Messenger Lowry Multiple Choice Matching Test

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Name: ________________________ Class: ___________________ Date: __________ ID: A

Messenger Quiz

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. What is ironic about the name Seer?

a. It was also the name of Seer’s father.
b. Seer can see but he can’t hear.
c. Seer can’t see.
d. It is not his name.
____ 2. Which of the following does not describe the setting of Messenger?
a. The story takes place in Village.
b. A Forest surrounds the place where Matty lives.
c. The story takes place in the Middle Ages.
d. None of the above.
____ 3. Which character is able to travel to go into the forest because it "likes" him?
a. Seer
b. Leader
c. Matty
d. Kira
____ 4. Why did the people of the village need Matty?
a. To help take care of their dogs.
b. To help take care of elderly men.
c. To deliver messages within and outside the Village.
d. To deliver food from other places into Village.
____ 5. What creature did he interact with in the forest?
a. a dog
b. a frog
c. a snake
d. an eagle
____ 6. What kind of Warning that Forest gave Seer?
a. It choked his neck.
b. It poked out his eyes.
c. It spoke to him.
d. It stabbed at him.
____ 7. How can we know that Leader and Gabe are Jonas and little Gabe from The Giver?
a. The story tells us explicitly who they both are.
b. The story implies it, because they both arrived in the village on a sled.
c. The story implies it, because they both return to their old home.
d. There is no way to know this.
____ 8. What did Ramon' s family trade for that Matty was interested in?
a. a new sled
b. a bike
c. a puppy
d. a Gaming Machine

Name: ________________________ ID: A

____ 9. Fill in the blank: "There were no ______________ in Village."

a. secrets
b. problems
c. evil people
d. honest people
____ 10. Which of the following was not true of Matty’s (biological) family?
a. He had no father in the home.
b. His mother was abusive.
c. They were all dead.
d. They were poor and had little food.
____ 11. What is Matty’s gift?
a. He can see beyond.
b. He can travel safely through Forest.
c. He has a power to heal.
d. He can see inside people’s thoughts.
____ 12. Which of the following traits are not among the physical changes Mentor underwent after trading:
a. He seemed to grow taller.
b. His birthmark went away.
c. He became younger.
d. His hair grew back.
____ 13. What did Matty find odd about the Trade Mart (considering it was called a Trade Mart)?
a. No one seems to have brought anything to trade.
b. People traded in things that were more valuable than what they received in return.
c. Everyone dressed up for the event.
d. Seer didn’t like to go.
____ 14. What was Mentor interested in getting at the Trade Mart?
a. a Gaming Machine
b. a new puppy
c. Stocktender’s Widow
d. a brother for Jean
____ 15. What effect did the Trade Mart trading have on the woman who traded for a Gaming Machine have?
a. She became younger.
b. She became impatient and unkind.
c. She grew taller.
d. There was no apparent effect.
____ 16. In what ways did Jean say her father was behaving differently (since his trade)?
a. He was more shy.
b. He was cruel to her.
c. He was impatient, as with the dogs.
d. He slept more.
____ 17. What was the outcome of the vote on the petition to close Village?
a. It was decided that the Village would close to outsiders in three weeks.
b. It was decided that the Village would close to outsiders immediately.
c. It was decided that Village would not close.
d. It was decided that the Village would close to outsiders in a year.

Name: ________________________ ID: A

____ 18. Why was Seer suddenly concerned about the closing of Village?
a. Because he wanted to return to his old town.
b. Because he had a grandson that needed to come to Village.
c. Because he was afraid Matty wouldn’t return in time.
d. Because his daughter Kira was not yet in Village with him.
____ 19. What was happening to Matty' s friend, Ramon?
a. He was growing deathly ill.
b. He was becoming mean and impatient.
c. He was learning how to heal animals.
d. He was considering stealing Jean away from Matty.
____ 20. Which of the following is not a change that Matty noticed in Forest as he began his journey to go to his
former village?
a. The fish were slow to come to his hook.
b. A chipmunk, usually an amiable companion, chittered angrily and bit his finger when
he held his hand toward it.
c. The forest was suddenly full of poisonous snakes.
d. Poison ivy was growing across the path again and again, where it had never grown
____ 21. Why could the blind man never return to see his daughter?
a. because she didn’t know who he was
b. because he would be killed by those who put his eyes out
c. because he could not see to travel through the forest
d. because he hated that she had a crippled leg
____ 22. Why did Matty have to watch his time on this trip and hurry back to Village with Kira?
a. Forest was thickening and Village would close soon.
b. Kira was pregnant and would deliver soon.
c. Seer was dying and may not be alive when he returned.
d. Leader needed Kira to help him see beyond.
____ 23. What is Kira' s handicap?
a. She is deaf.
b. She has only one leg.
c. She has a twisted leg.
d. She has a speech impediment.
____ 24. What is Kira' s gift?
a. She can see beyond.
b. She “sews” the future.
c. She is a gifted artist.
d. She can hear beyond.
____ 25. What is happening in Village while Matty is away?
a. Its members are working with Leader to stop the closing of Village.
b. Its members are angry, impatient, rude to each other, and rushing to build walls.
c. Its members are sick and dying.
d. Village is burning.

Name: ________________________ ID: A

____ 26. In what way does Forest attack Matty as he and Kira begin travelling through it?
a. It tries to strangle him.
b. Sharp vines try to stab him.
c. Vines drip acid on his arms.
d. The frog tries to attack him.
____ 27. What did Kira see in her embroidery?
a. That Forest was an illusion.
b. That Village was closing.
c. That Matty was going to die.
d. That Leader was coming.
____ 28. When Leader went into the forest to find Matty and Kira, what weapons did he take?
a. His gifts.
b. A bow and arrow.
c. Seer’s cane.
d. He went defenseless.
____ 29. Which of the following did not happen when Matty touched the earth, "waiting to die?"
a. Kira began to breathe more easily.
b. Seer’s eyesight was restored.
c. Ramon sat up suddenly in the bed, where he had lain ill for days, and felt the fever
begin to seep from him.
d. A healing breeze came up in Village.
____ 30. What phrase best describes the difference between Matty’s trade and those that had been made in Village?
a. Matty’s trade was for something immaterial; those in Village were for things.
b. Matty’s trade was self-less; those in Village were selfish.
c. Matty’s trade was not by choice; those in Village were by choice.
d. Matty’s trade involved the supernatural; those in Village did not.


a. Forest i. Matty
b. Frolic j. Mentor
c. Gaming Machine k. Messenger
d. Gatherer l. Ramon
e. Healer m. Seer
f. Jean n. Trade Mart
g. Kira o. Trademaster
h. Leader p. Village

____ 31. Matty' s new puppy

____ 32. an illusion; a tangled knot of fears and deceits and dark struggles for power
____ 33. the teacher of Village; once a kind, generous man but changed after trading his "deepest self"
____ 34. came to Village as a young boy; was once wild - the "Fiercest of the Fierce"
____ 35. Jonas; had the ability to see beyond
____ 36. gathering where more was traded away than just material goods
____ 37. what Matty hoped his new name would be

Name: ________________________ ID: A

____ 38. Mentor' s daughter; Matty was especially fond of her

____ 39. was entangled by Forest and died
____ 40. a place where marks and failings were valued rather than considered to be flaws
____ 41. Matty' s friend who became very ill
____ 42. Seer's daughter with the gift of seeing the future by weaving tapestries; had a bad leg
____ 43. Leader gives this name to Matty at the end of the book
____ 44. dark-haired man in charge of Trade Mart
____ 45. the blind man who raised Matty

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