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Christ’s Last Words

By: Jackson Hergenrather

Then Jesus, bearing his cross willingly, went to a place known as “the place of
a skull” which in Hebrew is called Golgotha. In this place Jesus was crucified along
with two others, one on both sides, and Jesus in the middle. Then Pilate came up to
him. Carefully he wrote “Jesus of Nazareth king of the Jews” he wrote it in Hebrew,
Greek, and Latin. Then the chief priests of the Jews said to Pilate, “don’t write king of
the Jews but that he said he was king of the Jews.” Pilate replied, “What I have
written I have written.”

The soldiers then took Jesus’ clothes and separated it into four parts; they
then parted them between themselves and took his coat. The coat however was
without seam and so they decided to gamble to see whom the coat would belong to,
which, again, fulfilled the scriptures. Now by the cross stood his sister and mother,
Mary wife of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalene. Jesus then saw his mother and disciple
standing by, and looked on both of them with overwhelming love. He then said to his
mother “Look at thy son!” and to his disciple, “Look at thy mother!”

The disciple then took the woman to his house in that exact hour. After all
these miraculously accurate happenings had taken place Jesus knew for the
scriptures to be fulfilled he needed to say, “I thirst” so he did. Near the cross they
saw there was a vessel filled with vinegar and noticing this they filled a sponge with
it and put it in hyssop then, lifting it up with a reed, put it in his mouth. When Jesus
had drunk he said “It is finished” bowed his head and gave up the ghost. By doing
and saying all these thing Jesus fulfilled the scriptures and gave us the full
knowledge and proof we need to know that he did in fact die for us on the cross.

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