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Today, in the information age, there are more complexities in the world and also

in our human society. One of these complexities is communication medias and amu
sement stuffs.a good example of this point are movies.
Well, some people agree that there is too much violence in the movies while othe
rs think in a contrary way. in my opinion, I think it really depends on the pers
onality of the person to agree or disagree with this point. because there are a
variety of genres to watch: comedy, science-fiction, fantasy, daramatic , ect. A
nd each type almost clarifies whether the actions are violent or not. But totall
y I agree that recently there are rather more violence in the movies comparing t
he past.
I think the first point I can make is just having a comparison. several years ag
o, when I was a child, in the most popular movies, there were less bloody action
s; but nowadays, as I compare the movies with then, I think the scenarios are pr
oduced more violently and in fact the growth rate in violence is really terrible
. for instance, we see that among all the movies, the top standing movies are mo
re violent; e.g. Star Wars, Matrix, Avatar and so on. anyway, that's why we see
a lot of meetings and newspapers in the related topics saying that children are
in a high risk and that we must take some effective solutions.
Regarding to the above reasons and examples, I think there is too much violence
in movies and therefore it's vital for us to lessen the violence and make the fi
lms more safely.

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