Strawberry Bulletin #1 - March 2011

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Strauberry o, Bulletin 9 te 1, Naber 1 ny the 500,000 Veren freater Las Amgeles March 2011 MONTHLY BULLETIN Veterans Respond to West BEGINS PUBLICATION [,. A. VA Draft Master Plan Debut Issue Marks Anniversary «= Of 1888 Veterans Home Deed Reporting on VA Land Use An Old Soldier’s Home OPINION IN THE BULLETIN Editorials Gophers Rule The now pending Draft Master Plan for the West L.A. VA property says, "Theonls areas providing nanural habitat are the arzoya and the esearpment along the east peoperts line hho live here keiow better everwhere Ray van de Hock, eo director ” at the tallona, Institute in Playa del Rey, the gophers have been in this prairie meadow envitonment for And they will up 12 milion years. ikely be have for giving the fellow ady?1 8 naine nl your inspirations ro stra berry bulletin VA Plan Needs Congressional Hearings fhe now-pending Draft Mas the West LA. VA property: desors jperations of the largestand the most va in the nation for the nest thizteen years a fond it neces plan tha, in ts to any specitie In other words, the GLAHS is telling Congress: Leave us alone; notwithstanding sour 1998 mrand ‘our plans Lf we Stramberry Dulletin able VAfacilty “HOME “THE EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP WENT SILENT” WHEN MARTIANS LANDED ON STRAWBERRY FLAG Letters To the Editor TF vwoule ike to ni town in America s homeless veterans @ Future and the ability to eraw] out ofthe eracks fof society and inta 4 mere productive life. know firsthand beeause Tat a homeless seteran who struggles with addietion, 1 have heen in and out of state prison for 15 years ane always end up on the street. but since E have reached oat 10 the VA for help, Uhave been able mek on track ries were a rest of bein and L sais committing tobberies in for some brief comfort, 1 also believe the crime rate amongst veterans will drop, 1am in the proe vast soucher and I inal environment. hye Homeless Vet of insti Tothe Editor there should never be @ reason that this leatorever be written! How dare certain people think hey have the right co take from Veterans, The very Veterans that left their homes to fight Daltles that they did no start. To fight battles to preserve freedom, freedo people who think that have ee from the Veterans, TAKE ‘THE VETERANS, How date thes Who is this Suc Young? Is she for the al thee Jowtthinkso, After reading the article i, believe that this person shold be i oom with the Bell. Take land fromthe Yeterans and get paid Soak year. Soundls to me like she is robbing someone, Whose noneyis she ing? Come on, people: do your homework, uup the Veterans Park Conserv four 100k gets you, And, ob ye in Arizona, ‘That means she spends your money in Avizonait! 1 AMA VETERAN, AND 1 WANT THE WORD VETERAN TAKEN OFF OF HER “PET PROJECT.” OOPS,1 MEAN HIER PARK PROJECT Curtis Bailey Veteran, U.S. Arn Inside This Issue ACLU and veterans support breseh of trast barges against West LA. VA Pages Park on VA land sparks resignation Page New Directions makes employment deal for restoration work Page 5 Pages of History: Veterans helping each other a century ago Page buried treasure near gopher hole Page In memoriam Sargent Shriver Theatre review: State of earceration NEWS IN THE BULLETIN Vets Express Themselves at Creative Arts Festival Rochelle Fab On Match 2, 4 local veterans exhibition and competition of raler filmvideo) took place on the West LA. VA, campus in Building 500's multipurpose room a pat of the National Veterans Creative Arts Festival. The national competition i ed in V8 medica veterans being tre centers for VA outpatient elinies and those residing, in state veterans homes aerass the US. a8 of January 1, 2011 This. kaleidos, pie display of intricate and abstract visual art works and lve, often tonespeeted performances (spoken | word theater, poetry, gospel, music, danee, and more} offers veteran patients! a vente present their argvork for a day a¢ the site where they normally receive medieal care The V's national websive describes the event thus: “[Nistionwide, Department of Veterans affairs IVA} medical facilities use the ereative arts as one form of rehabilitative Uueatment to help Veterans recover fram and cope with physical and emotional disabilities ihe competition includes 53 categories in the visual ars division this year that ram from oil painting t le by number kits hherwork to paint in addition, there are 120 categories in the performing atts pe to all aspects of mmisie, dance, drama creative writing, Seleet winners ave incited to attend the National Veterans Creative Arts Festival each yeas.” Winners will be flown to compete and show in the National Veterans: Creative Ants Festival Hnals in. Fayetteville Arkansas from October 17¢0 24 Ants Having experienced the Creative Festival last year, the staff at the Straw Hulferin notes that veterans have more than seltthelp pr craft variety of wallets 1¢ or the summer camp leather birdhouses, and’ ealorby number res. The talent show can also reveal and hyper real, live expressions that othenwise have 90 stage nor audience at the West LA, Vi, talent from wellrehearsed! to ra Unfortunately, the Strawberry was informed by a local veteran that his proposed artwork would most likely be censored by ‘inge committee hhewas warned by a VA clinician We have learned thatthe local competition has ereated a new judging category thisyearof silkscreening, die to the popularity 0 Studia Workshop om campus Veterans Pri Thursday nights ‘Winners of the local West 1.A. competition were not known as of press time, but the Bulletin will keep ou readers posted in future Judges included a panel eamprised social worker Michele Hargrave, Hammer Museum staffer Marisa Lemorande, saga ae ‘movement therapist Anne Platte, ator Nicolas Coster, Steve Fisch of Stuartink Production, nd Catrie Hrandlin of VA Wolunteer Services The arwork was gathered for submission by reeteational and occupational therapist, Recreational therapist Erin Rule of the Domiciliary was the organizer of the West Los Angeles Creative Arts Festival BULLETIN DEBUTS cont bea "home town newspaper” for the West Los eles WA property” the largest VA facility in the nation that sevesas headquarters to those Lauren Bon and the Metabolic Studio were on-site at the West L.A. VA in 2009 andl 2010 with Strawberry Flag, an artwork made strawberries and reclaimed ‘was fully powered off the VA grid of salaged water th project employed feterans and worked with clinicians on the campus. The Annenberg Toundation has long ® supporter of veteran prose ming from the dedlieation of is founder, Ambassador Walter Annenber General Colin Prwell in 1994 called “one of America’s leading businessmen and greatest philanthropists This Rulletie hopes to continue those efforts, to provide information, so serve as a forum, and to be entertaining in the process Weinsiteyoureonteibutionstohelpus leer articles, poetry, drawings, photographs, Veterans’ Sports Correction Inthe November tain issue of Strawberty Gazette (page GLAIIS West Los Angeles proper is no gymnasium on tae campus. N | we reported, apropos of the There court. No handball, racquetball, or squash fours. Not even an outdoor basketball or ‘ollesball court on which to play & game We have since discovered that we were in error, There is one outdoor basketball court fon the 3 Its just north of Constitution avenue between UCLA's Jackie Robinson basebull sadism andthe property eentiance actos Sepulveda Boulevard from hecemeters. Angbods up fora hitleswo or Page 3 Ins 2007, shen Secretary of Veterans Affaits Ja Nicholson designated Buildings 203, 208, and 209 near the north end of the West Los Angeles ‘VA campus t be rehabilitated and developed for housing homeless veterans, This announcement ceame aller yeats of efforts by Santa Monica City Conancilmember Hobhy Shriver and others to yet the VA to commit co develop the buildings, which had heen vacant or underutilized for many years, tahhouse the homeles: In june VA Secretary Erie committed $20 million to fund the rehabilitation fof Building 209 for homeless ve At that Senator Diane Feinstein's office issued a statement that “Secretary Shinsekt alse committed co working with Senacor Feinstein and Henry] Waxman in the months ahead to identify additional funds to renovate buildings 205 and 208, the other two West Los Angeles VA ‘campus. buildings designated for Sugust 2010 Representative Robert Filner, who ther chaired the House of Representatives Veterans Miairs Committee, visited the Strmobeny Blas artwork on the quad in feontof the three buildings in November 2009 {before Shinseki's funding announcement), and Secretary Shinseki himselt visited the Flag andl the quad in uly 2020, jost after hisannouncement COn-the-ground observers report that as of the last weeks in February 2011, nothing las set been done AS recently as February 16, LA, County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky, who was with Shinsseki in Washi far te June 20:0 funding, money in the federal budget, in the one that President Obama just released the other day, take three buildin, Buildings 208, that would house several humndted homeless vets, nil then she fon the West LA.VA property 109} and 205, three big. buildings need to be converted into housing tinigs, and the Fandsave there for hat. respeet that Ne will see some progress on that it the Next 2 Ther wh 1 renovation not is the Building included on the VA's list of projects approved for 2011 of for 2012, except perhaps as a part of a larger seismic corrections project, and then merely to design up to 65 pereent? And why has the Leo A Daly arehitecture’engineering tiem been tasked only to proside up to fo pereent completed funding 10 # Buildings cawings for Huilding 209, with ‘complete the design? To say nothin, va andl 208 The Bulictin’s Building 209 Watchdog will keep you posted NEWS IN THE BULLETIN ACLU and Veterans Support Breach of Trust Charges n what some may consider an unusual alliance, the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern Cslifrnia {ACLU'SC) and veterans organivations have both voiced fof Lauren Kon and that the leadership support for the charge the Metabolic Studi of the West Los Angeles VA has breached its fiduciary duties by failing 40 adhere to the cerms of the 1888 deed that frst gave property for the establishment of a home for seteranson the site The ACLU'SG sent a February 14 letter to Va Secretary Erie Shinseki and the Tederal and state attorneys general, stating that it ‘supports the request for an investigation into whether the Va is failing to abide by th terms of the 1888 deed of land in West Los Angeles tothe United States government for home forveterans, The request 10 whieh the ACLU SC referted was set forth in a January 12 letter from lawyers for Lauren fon and th Metabolic Stadio, a diteet charitable activity fof the Annenbery Foundation, written to Sectetaty Shinsekiand the US. and California Attorneys General, changing "a clear breach of the fiduciary daty of the [VA) in failing to adhere to the restrictions imposed upon it haritable trust ereated subject to a ently used as a asa trustee under a pursuant to an 18 festeietion that it be perm home for disabled veterans.” tinelased with the January 12 letter was 2 40-page “position paper” af the Metabolic Studio (plus supporting exhibits), whieh uatlined both authorities for th the faetual basis Studio argued that the Greater Los A\ Healtheare System (GLAHS} had entered into ‘multiple nts oF property. tansfers with commercial and other parties +0 us land for non-veteran-related uses and then hospitalized” all of the remaining land without providing the benefits of a "home forveterans. on and dhe Metabolic Studio were om at the West Los Angeles VA propert in 200% 2oio with the strawberry Hag project, an artwork made of salvaged strawberries and reelaimed water dhat was fully powered off the VA grid; during that lime, the project employed veterans and worked with clinicians at the campus Veteran Support The Lisabled American Veterans Chapter 13 in Northeidge wrote in support fof the Metabolic Studio position paper fon January 24, chatying “ongoing major mismanagement ofthe trust deed of 1888" at West L.A. that was “of historie proportion: Joining DAV was Veterans United for Truth in Santa Barbara, siting on January 27 of “the shameful saga of VA illegal action ane gross dereliction of responsibility [that] epi the anteclingapproach of the VA bureaucrats athe West Los Angeles complex." That letter was signed by Robert M. Handy, who not only chaies that group but alse chairs the Veterans Caucus of the California Democratic Party In dhe ACLUISC February a4 letter, Managing Attorney Peter J. Fhasherg wrote The Veterans Administration's failure to abide by the terms of the charitable grant Sts is described in the (Metabolic studio} position paper by [Lassyers, Dilworth Passor Pree hot only inconsistent with the government's legal obligation to abide by the Testtictions imposed by the wrantor as parc of charitable grant, but i also bas ebormous inuman costs,” ting evidence om homeless Response from the VA VA General Counsel Will A, Washington, D.C, sent Mek Richard Fox. February gone page reply tothe Metabotie Studio position paper, saying the "VA 38 meeting its legal responsibilities” and citing an unpublished 1990 decision of the Us. 9 Cirewst Court of Appeals whieh denied Page 4 relief to heits of the 1888 property grantors who the VA sole 2.13 ditto reclaim property as a reversion when. acres for an unrelated tse, Fox has responded that the decision is irrelevant to any effort to enforce the deed restrictions against the VA. > Public Park Sparks Resignation Carolina Winston Harrie, the grandniece of a rancho owner who gave the West Los for veterans, has director of the ‘VPC), a nonprorit has contracted with the West V8 to use 16 acres at the corner and San Vicente Boulevards as ‘open space “For henefit af veterans and the mneral public” according to a 2007 “Sharing Agreement” between the Consenaney an VA Greater Los Angeles Healtheare System [oLans Angeles property as.a home resigned her position as Yererans Park Consenvane group chat Los Angele of Wilshire Carolina Winston Barrie baie is the grandniece of Ateadia thandini de Haker, who togetnerwith US, Senator John P: Jones made an 1888 gife of goo aeres of theit Rancho San Vicente y Santa Monies to the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, the first land that ‘eventually became the West Las Angeles VA. Ms, Barrie's February 42 letter of resignation said that wihen she learned thae “the park that the PC intends to establish on the West Los Angele VA campus will not be limited to veteran use, but will, in essence, be a public park,” she coneluded that her continued involvement in the project would not honor (the) memory" of her greacaune who had given the land for veterans, “1 firmly believe that her intention, that land to be used sole bartie wrote, “was for Sa permanent hone for veterans and not for any nonveteran related In fact, veterans were turned assay fron the December 5, 2070 VPC delieation of arose yarden fon VA land belvind Building 220 and told tat the ‘event vias “by invitation only.” Notwithstanding the Devember 5 dedication, the rose arden remains fenced! off from seterans as of the seek of Februar The resignation followed a Janmary 14 lester to the VPC Tron Lauren bon, 9 director of the Annenberg Foundation wha heads the Metaboli Studio, which was onsite at the West Los Angeles Vn property in 20g and 2010 with its Sr Flag project, a made of sakaged strawherries and reclaimed water, Bon wrote that NEWS IN THE BULLETIN Public Park ed fr the Annenberg Foundation’s Ss milhion grant previously madetathe VPC had been solicited without diselosure that the park was 0 be located on a portion of the son aeres “subject to a deed restrietion that specifically limits the use of the land asa permanent home for Ron did not ask for a return of the Foundation’s eater gift, bu said that it now prefers that it "be treated as an anonymonts not be seknowledgement of nny kind” within the property oF otherwise nd that it “should not be idenctied in any manner as a donor” to the Conservancy oF to rk, Enelosed with Bon’s letter was a 30°pa position paper" of the Metabolic Studio alus supporting exhibits), swhich outlined both the legal authorities for the impasition f the trast and the factual basis for th see related story, page 4 argued that GLAHS had entered into multiple agreements or propert transfers with commercial and ether parties to use land for non-seteran-related uses and then “hospitalized” all of the remaining land without providing the benefits of a “home for veterans VPC exeeutive director Susan C, Young sent Bon a February 7 tworpage reply, saying that VPC would honor Annenberg's reauest to be dissowiated! from she park project and that it would “rely on the Department (of Veterans Affairs) 40 address your coneerns’ regarding improper use of the land, Young swroe that VPC “will continue to develop the National Veterans Park as an expression of but said! nothing farther rat the park project actually interferes with the use of the land to benefit Such as by provieing homeless patriotism shout the elains housing Ms, Barrie noted in her tes to the VPC that she was “quite disheartened’ by the VPC reply ti Bons lester andl surprised that there was no overture made their differences and that to reconcile instead, the response to Lauren's rather stsory ate Lauren's letter was simp dismissed out orhand Veterans Print Studio Silkscreen Workshop Thursdays 5:30-7:30pm Bldg.#208 Rm-123 (Occupational Therapy Room) ALL Vets Welcome! Page 5 New Directions Makes Employment Deal to Restore Historic Buildings New Direetions has announced an employment partnership with Preservation arts, a company that restores historic buildings, ander which Preservation Arts wil train formerly: homeless seterans fe currently in the New Directions rogram, The frst project will begin with six New Vietorian homes at Heri qu Highland Fark area of Los Angeles training that inthe specific Arts committed Presenvation to provide their yeteran employees included OSHA. training, masonry, and expertise, all 0 fenhance a veteran's employmer which are designed co slaills and ‘opportunities in the construction arena, New Directions is a nonprofit organization, Foundedin 1992,thatprovidescomprehensive services to hundreds of homeless veterans ach year in five transitional housing facilites, including Building £36 on the West Los Angeles Wa eamps Partnerships like this comeata ctuctal time, said a New Directions statement. “As recent statistics report, the veteran unemplosment rate is higher than the national averaye, especially mong the returning veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan, We hope this partnership will provide an example o other emplavers villi train and employ veterans Heritage Square where the New Directions xeterans will work, is a collection of histori buildings from the same era as the closed chapel Building 20) and trolley station (Bailing 66) on sVA-stounds, Buildings in anger of demolition are moved to the Heritage Square location, where they are restored, The site ineludes several homes, a railroad depot, a chureh, the West Los Ange Response to VA Draft Master Plan Carolina Winston Barrie and Ricardo Kandini Johnson, writing "as diteet descendentsof the donors of tis and and on behalf of our family.” submitted comments stating, "We believe thatthe West Los Angeles VA Tas chosen tw Impropetly ignore 6 restricttons placed on the donated land under the 1988 deed and, in doing so, has warned its hack om the clear intention of ont ancestors tat this land be used only as a permanent home forvererans AC the February Angeles County ‘Commission, Stephanie Stone, who ehairs the Commission, noted that there had been no input in the preparation of the deat plan from people outside the GLAHS staff se tar as she ‘was aware. Col. Joseph Smith (Ret), Counts Director of Miktary and Veterans Af tere had been publie meetin with carlicr planning efforts some years ago, and he thought these were incorporated inthe January 2011 drat The GLAHS Draft Plan The draft plan, historie photographs and with maps and table peeting of the Veterans Advisory ‘leseribing current operations, [ists eneral objectives, physical objectives, and operational objectives equals x principles, [provides no timeline forany projeets, nor does general "gui but it inpriotitizethem, Itdoesnot say whichofehem are part ofa 25 year plan or which are part of asoyear plan Wha ‘Congress fs thatthe plan “oes not com “any specific project, construction schedule, or funding priority, Fach development proposal the draft plan does say to must be approved individually by the GLAHS Director, the Network Director, and national VA officials as required by VA regi governing the spevifie projec The plan does acknowledge “21 land use semtentswith 18 partners for the WLAcampus and establishes as a “guiding prineiple™ that the Vanwill “iijaintain eureent land ase and lease arrangements More Comments on the Pha The 888. property andini de Baker specified their objections to the draft plan in their comments when they wroxe that the West Los A heirs of antor Areadia sles VA has diverted the tuse of the land for non-veteran uses, by entering Towing the land to be use for vehicle storage by rental car and example charter bus companies, laundry operations for Matriott hotels, @ public park, commer wells, private schoo! athletie feiities, a city dog park, the Wadsworth and Brentwood Theatres, the UCLA baseball fleld, and the renovation of the golf course forthe UCLA men and women golf teams.” They etiticized the GLAHS's “e hospitaliziny’ th and excluding any of the mined intention of sntite operation aspects of a home for veterans, such as providing meaninggl recreational, soeial, spiritual, occupational, and intellectual ativties and facilities." Bartie and Jolson concluded, "We ust that there will be public hearings on the Draft Master Plan And Robert Rosebrock, who leads “The Ole Veterans Guaed” that has been protesting misuse ff VA land outside the locked gates at Wilshire and San Vieente Bowles cds for 153 conseeutive Sundays fas of February 23), has his criticisms of the VA GLAHS draft master plan. "The West L.A, Vivhas had a master plan tor 123 years now,” says Rosebrock, "I's called the deed of 388. NEWS IN THE BULLETIN Across the nation, the VA has divested ftself of land throu I enhanced use leases and sharing agreements with non-veveran organizations and commercial companies that, in some eases, have undermined the eare fof those who fought vabantlyto keep America Angeles, at both the West L.A. VA Weds VA, special interests have free. In Lo nid the 5 found a home on land that rightfalls belongs denying them of desperately needed servives. The VA has turned @ blind ye to the 20,000 homeless veterins in Los Angeles while dhey pledge to the American ouible their anelyiny support ofall veterans lets, brothers, My father, uncles, gtand! ronorably, as have millions along with them. ur veterans deserve better treatment from metnment they defended ses City Watch ariel a Ka The American Civil Liberties tcl Metabolic union nas added studio, activity of the Annenberg Lauren on, in calling investigation for alleged multiple breaches of fiduciary responsibility surrounding the 885 deed for land donated by Senator John P.Jones and Arcadia Bandini fof Southern Californi its support eo the direet charitable Foundation led by artist de Stearns taker for a Veterans’ Home, now known asthe West Los Angeles VA(WLA VA), Hon and her team ran a widely acclaimed, fully funded and compensated work therapy LOW) program for veterans, Strawberry Fag, tor over a year on the WLAWA, campus. This work was located between three ander purposed buildings, 205, 208 and 209. The work was alowed of Understanding (MOU) with The MOU was signed by citer ofthe WLAVA, and was extended due t0 its popularity with both clinicians and veterans, the Director, Donn Despite the sticeess and many benefits it offered 1o veterans, Beiter absupal pulled dhe plug on the Serasaerry Bag project in Qctobe Hon’s support of veterans didn’t end, FREEDOM BARBER SHOP OPEN DAILY SAN-7PIA Reporting on VA Land Use however, when her Strawberry Flas project svas verminated, Instead, the Metabolie Stadio focused on the W's falureto meet its fiduciary responsibilities 0 our country’s veterans imposed on the use of the WEA VA the 1H deed for land. The Metabolic Studio recently released jopa an historical supported} USGS maps and extensive ease law, asserting he W's breach fof trust in failing to use the WLA VA as a for veterans a required under the 1888 deed and outlined several impermissible uses of the lane The position paper states, “Access. of the WLA WA is either forbidden or restricted by land sharing agreements that the VA has with commercial and other This tse of the land is not in conformity with the requirement under the 1888 eed that the donated lanl be used in a manner that direetly conteibutes to its use ssa home for veterans, and is therefore not permissible ff Dikworth Paxson LLP, a recognized legal expert in the fields of philanthropy and charitable giving sisted in the preparation of the paper ‘The Veterans Health Administration (VE) Handbook 1820.1 Seetion 4iki states that if a Richard 1. Fox Sharing Agreement cement does not qualify uneler Title 38% Section 8153 that permits only the esourees, Nearly all exceeds fixe yents, such of “health care the sharing agreements shown in the Draft Master Plan published in the Federal Register fon January 19, 2011 exceed five years and are Among the questionable sharing agreements is the acre tract of land that is to be “Veterans National Pack" -a publie park. to be open to the neighboring brentwood ‘community. The land was awarded rent-free t the Veterans Park Conservatney (VPC), whieh is hol a Velerans Organization, for a period of An agreement sighed by Sue Youn Director of the VPC, and Ralph Tillman, Director of Asset Manayement of the WLA WA, incortect describes the 235.5 ‘National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers,” when in reality the proposed site is on a portion of ander the 18 sre tract of land conveyed to dhe the 300 aeres af land donated deed The Sharing Agreement signed by Young nid Tillrsan for 8 20-year period is clearly not Fille 38 US ta the VPC website permitted unde Bue aceordiny The Pricisin the development stage in compliance with dhe legal requirements set forth by Federal rulings, Veterans Administration Policies and Guidelines established Administration (GSN 11 the VPC website as General Service GSA is shown supporter atthe VPC Neither Tillman nor Young wold aval hemselves for comment, Recent tax returns filed with the IRS, that are public record, reveal that Young is paid an anita Salary exceeding $109,000 plus expenses by the YPC, & relatively tiny 0 limited activities. Young r US. Senator Diane Feinstein, listed as a VPC supporter, has not had let with VPC for a few years but rather has attention on fuilding 209 an che focused her WHA VA campus whieh the VA has committed S20 million for conversion into a homeless facility whieh may house So veterans ~a building that i 200s, the VA said would require $7.2 million v0 repair, US. Congressman Henny Wasman, supports the WPC forcorment Robert Kasebrock, Director - Old Yereran’s Guard, along with several Veteran Service Organizations (VSO) have denounced the use of sharing agreements and have fought the VA for mans sears over these issues. Outside the proposed park that was scheduled for completion in 2008, Kosebtnck and several veterans have park for 153 vonsecutive Sundays. Peter Eliasberg, ACLU Managing Auorney, sho is detending Kosebrocts in a Free Speech lawsuit against the VA, wrote in a February 2044 leicet to General Frie K. Shinsek (USA Reta), Secretary Department of Veterans Affairs, “The Veterans Administration's fare to abide by the terms of the charitable grant is not only inconsistent with the gowernment’s legal abligation to abide by the restrictions imposed by the grantor as a past of charitable grant, but also has enormous humar the Annenberg Foundation, which gave 1000 10 the VPC to complete the Women's dedicated on December 5, 2010, but has pulled its Rose Garden which remains locked to this day support for the VPC letter from Ron, who fs a Dinvetar of she Annenberg Foundation, to Young requested that ‘they not be identified in any manner as ‘donor to the VPC or the National Veteran's Park. tsa, “While we stipport the ereation of pablie parksane the preservation of apen space, the use ofthe land slonated under the 1888 eed for a prablie pari does not directly contribute o the use ofthe land 1.8 permanent home for veterans an is contrary tothe 1H8 deed restriction The Veverans Caucus and Executive Board of the California Demoeratie Party took a stand jimilar to the Annenberg Foundation, notifying he VPC that it does not endorse a public park fon the WLA WA Jand and that the limited only forveweran uses, land should Rosebrock who fully supports Hon’s position paper got in the last word saying, “The Draft Master Plan is null and void because there has already beetva legal Master Plan in place for neatly 123 years and it's ealled the Deed of 1888 FEATURES IN THE BULLETIN Pages of History Vet- to-Vet: A Century Ago sh cing the history of the West Los Angeles Soldiers Home, there are numerous tsases of veterans helping veterans that are both cormpellingand cory hitby.a cannon ball, losing his ability to stand Is. ogether, che two moved around the VA facilities, These examples are represen american and miitaey kdeals, 9 Social history by recording the prac everyday people, Wricing new in 20 vin ane hundred years an as ht and a selfretlective way in porary instances of this “spirit 0 An interesting example occurred in s another veterin most poignant because they demonstrate the strength of the miliary veterans went befnre Judge Jenness in San Monica Mardin Freeman had ‘Thomas sted tor “banonsing tooey ier demand for contact between veterans, and the intelligence of the veterans. Today, Fsee fe veterans providing peer support to each other barrister who worked ing spaces of comfort, bummon, ate nin hal Fotis complained Freeman's say at f Jor Soutien Gold Coin Discovered Next to Gopher Hole buried treasure has been unearthed near ine drankea bucket arteoom erupted, hen added that he Fy this fact as awaiter in the dining the north end of the West Los Angeles VA grounds, apparently du The judge found Folk "not guilty” of the fraudiyient bortesving charge. Not anly dacs this story show that veterans helped eseh other out i differens says, but ic alse shows that this help occasionally led to conliet between Home residents, And it reveals the dietary habits and expected limits to eating, both atthe Home and by the judge Another story fram 1yo7 insoles 80 Grand Army of the Republic veterans from the Cisil War who fosand ways to assist each other, Fted Chander lost his eyesight due to gunshot wound, and Henry Guinderman was tends "Bobby sp random tash ot he saw what looked like a piece ‘uurmed tt t be 8 200 year old gold specifically, an 1808 ame co the West LA. Var "My: best SPRAWBERRY SUNDAYS QaPM “| @aAL-VEts Loppy aa @ OPEN Me ‘chen ijesoned “| prwste, POETRY, | tromthejowisofa gopher. Pretty exis ish AISPOKEN WORD st MORE |{ The coin is onexisd ounce pure gol, secordingto Douglas. “It astounds me toshin’s of is journe ‘Thomas Jefferson was our President when it was minted, and tor be the first person so touch something in almost a hundred years fs fin to ponder. Also VerErans, FRIENDS Se FAMILY WeLcomn |7 2 ean now make jocular, albeit juvenile, boots references ip by one of the ‘cast putan effort inte their performances Lat, for the majority of Get audienee, achieved what the piece was going for: shock, Hut for this writer it lacked the que intensity hat the prison, situation actualy is, An interesting fet related wo the subjeet is that ‘Veteran presenters nd speakers include ave Culimer US. Marine Comp. ret. Chisieman of National Veterans Foundation! Colonel John Fer Former POwof Vietnam War scan Fito, US. Air Force, ret; Steve Mackey (President Vietnam Veccrans of America, State of CA} and April Resources Services Rancho Pak District office 11110 West Pico Blvd, Los Angeles CA 90064 sstiloor Conference Room Coneact: Charles Brags (320) 488-3230 Ongoing aMMeR MUSEUM Testun Bay Los Angeles, €A 90024 Mone oles os off with VA.or milita STATE PARKS AND RECREATION PASS, A lifetime State of California Parks pass, free of charge, entitles the holder tothe use otall basie State Park Syster facies at no fartier charge Eligibility: Ans wr veteran as defined in Publi Resources Code section 5011.5) ith a service connected disability rated at 30% or greater, 2 Congressional Medal of Honor recipient a former Prisoner of War, You malst bea Californt resident to quality for this pass, BUSINESS LICENSE TAX AND FFE WAIV Waiver of muinicipal,comnty.amd state i license fees and taxes forvetcrans who hawk, peddle, or vend any ond, wares, or merchandise monet by the veteran, except spirituous, mall vinous, or ather intesteatiny iguor, inching ses from a fixed location, Higibifi: Hane discharged veterans whi cngaige sales [hot Services) tities may be eligible, Ehigibility siteris differs based tipon local jurisdiction TRATION FEES WAIVED, Waiver of registration fees and free licens places for one passenger motor vehicle, or one hrotorcyele, of one commercial motor vehicle of Tess that #04 ponds unladen welsh Elsi Medal of Honor ecipients former Prisoners of War, and "disabled veterans” as defined i the "Disabled Vewerans License Plate” on DMV ‘or more information on CA Veteran benefits, visit huups,govVetservice Overview. spsibora

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