Management, 9/E: Powerpoint Presentation To Accompany

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PowerPoint Presentation

to Accompany
Management, 9/e
John R. Schermerhorn, Jr.

Chapter 1:
Introducing Management

Prepared by: Jim LoPresti

University of Colorado, Boulder
Published by: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Planning Ahead — Chapter 1 Study Questions

 What are the challenges of working

in the new economy?
 What are organizations like in the
new workplace?
 Who are managers and what do
they do?
 What is the management process?
 How do you learn the essential
managerial skills and competencies?

Management 9/e - Chapter 1 2

Overview of the New Workplace

 A highly competitive global economy has created

unparalleled opportunities and unprecedented
 Smart people and smart organizations create
their own futures.
 Companies with a future are committed to people.
 Companies with a future have high performance
expectations and provide supportive work
 High performing companies gain extraordinary
results from people.

Management 9/e - Chapter 1 3

Study Question 1: What are the challenges of
working in the new economy?

 Intellectual capital …
 People are the the ultimate foundations
of organizational performance.
 Intellectual capital is the collective
brainpower or shared knowledge of a
workforce that can be used to create
 A knowledge worker adds to the
intellectual capital of an organization.

Management 9/e - Chapter 1 4

Study Question 1: What are the challenges of
working in the new economy?

 Globalization …
 National boundaries of world business
have largely disappeared.
 Globalization is the worldwide
interdependence of resource flows,
product markets, and business
competition that characterize the new

Management 9/e - Chapter 1 5

Study Question 1: What are the challenges of
working in the new economy?

 Technology …
 Continuing transformation of the modern
workplace through:
 The Internet

 World Wide Web

 Computer networking

 Information technology

 Telecommuting/virtual teaming

 Increasing demand for knowledge workers with

the skills to fully use technology.

Management 9/e - Chapter 1 6

Study Question 1: What are the challenges of
working in the new economy?

 Diversity …
 Workforce diversity reflects
differences with respect to
gender, age, race, ethnicity,
religion, sexual orientation, and
 A diverse and multicultural
workforce both challenges and
offers opportunities to employers.

Management 9/e - Chapter 1 7

Study Question 1: What are the challenges of
working in the new economy?

 How diversity bias can occur in the



 Glass ceiling effect

Management 9/e - Chapter 1 8

Study Question 1: What are the challenges of
working in the new economy?

 Code of moral principles that set
standards of conduct.
 Ethical expectations for modern
 Integrity and ethical leadership
 Natural environment
 Consumer protection
 Human rights

Management 9/e - Chapter 1 9

Study Question 1: What are the challenges of
working in the new economy?

 Corporate governance
 Active oversight of management decisions
and company actions by board of
 More emphasis today on restoring
strength of corporate governance:
 Enron, WorldCom, Arthur Anderson
 Boards to hold management more
accountable for ethical and socially
responsible behavior
Management 9/e - Chapter 1 10
Study Question 1: What are the challenges of
working in the new economy?

 Careers …
 Core workers, contract workers, and
part-time workers.
 People must be prepared to be any one
of these types of workers.
 People must make sure that their skills
are portable and of current value in
employment markets.

Management 9/e - Chapter 1 11

Study Question 2: What are organizations like in the
new workplace?

 Critical skills for success in the new

workplace …
 Love of technology
 Passion for renewal

Management 9/e - Chapter 1 12

Study Question 2: What are organizations like in the
new workplace?

 A collection of people working together
to achieve a common purpose.
 Organizations provide useful goods
and/or services that return value to
society and satisfy customer needs.

Management 9/e - Chapter 1 13

Study Question 2: What are organizations like in the
new workplace?

 Organizations are open systems

 Composed of interrelated parts that
function together to achieve a common
 Interact with their environments.
 Transform resource inputs into product
outputs (goods and services).
 Environmental feedback tells
organization how well it is meeting the
needs of customers and society.

Management 9/e - Chapter 1 14

Figure 1.1 Organizations as open systems.

Management 9/e - Chapter 1 15

Study Question 2: What are organizations like in the
new workplace?

 Organizational performance
 “Value creation” is a very important
notion for organizations.
 Value is created when an organization’s
operations adds value to the original
cost of resource inputs.
 When value creation occurs:
 Businesses earn a profit.
 Nonprofit organizations add wealth to

Management 9/e - Chapter 1 16

Study Question 2: What are organizations like in the
new workplace?

 Organizational performance
 An overall measure of the quantity and
quality of work performance with resource
utilization taken into account.
 Performance effectiveness
 An output measure of task or goal
 Performance efficiency
 An input measure of the resource costs
associated with goal accomplishment.

Management 9/e - Chapter 1 17

Figure 1.2 Productivity and the dimensions of
organizational performance.

Management 9/e - Chapter 1 18

Study Question 2: What are organizations like in the
new workplace?

 Workplace changes that provide a context

for studying management …
 Belief in human capital
 Demise of “command-and-control”
 Emphasis on teamwork
 Preeminence of technology
 Embrace of networking
 New workforce expectations
 Concern for work-life balance
 Focus on speed

Management 9/e - Chapter 1 19

Study Question 3: Who are managers and what do
they do?

 Importance of human resources and

managers …
 People are not ‘costs to be controlled.’
 High performing organizations treat
people as valuable strategic assets.
 Managers must ensure that people are
treated as strategic assets.

Management 9/e - Chapter 1 20

Study Question 3: Who are managers and what do
they do?

 A manager is a person in an
organization who directly supports and
helps activate the work efforts and
performance accomplishments of
 The people who managers help are the
ones whose tasks represent the real
work of the organization.

Management 9/e - Chapter 1 21

Study Question 3: Who are managers and what do
they do?

 Levels of management
 Top managers — responsible for
performance of an organization as a whole
or for one of its larger parts.
 Middle managers — in charge of relatively
large departments or divisions.
 Team leaders or supervisors — in charge
of a small work group of non-managerial

Management 9/e - Chapter 1 22

Study Question 3: Who are managers and what do
they do?

 Responsibilities of team leaders:

 Plan meetings and work schedules.
 Clarify goals and tasks, and gather
ideas for improvement.
 Appraise performance and counsel
team members.
 Recommend pay raises and new
 Recruit, develop, and train team
Management 9/e - Chapter 1 23
Study Question 3: Who are managers and what do
they do?

 Responsibilities of team leaders

 Encourage high performance and
 Inform team members about
organizational goals and expectations.
 Inform higher levels of work unit needs
and accomplishments.
 Coordinate with others teams and
support the rest of the organization.
Management 9/e - Chapter 1 24
Study Question 3: Who are managers and what do
they do?

 Types of managers
 Line managers are responsible for work activities
that directly affect organization’s outputs.
 Staff managers use technical expertise to advise
and support the efforts of line workers.
 Functional managers are responsible for a single
area of activity.
 General managers are responsible for more
complex units that include many functional areas.
 Administrators work in public and nonprofit

Management 9/e - Chapter 1 25

Study Question 3: Who are managers and what do
they do?

 Managerial performance and

 Accountability is the requirement of
one person to answer to a higher
authority for relevant performance
 Effective managers fulfill performance
accountability by helping others to
achieve high performance outcomes
and experience satisfaction in their
work. Management 9/e - Chapter 1 26
Study Question 3: Who are managers and what do
they do?

 Quality of work life (QWL)

 An indicator of the overall quality of human
experiences in the workplace.
 QWL indicators:
 Fair pay

 Safe working conditions

 Opportunities to learn and use new skills

 Room to grow and progress in a career

 Protection of individual rights

 Pride in work itself and in the organization

Management 9/e - Chapter 1 27

Study Question 3: Who are managers and what do
they do?

 High performing managers …

 Are well informed of their team’s
 Work alongside those they supervise.
 Provide advice and develop support for
their team.
 Help their people perform to the best of
their abilities.

Management 9/e - Chapter 1 28

Study Question 3: Who are managers and what do
they do?

 The organization as an upside-down

pyramid …
 Each individual is a value-added
 A manager’s job is to support workers’
 The best managers are known for
helping and supporting.

Management 9/e - Chapter 1 29

Figure 1.3 The organization viewed as an upside-
down pyramid.

Management 9/e - Chapter 1 30

Study Question 4: What is the management process?

 Management is the process of

planning, organizing, leading, and
controlling the use of resources to
accomplish performance goals.
 All managers are responsible for the
four functions.
 The functions are carried on

Management 9/e - Chapter 1 31

Figure 1.4 Four functions of management.

Management 9/e - Chapter 1 32

Study Question 4: What is the management process?

 Functions of management …
 The process of setting objectives and
determining what actions should be taken
to accomplish them.
 The process of assigning tasks, allocating
resources, and arranging the coordinated
activities of individuals and groups to
implement plans.

Management 9/e - Chapter 1 33

Study Question 4: What is the management process?

 Functions of management …
 The process of arousing people’s
enthusiasm to work hard and direct their
efforts to fulfill plans and accomplish
 The process of measuring work
performance, comparing results to
objectives, and taking corrective action as

Management 9/e - Chapter 1 34

Study Question 4: What is the management process?

 Managerial activities and roles …

 Interpersonal roles
 Involve interactions with persons inside and
outside the work unit.
 Informational roles
 Involve giving, receiving, and analyzing of
 Decisional roles
 Involve using information to make decisions
in order to solve problems or address

Management 9/e - Chapter 1 35

Figure 1.5 Mintzberg’s 10 Managerial Roles.

Management 9/e - Chapter 1 36

Study Question 4: What is the management process?

 Characteristics of managerial work

 Managers work long hours.

 Managers work at an intense pace.

 Managers work at fragmented and

varied tasks.
 Managers work with many
communication media.
 Managers work largely through
interpersonal relationships.

Management 9/e - Chapter 1 37

Study Question 4: What is the management process?

 Managerial agendas and networks

 Agenda setting
 Development of action priorities for one’s
 Include goals and plans that span long
and short time frames.
 Process of building and maintaining
positive relationships with people whose
help may be needed to implement one’s
work agendas.

Management 9/e - Chapter 1 38

Study Question 4: What is the management process?

 Lifelong learning

 The process of continuously learning

from daily experiences and
 Career success depends on real
commitment to learning.
 Not just formal classroom learning.

Management 9/e - Chapter 1 39

Study Question 5: How do you learn the essential
managerial skills and competencies?

 Essential managerial skills

 Skill — the ability to translate knowledge into
action that results in desired performance.
 Technical skill — the ability to apply a special
proficiency or expertise to perform particular
 Human skill — the ability to work well in
cooperation with others.
 Conceptual skill — the ability to think critically
and analytically to solve complex problems.

Management 9/e - Chapter 1 40

Figure 1.6 Katz’s Essential Managerial Skills.

Management 9/e - Chapter 1 41

Study Question 5: How do you learn the essential
managerial skills and competencies?

 Managerial competency …
 A skill-based capability that contributes
to high performance in a management
 Managerial competencies are implicit
 Planning, organizing, leading, and
 Informational, interpersonal, and
decisional roles.
 Agenda setting and networking.
Management 9/e - Chapter 1 42
Study Question 5: How do you learn the essential
managerial skills and competencies?

 Competencies for managerial

 Critical thinking

Management 9/e - Chapter 1 43

Figure 1.7 Understanding Management from
Theory to Practice.

Management 9/e - Chapter 1 44


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