Trend Micro Antivirus Installation Process:: 1. Enter Inside The URL or Address Bar Than Click Enter

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Trend Micro Antivirus installation Process:

1. Enter inside the URL

or Address Bar than click Enter.

2. You will get this screen now. Click on Downloads Option.

3.1. If you want run Trend Micro Antivirus without save than
click on Link Button.

You will get Security Alert Message Box. Click on Yes. Then
You will get Trend Micro Office Scan Console Page. Like This
Click on Install Now. Wait at least 2-3 Minutes. Trend Micro Install
on your pc Automatically.
3.2. If You want save Trend Micro Antivirus or client
Setup.exe. Than click on Setup Button.

You will get this Screen. Than click on Save Button.

You will get this screen after than select location from where
you want to save clientSetup.exe. Like this

After that you will get this screen now.

After saving clientSetup.exe. Move cursor on clientSetup.exe
than right click and select run as option.
You will get this screen.

Give Administrator password of you PC and select ok option.

Trend Micro Antivirus or clientSetup.exe will install
automatically in your PC. Please wait 3-5 minutes.

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