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committee # Committee Name district

1604 Citizens for Ako Abdul-Samad HD66

1908 Alcazar for State Representative HD49
1104 Alons for Representative Committee HD04
1926 Elect Ambrose HD86
1609 Citizens for Andy Anderson HD37
1884 Friends of Bill Anderson SD27
1494 Citizens for Anderson HD97
1603 Appel for Senate SD37
681 Arnold for House HD72
1883 Friends for Roger Arthur HD18
1660 Avenarius for House District 32 HD32
1842 Friends of Rob Bacon SD05
1665 Bailey for State House HD09
1759 Ballard for State Representative HD42
1864 Baltimore for Iowa House HD48
1909 Bangert for State Representative HD08
318 Citizens for Good Government SD06
1892 Carla Batchelor for Iowa HD81
1105 Baudler for State Representative HD58
1361 People for Beall SD25
1736 Beard for State House HD16
1904 Iowans for Ryan Beardshear HD02
1880 Darin Beck for Iowa House HD19
1854 Behn for Senate SD24
765 Paul Bell for State Representative HD41
1393 Berry for Iowa House of Representatives HD22
1755 Team Bertrand HD02
7 Dennis Black for State Senate SD21
1931 Darlene Blake HD61 Committee HD61
890 Nancy Boettger for State Senate Committee SD29
1120 Joe Bolkcom for Iowa Senate SD39
1374 Citizens for Bolluyt SD23
1874 Friends of Tod Bowman SD13
1889 Brandenburg for Iowa House HD100
1838 Friends For Breitbach HD24
1899 Team Bryan for Iowa HD02
1836 Stephen Burgmeier for Iowa HD90
1834 Citizens for Burke HD34
1782 Kerry Burt for State Representative HD21
1845 Byrnes for Statehouse HD14
1954 Calhoun for Senate SD35
1918 Carnahan for Iowa House HD84
1333 Chambers for Iowa House HD05
1923 Chelgren for Iowa Senate SD47
1868 Clewell for Senate SD41
1934 Clubb for State Representative HD76
376 Cohoon for Representative HD88
1344 Courtney for State Senate Committee SD44
1711 Cownie for Statehouse HD60
1765 Citizens for Creasman HD56
1324 Swati Dandekar Campaign Committee SD18
1338 Danielson for Senate SD10
1395 Davitt for House HD74
1875 Dawson for Iowa House HD01
1237 Betty De Boef Committee HD76
840 Dearden for State Senate Committee SD34
1686 Deyoe for House HD10
1951 Dave Dicks for Iowa House HD68
1913 Dirkxhouse 51 HD51
1805 Disney for Iowa House HD67
1846 Friends for Dix SD09
990 Dolecheck for Representative HD96
1040 Citizens to Elect Bill Dotzler SD11
727 Jack Drake for State Representative HD57
1567 Drury for Iowa Senate SD06
290 Committee to Elect Robert E. Dvorsky SD15
1872 Enos for Senate SD21
1952 Ernst for State Senate SD48
1777 Randy Feenstra Iowa Senate Committee SD02
1719 Gene Ficken for State Representative HD23
922 Flaherty for the House HD68
1061 Citizens to Re-Elect Wayne Ford HD65
1680 Committee to Elect Greg Foristall HD98
293 Fraise for Senate SD46
1017 Frevert for the House HD07
1784 Friedrichsen for Iowa HD55
1849 Fry for Iowa House HD95
1924 Ruth Ann Gaines for State Representative HD65
1654 Garrett for Statehouse Committee HD73
1915 Gartin for Senate SD23
1376 Gaskill for State Representative HD93
1600 Elesha Gayman for Iowa HD84
1900 Voters for Gerhart HD44
1381 Granzow for State House Committee HD44
1605 Citizens for Pat Grassley HD17
1885 Citizens to Elect Greiner SD45
1612 Citizens for Gronstal SD50
1798 Hageman for State House HD19
1737 Hagenow for Iowa House HD59
1941 Bob Hager for Iowa House HD16
656 Committee to Elect Jim Hahn SD40
1893 Hall for Iowa HD02
1740 Committee to Elect Shawn Hamerlinck SD42
1502 Hancock for Senate SD16
1835 Curt Hanson for State Representative HD90
1922 Iowans for Mary Ann Hanusa HD99
1638 Iowans for Hartsuch SD41
1304 Neighbors for Hatch SD33
930 Citizens for Heaton HD91
1608 Heckroth for Senate SD09
1339 Committee to Elect Lisa Heddens HD46
1886 Hein for State House HD31
1703 Friends of Helland HD69
1932 Hodoly for House HD93
1347 Citizens for Rob Hogg SD19
1088 Horbach for House of Representatives HD40
57 Re-election of Wally Horn Committee SD17
740 People for Houser SD49
1718 Committee to Elect Robert E. Howard HD80
1651 Hoy for House HD44
1807 Kurt Hubler for State Representative HD99
1488 Committee to Elect Bruce Hunter HD62
881 The Daniel A. Huseman Election Committee HD53
987 Huser for State Representative HD42
1863 Huston for House HD47
1722 Isenhart Campaign for the Common Good HD27
1881 Iverson for House HD09
1491 Jacoby for House HD30
1723 Jane Jech for Iowa House HD43
731 People for Pam Jochum SD14
1115 Johnson for Senate District #3 SD03
1929 Johnson for St Rep HD94
1628 Citizens for Johnson SD35
1855 Jorgensen for Iowa House HD54
1897 Anesa Kajtazovic for Iowa House HD21
1724 Kapucian for State Senate SD20
1497 Jeff Kaufmann for State Representative HD79
1757 Kearns for State Representative Committee HD92
1946 Dan Kelley for State Representative HD41
1641 Doris Kelley for Iowa House HD20
1938 Kennedy for Iowa House HD64
1891 Paul Kern for State Representative HD28
699 Kettering Campaign SD26
464 Kibbie for Senate SD04
1705 Klein for Statehouse HD89
1735 Kevin Koester for House HD70
1780 Koslow for Iowa's Health HD60
778 Keith A. Kreiman for Senate SD47
1504 Kressig for Iowa House District 19 HD19
1260 Lensing for House District #78 HD78
1844 Team LOFGREN HD80
1704 Lorenzen for Iowa's Future HD18
1428 Committee to Elect Steve Lukan HD32
1397 Friends of Jim Lykam HD85
1208 People for Gene Manternach HD31
1707 Marek for State Representative HD89
863 Committee to Elect Mascher HD77
1509 May for Iowa House HD06
1385 McCarthy for State Representative/McCarthy for Iowa HD67
703 Committee to Elect Matt McCoy SD31
1877 Andrew McDowell for Iowa HD59
1833 Friends of Chris McGonegle SD25
1856 McKinley for Iowa Governor
527 Mertz for Representative HD08
1867 Meyer for State House HD14
1445 Committee to Elect Helen Miller HD49
1611 Concerned Citizens for Miller HD82
1912 James Mills for Senate SD07
1905 Brian S Moore for State Senate District 13 SD13
1942 Muhlbauer for State Representative HD51
1850 Mullin for Iowa Senate SD01
564 Murphy for State Representative HD28
1896 Naeve for State Senate SD13
1950 Nieland for State Representative HD42
1626 Noble for Senate SD35
1326 Oldson for State Representative HD61
1645 Olive the Supporters of Rich for Senate SD05
1920 Dennis Olson for Representative HD11
1392 Olson for State Representative Committee HD48
1560 Committee to Elect Rick Olson HD68
1387 Steve Olson for State Representative HD83
1602 Committee to Elect Tyler Olson HD38
1831 Scott Ourth for State Representative HD74
1545 Palmer for State Representative HD75
1318 Paulsen for State House Committee HD35
1708 Paustian for State House HD84
1879 Joel Pawletzki for State Representative HD51
1894 Kim Pearson Iowa House HD42
1945 Iowans for Peters SD15
1206 Petersen for State Representative HD64
1507 Pettengill for Iowans HD39
1739 Matt Pfaltzgraf for State Representative HD70
1943 TWPierce for State Representative HD73
1933 Pirillo for Senate SD21
1907 Marty Pottebaum for State Senate SD27
1319 Putney for Senate SD20
1255 Brian Quirk for State Representative HD15
1356 Quirmbach for Senate SD23
1123 Raecker for State Representative Committee HD63
1336 Amanda Ragan for Iowa Senate SD07
1940 Brian Randall for Iowa House HD13
1329 Friends of Rasmussen for Iowa House HD23
968 Rayhons for Representative HD11
1343 Reasoner for State Representative HD95
1553 Committee to Elect Nathan Reichert HD80
1631 Reisetter for Iowa House HD19
1731 Reynolds for Senate SD48
1516 Rielly for Senate SD38
1898 Committee to Elect Mark J. Riley SD43
1751 Walt Rogers for Iowa HD20
1936 John Rooff for Iowa House HD21
1914 Rose for Iowa House HD26
1859 Rulapaugh for House HD18
1847 Iowans for Kirsten Running-Marquardt HD33
1903 Sachs for Iowa House HD63
1878 Friends of Sandy Salmon HD18
1467 Sands for State House HD87
1756 Committee to Elect Debra Satern for State House HD07
1714 Savage for Senate Committee SD40
1408 Citizens for Bill Schickel HD13
1721 Schissel for Iowa House HD16
1606 Schmitz for Senate SD45
1534 Citizens for Schoenjahn SD12
1911 Schondelmeyer For Senate SD49
1505 Citizens for Schueller HD25
1713 Concerned Taxpayers for Schulte HD37
1715 Friends of Jason Schultz HD55
1873 Seidl for State Representative HD37
1947 Dave Selmon for State Rep HD88
1282 Committee to Elect Joe Seng SD43
1895 Karin Sevde for Representative HD45
1411 Seymour for Senate SD28
1832 Committee to Elect Tom Shaw HD08
1490 Shomshor for Iowa House HD100
1772 Doug Smith for House of Representatives HD95
1853 Jeff Smith for Iowa House HD06
1247 Mark Smith for Iowa House HD43
1647 Smith for Senate SD41
1738 Ruth Smith for State Senate SD48
1702 Sodders for State Senate SD22
1492 Soderberg for House HD03
1794 Sorenson for Statehouse SD37
1861 Spencer for Iowa House HD10
1586 Committee to Elect Art Staed HD37
1747 Citizens for Sharon Steckman HD13
1860 Steenhoek for House HD46
1363 Citizens for Stewart SD13
1416 Citizens for Struyk HD99
1357 Swaim for House HD94
1479 Steve Swanson Campaign Committee HD82
1776 Sweeney for State House HD44
1901 Swersie Campaign Fund HD41
1701 Taylor for Iowa House HD01
957 Taylor for Representative HD34
1688 Thede for Iowa Families HD81
1046 People for Roger Thomas HD24
1710 Thompson for State Senate SD06
1848 Iowans for Josh Thurston HD33
1355 David Tjepkes for Iowa House Committee HD50
1727 Citizens for Tornquist HD13
1400 Upmeyer for House HD12

1099 Jim Van Engelenhoven Election for State Representative Committe HD71
851 Iowans for Van Fossen HD81
1761 Pat Van Zante Campaign Committee HD71
1887 Vander Linden for Iowa HD75

1796 Carlos Venable-Ridley Candidate for Iowa State Representative HD54

1619 Nick Wagner for State House HD36
1500 Ward for Senate SD30
1906 Warner for House HD42
870 Warnstadt for Senate Committee SD01
1334 Watts for House HD47
1597 Welper for Iowa State Senate SD11
1613 Citizens to Elect Andrew Wenthe HD18
1526 Citizens for Wessel-Kroeschell HD45
1444 Committee to Elect Wes Whitead HD01
1953 Friends of Whitver SD35
1439 Wieck for Iowa Senate SD27
1661 Citizens for Wiencek HD21
1717 Wilhelm for Iowa Senate SD08
1753 Citizens for Willems HD29
1229 Winckler for State House HD86
1639 Win With Windschitl HD56
1910 Wittneben for State Representative HD07
1866 Mary Wolfe for IA House HD26
1697 Worthan for Iowa House HD52
1521 Zaun for Iowa Senate SD32
1243 Mark Zieman for Senate Committee SD08
1535 Citizens for Zirkelbach HD31
Name Party
Abdul-Samad, Ako Dem
Alcazar, Matthew Rep
Alons, Dwayne Rep
Ambrose, Ray Rep
Anderson, Andy Rep
Anderson, Bill Rep
Anderson, Richard T. Rep
Appel, Staci Dem
Arnold, Richard Rep
Arthur, Roger Rep
Avenarius, Tom Dem
Bacon, Robert Rep
Bailey, McKinley Dem
Ballalatak, Deb Dem
Ballard, Matthew Dem
Baltimore, Chip Rep
Bangert, Susan Dem
Bartz, Merlin Rep
Batchelor, Carla Rep
Baudler, Clel Rep
Beall, Daryl Dem
Beard, John Dem
Beardshear, Ryan Rep
Beck, Darin Rep
Behn, Jerry Rep
Bell, Paul Dem
Berry, Deborah Dem
Bertrand, Rick Rep
Black, Dennis Dem
Blake, Darlene Rep
Boettger, Nancy Rep
Bolkcom, Joe Dem
Bolluyt, Karen Dem
Bowman, Tod Dem
Brandenburg, Mark Rep
Breitbach, Michael Rep
Bryan, Catherine Rep
Burgmeier, Stephen Rep
Burke, Jim Rep
Burt, Kerry Dem
Byrnes, Joshua Rep
Calhoun, John Democratic
Carnahan, Sheri Dem
Chambers, Royd Rep
Chelgren, Mark Rep
Clewell, Richard Dem
Clubb, Nathan Dem
Cohoon, Dennis Dem
Courtney, Thomas Dem
Cownie, Peter Rep
Creasman, Jan Dem
Dandekar, Swati Dem
Danielson, Jeff Dem
Davitt, Mark Dem
Dawson, David Dem
De Boef, Betty Rep
Dearden, Dick Dem
Deyoe, David Rep
Dicks, Dave Republican
Dirkx, Daniel Rep
Disney, Larry Rep
Dix, Bill Rep
Dolecheck, Cecil Rep
Dotzler, William Dem
Drake, Jack Rep
Drury, John Dem
Dvorsky, Robert Dem
Enos, Wesley Rep
Ernst, Joni Rep
Feenstra, Randy Rep
Ficken, Gene Dem
Flaherty, Daniel Dem
Ford, Wayne Dem
Forristall, Greg Rep
Fraise, Eugene Dem
Frevert, Marcella Dem
Friedrichsen, Don Rep
Fry, N. Joel Rep
Gaines, Ruth Dem
Garrett, Julian Rep
Gartin, Timothy Rep
Gaskill, Mary Dem
Gayman, Elesha Dem
Gerhart, Mike Dem
Granzow, Polly Rep
Grassley, Patrick Rep
Greiner, Sandra Rep
Gronstal, Michael Dem
Hageman, Carlin Rep
Hagenow, Christopher Rep
Hager, Bob Rep
Hahn, James Rep
Hall, Christopher Dem
Hamerlinck, Shawn Rep
Hancock, Tom Dem
Hanson, Curtis Dem
Hanusa, Mary Ann Rep
Hartsuch, David L. Rep
Hatch, Jack Dem
Heaton, David Rep
Heckroth, William Dem
Heddens, Lisa Dem
Hein, Lee Rep
Helland, Erik Rep
Hodoly, Jane Rep
Hogg, Robert Dem
Horbach, Lance Rep
Horn, Wally Dem
Houser, Hubert Rep
Howard, Robert Rep
Hoy, Tim Dem
Hubler, Kurt Dem
Hunter, Bruce Dem
Huseman, Dan Rep
Huser, Geri Dem
Huston, Roger Dem
Isenhart, Charles Dem
Iverson, Stewart Rep
Jacoby, David Dem
Jech, Jane Rep
Jochum, Pam Dem
Johnson, David Rep
Johnson, James Rep
Johnson, Merle Dem
Jorgensen, Ronald Rep
Kajtazovic, Anesa Dem
Kapucian, Tim Rep
Kaufmann, Jeff Rep
Kearns, Jerry Dem
Kelley, Daniel Dem
Kelley, Doris J. Dem
Kennedy, Dan Rep
Kern, Paul Rep
Kettering, Steve Rep
Kibbie, John Dem
Klein, Jarad Rep
Koester, Kevin Rep
Koslow, Alan Dem
Kreiman, Keith Dem
Kressig, Bob Dem
Lensing, Vicki Dem
Lofgren, Mark Rep
Lorenzen, Austin Rep
Lukan, Steven Rep
Lykam, Jim Dem
Manternach, Gene Rep
Marek, Larry Dem
Mascher, Mary Dem
Massie, Glen Rep
May, William "Mike" Rep
McCarthy, Kevin Dem
McCoy, Matt Dem
McDowell, Andrew Dem
McGonegle, Christopher Rep
McKinley, Paul Rep
Mertz, Dolores Dem
Meyer, Kurt Dem
Miller, Helen Dem
Miller, Lannie Rep
Miller, Linda Rep
Mills, James Rep
Moore, Brian Dem
Muhlbauer, Daniel Dem
Mullin, Rick Dem
Murphy, Patrick Dem
Naeve, Andrew Rep
Nieland, Daniel Independent
Noble, Larry L. Rep
Oldson, Jo Dem
Olive, Richard Dem
Olson, Dennis Rep
Olson, Donovan Dem
Olson, Rick Dem
Olson, Steve Rep
Olson, Tyler Dem
Ourth, Scott Dem
Palmer, Eric J. Dem
Paulsen, Kraig Rep
Paustian, Ross Rep
Pawletzki, Joel Rep
Pearson, Kim Rep
Peters, Christopher Lib
Petersen, Janet Dem
Pettengill, Dawn Rep
Pfaltzgraf, Matt Dem
Pierce, Timothy Dem
Pirillo, Joe Rep
Pottebaum, Marty Dem
Putney, John Rep
Quirk, Brian Dem
Quirmbach, Herman Dem
Raecker, Scott Rep
Ragan, Amanda Dem
Randall, Brian Rep
Rasmussen, Dan Rep
Rayhons, Henry Rep
Reasoner, Michael Dem
Reichert, Nathan K. Dem
Reisetter, Matt Rep
Reynolds, Kim Rep
Rielly, Tom Dem
Riley, Mark Rep
Rogers, Walt Rep
Rooff, John Rep
Rose, David Rep
Rulapaugh, Darin Rep
Running-Marquardt, Kirsten Dem
Sachs, John Dem
Salmon, Sandy Rep
Sands, Thomas Rep
Satern, Debra Rep
Savage, Sharon Dem
Schickel, Bill Rep
Schissel, Randal Rep
Schmitz, Rebecca Dem
Schoenjahn, Brian H. Dem
Schondelmeyer, Scott Dem
Schueller, Thomas J. Dem
Schulte, Renee Rep
Schultz, Jason Rep
Seidl, Mark Dem
Selmon, David Rep
Seng, Joe Dem
Sevde, Karin Rep
Seymour, James Rep
Shaw, Tom Rep
Shomshor, Paul Dem
Smith, Doug Rep
Smith, Jeff Rep
Smith, Mark Dem
Smith, Roby Rep
Smith, Ruth Dem
Sodders, Steven Dem
Soderberg, Charles Rep
Sorenson, Kent Rep
Spencer, Selden Dem
Staed, Art Dem
Steckman, Sharon Dem
Steenhoek, Chad Rep
Stewart, Roger T. Dem
Struyk, Doug Rep
Swaim, Kurt Dem
Swanson, Steve Dem
Sweeney, Annette Rep
Swersie, Gabriel Rep
Taylor, Jeremy Rep
Taylor, Todd Dem
Thede, Phyllis Dem
Thomas, Roger Dem
Thompson, Doug Dem
Thurston, Joshua Rep
Tjepkes, David Rep
Tornquist, Scott Rep
Upmeyer, Linda Rep

Van Engelenhoven, Jim Rep

Van Fossen, James K Rep
Van Zante, Pat Dem
Vander Linden, Guy Rep

Venable-Ridley, Carlos Dem

Wagner, Nick Rep
Ward, Pat Rep
Warner II, Aaron Rep
Warnstadt, Steven Dem
Watts, Ralph Rep
Welper, Ron Rep
Wenthe, Andrew Dem
Wessel-Kroeschell, Beth Dem
Whitead, Wes Dem
Whitver, Jack Rep
Wieck, Ron Rep
Wiencek, Tami Rep
Wilhelm, Mary Jo Dem
Willems, Nate Dem
Winckler, Cindy Dem
Windschitl, Matt Rep
Wittneben, John Dem
Wolfe, Mary Dem
Worthan, Gary Rep
Zaun, Brad Rep
Zieman, Mark Rep
Zirkelbach, Ray Dem
Address 1 Election Year
1506 18th St. 2010
1713 3rd Ave S 2010
1314 7th Street 2010
1721 Fillmore Street 2010
318 Revere Court NE 2006
1138 Mason Avenue 2010
P.O. Box 157 2010
10901 180th Ave. 2010
Route #2, Box 156 2010
18286 170th St 2010
600 Summer Dr 2008
422 First Street 2010
PO Box 64 2010
1522 618th Place 2010
613 18th Ct. SW 2008
521 S. Delaware St. 2010
108 W Kennedy St 2010
2081 410th St. 2008
4048 E 61st Blvd 2010
2260 Highway 25 2010
1928 N 22nd Street 2010
1592 Manawa Trail Rd 2010
PO Box 5441 2010
P.O. Box 1162 2010
1313 Quill Ave. 2012
611 E. 17th St N.
241 Madison Street 2010
1501 Peavey Street 2010
5239 E. 156th St. S. 2010
2906 Rose Avenue 2010
926 Ironwood Road 2010
728 2nd Avenue 2010
3938 Squaw Road 2002
812 Grant Street 2010
PO Box 501 2010
301 W. Mission St. 2010
PO Box 1521 2010
2213 Wintergreen BLVD 2010
1403 25th Street NW 2010
150 Hawthorne 2008
1479 380th St. 2010
766 White Tail Way 2011
2007 Emerald Dr 2010
1001 7th Street 2010
14470 Terminal Ave. 2010
253 Fernwood Avenue 2010
909 S. Main Street 2010
Box 157 2010
2200 Summer Street 2008
686 58th Place 2010
2055 Perkins Avenue 2008
2731 28th Avenue 2008
3906 Monterey Drive 2008
611 W. Ashland 2008
400 Essex Street 2010
10972 170th Street 2010
3113 Kinsey Avenue 2008
911 Shagbark Drive 2010
4106 Briarcliff Dr 2010
3523 370th St. 2010
215 Beech Blvd. 2008
PO Box 220 2010
703 N. Filmore 2010
2837 Cedar Terrace Dr. 2010
504 Adair Street 2010
205 Sixth Street South 2004
412 6th Street 2010
409 5th Street NW 2010
910 N 6th St 2010
641 2nd St 2008
1827 218th Street 2010
3924 Richmond Ave. 2004
P.O. Box 5042 2008
11917 370th St. 2010
Rt. 1 2008
P.O. Box 324 2008
1602 Highway 59 2008
1473 195th Ave. 2010
3501 Oxford St. 2010
19978 - 115th Ave. 2010
409 Duff 2010
509 E. 4th Street 2010
1515 Kenosha Court 2008
146 S. Oak St. 2010
22978 S 55th 2006
30496 Union Ave. 2010
1005 Hwy 92 2010
220 Bennett Ave. 2008
2931 Abraham DR 2008
1915 69th St. 2010
578 Lonnings Drive 2010
900 West 4th St. 2008
PO Box 4579 2010
2210 N. Nevada Avenue 2008
310 E. Main St. 2008
801 N. Court St. 2010
221 South Main Street 2010
2127 Nicholas Ct 2010
1623 Woodland Avenue 2010
510 E. Washington St. 2010
416 West Bremer Ave. 2010
4541 513th Avenue 2010
11989 Richland Rd 2010
6905 Jack London Drive 2010
162 W Alta Vista Ave 2010
2750 Otis Road SE 2010
1014 Oakland Drive 2010
101 Stoney Point Rd SW 2010
34697 Beechnut Road 2010
802 Iowa Ave. 2008
811 16th Ave., PO Box 126 2008
15 1/2 Bluff St. 2010
452 Wilmers Avenue 2010
P O Box 398 2010
213 7th Street NW 2010
1266 66th Street 2010
1665 Kaufmann Ave 2010
1944 Sandy Beach Rd 2010
2308 Northridge Drive 2010
125 W Merle Hibbs Blvd #250 2010
2368 Jackson Street 2008
P.O. Box 279 2010
24927 220th St 2010
216 SW Logan St. 2006
5921 Pine View DR 2010
1225 East Ridgeway 2010
1275 69th St. 2008
2125 Old Muscatine Road 2010
402 Hickory Terrace 2010
1104 W 11 Street SO 2010
1922 Mayfair Street 2010
1243 43rd Street 2010
74 Grandview Ave 2010
275 Crescent Park Drive 2008
P.O. Box 190 2008
1744 Keokuk Washington Rd 2010
3514 SW Edgewood Lane 2010
2716 Jordan Drive 2010
406 Parkview Drive 2010
3523 Veralta Dr 2010
2408 Mayfield Road 2010
P.O. Box 213 2010
321 8th St SW 2008
Box 15 2010
2906 W 35th Street 2010
9608 Maple Road 2004
1741 Riverside RD 2010
40 Gryn Court 2010
8054 Warren Dr. 2010
17024 255th Avenue 2008
5220 SE 31st Court 2010
110 35th Street 2010
5241 Dakota Drive 2010
2317 19th Ave. N. 2010
21884 483rd LN 2012
607 110th Street 2008
1360 487th Street 2010
1936 15th Avenue North 2010
301 1st Ave SW 2010
6766 Ridges Court 2010
104 3rd St NE 2010
18314 267th Street 2010
3316 370th Street 2010
3715 Cheyenne Blvd. 2010
155 North Grandview Ave. 2010
4166 135th St 2010
5055 NE 96th ST 2010
8915 NW Polk City Drive 2010
4004 Grand Ave # 302 2010
1264 Northridge Rd 2010
278 360th Street 2010
2103 Greene Street 2010
3012 E. 31st Ave. 2010
2731 221st Street 2010
P.O. Box 2389 2010
P.O. Box 395 2010
114 First Ave E 2010
P.O. Box 250 2010
389 West Parkview Drive 2010
22051 170th 2010
2951 SE 64th Street 2010
26 Forest Hill Place NE 2010
4300 Beaver Hills Drive 2010
P.O. Box 76 2010
713 NE Brook Haven 2008
2376 Millstream Ave 2010
2433 Guenever Court 2010
2920 S Glass 2010
1365 170th Street 2004
1011 Sunset 2010
1002 Jarrett Circle 2010
9011 Iltis Drive 2010
20 Granite Court SE 2010
PO Box 807 2010
1310 8th Ave NE 2010
610 Fairway Circle 2010
702 New York Avenue 2010
1155 Iowa Ave. 2010
1925 Main Street 2006
1010A Park Lane 2008
113 North Market St. 2008
1010 S. Ohio Ave 2010
4202 Briarwood Dr 2010
103 Ivanhoe 2010
4426 Bellevue Road 2010
4374 W Avenue 2010
3515 Field Stone PL SW 2010
5028 70th Street 2010
9711 Streeter Rd 2010
134 Orchard Lane 2010
320 W. 5th Ave. N. 2008
515 Lorenz 2008
1443 E. State 2006
108 Randall 2008
404 W. Washington 2010
221 Park Ave. 2008
402 Highway St 2010
503 W. Platt St. 2010
1734 Chestnut Lane NE 2010
Box 70, 611 Cedar St 2010
7725 Marquette Drive NE 2010
226 S 10th St 2010
4804 Northwest Blvd 2010
2417 Worle Lane 2010
901 White Street 2008
341 S 1st St 2010
3018 Avenue M 2010
1874 190th Ave. 2008
1006 Brooks North Lane 2010
816 Roberts Terrace 2010
2036 E 48th St 2010
1082 Forest St. 2008
Box 723, 202 5th Ave SE 2008
800 2nd St. S.E. 2010
P.O. Box 663 2010
823 Ashwood Drive 2010
2905 Alleghany DR NE 2008
1038 15th St. NE 2010
3892 N. 500th Ave. 2010
3936 317th Avenue 2006
219 Carson Avenue 2008
108 E. Jefferson 2010
4555 Aspen Hill Circle 2002
21547 Hwy S27 2010
1623 Monroe Drive 2010
3034 Pierce Street 2010
1416 A Avenue NW 2010
2343 Hawthorne Court 2010
17658 Domino Road 2010
1280 120th St. 2008
1812 Chandler Street NW 2010
P.O. Box 12 2010
1 Bittersweet 2008
2175 Pine Avenue 2010

2309 Keokuk DR 2010

2802 Middle Road 2008
1117 Big Rock Road 2010
1610 Carbonado Road 2010

P.O. Box 2577 2010

2785 Lansing Ct 2010
1545 Glen Oaks Drive 2008
1259 Bentwood Court 2010
3301 Chambers Street 2006
28232 Prospect Ave. 2010
1120 W 8th St. 2010
PO Box 123 2010
518 Ash Ave 2010
2108 Roosevelt 2008
2819 SW Chestnut Drive 2011
4362 Old Lakeport Road 2006
5637 Blue Sage RD 2008
414 North Elm 2008
110 W. Market 2010
6 Thode Court 2010
222 West Huron 2010
303 W 2nd Street N 2010
337 4th Ave South 2010
5647 105 Avenue 2010
7032 Holcomb Ave. 2008
284 Luana Road 2008
401 North Cedar 2010
City, State, Zip Phone #
Des Moines, IA 50314 (515) 283-0987
Fort Dodge, IA 50501 (515) 570-1456
Hull, IA 51239 (712) 439-2479
Davenport, IA 52804 (563) 324-7143
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402-1465 (319) 310-7333
Pierson, IA 51048 (712) 898-2505
Clarinda, IA 51632 (712) 542-2141
Ackworth, IA 50001 (515) 961-6982
Russell, IA 50238 (641) 535-6313
Sumner, IA 50674 (563) 427-3727
Asbury, IA 52002 (563) 556-7350
Maxwell, IA 60161 (515) 460-8885
Webster City, IA 50595 (515) 297-3378
Albia, IA 52531 (641) 932-2933
Altoona, IA 50009-1577 (515) 957-9207
Boone, IA 50036 (515) 709-0325
Algona, IA 50511 (515) 295-9505
Grafton, IA 50440 (641) 748-2724
Davenport, IA 52807 (563) 355-8770
Greenfield, IA 50849 (641) 743-6327
Ft Dodge, IA 50501 (515) 573-7889
Decorah, IA 52101 (563) 382-4993
Sioux City, IA 51102 (712) 577-4705
Cedar Falls, IA 50613 (319) 427-1809
Boone, IA 50036 (515) 432-7327
Newton, IA 50208 (515) 792-9514
Waterloo, IA 50703 (515) 233-9594
Sioux City, IA 51105 (712) 234-0809
Grinnell, IA 50112 (515) 975-8608
Des Moines, IA 50321 (515) 280-3993
Harlan, IA 51537 (712) 744-3290
Iowa City, IA 52245 (319) 337-6280
Ames, IA 50014 (515) 233-0493
Maquoketa, IA 52060 (563) 652-5499
Council Bluffs, IA 51502 (712) 309-1670
Strawberry Point, IA 52076 (563) 933-6486
Sioux City, IA 51102 (712) 577-0613
Lockridge, IA 52635 319-696-3791
Cedar Rapids, IA 52405 (319) 431-7814
Waterloo, IA 50702 (319) 232-4131
Osage, IA 50461 (641) 713-3059
Polk City, IA 50226 515-210-8442
Davenport, IA 52804 (563) 210-7685
Sheldon, IA 51201 (712) 324-2694
Ottumwa, IA 52501 (641) 814-5665
Davenport, IA 52803 (563) 359-4598
Sigourney, IA 52591 (515) 360-0667
Burlington, IA 52601-0157 (319) 752-5057
Burlington, IA 52601 (319) 753-2684
West Des Moines, IA 50266 (515) 865-7939
Woodbine, IA 51579 (712) 647-2962
Marion, IA 52302 (319) 377-2087
Waterloo, IA 50701-3527 (319) 231-7192
Indianola, IA 50125 (515) 962-9345
Sioux City, IA 51103 (712) 898-5804
What Cheer, IA 50268 (641) 634-2227
Des Moines, IA 50317 (515) 262-1203
Nevada, IA 50201 (515) 291-3289
Des Moines, IA 50317 515-865-5891
Auburn, IA 51433 (712) 688-1020
Pleasant Hill, IA 50327 (515) 265-2605
Shell Rock, IA 50670 (319) 269-3664
Mount Ayr, IA 50854 (641) 464-2913
Waterloo, IA 50702-4513 (319) 296-2947
Griswold, IA 51535 (712) 778-2538
Swaledale, IA 50477 (641) 995-2251
Coralville, IA 52241 (319) 351-0988
Bondurant, IA 50035 (515) 957-4036
Red Oak, IA 51566 712-623-4931
Hull, IA 51239 (712) 439-1244
Independence, IA 50644 (319) 334-4903
Des Moines, IA 50317 (515) 266-0625
Des Moines, IA 50306-5042 (515) 288-4742
Macedonia, IA 51549 (712) 486-2271
Ft. Madison, IA 52627 (319) 528-6176
Emmetsburg, IA 50536 (712) 852-4950
Holstein, IA 51025 (712) 368-2549
Osceola, IA 50213 (641) 342-1017
Des Moines, IA 50313 (515) 280-9034
Indianola, IA 50125 (515) 971-0883
Ames, IA 50010 (515) 232-2501
Ottumwa, IA 52501 (641) 682-6417
Davenport, IA 52804 (563) 650-6140
Rhodes, IA 50234 (641) 521-0507
Eldora, IA 50627 (641) 855-5210
New Hartford, IA 50660 (319) 269-6829
Keota, IA 52248 (319) 330-6190
Council Bluffs, IA 51503 (712) 328-2808
Cedar Falls, IA 50613 (319) 277-5668
Windsor Heights, IA 50322 (515) 274-1652
Dorchester, IA 52140 (563) 568-2631
Muscatine, IA 52761 (563) 263-1208
Sioux City, IA 51104 (712) 490-2088
Davenport, IA 52804 (563) 388-6338
Epworth, IA 52045 (563) 876-3219
Fairfield, IA 52556 (641) 472-3349
Council Bluffs, IA 51503 (712) 310-5017
Bettendorf, IA 52722 (563) 332-9210
Des Moines, IA 50309 (515) 244-2033
Mt. Pleasant, IA 52641-1939 (319) 385-9342
Waverly, IA 50677 (319) 352-3900
Ames, IA 50014 (515) 292-1748
Monticello, IA 52310 (319) 465-5805
Johnston, IA 50131 (515) 986-1030
Ottumwa, IA 52501 (641) 799-2392
Cedar Rapids, IA 52403 (319) 247-0223
Tama, IA 52339 (641) 484-2348
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 (319) 396-3131
Carson, IA 51525 (712) 486-2597
Muscatine, IA 52761 (563) 263-3307
Eldora, IA 50627 (641) 939-5604
Council Buffs, IA 51502-1534 (402) 812-8455
Des Moines, IA 50315 (515) 256-8010
Aurelia, IA 51005 (712) 434-5880
Altoona, IA 50009 (515) 967-7846
West Des Moines, IA 50266 (515) 783-3456
Dubuque, IA 52001 (563) 557-1261
Clarion, IA 50525 (515) 532-2660
Coralville, IA 52241 (319) 358-8538
Marshalltown, IA 50158 (641) 751-7591
Dubuque, IA 52001 (563) 556-6530
Ocheyedan, IA 51354-0279 (712) 758-3280
Bloomfield, IA 52537 (641) 208-6598
Ankeny, IA 50023-3017 (515) 964-3260
Sioux City, IA 51106 (712) 223-0283
Waterloo, IA 50702 (319) 504-2733
Keystone, IA 52249 (319) 442-5337
Wilton, IA 52778 (563) 732-2902
Keokuk, IA 52632 (319) 524-1570
Newton, IA 50208 641-521-9260
Waterloo, IA 50701 (319) 236-0343
Des Moines, IA 50311 (515) 274-5158
Dubuque, IA 52003 (563) 582-0020
Lake View, IA 51450-0428 (712) 657-3347
Emmetsburg, IA 50536 (712) 852-4140
Keota, IA 52248 (515) 689-5430
Ankeny, IA 50023-9565 (515) 963-9996
West Des Moines, IA 50265 (515) 267-1821
Bloomfield, IA 52537 (641) 664-2811
Cedar Falls, IA 50613 (329) 266-9021
Iowa City, IA 52245 (319) 338-6148
Muscatine, IA 52761 (563) 264-0973
Waverly, IA 50677 (319) 352-4281
New Vienna, IA 52065 (563) 590-5213
Davenport, IA 52806 (563) 391-1919
Cascade, IA 52033 (319) 852-7174
Riverside, IA 52327 (319) 648-3653
Iowa City, IA 52246 (319) 351-2826
Des Moines, IA 50320 (515) 285-5798
Spirit Lake, IA 51360 (712) 336-4656
Des Moines, IA 50320 (515) 953-5221
Des Moines, IA 50312 (515) 282-4510
West Des Moines, IA 50265 (515) 238-1299
Fort Dodge, IA 50501 (515) 227-0245
Chariton, IA 50049-0609 (641) 774-5784
Ottosen, IA 50570-8504 (515) 887-2952
St. Ansgar, IA 50472 (641) 326-2255
Ft. Dodge, IA 50501 (515) 576-1352
West Bend, IA 50597 (515) 887-3012
Bettendorf, IA 52722 (563) 650-9539
Nora Springs, IA 50458 (641) 749-5227
Zwingle, IA 52079 (563) 528-0837
Manilla, IA 51454 (712) 653-2838
Sioux City, IA 51104 (712) 574-9325
Dubuque, IA 52001-6325 (319) 582-5922
Clinton, IA 52732 (563) 249-5839
Altoona, IA 50009 515-401-7398
Ankeny, IA 50023 (515) 964-7521
Des Moines, IA 50312 (515) 255-2805
Story City, IA 50248-0247 (515) 733-2922
Joice, IA 50446 (641) 797-2343
Boone, IA 50036 (515) 432-8163
Des Moines, IA 50317 (515) 265-7658
DeWitt, IA 52742-9126 (563) 231-6469
Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 (319) 365-1840
Indianola, IA 50125 (515) 208-7281
Oskaloosa, IA 52577 (641) 673-7589
Hiawatha, IA 52233 (319) 294-2062
Walcott, IA 52773 (563) 284-6783
Carroll, IA 51401 (712) 292-0532
Pleasant Hill, IA 50327 (515) 224-2126
Iowa City, IA 52240 319-358-0402
Des Moines, IA 50310 (515) 279-9063
Mt. Auburn, IA 52313 (319) 610-3412
Ankeny, IA 50021 (515) 314-5950
Winterset, IA 50273 515-468-8830
Altoona, IA 50009 (515) 967-5840
Sioux City, IA 51106 (712) 276-3469
Gladbrook, IA 50635 (641) 473-2129
New Hampton, IA 50659 (641) 394-4550
Ames, IA 50014 (515) 292-8984
Urbandale, IA 50322 (515) 276-5987
Mason City, IA 50401 (641) 424-0874
Mason City, IA 50402 (641) 201-3189
Independence, IA 50644 (319) 334-6138
Garner, IA 50438 (641) 923-2979
Creston, IA 50801 (641) 782-2693
Muscatine, IA 52761 (563) 263-3057
Cedar Falls, IA 50613 (319) 266-6207
Osceola, IA 50213 (641) 342-6209
Oskaloosa, IA 52577 (641) 673-0359
Davenport, IA 52802 (563) 579-0408
Cedar Falls, IA 50613 (319) 504-5579
Waterloo, IA 50701 (319) 231-9837
Clinton, IA 52732 (563) 242-1631
Oelwein, IA 50662 (319) 240-3564
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 (319) 892-3008
Urbandale, IA 50322 (515) 276-8939
Janesville, IA 50647 (319) 987-3021
Columbus Junction, IA 52738 (319) 728-8716
Estherville, IA 51334 (712) 209-3311
Muscatine, IA 52761 (563) 263-7419
Mason City, IA 50401 (641) 423-8394
Decorah, IA 52101 (563) 382-4938
Fairfield, IA 52556 (641) 472-2341
Arlington, IA 50606-0132 (563) 633-4065
Henderson, IA 51541 (712) 520-2278
Maquoketa, IA 52060 (563) 652-2926
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 (319) 364-2617
Schleswig, IA 51461 (712) 676-2109
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 (319) 377-9770
Burlington, IA 52601 319-209-0916
Davenport, IA 52806 (319) 391-1627
Ames, IA 50014 (515) 292-4592
Woodbine, IA 51579 (712) 647-2699
Laurens, IA 50554 (712) 841-4296
Council Bluffs, IA 51501 (712) 325-0638
Osceola, IA 50213 (515) 770-6247
Okoboji, IA 51355 (712) 337-4243
Marshalltown, IA 50158 (515) 753-2796
Davenport, IA 52807 (563) 386-0179
Lamoni, IA 50140 (641) 784-6353
State Center, IA 50247 (641) 483-2383
LeMars, IA 51031 (712) 546-6136
Indianola, IA 50125 (515) 250-7555
Huxley, IA 50124 (515) 597-3165
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402-3311 (319) 365-6993
Mason City, IA 50401 (641) 424-9362
Ames, IA 50014 (515) 203-0072
Preston, IA 52069 (563) 689-4523
Council Bluffs, IA 51503 (712) 329-3542
Bloomfield, IA 52537 (641) 664-1983
Bettendorf, IA 52722 (563) 332-4532
Alden, IA 50006 (515) 855-4340
Newton, IA 50208 (641) 791-4086
Sioux City, IA 51104 (712) 277-0898
Cedar Rapids, IA 52405-4834 (319) 396-8587
Bettendorf, IA 52722 (563) 441-0630
Elkader, IA 52043 (319) 245-1084
Kanawha, IA 50447 (641) 762-3500
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 (319) 210-2100
Gowrie, IA 50543 (515) 352-3573
Mason City, IA 50401 (641) 423-4803
Garner, IA 50438 (641) 923-3398

Pella, IA 50219 (641) 628-1675

Davenport, IA 52803 (319) 355-7776
Pella, IA 50219 (641) 628-1890
Oskaloosa, IA 52577 (317) 796-0979

Sioux City, IA 51106 (712) 276-5121

Marion, IA 52302 (319) 447-4870
West Des Moines, IA 50266 (515) 221-3945
Altoona, IA 50009 (515) 867-6677
Sioux City, IA 51104 (712) 258-3705
Adel, IA 50003 (515) 993-4850
Waterloo, IA 50702 (319) 234-6013
Hawkeye, IA 52147-0123 (563) 379-7182
Ames, IA 50014 (515) 292-2904
Sioux City, IA 51109 (712) 233-2361
Ankeny, IA 50023 515-865-6394
Sioux City, IA 51106 (712) 276-4008
Waterloo, IA 50702 (319) 296-3565
Cresco, IA 52136 (563) 547-4156
Lisbon, IA 52253 (319) 929-4543
Davenport, IA 52802 (319) 324-7927
Missouri Valley, IA 51555 (712) 642-4334
Estherville, IA 51334 (712) 362-4797
Clinton, IA 52732 (563) 321-9724
Storm Lake, IA 50588 (712) 732-6340
Urbandale, IA 50322-4868 (515) 276-2025
Postville, IA 52162 (563) 864-3104
Monticello, IA 52310 (319) 480-0296

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