10-17-08 WRS
McCarthy for State Representative/McCarthy for Iowa 10-20-08 WRS
Rick McClure State Rep. Committee 10/22/2008 certified, pm internet
McKinley for State Senate 10-15-08 WRS
Iowans for Dave McLaughlin 10-18-08 WRS
The People for Mennig 10-06-08 WRS
Mertz for Representative 10/16/2008 fax
Committee to Elect Helen Miller 10/20/2008 usps
Concerned Citizens for Miller 10/16/2008 fax
Chris Moeller Campaign Fund 10-17-08 h.d.
Mokricky for Iowa House 10/17/2008 fax
Citizen's for Jeff Mosiman Iowa House 10/20/2008 fax
Murphy for State Representative 10/20/2008 hd
Chris Nelson Campaign Fund 10-17-08 WRS
Emma Nemecek 08 10-20-08 WRS
Oldson for State Representative 10/20/2008 hd
Olson for State Representative Committee 10-20-08 WRS
Committee to Elect Rick Olson 10/20/2008 hd
Steve Olson for State Representative 10-15-08 WRS
Committee to Elect Tyler Olson 10-19-08 WRS
Lou Oswald for State House 27 10/21/2008 usps-internet postage
Palmer for State Representative 10-20-08 WRS
Jim Parker for Senate 10-16-08 fax
Paulsen for State House Committee 10-20-08 WRS
Paustian for State House 10-20-08 WRS
committee to elect ron payne 10-28-08 USPS pm 10-24
Petersen for State Representative 10/20/2008 hd
Pettengill for Iowans 10/20/2008 fax
Matt Pfaltzgraf for State Representative 10/22/2008 fax
People for Potts 10-20-08 WRS
Brian Quirk for State Representative 10-20-08 fax
Vote Radke 10-16-08 e-mail
Raecker for State Representative Committee 10-17-08 WRS
Committee to elect Rainer State Representative 10-19-08 WRS
Committee to elect Gary Ramaker 10-14-08 WRS
Rants for State House 10-23-08 USPS pm 10-20
Friends of Rasmussen for Iowa House 10/20/2008 express mail
Rayhons for Representative 10/17/2008 fax
Reasoner for State Representative 10/22/2008 usps, pm 10/20/2008
Reedy for State House 10/20/2008 hd
Committee to Elect Nathan Reichert 10/20/2008 fax
Reynolds for Senate 10-19-08 WRS

Page 38

Committee to Elect Rhodes 10-20-08 WRS

Citizens for Richards 10/16/2008 ups
Rielly for Senate 10-16-08 WRS
Rod Roberts for Iowa House 10-17-08 WRS
Robinson for Iowa 35 10-20-08 WRS
Walt Rogers for Iowa 10/22/2008 usps, pm 10/20/2008
Ron Rosmann for State Representative 10/20/2008 fax
Sands for State House 10-20-08 WRS
Sanger for State Representative 10-20-08 WRS
Committee to Elect Debra Satern for State House 10/20/2008 fax
Savage for Senate Committee 10/22/2008 usps, pm 10/20/2008
Schissel for Iowa House 10-20-08 WRS
Citizens for Schoenjahn 10-19-08 WRS
Citizens for Schueller 10-15-08 WRS
Concerned Taxpayers for Schulte 10-19-08 WRS
Friends of Jason Schultz 10/20/2008 hd
Seymour for Senate 10/21/2008 usps
Citizens for Don Shatzer 10-24-08 WRS
Shomshor for Iowa House 10/22/2008 certified, pm 10/20/2008
Citizens for Sibert 10-20-08 WRS
Doug Smith for House of Representatives 10-20-08 WRS
Mark Smith for Iowa House 10-20-08 WRS
Ruth Smith for State Senate 10-19-08 WRS
Iowans for Steve Smith 10/17/2008 fax
Sodders for State Senate 10/20/2008 fax
Soderberg for House 10-20-08 WRS
Sokolowski for State Representative Committee 10-15-08 WRS
Sorensen for Senate Committee 10-14-08 WRS
Sorenson for Statehouse 10-20-08 WRS
Committee to Elect Art Staed 10/22/2008 certified, pm 10/20/2008
Citizens for Sharon Steckman 10-20-08 WRS
Strosahl for Senate 10-20-08 WRS
Citizens for Struyk 10/20/2008 fax
Sturgis for Iowa Statehouse 10/20/2008 fax
Sullivan for State Representative 10-19-08 WRS
Steve Svejda 08 10-19-08 WRS
Swaim for House 10-20-08 e-mail
Sweeney for State House 10/20/2008 fax
Taylor for Iowa House 10-19-08 WRS
Dick Taylor for State Representative 10-15-08 WRS
Taylor for Representative 10-18-08 WRS
Friends of Susan Temere 10/20/2008 fax
Committee for T. J. Templeton 10-19-08 WRS
Thede for Iowa Families 10-20-08 WRS
People for Roger Thomas 10/22/2008 usps, pm 10/17/2008
Thompson for State Senate 10/20/2008 fax
David Tjepkes for Iowa House Committee 10/17/2008 usps
Citizens for Tornquist 10-19-08 WRS
Tymeson for House 10-15-08 WRS
Upmeyer for House 10/20/2008 fax
Voters for Van Bruggen 10-20-08 WRS
Jim Van Engelenhoven Election for State Representative Committee 10-14-08 WRS
Iowans for Van Fossen 10/20/2008 fax

Page 39

Citizens to Elect Van Roekel 10-20-08 e-mail

Jim Van Scoyoc for State Representative 10/20/2008 fax
Pat Van Zante Campaign Committee 10-17-08 e-mail
Vandall for Iowa House 10-20-08 WRS
Vander Mey Campaign Committee 9-30-08 USPS
Ken Vaske Campaign 10-15-08 WRS
Carlos Venable-Ridley Candidate for Iowa State Representative 10-21-08 WRS
Voorhees for State House 10/17/2008 hd
Nick Wagner for State House 10-10-08 WRS
Ward for Senate 10-07-08 WRS
Waterman for State Senate 10/20/2008 fax
Watts for House 10-20-08 WRS
Rebecca Wearmouth for Iowa Senate 10-21-08 WRS
Committee to Elect Roger Wendt State Representative 10-17-08 WRS
Citizens to Elect Andrew Wenthe 10-20-08 e-mail
Citizens for Wessel-Kroeschell 10/16/2008 usps
Committee to Elect John Whitaker 10-16-08 WRS
White for State Rep. Dist. 28 10-19-08 WRS
Committee to Elect Wes Whitead 10/17/2008 fax
Citizens for Wiencek 10/17/2008 usps
Wilhelm for Iowa Senate 10/22/2008 usps, pm 10/17/2008
Citizens for Willems 10/20/2008 fax
Winckler for State House 10/20/2008 fax
Win With Windschitl 10/20/2008 fax
Frank Wood for Senate 10-19-08 WRS
Worthan for Iowa House 10-19-08 WRS
Zaun for Iowa Senate 10-20-08 WRS
Mark Zieman for Senate Committee 10/22/2008 certified, pm 10/20/2008
Citizens for Zirkelbach 10/15/2008 usps

Page 40


Abdul-Samad Ako 1604
Abolt Doug 1810
Alons Dwayne 1104
Anderson Richard T. 1494
Arnold Richard 681
Avenarius Tom 1660
Bailey McKinley 1665
Ballalatak Deb 1819
Ballard Matthew 1759
Baresel Cayla 1773
Barnett David 1816
Bartz Merlin 318
Baudler Clel 1105
Beard John 1736
Bearden Christopher 1789
Behn Jerry 984
Bell Paul 765
Belt Scott 1656
Berry Deborah 1393
Bertrand Rick 1755
Best Frank 1758
Braden Randy 1725
Brandenburg Mark 1764
Brown Matthew 1768
Bukta Polly 975
Burke Leonard 1800
Burt Kerry 1782
Bussanmas Maxine 1675
Camerer Russell 1815
Carroll Danny 913
Cesar Daniel 1828
Chambers Royd 1333
Childers William 1709
Cohoon Dennis 376
Cooper Dennis 1785
Cooper Eric 1827
Courtney Thomas 1344
Cownie Peter 1711
Creasman Jan 1765
Dandekar Swati 1324
Danielson Jeff 1338
Davitt Mark 1395
De Boef Betty 1237
Dearden Dick 840
Demichelis Jr. James 1818
Deyoe David 1686
Disney Larry 1805
Dolecheck Cecil 990
Drake Jack 727
Eaton Josh 1712
Fairchild Ann 1826
Fedler Ron 1741

Page 41

Feenstra Randy 1777

Ficken Gene 1719
Ford Wayne 1061
Forristall Greg 1680
Fraise Eugene 293
Franzen John 1706
Frevert Marcella 1017
Friedrichsen Don 1784
Garvin Nita 1814
Gaskill Mary 1376
Gayman Elesha 1600
Gentry Lynne 1820
Gibson Russell 1822
Grassley Patrick 1605
Greenlee Linda 1766
Gronstal Michael 1612
Hadley Michael 1804
Hageman Carlin 1798
Hagenow Christopher 1737
Hahn James 656
Hamerlinck Shawn 1740
Hancock Tom 1502
Hansen Thomas 1659
Heaton David 930
Heddens Lisa 1339
Heil Jarret 1779
Helland Erik 1703
Hertle Terry 1769
Himes Dena 1720
Horbach Lance 1088
Howard Robert 1718
Hoy Tim 1651
Hubler Kurt 1807
Hulsizer John 1824
Hunter Bruce 1488
Huseman Dan 881
Huser Geri 987
Isenhart Charles 1722
Jacoby David 1491
Jech Jane 1723
Jochum Pam 731
Johnson Jamie 1700
Kapucian Tim 1724
Kaufmann Jeff 1497
Kearns Jerry 1757
Kelley Doris J. 1641
Kerr David 1770
Kettering Steve 699
Kibbie John 464
Klein Jarad 1705
Koester Kevin 1735
Kohlsdorf Eric 1802
Koslow Alan 1780

Page 42

Kressig Bob 1504

Kuhn Mark 1131
Lawyer Gretchen 1748
Lensing Vicki 1260
Littzen Michael 1817
Lorenzen Albert 1716
Lorenzen Austin 1704
Lukan Steven 1428
Lykam Jim 1397
Marek Larry 1707
Mascher Mary 863
May William "Mike" 1509
McCarthy Kevin 1385
McClure Rick 1825
McKinley Paul 1269
McLaughlin Dave 1778
Mennig Adam 1803
Mertz Dolores 527
Miller Helen 1445
Miller Linda 1611
Moeller Chris 1829
Mokricky Victor 1792
Mosiman Jeffrey 1783
Murphy Patrick 564
Nelson Chris 1762
Nemecek Emma 1760
Oldson Jo 1326
Olson Donovan 1392
Olson Rick 1560
Olson Steve 1387
Olson Tyler 1602
Oswald Lou 1790
Palmer Eric J. 1545
Parker James 1743
Paulsen Kraig 1318
Paustian Ross 1708
Payne Ronald 1781
Petersen Janet 1206
Pettengill Dawn 1507
Pfaltzgraf Matt 1739
Potts Kathy 1734
Quirk Brian 1255
Radke Susan 1640
Raecker Scott 1123
Rainer Randall 1795
Ramaker Gary 1813
Rants Christopher 662
Rasmussen Dan 1329
Rayhons Henry 968
Reasoner Michael 1343
Reichert Nathan K. 1553
Reynolds Kim 1731
Rhodes Ryan 1801

Page 43

Richards Stephen 1728

Rielly Tom 1516
Roberts Rod 1110
Robinson Mike 1788
Rogers Walt 1751
Rosmann Ron 1729
Sands Thomas 1467
Sanger Chris 1767
Satern Debra 1756
Savage Sharon 1714
Schissel Randal 1721
Schoenjahn Brian H. 1534
Schueller Thomas J. 1505
Schulte Renee 1713
Schultz Jason 1715
Seymour James 1411
Shatzer Don 1750
Shomshor Paul 1490
Sibert Karla 1786
Smith Doug 1772
Smith Mark 1247
Smith Ruth 1738
Smith Steven 1823
Sodders Steven 1702
Soderberg Charles 1492
Sokolowski Lori 1771
Sorensen Albert 1749
Sorenson Kent 1794
Staed Art 1586
Steckman Sharon 1747
Strosahl Scott 1787
Struyk Doug 1416
Sturgis Joseph 1775
Sullivan Jerry 1745
Svejda Steve 1791
Swaim Kurt 1357
Sweeney Annette 1776
Taylor Jeremy 1701
Taylor Richard 1217
Taylor Todd 957
Temere Susan 1752
Templeton T. J. 1793
Thede Phyllis 1688
Thomas Roger 1046
Thompson Doug 1710
Thomsen Jackie 1830
Tjepkes David 1355
Tornquist Scott 1727
Tymeson Jodi 1211
Upmeyer Linda 1400
Van Bruggen James 1742
Van Engelenhoven Jim 1099
Van Fossen James K 851

Page 44

Van Roekel Jonathan 1811

Van Scoyoc Jim 1806
Van Zante Pat 1761
Vandall Adam 1666
Vaske Ken 1812
Venable-Ridley Carlos 1796
Voorhees Larry 1821
Wagner Nick 1619
Ward Pat 1500
Waterman Steve 1508
Watts Ralph 1334
Wearmouth Rebecca 1797
Wendt Roger 1369
Wenthe Andrew 1613
Wessel-Kroeschell Beth 1526
Whitaker John 1434
White Darren 1754
Whitead Wes 1444
Wiencek Tami 1661
Wilhelm Mary Jo 1717
Willems Nate 1753
Winckler Cindy 1229
Windschitl Matt 1639
Wood Frank 1563
Worthan Gary 1697
Zaun Brad 1521
Zieman Mark 1243
Zirkelbach Ray 1535

Page 45


Citizens for Ako Abdul-Samad 10-31-08 WRS 5:27 pm
Abolt for Senate
Alons for Representative Committee 10-31-08 WRS
Citizens for Anderson 10-29-08 WRS
Arnold for House
Avenarius for House District 32 10-30-08 WRS
Bailey for State House 10-31-08 WRS
Team Ballalatak
Ballard for State Representative
Cayla Baresel for State Representative 10-30-08 e-mail
Barnett for North Des Moines
Citizens for Good Government 10/31/2008 fax
Baudler for State Representative 10-30-08 WRS
Beard for State House 10/29/2008 fax
Chris Bearden for State Representative
Behn for Senate 10/31/2008 express mail
Paul Bell for State Representative 10/29/2008 hd
Committee to Elect Scott A. Belt 10/31/2008 usps
Berry for Iowa House of Representatives
Team Bertrand 10-31-08 e-mail 5:11 pm
Best for the Statehouse 10-31-08 WRS
Braden for Senate 10-29-08 WRS
Brandenburg for Iowa Senate
Brown for Senate
Polly Bukta Campaign Committee 10-30-08 WRS
Lennie Burke for Representative
Kerry Burt for State Representative 10-31-08 WRS
Maxine Bussanmas for State Rep. 10-31-08 WRS
Camerer for State Representative
The Carroll Committee 10-31-08 WRS
Dan Cesar 2008
Chambers for Iowa House 10/30/2008 fax
Citizens for Childers 10-31-08 WRS
Cohoon for Representative 10/31/2008 certified
Cooper for State Representative
Free Citizens for Cooper
Courtney for State Senate Committee 10/29/2008 fax
Cownie for Statehouse 10-31-08 WRS
Citizens for Creasman
Swati Dandekar Campaign Committee 10-29-08 WRS
Danielson for Senate 10/29/2008 fax
Davitt for House 10-31-08 WRS 11:04 pm
Betty De Boef Committee 10-27-08 WRS
Dearden for State Senate Committee
Demichelis for State Representative
Deyoe for House 10-31-08 WRS
Disney for Iowa House 10/29/2008 usps
Dolecheck for Representative
Jack Drake for State Representative 10-31-08 fax
Josh Eaton for State Representative
Ann Fairchild for Iowa State House
Fedler for Representative 10/30/2008 fax

Page 46

Randy Feenstra Iowa Senate Committee 10-30-08 WRS

Gene Ficken for State Representative 10/30/2008 fax
Citizens to Re-Elect Wayne Ford
Committee to Elect Greg Foristall
Fraise for Senate 10/30/2008 fax
Franzen for House District 16
Frevert for the House 10-31-08 fax
Friedrichsen for Iowa
Garvin for State Representative
Gaskill for State Representative 10/30/2008 usps
Elesha Gayman for Iowa 10/31/2008 fax
Citizens for Gentry
Gibson for Iowa's Future 10/31/2008 fax
Citizens for Pat Grassley 10-31-08 fax @ 5:18 pm
Greenlee for Iowa House Committee
Citizens for Gronstal 10-31-08 WRS
Michael Hadley for Senate
Hageman for State House 10/31/2008 fax
Hagenow for Iowa House 10/31/2008 fax
Committee to Elect Jim Hahn 10-29-08 WRS
Committee to Elect Shawn Hamerlinck 10/30/2008 fax
Hancock for Senate 10/30/2008 usps
The Committee to Elect Thomas Hansen
Citizens for Heaton 10/28/2008 fax
Committee to Elect Lisa Heddens 10/31/2008 hd
Heil for Senate 10-30-08 WRS
Friends of Helland 10/31/2008 hd
Terry Hertle for State Representative 10/29/2008 fax
Himes for House
Horbach for House of Representatives 10-31-08 WRS
Committee to Elect Robert E. Howard 10/30/2008 usps
Hoy for House 10-31-08 WRS
Kurt Hubler for State Representative 10/30/2008 fax
Committee to Elect John Hulsizer for State Senate
Committee to Elect Bruce Hunter 11/03/2008 hd
The Daniel A. Huseman Election Committee 11/03/2008 usps
Huser for State Representative 10-28-08 WRS
Isenhart Campaign for the Common Good 10-31-08 WRS
Jacoby for House
Jane Jech for Iowa House 10-31-08 WRS
People for Pam Jochum
Johnson for Iowa House 10-31-08 WRS
Kapucian for State Senate 10/29/2008 usps
Jeff Kaufmann for State Representative 10-28-08 WRS
Kearns for State Representative Committee 10/31/2008 fax
Doris Kelley for Iowa House 10-29-08 WRS
Kerr for Senate
Kettering Campaign 10/29/2008 fax
Kibbie for Senate 10/28/2008 fax
Klein for Statehouse 10/31/2008 fax
Kevin Koester for House 10-30-08 WRS
Iowans for Kohlsdorf 10-31-08 h.d.
Koslow for Iowa's Health 10-29-08 WRS

Page 47

Kressig for Iowa House District 19 10-30-08 WRS

Citizens for Kuhn 10-30-08 WRS
Citizens for Gretchen Lawyer 10-30-08 WRS
Lensing for House District #78
Elect Littzen
Team Lorenzen
Lorenzen for Iowa's Future 10-30-08 WRS
Committee to Elect Steve Lukan 11/03/2008 usps
Friends of Jim Lykam 10/31/2008 certified
Marek for State Representative 10-31-08 WRS
Committee to Elect Mascher 10/31/2008 usps
May for Iowa House 10-31-08 WRS 5:41 pm
McCarthy for State Representative/McCarthy for Iowa 10-31-08 WRS
Rick McClure State Rep. Committee
McKinley for State Senate 10-31-08 WRS
Iowans for Dave McLaughlin 10-30-08 WRS
The People for Mennig
Mertz for Representative 10-30-08 fax
Committee to Elect Helen Miller 10/31/2008 usps
Concerned Citizens for Miller 10/31/2008 fax
Chris Moeller Campaign Fund
Mokricky for Iowa House 11-14-08 fax
Citizen's for Jeff Mosiman Iowa House 10/31/2008 fax
Murphy for State Representative 10-30-08 fax
Chris Nelson Campaign Fund
Emma Nemecek 08 10-31-08 WRS 4:39 pm
Oldson for State Representative 10/31/2008 hd
Olson for State Representative Committee 10-29-08 WRS
Committee to Elect Rick Olson 10/31/2008 fax
Steve Olson for State Representative 10-31-08 WRS
Committee to Elect Tyler Olson 10-30-08 WRS
Lou Oswald for State House 27
Palmer for State Representative 10-31-08 WRS
Jim Parker for Senate
Paulsen for State House Committee 10-30-08 WRS
Paustian for State House 10-31-08 WRS
committee to elect ron payne
Petersen for State Representative 10/31/2008 hd
Pettengill for Iowans 10/31/2008 fax
Matt Pfaltzgraf for State Representative
People for Potts
Brian Quirk for State Representative 10/31/2008 fax
Vote Radke 10-29-08 e-mail
Raecker for State Representative Committee 10-30-08 WRS
Committee to elect Rainer State Representative
Committee to elect Gary Ramaker
Rants for State House 10/31/2008 hd
Friends of Rasmussen for Iowa House 10/30/2008 express mail
Rayhons for Representative 10/29/2008 fax
Reasoner for State Representative 10/30/2008 usps
Committee to Elect Nathan Reichert 10/30/2008 fax
Reynolds for Senate 10-31-08 WRS
Committee to Elect Rhodes

Page 48

Citizens for Richards 10/30/2008 UPS

Rielly for Senate 10-29-08 WRS
Rod Roberts for Iowa House 10-31-08 WRS
Robinson for Iowa 35
Walt Rogers for Iowa 10/31/2008 fax
Ron Rosmann for State Representative
Sands for State House 10-30-08 WRS
Sanger for State Representative
Committee to Elect Debra Satern for State House 10/31/2008 fax
Savage for Senate Committee 10-30-08 e-mail
Schissel for Iowa House 10-30-08 WRS
Citizens for Schoenjahn 10-29-08 WRS
Citizens for Schueller 10-30-08 WRS
Concerned Taxpayers for Schulte 10-31-08 WRS
Friends of Jason Schultz 10/31/2008 hd
Seymour for Senate 10/29/2008 usps
Citizens for Don Shatzer
Shomshor for Iowa House 10/31/2008 express mail
Citizens for Sibert
Doug Smith for House of Representatives 10-31-08 WRS 7:09 pm
Mark Smith for Iowa House 10-29-08 WRS
Ruth Smith for State Senate 10-31-08 WRS
Iowans for Steve Smith 10/29/2008 fax
Sodders for State Senate 10/29/2008 fax
Soderberg for House 10-31-08 WRS
Sokolowski for State Representative Committee
Sorensen for Senate Committee 10-28-08 WRS
Sorenson for Statehouse 10-31-08 WRS
Committee to Elect Art Staed 10/31/2008 express mail
Citizens for Sharon Steckman 10-31-08 WRS
Strosahl for Senate 10-30-08 WRS
Citizens for Struyk 10-31-08 fax
Sturgis for Iowa Statehouse
Sullivan for State Representative 10-28-08 WRS
Steve Svejda 08
Swaim for House 10/31/2008 fax
Sweeney for State House 10/31/2008 fax
Taylor for Iowa House 10-31-08 WRS
Dick Taylor for State Representative 10-29-08 WRS
Taylor for Representative 10-31-08 WRS
Friends of Susan Temere 10-31-08 fax
Committee for T. J. Templeton
Thede for Iowa Families 10-30-08 WRS
People for Roger Thomas 10/29/2008 fax
Thompson for State Senate 10/31/2008 fax
Grass Roots for Thomsen 10-31-08 fax
David Tjepkes for Iowa House Committee
Citizens for Tornquist 10-31-08 WRS
Tymeson for House 10-30-08 WRS
Upmeyer for House 10/31/2008 fax
Voters for Van Bruggen
Jim Van Engelenhoven Election for State Representative Committee 10-28-08 WRS
Iowans for Van Fossen 10/31/2008 fax

Page 49

Citizens to Elect Van Roekel

Jim Van Scoyoc for State Representative
Pat Van Zante Campaign Committee
Vandall for Iowa House
Ken Vaske Campaign
Carlos Venable-Ridley Candidate for Iowa State Representative 10-30-08 WRS
Voorhees for State House
Nick Wagner for State House 10-31-08 WRS
Ward for Senate 11-03-08 WRS
Waterman for State Senate
Watts for House 10-31-08 WRS
Rebecca Wearmouth for Iowa Senate
Committee to Elect Roger Wendt State Representative 10-29-08 WRS
Citizens to Elect Andrew Wenthe 10-31-08 e-mail
Citizens for Wessel-Kroeschell
Committee to Elect John Whitaker 10-29-08 WRS
White for State Rep. Dist. 28
Committee to Elect Wes Whitead 10/31/2008 fax
Citizens for Wiencek 10/30/2008 usps
Wilhelm for Iowa Senate 10/29/2008 fax
Citizens for Willems 10/31/2008 fax
Winckler for State House 10/30/2008 fax
Win With Windschitl 10/30/2008 fax
Frank Wood for Senate 10-30-08 WRS
Worthan for Iowa House 10-28-08 WRS
Zaun for Iowa Senate 10-31-08 WRS
Mark Zieman for Senate Committee 10-31-08 WRS
Citizens for Zirkelbach

Page 50


Abdul-Samad Ako 1604
Abolt Doug 1810
Alons Dwayne 1104
Anderson Andy 1609
Anderson Richard T. 1494
Angelo Jeff 964
Appel Staci 1603
Arnold Richard 681
Askew John 5101
Avenarius Tom 1660
Bailey McKinley 1665
Ballard Matthew 1759
Baresel Cayla 1773
Barnett David 1816
Bartz Merlin 318
Baudler Clel 1105
Beall Daryl 1361
Beard John 1736
Bearden Christopher 1789
Behn Jerry 984
Bell Paul 765
Belt Scott 1656
Berry Deborah 1393
Bertrand Rick 1755
Best Frank 1758
Black Dennis 7
Boettger Nancy 890
Bolin Joan F. 5096
Bolkcom Joe 1120
Bolluyt Karen 1374
Braden Randy 1725
Brandenburg Mark 1764
Brown Matthew 1768
Bukta Polly 975
Burt Kerry 1782
Bussanmas Maxine 1675
Camerer Russell 1815
Carroll Danny 913
Chambers Royd 1333
Childers William 1709
Clute Dan 1620
Cohoon Dennis 376
Connell Gregg J. 5125
Connolly Michael 22
Cooper Dennis 1785
Cooper Eric 1827
Courtney Thomas 1344
Cownie Peter 1711
Creasman Jan 1765
Culver Chet 5083
Dandekar Swati 1324
Danielson Jeff 1338

Page 51

Davitt Mark 1395

De Boef Betty 1237
Dearden Dick 840
Demichelis Jr. James 1818
Deyoe David 1686
Disney Larry 1805
Dolecheck Cecil 990
Dotzler William 1040
Drake Jack 727
Drury John 1567
Dvorsky Robert 290
Eaton Josh 1712
Fairchild Ann 1826
Fallon Edward 5111
Fedler Ron 1741
Feenstra Randy 1777
Ficken Gene 1719
Firman Steve 1391
Fitzgerald Michael 5006
Flaherty Daniel 922
Foege Romaine 887
Ford Wayne 1061
Forristall Greg 1680
Fraise Eugene 293
Franzen John 1706
Frevert Marcella 1017
Friedrichsen Don 1784
Garrett Julian 1654
Garvin Nita 1814
Gaskill Mary 1376
Gaskill Thurman 1095
Gayman Elesha 1600
Gentry Lynne 1820
Gibson Russell 1822
Granzow Polly 1381
Grassley Patrick 1605
Greenlee Linda 1766
Greiner Sandra 728
Gronstal Michael 1612
Hadley Michael 1804
Hageman Carlin 1798
Hagenow Christopher 1737
Hahn James 656
Hamerlinck Shawn 1740
Hancock Tom 1502
Hartsuch David L. 1638
Hatch Jack 1304
Heaton David 930
Heckroth William 1608
Heddens Lisa 1339
Heil Jarret 1779
Helland Erik 1703
Hertle Terry 1769

Page 52

Himes Dena 1720

Hoffman Clarence 1114
Hogg Robert 1347
Holmes Danny 963
Horbach Lance 1088
Horn Wally 57
Houser Hubert 740
Howard Robert 1718
Hoy Tim 1651
Hubler Kurt 1807
Hulsizer John 1824
Hulsizer John 1685
Hunter Bruce 1488
Huseman Dan 881
Huser Geri 987
Hutter Joe 1486
Isenhart Charles 1722
Jacobs Elizabeth 868
Jacoby David 1491
Jech Jane 1723
Jochum Pam 731
Johnson David 1115
Johnson Jamie 1700
Johnson Merle 1628
Kapucian Tim 1724
Kaufmann Jeff 1497
Kearns Jerry 1757
Kelley Doris J. 1641
Kerr David 1770
Kettering Steve 699
Kibbie John 464
Kinley George 67
Klein Jarad 1705
Koester Kevin 1735
Kohlsdorf Eric 1802
Koslow Alan 1780
Kreiman Keith 778
Kressig Bob 1504
Kuhn Mark 1131
Lalk David 1359
Lawyer Gretchen 1748
Lensing Vicki 1260
Littzen Michael 1817
Logan Cate 1698
Lorenzen Albert 1716
Lorenzen Austin 1704
Lozier Kaye 1384
Lukan Steven 1428
Lundby Mary 952
Lykam Jim 1397
Manternach Gene 1208
Marek Larry 1707
Mascher Mary 863

Page 53

Mauro Michael 5114

May William "Mike" 1509
McCarthy Kevin 1385
McClure Rick 1825
McCoy Matt 703
McKibben Larry 965
McKinley Paul 1269
McLaughlin Dave 1778
Meisterling Mary 1499
Mennig Adam 1803
Mertz Dolores 527
Miller Helen 1445
Miller Linda 1611
Miller Tom 5064
Mineart John 1681
Mokricky Victor 1792
Montross Christopher 1687
Mosiman Jeffrey 1783
Mulder Dave W 1496
Murphy Patrick 564
Nelson Chris 1762
Nemecek Emma 1760
Noble Larry L. 1626
Northey William 5123
O'Brien Denise A. 5119
Oldson Jo 1326
Olive Richard 1645
Olson Donovan 1392
Olson Rick 1560
Olson Steve 1387
Olson Tyler 1602
Oswald Lou 1790
Owen Michael 1353
Owens Sharon 1674
Palmer Eric J. 1545
Parker James 1743
Paulsen Kraig 1318
Paustian Ross 1708
Petersen Janet 1206
Pettengill Dawn 1507
Pfaltzgraf Matt 1739
Phoenix John 1315
Potts Kathy 1734
Putney John 1319
Quirk Brian 1255
Quirmbach Herman 1356
Radke Susan 1640
Raecker Scott 1123
Ragan Amanda 1336
Rainer Randall 1795
Rants Christopher 662
Rasmussen Dan 1329
Rayhons Henry 968

Page 54

Reasoner Michael 1343

Reichert Nathan K. 1553
Reisetter Matt 1631
Reynolds Kim 1731
Rhodes Ryan 1801
Richards Stephen 1728
Rielly Tom 1516
Roberts Rod 1110
Robinson Mike 1788
Rogers Walt 1751
Rosmann Ron 1729
Sands Thomas 1467
Sanger Chris 1767
Satern Debra 1756
Savage Sharon 1714
Schickel Bill 1408
Schissel Randal 1721
Schmitz Rebecca 1606
Schoenjahn Brian H. 1534
Schueller Thomas J. 1505
Schulte Renee 1713
Schultz Jason 1715
Seng Joe 1282
Seymour James 1411
Shatzer Don 1750
Shomshor Paul 1490
Sibert Karla 1786
Smith Doug 1772
Smith Mark 1247
Smith Roby 1647
Smith Ruth 1738
Smith Steven 1823
Sodders Steven 1702
Soderberg Charles 1492
Sokolowski Lori 1771
Sorensen Albert 1749
Sorenson Kent 1794
Staed Art 1586
Steckman Sharon 1747
Stewart Roger T. 1363
Strosahl Scott 1787
Struyk Doug 1416
Sturgis Joseph 1775
Sullivan Jerry 1745
Svejda Steve 1791
Swaim Kurt 1357
Swanson Steve 1479
Sweeney Annette 1776
Taylor Jeremy 1701
Taylor Richard 1217
Taylor Todd 957
Temere Susan 1752
Templeton T. J. 1793

Page 55

Thede Phyllis 1688

Thomas Roger 1046
Thompson Doug 1710
Thomsen Jackie 1830
Tjepkes David 1355
Tomenga Walt 1596
Tornquist Scott 1727
Tymeson Jodi 1211
Upmeyer Linda 1400
Van Bruggen James 1742
Van Engelenhoven Jim 1099
Van Fossen James K 851
Van Roekel Jonathan 1811
Van Scoyoc Jim 1806
Van Zante Pat 1761
Vandall Adam 1666
Vaske Ken 1812
Vaudt David 5104
Venable-Ridley Carlos 1796
Voorhees Larry 1821
Wagner Nick 1619
Ward Pat 1500
Warnstadt Steven 870
Waterman Steve 1508
Watts Ralph 1334
Wearmouth Rebecca 1797
Welper Ron 1597
Wendt Roger 1369
Wenthe Andrew 1613
Wessel-Kroeschell Beth 1526
Whitaker John 1434
White Darren 1754
Whitead Wes 1444
Wieck Ron 1439
Wiencek Tami 1661
Wilhelm Mary Jo 1717
Willems Nate 1753
Winckler Cindy 1229
Windschitl Matt 1639
Wise Philip 315
Wood Frank 1563
Worthan Gary 1697
Yackle Mark 5124
Zaun Brad 1521
Zieman Mark 1243
Zirkelbach Ray 1535

Page 56


Citizens for Ako Abdul-Samad 1-17-09 WRS
Abolt for Senate 1-19-09 WRS
Alons for Representative Committee 1-13-09 WRS
Citizens for Andy Anderson 1-19-09 WRS
Citizens for Anderson 1-09-09 WRS
Angelo for Senate 1-19-09 WRS
Appel for Senate 01/07/2009 usps
Arnold for House 1-18-09 WRS
Askew for Agriculture 2002 01/20/2009 fax
Avenarius for House District 32 1-20-09 WRS
Bailey for State House 1-09-09 WRS
Ballard for State Representative 01/20/2009 fax
Cayla Baresel for State Representative 1-20-09 e-mail
Barnett for North Des Moines 01/14/2009 fax
Citizens for Good Government 01/20/2009 fax
Baudler for State Representative 1-15-09 WRS
People for Beall 01/20/2009 usps
Beard for State House 01/15/2009 fax
Chris Bearden for State Representative 1-16-09 WRS
Behn for Senate 1-15-09 WRS
Paul Bell for State Representative 01/15/2009 hd
Committee to Elect Scott A. Belt 01/20/2009 fax
Berry for Iowa House of Representatives 01/16/2009 fax
Team Bertrand 1-19-09 e-mail
Best for the Statehouse 1-31-09 WRS
Dennis Black for State Senate 01/20/2009 hd
Nancy Boettger for State Senate Committee 01/20/2009 hd
Joan Fitzpatrick Bolin for State Treasurer 01/16/2009 hd
Joe Bolkcom for Iowa Senate 1-16-09 WRS
Citizens for Bolluyt 2-04-09 usps pm 2-3
Braden for Senate 12-11-08 WRS
Brandenburg for Iowa Senate 12-31-08 WRS
Brown for Senate 01/20/2009 fax
Polly Bukta Campaign Committee 1-14-09 WRS
Kerry Burt for State Representative 1-20-09 WRS
Maxine Bussanmas for State Rep. 1-20-09 WRS
Camerer for State Representative 01/20/2009 fax
The Carroll Committee 1-20-09 WRS
Chambers for Iowa House 01/05/2009 usps
Citizens for Childers 1-12-09 WRS
Clute for State House Committee 1-5-09 USPS
Cohoon for Representative 01/09/2008 usps
Iowans for Connell 01/20/2009 fax
Citizens for Connolly 01/06/2009 usps
Cooper for State Representative 01/21/2009 usps p.m. 1-20
Free Citizens for Cooper 01/21/2009 usps p.m. 1-20
Courtney for State Senate Committee 01/14/2009 usps
Cownie for Statehouse 1-18-09 WRS
Citizens for Creasman 12-30-08 WRS
Chet Culver Committee 1-20-09 e-mail
Swati Dandekar Campaign Committee 1-03-09 WRS
Danielson for Senate 01/20/2009 fax

Page 57

Davitt for House 1-19-09 WRS

Betty De Boef Committee 1-16-09 WRS
Dearden for State Senate Committee 01/13/2009 hd
Demichelis for State Representative 1-19-09 WRS
Deyoe for House 1-5-09 WRS
Disney for Iowa House 01/23/2009 usps p.m. 1-22
Dolecheck for Representative 1-07-09 WRS
Citizens to Elect Bill Dotzler 1-14-09 WRS
Jack Drake for State Representative 1-12-09 WRS
Drury for Iowa Senate 1-16-09 WRS
Committee to Elect Robert E. Dvorsky 01/20/2009 usps
Josh Eaton for State Representative 01/06/2009 fax
Ann Fairchild for Iowa State House 01/05/2009 fax
Fallon for Governor 11-30-08 WRS
Fedler for Representative 01/16/2009 fax
Randy Feenstra Iowa Senate Committee 1-17-09 WRS
Gene Ficken for State Representative 1-20-09 fax
Firman for House 1-22-09 WRS
Iowans for Fitzgerald 1-20-09 WRS
Flaherty for the House 01/20/2009 hd
Foege for Citizens 01/20/2009 fax
Citizens to Re-Elect Wayne Ford 01/20/2009 fax
Committee to Elect Greg Foristall 01/20/2009 fax
Fraise for Senate 01/15/2009 fax
Franzen for House District 16 1-07-09 WRS
Frevert for the House 01/20/2009 hd
Friedrichsen for Iowa 1-26-09 p.m. 1-15
Garrett for Senate Committee 1-20-09 WRS
Garvin for State Representative 1-12-09 h.d.
Gaskill for State Representative 1-13-09 USPS
Gaskill for Senate 01/22/2009 usps p.m. 1-20
Elesha Gayman for Iowa 01/20/2009 fax
Citizens for Gentry 12-29-08 USPS
Gibson for Iowa's Future 01/20/2009 fax
Granzow for State House Committee 01/16/2009 fax
Citizens for Pat Grassley
Greenlee for Iowa House Committee 01/20/2009 fax
Citizens to Elect Sandy Greiner 01/06/2009 usps
Citizens for Gronstal 1-20-09 WRS
Michael Hadley for Senate 1-07-09 WRS
Hageman for State House
Hagenow for Iowa House 01/20/2009 hd
Committee to Elect Jim Hahn 1-13-09 WRS
Committee to Elect Shawn Hamerlinck 01/20/2009 fax
Hancock for Senate 01/20/2009 hd
Iowans for Hartsuch 01/20/2009 fax
Neighbors for Hatch 1-20-09 WRS
Citizens for Heaton 01/20/2009 fax
Heckroth for Senate 01/20/2009 fax
Committee to Elect Lisa Heddens 01/14/2009 hd
Heil for Senate 1-06-09 WRS
Friends of Helland 01/20/2009 hd
Terry Hertle for State Representative 01/21/2009 usps pm. 1-20

Page 58

Himes for House 01/20/2009 usps

Hoffman for Iowa House 1-6-09 WRS
Citizens for Rob Hogg 1-5-09 WRS
IM4IA Committee to Elect Holmes 01/16/2009 usps
Horbach for House of Representatives 1-13-09 WRS
Re-election of Wally Horn Committee 01/21/2009 usps p.m. 1-20
People for Houser 01/20/2009 hd
Committee to Elect Robert E. Howard 01/16/2009 usps
Hoy for House 1-18-09 WRS
Kurt Hubler for State Representative 01/20/2009 usps
Committee to Elect John Hulsizer for State Senate
Committee to elect Hulsizer for House
Committee to Elect Bruce Hunter 01/20/2009 hd
The Daniel A. Huseman Election Committee 01/20/2009 usps
Huser for State Representative 1-20-09 WRS
Hutter for the House 01/20/2009 usps
Isenhart Campaign for the Common Good 1-19-09 WRS
Jacobs Committee 1-19-09 WRS
Jacoby for House 1-18-09 WRS
Jane Jech for Iowa House 1-19-09 WRS
People for Pam Jochum 1-18-09 WRS
Johnson for Senate District #3 01/20/2009 hd
Johnson for Iowa House 1-19-09 WRS
Citizens for Johnson 01/20/2009 hd
Kapucian for State Senate 1-14-08 fax
Jeff Kaufmann for State Representative 1-14-09 WRS
Kearns for State Representative Committee 01/20/2009 usps
Doris Kelley for Iowa House 1-17-09 WRS
Kerr for Senate 1-19-09 WRS
Kettering Campaign 01/09/2009 fax
Kibbie for Senate 01/14/2009 usps
George Kinley for Senate 01/20/2009 usps
Klein for Statehouse 01/20/2009 fax
Kevin Koester for House
Iowans for Kohlsdorf 01/20/2009 hd
Koslow for Iowa's Health 1-17-09 WRS
Keith A. Kreiman for Senate 1-20-09 WRS
Kressig for Iowa House District 19 1-16-09 WRS
Citizens for Kuhn 1-20-09 WRS
Lalk for Statehouse Committee 01/21/2009 usps p.m. 1-20
Citizens for Gretchen Lawyer 1-16-09 WRS
Lensing for House District #78 1-16-09 WRS
Elect Littzen 1-07-09 WRS
Committee to Elect Cate Logan 2-04-09 fax
Team Lorenzen 1-20-09 WRS
Lorenzen for Iowa's Future 1-18-09 WRS
Kaye Lozier for State Senate 1-18-09 WRS
Committee to Elect Steve Lukan 01/20/2009 hd
Lundby for Iowa Senate 1-20-09 WRS
Friends of Jim Lykam 01/08/2009 certified
People for Gene Manternach 1-21-09 WRS
Marek for State Representative 1-05-09 WRS
Committee to Elect Mascher 01/20/2009 usps

Page 59

Committee to Elect Michael A. Mauro 01/15/2009 hd

May for Iowa House 1-20-09 WRS
McCarthy for State Representative/McCarthy for Iowa 1-20-09 WRS
Rick McClure State Rep. Committee 1-20-09 e-mail
Committee to Elect Matt McCoy 1-20-09 WRS
McKibben for Senate Committee 01/19/2009 usps
McKinley for State Senate 1-09-09 WRS
Iowans for Dave McLaughlin 12-31-08 WRS
Meisterling for State House 1-16-09 WRS
The People for Mennig 1-26-09
Mertz for Representative 01/13/2009 fax
Committee to Elect Helen Miller 01/14/2009 usps
Concerned Citizens for Miller 01/20/2009 fax
Iowans for Miller 01/20/2009 hd
John Mineart for State Senate 01/14/2009 hd
Mokricky for Iowa House 01/13/2009 fax
Montross for District 76
Citizen's for Jeff Mosiman Iowa House 01/20/2009 fax
Citizens for Dave Mulder 1-14-09 fax
Murphy for State Representative 01/20/2009 hd
Chris Nelson Campaign Fund 1-4-09 WRS
Emma Nemecek 08 1-16-09 WRS
Noble for Senate 01/20/2009 fax
Northey for Iowa Agriculture 1-19-09 WRS
O'Brien for Secretary of Agriculture
Oldson for State Representative 01/20/2009 hd
Olive the Supporters of Rich for Senate 1-19-09 WRS
Olson for State Representative Committee 1-19-09 WRS
Committee to Elect Rick Olson 01/20/2009 hd
Steve Olson for State Representative 1-15-09 WRS
Committee to Elect Tyler Olson 1-16-09 WRS
Lou Oswald for State House 27 01/20/2009 fax
Owen for Iowans 01/20/2009 usps
Committee to Elect Sharon Owens 1-20-09 e-mail
Palmer for State Representative 1-19-09 WRS
Jim Parker for Senate 01/21/2009 usps p.m. 1-20
Paulsen for State House Committee 1-18-09 WRS
Paustian for State House 1-18-09 WRS
Petersen for State Representative 01/20/2009 hd
Pettengill for Iowans 01/20/2009 hd
Matt Pfaltzgraf for State Representative
Campaign to Elect John Phoenix 01/16/2009 hd
People for Potts 1-16-09 WRS
Putney for Senate 1-15-09 WRS
Brian Quirk for State Representative 1-20-09 h.d.
Quirmbach for Senate 01/15/2009 hd
Vote Radke 01/20/2009 fax
Raecker for State Representative Committee 1-19-09 WRS
Amanda Ragan for Iowa Senate 1-14-09 WRS
Committee to elect Rainer State Representative 1-20-09 WRS
Rants for State House 01/14/2009 usps
Friends of Rasmussen for Iowa House 01/08/2009 express mail
Rayhons for Representative 01/14/2009 usps

Page 60

Reasoner for State Representative 01/20/2009 hd

Committee to Elect Nathan Reichert 01/20/2009 fax
Reisetter for Iowa House 1-17-09 WRS
Reynolds for Senate 1-19-09 WRS
Committee to Elect Rhodes 1-20-09 WRS
Citizens for Richards 01/05/2009 UPS next day
Rielly for Senate 1-07-09 WRS
Rod Roberts for Iowa House 1-18-09 WRS
Robinson for Iowa 35 1-17-09 WRS
Walt Rogers for Iowa 01/20/2009 fax
Ron Rosmann for State Representative 01/15/2009 fax
Sands for State House 1-12-09 WRS
Sanger for State Representative 01/16/2009 hd
Committee to Elect Debra Satern for State House
Savage for Senate Committee 01/22/2009 usps p.m. 1-20
Citizens for Bill Schickel 01/20/2009 usps
Schissel for Iowa House 1-20-09 WRS
Schmitz for Senate 1-09-09 WRS
Citizens for Schoenjahn 1-16-09 WRS
Citizens for Schueller 1-02-09 WRS
Concerned Taxpayers for Schulte 1-20-09 WRS
Friends of Jason Schultz 01/20/2009 hd
Committee to Elect Joe Seng 1-12-09 fax
Seymour for Senate 01/14/2009 hd
Citizens for Don Shatzer 1-14-09 WRS
Shomshor for Iowa House 01/20/2009 certified
Citizens for Sibert 1-16-09 WRS
Doug Smith for House of Representatives 1-21-09 WRS
Mark Smith for Iowa House 1-20-09 WRS
Smith for State House 01/20/2009 fax
Ruth Smith for State Senate 1-18-09 WRS
Iowans for Steve Smith 1-12-09 fax
Sodders for State Senate 01/20/2009 fax
Soderberg for House 1-16-09 WRS
Sokolowski for State Representative Committee 1-16-09 WRS
Sorensen for Senate Committee 1-15-09 WRS
Sorenson for Statehouse 1-19-09 WRS
Committee to Elect Art Staed 01/20/2009 usps
Citizens for Sharon Steckman 1-16-09 WRS
Citizens for Stewart 01/16/2009 fax
Strosahl for Senate
Citizens for Struyk 01/20/2009 fax
Sturgis for Iowa Statehouse 01/20/2009 fax
Sullivan for State Representative 1-11-09 WRS
Steve Svejda 08 1-19-09 WRS
Swaim for House 1-19-09 e-mail
Steve Swanson Campaign Committee 1-13-09 WRS
Sweeney for State House 01/20/2009 fax
Taylor for Iowa House 12-31-08 WRS
Dick Taylor for State Representative 1-16-09 WRS
Taylor for Representative 1-16-09 WRS
Friends of Susan Temere 01/20/2009 fax
Committee for T. J. Templeton 1-19-09 WRS

Page 61

Thede for Iowa Families 1-17-09 WRS

People for Roger Thomas 01/08/2009 hd
Thompson for State Senate 01/20/2009 fax
Grass Roots for Thomsen 11-17-08 fax
David Tjepkes for Iowa House Committee 01/09/2008 usps
Tomenga for State Representative 01/07/2009 hd
Citizens for Tornquist 1-15-09 WRS
Tymeson for House 1-10-09 WRS
Upmeyer for House 01/20/2009 fax
Voters for Van Bruggen 1-19-09 WRS
Jim Van Engelenhoven Election for State Representative Committee 1-05-09 WRS
Iowans for Van Fossen 01/20/2009 fax
Citizens to Elect Van Roekel 1-19-09 e-mail
Jim Van Scoyoc for State Representative 01/20/2009 fax
Pat Van Zante Campaign Committee 1-20-09 e-mail
Vandall for Iowa House 1-19-09 WRS
Ken Vaske Campaign 1-19-09 WRS
Vaudt for State Auditor 1-18-09 WRS
Carlos Venable-Ridley Candidate for Iowa State Representative 1-19-09 WRS
Voorhees for State House 01/20/2009 hd
Nick Wagner for State House 1-16-09 WRS
Ward for Senate 1-19-09 WRS
Warnstadt for Senate Committee 1-18-09 WRS
Waterman for State Senate 01/15/2009 fax
Watts for House 1-20-09 WRS
Rebecca Wearmouth for Iowa Senate 1-19-09 WRS
Welper for State Representative Committee 01/09/2009 fax
Committee to Elect Roger Wendt State Representative 1-20-09 WRS
Citizens to Elect Andrew Wenthe 1-19-09 e-mail
Citizens for Wessel-Kroeschell 01/16/2009 usps
Committee to Elect John Whitaker 1-11-09 WRS
White for State Rep. Dist. 28 1-11-09 WRS
Committee to Elect Wes Whitead 01/20/2009 fax
Wieck for Iowa Senate 01/23/2009 usps
Citizens for Wiencek 12-30-08 USPS
Wilhelm for Iowa Senate 01/20/2009 fax
Citizens for Willems 01/16/2009 fax
Winckler for State House 01/09/2009 fax
Win With Windschitl 01/16/2009 fax
Wise Voters 12-29-08 USPS
Frank Wood for Senate 1-10-09 WRS
Worthan for Iowa House 1-21-09 WRS
Yackle for Governor
Zaun for Iowa Senate 1-06-09 WRS
Mark Zieman for Senate Committee 1-02-09 WRS
Citizens for Zirkelbach 01/13/2009 usps

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