Term Paper: Computer Analysis in Business of DBBL

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University of Dhaka

Department of marketing
Faculty of Business Studies

Term paper
Computer Analysis In Business of
Course Title : Computer Programing for
Course Code : 122

Submitted to: Submitted By:.

Abureza Muhammad Muzareba

Department of marketing
University of Dhaka Breaking Dawn
-Creating New Ideas

Name Roll

Group Leader: Md. Ashiful Islam



All glory and honor is for Allah, the Supreme Being who bestowed
profound perseverance and ability on us to accomplish this work.

We express our profound and cordial gratitude to offer thanks to our

learned, kind and experienced teacher,
Mr. Abureza Muhammad Muzareba, Lecturer, Department of
marketing, University of Dhaka for his valuable guidance,
constructive comments and continuous encouragement through out
the research.

Grateful acknowledgement is due to Mr. Hamidur Rahman

(Murad), Senior Vice-President and Manager of Motijheel Foreign
Exchange Branch, DBBL for allowing us to carry out our research
for the completion of this project.

Special & Grateful acknowledgement goes to our parents who

enabled us to perform such activities.

We also wish to thank to those persons who encourages and co-

operate with us in preparing this business plan.

Sincerely Yours
Breaking Dawn
Section: A
BBA (16th Batch)
Department Of Marketing
Faculty of Business Studies
University of Dhaka

Letter of transmittal

31 October, 2010
The course teacher
Mr. Abureza Muhammad MuzarebA
Department of marketing
University of Dhaka

Subject: Submission of Term paper.

Dear Si9r,
It is great to submit the report on “Computer Usage Analysis in
Business of DBBL” as a part of BBA program. We enjoyed
preparing this report, which enriched our practical knowledge of
theoretical concept. We are very much glad that you have given us
the opportunity to prepare this report for you and hope that this
report will meet the standard of your judgment.

Yours sincerely

Breaking Dawn
Section: A
BBA (16th Batch)
Department Of Marketing
Faculty of Business Studies
University of Dhaka

Table of Content

SL NO Topics Page no

01 Executive Summary

02 Introduction

03 Methodology

04 Company profile

05 DBBL’ Mission Statement

06 Brief History

07 Corporate banking Service

08 Electronic-Banking services

09 Technology and Software Usage Detail

10 IT-policy

11 Required Technology And computing Know-

12 Problems and future plans

13 Conclusion

14 References

Executive Summary:

The report is as a requirement of BBA program of the Department of

marketing. This report focuses on computer Usage analysis in Dutch
Bangla Bank Limited. The total report can be divided into 3board
head. The first part includes acknowledgement, letter of transmittal.
This part also includes the limitation of the study. In 2nd part which is
main part of the report. We have discussed about the overall idea of
Computer Usage Analysis of Dutch Bangla Bank limited. Here we
have discusses about the following topics

 Company information
 Concerned policy followed
 Required technology and computing know-how
 Problems and future plans
 Computing knowledge for employes
 Impact of technology and Software
 IT policy
 Software type

In the final part we have tried to analysis the report and make
recommendation. We also draw a conclusion on the above analysis.

Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited (DBBL) is Bangladesh's most
innovative and technologically advanced bank. DBBL stands to give
the most innovative and affordable banking products to Bangladesh.
Amongst banks, DBBL is the largest donor in to social causes in
Bangladesh. It stands as one of the largest private donors involved in
improving the country. DBBL is proud to be associated with helping
Bangladesh as well as being a leader in the country's banking sector

• First we went to DBBL
• We met with senior vice president and manager named
• He briefly discussed about the following topics:

 Company information

 Concerned policy followed

 Required technology and computing know-how

 Problems and future plans

 Computing knowledge for employees

 Impact of technology and Software

 IT policy
 Software type.

And then we have collected information DBBL’s annual report-

2009. We also took help from web site-www.dutcbanglabank.com.


Dutch-Bangla Bank started operation is Bangladesh's first joint

venture bank. The bank was an effort by local shareholders
spearheaded by M Sahabuddin Ahmed (founder chairman) and the
Dutch company FMO.

DBBL was established under the Bank Companies Act 1991 and
incorporated as a public limited company under the Companies Act
1994 in Bangladesh with the primary objective to carry on all kinds
of banking business in Bangladesh. DBBL commenced formal
operation from June 3, 1996. The Bank is listed with the dhaka stock
exchange limited and chittagong stock exchange limited.

DBBL is most widely recognized for its donations to social causes

and its IT investment (largest ATM network). However it has
recently stated that it will stop expansion on its ATM network as the
current numbers have exceeded demand and hence diminishing
returns (if any). Although it is widely believed it is a loss-
making/subsidized unit which DBBL rationalizes as quasi CSR.

The bank is often colloquially referred to as "DBBL", "Dutch

Bangla" and “Dutch Bangla Bank limited”.

DBBL have 88 branches. Including local office and one foreign
Exchange branch.

It also have the highest amount of ATM booths 100.The largest ATM
network in bangladesh.In dhaka university ATM booth is beside

1,Dilkusha C/A Dhaka-1000


Dutch-Bangla Bank engineers enterprise and creativity in business
and industry with a commitment to social responsibility. "Profits
alone" do not hold a central focus in the Bank's operation; because
"man does not live by bread and butter alone".

Dutch-Bangla Bank dreams of better Bangladesh, where arts and
letters, sports and athletics, music and entertainment, science and
education, health and hygiene, clean and pollution free environment
and above all a society based on morality and ethics make all our
lives worth living. DBBL's essence and ethos rest on a cosmos of
creativity and the marvel-magic of a charmed life that abounds with
spirit of life and adventures that contributes towards human

Core Objective
Dutch-Bangla Bank believes in its uncompromising commitment to
fulfill its customer needs and satisfaction and to become their first

choice in banking. Taking cue from its pool esteemed clientele,
Dutch-Bangla Bank intends to pave the way for a new era in banking
that upholds and epitomizes its vaunted marques "Your Trusted

Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited Founder Chairman and Dutch-Bangla
Bank Limited Foundation Chairman Mr. M Sahabuddin Ahmed has
received Khanbahadur Ahsanullah Gold Medal Award 2006. LINK

Dutch-Bangla Bank has launched the first mobile ATM booth in

Bangladesh. LINK

DBBL Donates Tk 9.73cr for Dhaka University Research Centre.



Dutch-Bangla Bank started operation is Bangladesh's first joint
venture bank. The bank was an effort by local shareholders
spearheaded by M Sahabuddin Ahmed (founder chairman) and the
Dutch company FMO.

From the onset, the focus of the bank has been financing high-growth
manufacturing industries in Bangladesh. The rationale being that the
manufacturing sector exports Bangladeshi products worldwide.
Thereby financing and concentrating on this sector allows
Bangladesh to achieve the desired growth. DBBL's other focus is
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Even though CSR is now a
cliché, DBBL is the pioneer in this sector and termed the contribution
simply as 'social responsibility. Due to its investment in this sector,
DBBL has become one of the largest donors and the largest bank
donor in Bangladesh. The bank has won numerous international
awards because of its unique approach as a socially conscious bank.

DBBL was the first bank in Bangladesh to be fully automated. The

Electronic-Banking Division was established in 2002 to undertake
rapid automation and bring modern banking services into this field.
Full automation was completed in 2003 and hereby introduced plastic
money to the Bangladeshi masses.

DBBL also operates the nation's largest ATM fleet and in the process
drastically cut consumer costs and fees by 80%. Moreover, DBBL
choosing the low profitability route for this sector has surprised many
critics. DBBL had pursued the mass automation in Banking as a CSR
activity and never intended profitability from this sector. As a result it
now provides unrivaled banking technology offerings to all its
customers. Because of this mindset, most local banks have joined
DBBL's banking infrastructure instead of pursuing their own.

Even with a history of hefty technological investments and an even

larger donation, consumer and investor confidence has never waned.
Dutch-Bangla Bank stock set the record for the highest share price in
the Dhaka Stock Exchange in 2008.


Dutch-Bangla Bank offers a wide range of corporate banking

services. They include:

Project finance
The Bank encourages accepting purpose/project specific development
funds on competitive terms towards economic upliftment and well
being of the people/country by way of setting up a new stand alone,
capital intensive project or for BMRE of an existing project.

Working Capital finance

The bank considers lending short –term working capital finance to
entities engaged in manufacturing, assembling, processing, re-
packaging of goods and commodities for domestic consumption or
export market. However, unsecured loans (not collateralized) for
working capital without justification or purpose is not considered.

Syndications & Structured finance

The Bank, on case to case basis, arranges loan syndications or
approves disclosed participations in syndications provided such
transactions meet the parameters separately established. The bank
will at all times maintain at the minimum a pari-passu status to other
banks in all lending relationships. Second mortgages or lower are not
be accepted as primary collateral.
Trade finance
DBBL prefers Trade Financing in the form of short-term (up to 12
months), self liquidating or cash flow supported well collateralized
trade transactions Work Order finance. The Bank will consider
financing construction contractors (work order finance). However all
such transactions must meet the guideline. Bank asks for assignment
of bills receivables with concurrent authority to collect bills issued
favoring DBBL.

Equity finance
DBBL joins in hands in building partnership with entrepreneurs of
high credit standing and excellent track record within the purview of
regulatory restrictions. However, lending for the purpose of
supplying equity in a business is not allowed nor venture capital

Social and Environmental Infrastructure finance:

The Bank receives credit lines, from time to time, from home &
abroad, to finance eco-efficient and sustainable projects aimed at
improving environment and generating social benefits.

Electronic-banking projects

Dutch-Bangla Bank is the first bank in Bangladesh to be fully

automated and introduce Electronic Banking. The automation was
completed in 2003, but further additions and features are
continuously being added and upgraded. DBBL has adopted the
same exact automation solution used my many international banking
giants. Although this was significantly more expensive than other
solutions, it is a small price to pay for a client's peace of mind.

A DBBL client now has unrivaled access to banking from any

DBBL branch, ATM and POS. All of these services are free-of-
charge and are surprisingly affordable for everyone. Even though
DBBL has invested more in Electronic Banking more than any other
bank, the division was never intended to be profitable. It was
undertaken with the same mindset DBBL undertakes its Corporate
Social Responsibility tasks. This is why you pay barely nothing even
though these same services would cost you much more in other

countries and other banks. Never has any bank given so much for

DBBL also has the largest ATM network in Bangladesh. This gives
DBBL clients full access to 'anytime anywhere' banking nationwide.
All international and many local banks use the DBBL ATM network
for their own clients. DBBL has installed over 800 ATMs
nationwide. As with most things, ATM access to all DBBL ATMs is
unlimited and free for all DBBL clients. If a client of a member bank
(not DBBL) uses a DBBL ATM, the member bank may add a
transaction charge.

DBBL has the largest IT budget in Bangladesh. DBBL maintains the

state-of-the-art Electronic-Banking Division. The Electronic-
Banking Division oversees and maintains DBBL's investment as
well as implementing upcoming projects.

DBBL is the only local bank to have a off-site Data Recovery Site
(DRS). DRS ensures that customer records are safe, backed-up, and
up to date in the event of a major catastrophe at the Electronic-
Banking Division headquarters.

Since 2004, DBBL has introduced mobile and SMS banking. With a
mobile phone, customers can perform many banking operations with
their phone.

DBBL is a primary license holder for both VISA and Mastercard. It
is authorized to issue and accept payments from both organizations.
DBBL also works closely with both organizations to bring you the
latest in card technology. DBBL also offer Visa and Mastercard
Debit Cards.

If the client realizes that they need a specific banking solution and/or
services to meet their needs, DBBL will create it and provide it.
Projects are done on a per client basis designed specifically to meet
the needs of clients. Currently large companies and Multi-nationals
use these services extensively but it is not limited to them only

Dutch-Bangla Bank offers a complete electronic banking facility for

your company around the clock. Most multi-nationals use this
service because it is advanced, secure and affordable. DBBL creates
a custom banking service to suit any business of any size. The
services have a wide range that includes cash flow services,
distribution banking and salary accounts. If a company knows what
type of custom and tailored banking service they need, DBBL can
provide it instantly and at minimal cost (usually free of charge).

There are hundreds of companies using this type of services from

DBBL and they also include the largest companies and multi-
nationals operating in Bangladesh. DBBL has a world-class banking
system used by many of the world's top banks and the largest

electronic banking infrastructure to provde your company with any
type of custom banking services you desire.

For example for your starting point, DBBL has created Employee
Banking program which allows:

Seamless and error free distribution of salaries

Providing employees with timely salary payments
Lower manpower needed
Reduces cash theft and misappropriation
Transactions are properly logged for your easy reference
Highly secure way of distributing money
No cash at hand in the office, all cash finally distributed through the
largest ATM network in Bangladesh

Technology and Computer usage detail

DBBL is the most technology enrich bank in Bangladesh.DBBL is a

technology driven institution.It caters to progressive clients who are
accustomed to high levels of technology use and innovation.Brief
information about DBBL’s technology and computer given below:

• Currently DBBL use a software named “flexcube” in the server.

• It is purchased from Bangalore, india.
• Its cost over 25 crore taka.
• Dhaka bank,Estern bank also use this software.
• It is medium range, specialize banking software.
• It can save 3 to 4 luck clients information and can frequently
access over it.
• DBBL use fiber optic cable in backbone.
• DBBL have largest ATM network in Bangladesh.so the clients
enjoy their banking facilities in almost every where.
• Everyday 100 crore taka transaction occur in 850 ATM booths.
• All the information of clients and related all data are stored in
three server.
• Main server, branch used server, backup server .
• DBBL use mainframe computer to store data.
• Among the hardware installations were the multi-processor
clustered servers, ATM, POS terminal, card personalization
system, high capacity UPS, host security module, networking
• Among the software installations were the core banking
software,internet banking software,sms and alert banking software,
database and operating software.
• DBBL has setup the largest and modern data center and on-
line synchronized DRS(data recovery site) in Bangladesh to safe-
guard the customers’ interest.
• The DRS will take over the control of branches,ATMs,POS
terminals,internet banking service,sms and alert banking system.
• In 2006 the bank lunched SMS and alert banking system for
the first time in Bangladesh.
• The bank extended its ATM services to the customers of other
banks and signed agreement with 8 private local bank.
• Clients can enjoy anytime banking services through all
branches, ATMs and POS terminals all over the country.
• Through the internet clients can enjoy banking services all
over the world.
• DBBL has over 12 luck savings accounts.

• DBBL recently decide to buy a high range software from

• Over 1600 employs work in DBBL.
• DBBL recently developed a IT project.


 The Bank extended its ATM Services to the other banks’

customers signing with eight private local bank.
 DBBL has a world class banking system used by world’s top
banks and largest electronic banking in fracture.
 DBBL creates a custom banking service to suit any business of
any size.om DBBL.
 Hundreds of companies use this type of service from DBBL.
 This service includes:
 Cash flow service
 Distribution banking and
 Salary account

Required Technological & Computing

Company Hierarchy
Layer 1:
CEO & Divisional Chief (Finance, Marketing, Technology, strategy,
HR, Regulatory, Corporate affairs, Admin, Audit, Legal)
Required Computer Skills:

• Experience in programming
• Experience in telecommunications
• Telecommunication sales experience
• Networking concept
• Working experience in Windows, Linux & Oracle
platform is highly desirable.
• Current Microsoft Windows operating system &
Office desktop environment experience.
• Extensive Microsoft Exchange experience & Email
System Management issues.
• Advanced analytical and logical problem solving

Layer 2:

Sub Divisional Head
Required Computer Skills:
• Experience in Telecom
• In depth knowledge on GSM, SS7 Signaling
Communication, IP networking, CCNA, MPLS
• Strong analytical and critical thinking skills
• Experience in OSS support
• Must have OSS/INMS/GSM knowledge.
• Must have IT Operating System knowledge
• Strong understanding of concepts of Telco & IT
• Strong analytical ability and fault analysis skills

Layer 3:
Unit Head
Required Computer Skills:
• Ability to perform multi tasking functions
• Experience on GSM operation

• Strong knowledge on GSM system

• MS Office and basic IT knowledge.

Layer 4:

Required Computer Skills:
• Basic GSM, Windows Operating System & Office
• Experience in Telecom
• Knowledge on Information Technology, GSM network
• Must have experience of working in SAP environment
• Having computer literacy in MS Office
• High degree of multi-tasking capability
• Excellent drafting skills for corporate
compliance and legal documentation
• Advance level of knowledge on Microsoft Project

Layer 5:
Deputy Manager
Required Computer Skills:

• Having computer literacy in MS Office

• High degree of multi-tasking capability
Layer 6:
Asst. manager
Required Computer Skills:
• Experience in Telecom

• Having computer literacy in MS Office

• High degree of multi-tasking capability

Layer 7:
Senior Executive / Executive
Required Computer Skills:
• Must have sound knowledge over e-mailing,
reporting & operating SAP/ERP

• Must have computer literacy with windows XP

• Sound knowledge in MS office especially in MS Excel, Word,
PowerPoint and Database

Problems and Future plans

• DBBL use high range software but skilled technicians are not
available in Bangladesh.
• For any kind of software problem bank has to contact with a
software company which located in other country.which hamper the
banking system.
• The network frequency in Bangladesh is not good.some time it
dose not works.
• Fiber optical is not fully operated in Bangladesh.so some times
the server does not work.
• If the server dose not work the ATM network is stoped.
• In some banks’ prediction is wrong.
• In some case planning is wrong.
• The present software is not capable to store huge volume of
• DBBL has 12 luck clients but the software capable to store
only 3 to 4 luck client data.
• Presently bank operates their activity by increasing RAM.

• Recently bank decides to buy a high quality software form
• Which will cost over 200 crore taka.


We have prepared the term paper on “Computer Usage Analysis in

Business of DBBL” DBBL is an important tool to measure quality
of bank services. We made this report on the basis of survey. We
have found that Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited stands to give the most
innovative and affordable banking products to Bangladesh. Amongst
banks, DBBL is the largest donor in to social causes in Bangladesh.
It stands as one of the largest private donors involved in improving
the country.
Though DBBL has a lot of problems of technology usage having
over 12 lakh clients, It will solve its problem by using a special
software named FLEXCUBE.
And lastly concluded with the recommendations based on the

Web- Exposure Profile

• DBBL has a enrich Web exposure profile.

• The Web address www.dutchbanglabank.com.
• The web profile has six title bar.
• Those are Electronic banking, ATM locations, Help desk, news
room, Merchant location, About DBBL.
• They give their every Branch location and ATM location.
• They give all latest information about bank.
• They have internet banking link.

 DBBL Foreign Exchange Branch, Motijheel, Dhaka.
 DBBL Annual report 2009.
 The Financial Express.
 www.dutchbanglabank.com


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