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Make a game project – BSA:

Speedway 2011
By Lee Palmer
Target Audience
Gender the gender for this
game will mainly be aimed
The age of my target
towards male’s as all of the
audience will be 12- 35 year
drivers included will be
olds. it will appeal to this age
male and it is male
group as it will contain real
dominated sports.
life crashes and the injuries
will be visible to the audience.
Hobbies/ interests
The audience hobbies
Ethnicity and interests would be
The Ethnicity for this game would watching speedway,
be mainly aimed towards white motor bikes, cars, riding
people. As most of the people bikes, racing. As this is
who watch and participate this the type of things that
sport is white. speedway is involved

Existing media consumptions

They would be; watching speedway on TV, speedway
magazines speedway book and speedway websites
playing speedway game. This is the different types of
media consumptions that speedway supporters will use.
Character control
Character control in this game you
Playing method
The types of Playing method
will be able to have single in this game would be one
The narrative of my game
character control, were you player, as you are able to do
would be single objective as
control a character of your choice a campaign mode where you
you will only have one
through a seasons. You can chose are in control of a team and
objective during the career
a created player that you have play against the computer.
and that is to win the race. The
made or a speedway driver that is Versus where you can play
aims of the career of my game
already in the game. Multiple against your friends or other
will be to win the league with
character-infrequent change this online players. This will be
a team and you can chose a
when you are in control of the used as another way of
team from the English, Polish
whole team and chose one of the playing instead of just
or Swedish league.
riders in each race to control and campaign mode and co-
in the next race control a different operative where you can play
racer. with a friend and play against
Camera View Unique selling point the computer. This will be
The camera view for this game will The unique selling point of used when you can each
third person where you will be this game would be; the control a one rider in a race
able to see from behind the different leagues you are from the same team.
character you are controlling or able to chose from. Also
another unique selling point Game Space
first person where you will only The game space in this game
see what's in front of the would be that you are able
to manage a team instead would be contained area as
character you are controlling . I they have to complete the race
will use these two camera views of racing. I have used these
unique selling points in my in the track that they have
as some people may prefer third selected.
person and some may like first game to
person camera view.
The Genre for my game would be Racing as you have to
win races to move onto the next race and sports as you
are simulating a real life sport in speedway. A similar game
to mine would be FIM: speedway grand prix 3 this game is
similar as it would use the some of characters that my
game will include, although the BSA: speedway 2011 will
include a lot more riders as my game will be based on the
leagues in three different countries unlike FIM speedway
where it is only based on the grand prix series. The genre
racing is represented in my game as you have to win races
to win the league which is the objective of the game.
Computer Xbox 360 and PS3

• Online play
• Will have a big database, including more • Online play
riders, staff, mechanics and tracks • Downloadable content including more tracks
• Will have a Data Editor which you will be • Update for Rider, Staff and mechanic

This game will be released on computer, Xbox 360 and PS3. I have chosen these consoles as these are the
main consoles that my target audience are most likely to have . For the computer version the unique
gameplay features will be that they will have a much bigger data base and you will be able to edit the data
yourself. The Xbox 360 and PS3 unique features will be able to play co operatively and updates for riders.
The developer I have chosen for this game is Techland. Techland are a
polish based company that develop games in-house, which means
that they are not associated with any game publishers or console
manufactures. I have chosen Techland to be the game developer of
my speedway game as they where the developers of the FIM:
Speedway Grand Prix 3 game so this will benefit them as they will
already know what the game will be about. Techland have also
developed games like Call of Juarez Series, Xpand Rally extreme and
GTI Racing.

Synergous relationships
The synergies relationship in this game
would be a tie in or a partnership
between Sky Sports and Techland.
There will also be a synergy between the
British Speedway Association and
Techland this will also be a tie in.
The games publisher that I have chosen is
Techland. I have chosen Techland as they have
published speedway games before and have
had high rated feedback. Techland are 1st party
and have an in-house game developer.
The certificate that the regulators BBFC and PEGI would give my game would be 12+ as
BSA: Speedway 2011 game will include scenes of injuries which may frighten a younger
audience then 12 there may also be scenes including blood which may frighten a
younger audience. These are the reasons why my game would be given a 12 rating.

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