DPA Ally Summer 2010

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Summer 2010
www.drugpolicy.org We are the
Drug Policy Alliance
In This Issue Ethan Nadelmann, Executive Director than a criminal justice problem. We are
people who want honest drug education
3: New Mexico: A National Model for
You may have noticed that DPA’s web- for our youth that fosters trust rather than
Drug Policy Reform
site and publications like the one you’re fear. And every one of us – no matter our
4: De-funding the Drug War in California reading have a new look and feel. reason – believes that the war on drugs
is not the way to deal with the reality of
Beating Back New Prohibitions
These changes are about much more drugs in our society. That’s why we are
New Directions California: than just our visual identity. They repre- the Drug Policy Alliance.
A Public Health and Safety Approach sent the once-unimaginable progress
to Drug Policy that you and I have made over the past We come from across the drug use
decade to bring drug policy reform that spectrum. We are people who consume
5: (Re-)Starting the Conversation: Heroin
much closer to the tipping point. Now is drugs responsibly, who don’t cause
Maintenance in the United States
the time to make drug policy reform more problems for anyone else, and who
Overdose Emerges as a personal – creating an even greater can’t stand being treated as criminals.
Major Legislative Issue sense of moral urgency, connecting the We are people who hate drugs and
dots with more allies, and building on who have seen the worst that drugs can
6: Balancing Act in the Nation’s Capital
the common interests of everyone who do – the addiction, disease, death and
U.S. Senate Approves Crack/Powder makes up this movement. We can keep destruction of families – but who none-
Cocaine Reform Bill chipping away at the drug war but it theless believe that the war on drugs is
won’t really end until a critical mass doing far more harm than good. And
7: DPA Supporters Gather in
of people, communities and elected we are people who frankly don’t care
San Francisco
officials demand a new way of dealing about drugs one way or the other – but
Sting Teams Up with DPA with drugs in our society. That’s why we who do care about preserving the Bill of
are the Drug Policy Alliance. Rights and our constitutional liberties,
8: In Memoriam: Howard Lotsof,
who are disgusted by what our govern-
1943-2010 I’m often asked, “Who is this growing ment is doing with our tax dollars, and
Since We Last Spoke drug policy reform movement?” who recoil at what the drug war is doing
not just in the U.S. but in Latin America,
We vary of course in what brings us to Afghanistan and elsewhere. That’s why
Questions? Feedback? this cause. We are people who care we are the Drug Policy Alliance.
We love to hear from our members. about fundamental freedoms, civil liber-
Contact the Ally by writing to ties and human rights. We are people We come from across the drug law
Jag Davies, editor, at: who care about social and economic spectrum. We are people who have
newsletter@drugpolicy.org justice. We are people who want to end enforced these laws but now question
racism. We are people who want ad- them. We are people who have been
Want to share one of these diction treated as a health issue rather punished by these laws and don’t want
stories with a friend? others to suffer similarly. And we are
The Ally is online at: (continued)
2 Summer 2010 www.drugpolicy.org

1 2 3 4

We are the Drug Policy Alliance (cont.) people from all around the world who A1 Ken Larson, KMT Mission4Life
wish that the U.S. – and other govern- A2 Our new logo
people who have never encountered ments as well – would ground their drug A3 Carl Hart, PhD, DPA Board
these laws directly but who nonetheless policies in science, compassion, health Member, Departments of
know that they are wrong. That’s why we and human rights. We are people who Psychology and Psychiatry at
are the Drug Policy Alliance. work tirelessly to advance the incremen- the College of Physicians and
tal drug policy reforms that can help Surgeons of Columbia University
We are the people – African American, people today and tomorrow, and we are A4 Katharine Celentano,
Latino, young and poor – who over- the visionaries who never forget that our Law Enforcement Against
whelmingly bear the brunt of the war on struggle is ultimately about changing Prohibition
drugs. And we are everyone else – the ways we deal with drugs in global B1 Laresse Harvey,
European and Asian American, not society. That’s why we are the Drug A Better Way Foundation
so young and not so poor – who are Policy Alliance. B2 Nubia Legarda, UTEP Students
stigmatized for our drug use, who live in for Sensible Drug Policy
fear, and who have suffered the many To me, our new look and feel is about B3 Former New Mexico Governor
indignities and injustices of the drug war. realizing and embracing the tremendous Gary Johnson
scope of our struggle. It’s about facing B4 Lynn M Paltrow, JD, National
We are Americans who are embarrassed the reality that lasting change can only Advocates for Pregnant Women
and disgusted that our nation leads be achieved by building on the common
the world in incarceration. And we are interests of as many people as possible.

We are the Drug Policy Alliance

because only by working
together can we end the failed
war on drugs.
Ally Summer 2010 www.drugpolicy.org 3

New Mexico: A National Model for

Drug Policy Reform
DPA Spearheads Legislation Sweeping Bill Proposing But we almost won anyway. In New
that Weakens Unfair Barriers to Treatment Instead of Mexico, DPA has earned a reputation for
Employment for People with Incarceration Poised for bringing back bills from the dead – we
Criminal Convictions Passage Next Year did something similar in 2007 to pass
our medical marijuana bill – and this time
New Mexico has joined Minnesota as DPA has been working for almost a we almost pulled off a miracle again.
the second state to pass “ban the decade to pass legislation requiring After the bill narrowly lost in the Assembly,
box” legislation. This removes a major treatment instead of incarceration for DPA was able to convince an opposing
barrier to employment for people with people arrested for nonviolent drug member to present a Motion to Recon-
convictions – the question on govern- possession in New Mexico. sider – and this time the bill passed the
ment job applications asking if a person Assembly. But with only minutes remaining
has ever been convicted of a crime. This one was a real heartbreaker. We in New Mexico’s lightning-quick 30-day
Under the new law employers can still had the votes lined up. Governor Bill session, a few Senate Republicans filibus-
ask the question during the final in- Richardson supported the measure. tered and the bill failed to receive a full
terview and can conduct background Unfortunately, New Mexico’s district vote on the Senate floor.
checks if required for the position. attorneys reneged on their compromises
However, it gives people convicted of with us and flipped several legislators Building off of the momentum from the
a crime equal footing by delaying the at the last minute by falsely claiming on 2010 session, we’ll continue to advocate
inquiry about conviction status until the the morning of the Assembly vote that for passage of this sweeping reform.
interview process. New Mexico would lose federal funding With your continued support, we’ll get this
if the bill passed. bill passed next year and New Mexico
An estimated one in five Americans will continue to push the envelope as a
has a criminal record. National research model for drug policy reform.
has demonstrated that employment
can reduce the chance of recidivism
and is a key factor in ensuring success- This year, DPA celebrates the • Establish the nation’s first “Good
ful reentry of people leaving jail or 10th anniversary of the founding of Samaritan” policy to reduce drug-
prison. Yet 40 percent of employers our New Mexico office. We have been related overdose deaths;
won’t consider an application if the able to take on the full range of our
• Authorize the sale of syringes in
candidate reveals that he or she has agenda more successfully in New
pharmacies to adults without a
a criminal record. Mexico than in any other state. We’ve
prescription to prevent the spread
not only helped pass dozens of good
of HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C
Now, thanks to your support, “banning bills, but also developed deep rela-
the box” gives people an opportunity to tionships with government officials, • Ban racial profiling in law
get their foot in the door for an interview community groups, and the people enforcement;
and to be seen for their qualifications, most affected by the war on drugs.
• Establish the Women’s Re-entry Drug
merits, and job experience – not just Our New Mexico office has won more
Court program to reduce recidivism;
as a person who checked a box. With drug policy reform victories than
more than seven million people in the anyone, anywhere – including suc- • Reform habitual offender (also known
U.S. currently under some form of crimi- cessful efforts to: as “three strikes”) laws;
nal justice supervision, it is imperative
• Create and implement an innovative • Reform civil asset forfeiture laws to
that people with criminal convictions
medical marijuana program, the first protect basic property rights;
have the opportunity to obtain legitimate
in the nation with state-authorized
employment. • Opt New Mexico out of the federal
lifetime ban on public assistance
• Secure a $500,000 federal grant – benefits for people convicted of
the only government funding DPA drug offenses;
has ever received – to create
• Allocate more than $10 million in new
Just4Teens, a cutting-edge drug
funding for drug treatment programs.
education project;
4 Summer 2010 www.drugpolicy.org

De-funding the Drug War in California

Sometimes it feels like working on and probation systems – and in doing so Los Angeles, the state’s largest county,
drug policy reform in California is creating a model that can be replicated will receive $10.6 million for community
like re-arranging the chairs on the in all 50 states. treatment and $11.2 million for probation
Titanic – except that the captain’s on supervision, according to the California
a suicide mission. In 2009, California received $225 million Emergency Management Agency, which
in federal Justice Assistance Grants administers the distribution of the funds.
In 2000, DPA led the effort to pass (JAG) funding (formerly known as the
Proposition 36, the landmark treatment- Byrne grant program). Historically, JAG In the first half of 2010, California is
instead-of-incarceration law, which has funding has fueled many of the worst likely to receive another $35 million in
diverted more than 250,000 Californians drug war practices in all 50 states, so federal JAG funds and the Legislature
from incarceration and reduced we led a successful, precedent-setting will determine how to spend it. DPA is
state costs by more than $2 billion. campaign to redirect the funds. again urging the Legislature to direct
Unfortunately, recent state budget these resources to treatment instead
cuts have emasculated Prop. 36 by Our effort is now paying off for the state’s of more arrests and incarceration.
drastically cutting treatment funding. 58 counties, which are in line to receive
$100 million for community-based drug
So, what are we doing now? Becoming treatment, probation and re-entry courts
ever-more resourceful by re-directing – money that could otherwise have been
drug war money to fund drug treatment used to finance the costly and wasteful
arrest of some 30,000 Californians.

New Directions Beating Back

A Public Health New Prohibitions
and Safety DPA Urges Sensible Regulation of model legislation that formally regulates
“Imitation Marijuana” Products and taxes adult sales of salvia divinorum,
Approach to while banning sales to minors.

Drug Policy In recent months, an herbal product

known as “K2” or “Spice” that is said DPA has harnessed the media’s interest
to simulate the psychoactive effects – several staff gave interviews and DPA
Thursday, July 8, 2010
of marijuana has come to the attention Federal Policy Coordinator Grant Smith
9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
of lawmakers across the nation. Even made the case for sensible regulation in
though K2 is relatively new in the U.S., a widely-read CNN.com opinion piece.
The Center for Healthy
sensational news media reports have Smith argued that the recent emergence
Communities at
raised its profile and mystique. of K2 in the U.S. is testing lawmakers to
The California Endowment
see if they’ve been paying attention to
Los Angeles, CA
In January 2009, the DEA identified it as the failures of marijuana prohibition.
a “drug of concern.” In March, Kansas
Co-hosted by the Drug Policy
became the first state to criminalize K2, The criminalization of K2 demonstrates
Alliance and the California Society of
and several other states are considering that the prohibitionist mindset is still an
Addiction Medicine, New Directions
proposals to prohibit it. ample threat. We will continue to work
California will convene a range
to ensure that lawmakers learn from the
of stakeholders and explore a
DPA is fighting back, urging sensible lessons of the past by passing laws that
comprehensive, balanced approach
legislative responses to K2 such as will actually regulate and control K2.
to drug policy that includes drug
regulatory controls on sale and posses-
abuse prevention, harm reduction,
sion. Similarly, last year DPA worked to
treatment and public safety.
ensure that California and Maine passed
Ally Summer 2010 www.drugpolicy.org 5

(Re-)Starting the Conversation:

Heroin Maintenance in the United States
Heroin maintenance allows people DPA has been at the forefront of such
who are addicted to illegal heroin and conversations in the U.S. for over a
have not succeeded in other programs decade. Studies from Germany, England,
to obtain pharmaceutical-grade heroin the Netherlands, Switzerland, Spain and
legally from clinics. Empirical studies Canada show that heroin maintenance
demonstrate that this cutting edge programs are cost-effective, successful
treatment innovation, as part of a com- at reducing criminality and problematic
prehensive treatment strategy, provide drug use, and improve the mental and
substantial benefits to long-term heroin physical health of participants.
users who have not been responsive
to other treatments. While a research trial in the U.S. remains
several years away, it is a high priority for
In January, DPA and the George us to initiate similar trials in the U.S. We
Washington University School of Public will continue to bring together leading
Health and Health Services convened authorities on drug abuse, prevention,
a public forum to discuss heroin treatment, epidemiology, criminal justice Washington, D.C., councilmember Tommy
maintenance. DPA staff was joined by and law enforcement to discuss the Wells gave opening remarks at the forum. “I am
proud that my city is hosting this event and am
researchers from Germany and Canada, benefits and obstacles of implementing
interested to learn more about the positive impact
scholars, students, activists, journalists a heroin maintenance program in the that heroin-assisted treatment has shown on
and elected officials. U.S. The science is there and – as this problematic heroin use, HIV/AIDS, and street
event proved – the political will is not crime,” said Wells.
far behind.

Overdose Emerges as a
Major Legislative Issue
Since 1990, overdose deaths have naloxone to save lives. The first, we’re the public about advocating for this
quadrupled in the U.S. and it is now the proud to say, was passed in New Mexico lifesaving legislation. We created
second-leading cause of injury-related in 2007 – a direct result of DPA’s efforts. an overdose legislation advocacy
death. DPA is leading the way to take on guide, available for download at
this crisis. States are working to address the www.drugpolicy.org/overdose, to
overdose crisis, and so is Congress. teach interested members of the
More than a dozen states across the Sixteen Members of Congress are now general public how to become effective
country are currently considering legisla- co-sponsors of the Drug Overdose advocates. And our major report,
tion to slow the growing overdose crisis. Reduction Act, a federal bill drafted Preventing Overdose, Saving Lives,
DPA is fighting to ensure safe access and supported by DPA. The overdose has been shaping the debate about
to pain medications while working with bill would direct federal dollars to over- harm reduction approaches to the
elected officials to expand access to the dose prevention programs, research epidemic.
overdose reversal drug, naloxone, and efforts and data collection systems.
community-based overdose prevention We’re committed to fighting for real
programs. On the advocacy front, we’ve been solutions to the problem of accidental
busier than ever. In May, DPA held a drug overdose. We’re educating
Washington recently became the second federal briefing on Capitol Hill to educate legislators, elected officials and
state in the country to pass a life-saving lawmakers and their staff about policy members of the public about overdose
911 Good Samaritan bill, which includes solutions to the crisis. Since last year, prevention like never before. Together,
a component permitting the use of DPA has been hosting an ongoing we’re beginning to make a difference.
series of conference calls to educate
6 Summer 2010 www.drugpolicy.org

Balancing Act in the Nation’s Capital

Despite Unprecedented Gains, Office of National Drug Control Policy Leonhart is a Bush holdover responsible
Obama’s Budget and DEA (ONDCP), also known as the drug czar’s for obstructing scientific research and for
Nomination Confirm War on Drugs is office. In April, DPA Executive Director raids on medical marijuana patients and
Alive and Well Ethan Nadelmann testified before caregivers.
Congress during hearings on ONDCP.
It is often said that our nation’s capital DPA also worked closely with Kucinich’s In a nutshell, DPA is supporting
will be the last place to adopt drug policy office to craft ONDCP reform legislation Congress and the Administration when
reform, but this year is beginning to that would change the way the federal they work to pass meaningful drug policy
prove conventional wisdom wrong. government evaluates its drug policies. reforms, but holding them accountable
when they’re perpetuating the failed
The Obama Administration has stepped The administration’s current drug war policies of the past. We’re educating
up in many ways, including calling for budget, however, is almost identical Senators and the public on Leonhart’s
drug use to be treated more as a health to President Bush’s budget. Two-thirds positions, with the goal of either blocking
issue and appointing a drug czar who of the funding is going toward police, her nomination or changing the DEA’s
has called for treatment instead of incar- prisons and the Latin American drug conduct. At the same time, we’re working
ceration for nonviolent drug users. war, and very little is going to treatment with the chairs of several important com-
and prevention. mittees to rewrite federal drug policy and
We’re working closely with longtime ally eliminate stupid drug war waste. It’s a
Denis Kucinich, who chairs the key Adding insult to injury, President Obama tricky balancing act, made possible only
subcommittee with oversight of the has nominated Michele Leonhart to head by your courageous cooperation.
the Drug Enforcement Administration.

U.S. Senate Approves

Crack/Powder Cocaine Reform Bill
Bipartisan Legislation Reduces – This is the most significant drug By not eliminating the disparity, the
But Does Not Eliminate – Racially sentencing reform bill to pass the Senate has proven how difficult it is to
Unjust Sentencing Law U.S. Senate in decades, and the first ensure racial justice, even in 2010.”
to explicitly lower a drug sentence in
For years, DPA has advocated for federal decades. Tellingly, the bill passed the As far as back as 1995, the U.S.
sentencing reform, and this year our Senate under a process designed to Sentencing Commission recommended
work paid off. move uncontroversial bills. eliminating the crack/powder disparity.
In Connecticut in 2006, DPA played a
While they squabble over just about The original Senate bill and the bill pivotal role in the first state-level elimina-
every other issue, U.S. Senators have already passed by the House Judiciary tion of the disparity.
agreed that U.S. drug sentencing committee completely eliminated the
laws are too harsh. The U.S. Senate disparity, but to get bipartisan and Many families will benefit from the
unanimously approved bi-partisan leg- unanimous support it was amended in change, but it obviously doesn’t go far
islation reforming the two-decades-old committee to just reduce the 100 to 1 enough. Members of Congress need to
policy of punishing crack cocaine disparity to 18 to 1. We’re disappointed know that advocates consider this bill to
offenses 100 times more severely than it’s not full elimination, but it is a critical be only a down payment on completely
powder cocaine offenses – a major step in the right direction. eliminating the disparity, and a stepping
source of racial disparities in the federal stone to reforming punitive drug policies
justice system. DPA Deputy Director of National more broadly. With your continued
Affairs, Jasmine Tyler, was quoted in support, reducing the crack/powder
an Associated Press story that ran in disparity will be the first step of many
dozens of newspapers around the massive changes.
country. “Today is a bittersweet day.
Ally Summer 2010 www.drugpolicy.org 7

DPA Supporters Sting Teams

Gather in San Francisco Up with DPA
In March, over 150 people attended Ethan Nadelmann put San Francisco’s Sting, the internationally renowned
an open house celebrating our move unique history into context and issued a musician and activist, is teaming up
to a new office location in downtown challenge. “San Francisco is a pioneer. with the Drug Policy Alliance to call for
San Francisco. This city was among the first munici- an end to the failed war on drugs.
palities to create guidelines for medical
DPA Deputy State Director Laura marijuana, and has demonstrated a Sting published a passionate op-ed
Thomas kicked off the event by high- commitment to reduce the spread of in the Huffington Post laying out the
lighting why San Francisco has been disease among injection drug users by devastating consequences of the drug
a model city for drug policy reform. supporting programs like clean needle war and urging people to support DPA
“San Francisco has consistently taken exchange. It’s the perfect place to in advocating for sensible drug polices.
the lead on implementing policies that create a model city for drug policy. DPA is also using a letter by Sting to
respect human dignity, appropriately At this point, Vancouver has leapfrogged recruit new members.
allocate scarce resources, and protect San Francisco – now it’s time for
public safety… We hope to see the first San Francisco to leapfrog Vancouver.” “For too long, the War on Drugs has
supervised injection facility here in the been a sacrosanct undertaking that was
U.S. in San Francisco.” virtually immune from criticism in the
public realm,” wrote Sting. “But recently,
I discovered just how much that’s chang-
ing – and that’s how I came to speak out
on behalf of an extraordinary organiza-
tion called the Drug Policy Alliance.”

Sting explains how he came across

DPA after reading an opinion piece by
Ethan Nadelmann in the Wall Street
Journal about the failures of drug pro-
hibition. Ethan’s article “dared to say in
print – in a thoughtful, meticulous argu-
ment – what everyone who has seriously
looked at the issue has known for years:
the war on drugs is an absolute failure
whose cost to society is increasingly
unbearable and absolutely unjustifiable.”

Last year, Sting became a member of

DPA’s honorary board. He joins other
honorary board members including
Arianna Huffington, former U.S. Attorney
General Nicholas deB. Katzenbach,
California State Senator Mark Leno presented former U.S. Secretary of State George
DPA Deputy State Director Laura Thomas with an P. Shultz, former President of the Czech
official certificate of recognition, congratulating us
Republic Václav Havel and several for-
on our new location. “I commend your continued
efforts to reduce harm, reform criminal justice mer mayors, judges and police chiefs.
policies and improve public safety. I further
commend your dedication to providing national
leadership in the dialogue on drug policy
changes. It is through the continued efforts of
organizations such as yours that many individual
lives are made better.”
8 Summer 2010 www.drugpolicy.org

In Memoriam:
Howard Lotsof, 1943-2010
Dedicated Career to Mainstream Last November,
Scientific Acceptance of Ibogaine DPA honored Howard
Lotsof by presenting
him with the Robert
Howard S. Lotsof, discoverer of the C. Randall Award for
anti-addictive effect of ibogaine, died of Achievement in the
liver cancer in January at the age of 66. Field of Citizen Action
at the International
Drug Policy Reform
Ibogaine is a psychedelic rainforest plant
found primarily in Gabon that is used in
puberty initiation rites in the Bwiti religion.
Although it is banned in the U.S., it is
legal in most countries including Canada
and Mexico. The use of ibogaine for the
treatment of addiction continues to ex-
pand in medical and non-medical settings
around the world, and ibogaine continues
to be studied as a paradigm for funda-
mental research and the development of
new treatments for addiction.

Lotsof originated patents for the use of related compounds in the mainstream generated scores of peer-reviewed
ibogaine in treating people who are ad- scientific community. He also provided publications and led to the approval by
dicted to opioids, cocaine, amphetamine, pilot data to the National Institute on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
alcohol and nicotine. His work initiated Drug Abuse that became the basis for of a Phase 1 clinical trial.
substantial research into ibogaine and a program of research on ibogaine that

Since We Last Spoke

In March, a California initiative that A documentary about DPA Honorary Do you know what your rights are if
would legalize personal marijuana Board member Sasha Shulgin called you’re stopped by police? Most people
possession and allow regulated Dirty Pictures had its World Premiere don’t, and the consequences can be
sales of marijuana to adults qualified in March at the SXSW film festival. severe. From simple misunderstand-
for the state’s November general elec- Using himself and his wife Ann as ings to illegal searches and excessive
tion ballot. Oakland-based activists test subjects, Shulgin discovered force, a bad police encounter can
gathered 690,000 signatures, well over the effects of MDMA (aka “Ecstasy”) happen to anyone. In March, thanks to
the 434,000 required to qualify. DPA and over 200 other mind-altering DPA’s critical support, Flex Your Rights
assisted with drafting the initiative and drugs. This brought him into conflict released their new educational drama,
has worked with the media to frame with the law, but earned him a 10 Rules for Dealing with Police.
the debate. In March, an interview with reputation among many as one of the Narrated by the legendary trial lawyer
DPA California State Director Stephen great chemists of the 20th century William “Billy” Murphy, Jr. (from HBO’s
Gutwillig was featured on NBC Nightly and made him a worldwide under- The Wire), 10 Rules depicts innocent
News and Gutwillig was quoted in ground hero. people dealing with the heavy-handed
dozens of front page articles around policing tactics used every day in the
the country. U.S. After watching 10 Rules, you’ll be
more confident and better prepared to
handle every kind of police situation.

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