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Entitiy 1st Ray Refs given by DK

General refs on
the 1st ray
Here we are clearly given the figures for the 1st ray and 7th ray cycles wh
numerical figures.
1st ray=1 year, 10 years, 100 years, 1,000 years, 10,000 years, 100,000 yea
7th ray=7 years, 70 years, 700 years, 7,000 years, 70,000 years, 700,000 y
Cycles of ray activity which are determined by t
(EPI 266) 6.


first ray, for instance, governs all cycles such a

million years, one hundred thousand years, one t
one hundred years and one year. The seventh ray controls such
thousand years and seven million years. The interchange and interplay of these ray cycles i
it would serve only [Page 266] to confuse should I further elaborate. Remember, however, tha
forever functioning, and functioning simultaneously, but that cyclically and under the directed
embodied by the rays), certain of these influences and forces are more dominant at one time th
of activity and certain results of this activity are demonstrated under one ray influence more th

The 1,000 year 1st ray cycle

(CF 1039) Apart from the cyclic impulses continuously going forth, overlapping and superseding, and i

there are many which we might call lesser impulses (and the cycle of one h
which H. P. B. refers [Page 1039] is but one of the lesser impulses. There is a one thousan

greater moment). There are vaster cycles, of 2500 years, of 7,000 years, of 9,000 yea
many others which only advanced initiates know
follow; these can break in upon any of the lesser impulses, and can be seen appearing, unexpected
knowledge is concerned, and yet they are but the returning impulses set in cyclic motion perhaps thousa

The 100 year lesser cycles-

(CF 1037) - At the same time, each serpent revolves upon itself, and likewise cycles ar
producing an effect of extraordinary brilliance and beauty, and typifying rotary-spira

The seven types of spiral-cyclic energy are suggestive of the na

which they represent, and produce, therefore, the distinctions which exist between men; t
accountable for the nature of cycles, and this is a point oft ove
periods of the emergence of the Rays, setting arbitrary dates, such as 2500 years, for the manif
One ray does pass through its cycle in that length of time, but only one, the others being either
difference has a great effect upon the egoic cycles
the length of time between incarnations. Some Egos cycle throu
incarnations and their pralayas very rapidly; other
hence it is impossible to say that there are even "averages" connected with the app
the astral plane, (the first ray is actually active on the mental pla
be active on the astral plane in about 100 years, and the physical plane i
Lodge ef
instance. This fact has bearing upon the statement of H. P. B. anent the
hundred years. Under the particular type of cyclic force eman
Lodge, the high water mark of its activity is to be
every seven cycles. All that originates on that Ray is co
efforts based upon the number 10 and its multiples, and finding
vibration, as it happens, during the last quarter
century. What our more modern students are apt to forget in this connection is th
demonstration of one type of force out of seven possible a
concerns primarily that group of adepts who are
particular line of energy, and will necessarily affect greatly all disci
line. At the same time, the work it initiates is endorsed by the Lodge as a whole, for it
emanation of the planetary Logos. It is naturally of great importance owing to the fact
of one of the three major Rays; but it will be, in the equilibrising process, balanced by analogo
from the two other major Rays.

It might be added here that when this is recognised it will become apparent that the revolutioni
which can be traced down the centuries, such as the formulation of the Law of Gravitation, the
ascertainment of the nature of steam, the discovery by man of that form of electrical phenomen
and the more recent discovery of radium, are in their own department (that of the Mahachohan
made during the last quarter of each century to stimulate the evolution of men through a furthe
the Secret Doctrine. Newton , Copernicus, Galileo, Harvey , and the Curies are, on their own l
equal rank with H. P. B.

cycles will not coincide, for they are not all sim

hundred year spiral. Some idea as to the Mahachohan's cycle of emanatory

considering the dates of the foremost scientific discoveries since Plato's time; the cycles of the
averaged by a summary of the appearances of the great Teachers down the ages.
the Manu, or those of the first Ra
The force emanations from
traced when the races are considered, and this has been d
the races and subraces. What is oft overlooked is that each of these rays of energy d
constructively, through the form-building agencies, and destructively through the
destroy prior to building. Thus the cycles can be viewed from two angles.

It is at this point that students in one branch of our theosophical movement must recog
P. B. came forth on a cyclic tide of energy to destroy the limiting forms to be found
religion, so his work must fit in with other force emanations, such as the constructive w
conjunction with the energy of the seventh at this time.

blend the one hundred yea

(CF 1038) When students learn to

first type of energy with the equally powerful impulses from the s
we shall then have a cessation of many controversies. No great impulse will come from
of the first Ray of Will or Power till the close of a ce
governing the first ten years of each century) One such impulse along another
the discovery of the nature of the atom was arrived at through the study of electricity, a
substances, and an impulse from the second aspect is imminent. It is not safe for stude
dogmatise anent this question of cycles. Apart from the cyclic impulses continuously g
there are many whi
and superseding, and intermingling with each other,
call lesser impulses (and the cycle of one hundred yea
P. B. refers [Page 1039] is but one of the lesser impulses. T
thousand year cycle of greater moment). There are vaster
7,000 years, of 9,000 years, of 15,000 years, and many others which only advanced initiates kn
can break in upon any of the lesser impulses, and can be seen appearing, unexpectedly, as far a
concerned, and yet they are but the returning impulses set in cyclic motion perhaps thousands

H. P. B. is right in his affirmation as far as the impulse of the first ray is concerned; but his foll
as they overlook and negate the six other types of impulses, of equal or of more importance, w
from the Lodge, and which will meet with response from those who vibrate to that particular ty

This suggests 1st ray cycles of all time frames have 7 periods of outgoing
periods of ingoing abstraction of application-This would apply just the s
year cycle or the 100 years of Brahma
(EINA 8) I differ somewhat concerning the periods indicated by such occult teachers a
seven year cycles have their place, the division is apt to be ov
suggest ten year cycles of development, divided into tw
seven of learning and three of application.

This series of three sequences can be applied to any time period, not just
time and space order is the 7, then the 3, and then the 10 summarising th
see this in the 100 year cycles as 70 years of learning, and three of applic
(CF 415) In due course of time another merging in the scheme will eventuate and then
name in our scheme) will flash into objectivity. Forget not that the schemes manifes
as three from the angle of the Eternal Now, or—from
Heavenly Man—the manifestation may be written as (3|7) (put a circle around the 3|7—
space the order might be stated to be 7-3-10, and at c
[Page 415] the opposites merge the ten become the seven and th
during this process that entire chains and globes, and eventually schemes, will apparen
objectivity, and drop out of sight. They will be simply absorbed. During the twofold
might be numerically expressed as:

During involution the sequence is seen as three, then seven and

During evolution the sequence is ten, then seven and finally

The rays of attribute should be calculated at a lower time frame than the
352) The rays of aspect have longer cycles than the ray
and their measure is occultly slow, cumulative in [Page 352] effect, and—as the ages pass away—their m
The rays of attribute have briefer cycles, and produce a steady heart-beat and a regular rhythm in the so
of aspect might be regarded as embodying the will and purpose of the incarnating Lo
equally be regarded as embodying the quality and character of the incarnating Logos.

three major rays are the expression (during manifestation) of the egoic aspect of
Logos, whilst the four rays of attribute embody His personality aspect.

(EPI 23) 1. The Lord of Power or Will- For His body of manifestatio
which the sun is regarded as the esoteric substitute.
(CF 598 It is not easy for us to do more than grip as a mental concept the fact that
schemes, planets, chains, rounds, races and laws
from the angle of human vision the confusion seems unimaginable, and the key of its s
to be useless; yet, seen from the angle of logoic sight, [Page 598] the whole moves in u
accurate. In order to give some idea of the complexity of the arrangement, I would lik
Rays themselves circulate, the Law of Karma controlling the interweaving. For in
pass around a scheme (if it is the paramount Ray of th
first subray manifesting in a chain, its second in a r
in a world period, its fourth in a root race, its fifth in
its sixth in a branch race. I give this in illustration, and not as the s
present manifestation.

(EA 99) In connection with Aries, which expresses or is the agent primarily
Ray of Will or Power, the ray of the destroyer, it sho
ray energy comes from the divine Prototype in th
that it becomes transmuted into the force and activity of the planetary Lo
ray, (Vulcan) and works out as His triple activity under the guidance of the three r
Mercury and Uranus.

Souls are carried into and out of incarnation on the rays as they cycle in
(EPI 4) It will throw much light upon the times and cycles in the unfolding
panorama of history….. It gives us a dramatic picture of the progress
those souls who are carried in or out of manifes
appearance or disappearance of a ray.

The 100 year 1st ray cycle between 1400 and 1500.
(WM 402) Let us begin with the past. About the year 1400 , the Hierarchy of
difficult situation. As far as the work of the second ray was concerned (which had
of spiritual truth) there had come to be what I might call a complete exteriorisation of t
the first ray had also brought about an intense di
and crystallisation among the nations and govern
world. These two conditions of concrete orthodoxy and political differences pers
and are still manifesting. Today we have a similar condition both in the world of rel

After noting and watching this trend of affairs for another one hundred y
Brothers of the race called a conclave of all departments about the year 1500 A .D
determine how the urge to integration, which is essentially the keynote of our unive
hastened.....The tiny and temporary cycles, the small ebb and flow of the cosmic pr
Their attention in the first instance.

The middle part of a cycle where the incoming vibration is stabilised

(OM 40) Another factor enters now,—a factor that varies somewhat according to the need of the period
fundamentally important. The periods
in a cycle that are of real moment are the
overlapping and merging occur. They demonstrate on the physical plane in great revolu
fundamental upheavals in all three departments of the Hierarchy,—the department of the World Teacher
race and that of the Ruler of civilisation or of force. At the points of merging in a cyc
found, and all the system seems to be in a chaotic condition. The middle part of a c
incoming vibration is stabilised and the [Page 41] old has passed aw
and apparent equilibrium.

Solar System
Our Planetary Logos has a 1st Ray Monad, 2nd Ray Soul and 3rd Ray Pers
(EA 619) To return to our theme of the greater Whole, leaving behind us for a minute the efforts of the m
Macrocosm, let us consider the relation of the three constellations in the task of expressing Ray One:

1. ARIES is the constellation through which initiating conditions will stream into our solar system. It em
which will express the will-to-good. It
is the monadic ray of our planetary Logos,
second and the personality ray the third. You can note here, therefore, how the transmitt
the first; and hence the place which the will plays in our human evolutionary process; His transforming
eventually brings transfiguration through the medium of the third and in this combination you have the r
the will aspect, you have the influence of Mars and Mercury—the one bringing conflict and the death of
illumination and the development of the intuition as a result of that conflict and death. New cycles of Be
initiated by conflict. Such seems as yet to be the law of life and the governing factor in evolution. If, how
energising will is to produce such beneficent effects of intuitive understanding and the activity of Mercu
it can be seen how truly through conflict the will-to-good can be wrought out.
The Monadic Ray of our planetary Logos is the 1st, so the Monads he
with are the 1st Ray Monads, but while he is controlled by his 3rd ray P
Monads are most numerous, and when he is later controlled by his 2nd
Monads will be most numerous. 1st Ray Monads will dominate during th
the Earth scheme
(CF 364) In occupying ourselves with these various statements anent our scheme and
this particular cycle, or incarnation of His, is one of great importance, not only to
system. The planetary Logos of this scheme is primarily
group of units, or with those Monads who vibrate to His ke
colour as Himself, answer to the same number, and are esoterically known by the same

Ray I is the paramount Ray of the Earth Scheme so this information de

1st Ray Monadic Ray energy works through the planes
(CF 598 It is not easy for us to do more than grip as a mental concept the
schemes, planets, chains, rounds, races and laws
from the angle of human vision the confusion seems unimaginable, and the key of its
to be useless; yet, seen from the angle of logoic sight, [Page 598] the whole moves in u
accurate. In order to give some idea of the complexity of the arrangement, I would li
Rays themselves circulate, the Law of Karma controlling the interweaving. For i
pass around a scheme (if it is the paramount Ray of t
first subray manifesting in a chain, its second in a
in a world period, its fourth in a root race, its fifth
its sixth in a branch race. I give this in illustration, and not as
present manifestation.

Major Ray cycles not minor cycles

(EPI 335) 3. That two rays are therefore in esoteric conflict in each planet.

I but indicate one of the rays, and I do not tell you whether it is the egoic or personality ray o
planetary Logos. Too much accuracy and too detailed information is not at this time good for hu
to be entrusted with it.


Sacred Ray Non-Sacred Ray
1. Vulcan 1st ray. 1. Mars 6th ray.
2. Mercury 4th ray. 2. Earth 3rd ray.
3. Venus 5th ray. 3. Pluto 1st ray.
4. Jupiter 2nd ray. 4. The Moon 4th ray.
5. Saturn 3rd ray. veiling a hidden planet.
6. Neptune 6th ray. 5. The Sun 2nd ray.
7. Uranus 7th ray. veiling a hidden planet.

I deal here with the major ray cycles and not with the minor
will note, are apparently not expressing themselves through the non-sacred planets; the seventh

The Monadic ray, when active (Sanat Kumara has a 1st Ray Monad) wor
triangle. The planetary Chains are the chakras of the Planetary Logos,
activation of the 6th triangle the 1st Ray Monads will be more numerous t
It is the shortest period. This takes place in the 3rd Solar System.
(CF 178) The third period, wherein the monadic ray ma
the physical plane, is by far the shortest, and covers the period in which the sixth tria
shortest period w
period of achievement, of liberation, and therefore, although it is the

it is the period of comparative permanence when viewed from the plane of the Monad. It cover

time remaining in the one hundred years of Brah

process of manifestation.

When we study, therefore, the sets of triangles earlier referred to and the periods of ray domin
for thought. Let me here point out, however, that the six groups of triangles are in all but five if we elim
has to do with matter itself and is not counted any more than the dense physical is counted a principle. T

a. Two triangles brought to vivification by the personality ray.

b. Two triangles brought to vivification by the egoic ray.

c. The synthesising triangle of the Monad. (the three synt

chains/chakras of Sanat Kumara-The Uranus, Neptune and Saturn Cha

We must, nevertheless, recollect that the complexity is increased by the fact that the personality triangle

activity according to the ray of the Monad or Spirit.

can be laid down about development. The egoic triangles are dependent largely upon the reflection in th
force. They are the midway point, just as the causal or egoic body is the transmitting po
and built) between the higher and the lower.

Advanced Egos or Monads on the 1st Ray from the Vulcan scheme will c
middle of the 5th round-Being on the 1st Ray they could not come into the
there were not a major 1st ray cycle active at that time.
(CF 719) It also brings about a setting loose of force from the cosmic mental plane which is cy
round, the fourth, the maximum force of this cycle was felt in the third root race. In the next ro
race, and for a very brief period, a fresh cycle will reach its zenith, and will again open th
individualisation in order to permit the entry of certain very advanced
[Page 719] incarnation in order to carry out a special piece of work. This round will provide
need. The next round may do so if the plans proceed as anticipated. In this case the Manasa
individualise animal men as in the previous round, but will stimulate the mental germ in tho
human family who—as H. P. B. says—though apparently men, are without the spark of mind.4
hundred years, these low aboriginal races will practically die out and will not—in this round—
rejected. In the next round opportunity will again occur, and the Manasadevas will again renew
individualistic nuclei for the development of self-consciousness. The Egos awaiting opportu
enter in until the human type of that era is sufficiently refined for their purpose. They are con
of the sixth petal of the logoic egoic Lotus, and are of such a nature that we can scarcely con
the line of the Buddhas of Activity, but the above named are free for this mahamanvantara,
have yet somewhat to work out. They could only "come in" in the middle of the f
were a group of initiates who arrested their own evolution (technically speaking) in order to

special piece of work on the planet Vulcan; therefore, th

and complete that which has been left undone. Owing to the results of their ex

Vulcan, the physical vehicle necessitated is of such an order that they could not at t
round, incarnate without disaster.

(CF 403) Again, it must be noted that Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Vulc
developing manas, and the stage achieved in each varies, and is not for exoteric pu
Men of these schemes have not yet succeeded in bringing Their bodies to the stage wh
scale is possible. They are approaching it, and when the necessary three fifths
will begin to transmute on a larger scale. The Earth scheme has about one fifth in proc
or other of the globes at this time and Vulcan has very nearly two fifths.

(CF 1178) VULCAN—The School for Fiery Stones. There is a curious conn
units who pass through its halls and the mineral kingdom. The human units on the eart
mystical parlance "the living stones"; on Vulcan they are called "fiery stones."

Chains (See CF 573) Each systemic Law controls the Ray of its number, on the
and each subplain of the same
Number. Each Law then works through ray cycles of the same ray in th
rootrace and subrace of the same number. The Law of correspondences

(CF 579) The Monads of power, though in manifestation, are as yet ver
They came in, in large numbers, at the close of the moon chain, and will

numerical strength in the last two rounds of the present chain

The Monads form part of the chakras of planets
(CF 177) 9. The effect produced in the substance of the sheaths by the influences, or vibrations, of the v
understood, is the influence of some one or other of the solar centres, as the forces eman
the planetary centres and thereby affect the involved monadic
karma of the Heavenly Man, and when true esoteric astrology com

then more anent this will be given out. Astrology as now studied
helps, and astrological students are as yet learning but the a-b-c of this stupendous subject, and are occu
that great veil which has been wisely thrown over all planetary lore.

According to the evolution of a planetary logos so will a particular triangle of chains

his lives or series of lives. Also, one particular chakra/chain will be the focus for an
10. Another form of energy which must ever be considered is that of the planetary Logos, as He
through some one chain or some one globe upon the groups of evo
This—from the human standpoint—cannot as yet be calculated, as it is de
of the attention" by the planetary Logos in meditation upon any centre in His body co
globes are the chakras for a planetary logos) It is, of course, all under cosmic law, but beyond
involves cognisance [Page 1052] of the planetary individual purpose, which is not revealed until the late

Towards the close of this round there will be a marked pouring in of ray
close of this round, (the fourth) the monadic ray o
(EPI 243) Towards the

of humanity will be so powerful that there will be a marked pour

one, with its stimulation of the individual will. You will therefore have in this unfoldment of the wil
following stages, which are of psychological importance.

3. The monadic ray of every ego is one of the three rays of aspect, and the sons of
monads of love, or monads of intelligence.

Advanced Egos or Monads on the 1st Ray from the Vulcan scheme will c
middle of the 5th round
(CF 719) It also brings about a setting loose of force from the cosmic mental plane which is cy
round, the fourth, the maximum force of this cycle was felt in the third root race. In the next ro
race, and for a very brief period, a fresh cycle will reach its zenith, and will again open th
individualisation in order to permit the entry of certain very advanced
[Page 719] incarnation in order to carry out a special piece of work. This round will provide
need. The next round may do so if the plans proceed as anticipated. In this case the Manasa
individualise animal men as in the previous round, but will stimulate the mental germ in tho
human family who—as H. P. B. says—though apparently men, are without the spark of mind.4
hundred years, these low aboriginal races will practically die out and will not—in this round—
rejected. In the next round opportunity will again occur, and the Manasadevas will again renew
individualistic nuclei for the development of self-consciousness. The Egos awaiting opportu
enter in until the human type of that era is sufficiently refined for their purpose. They are con
of the sixth petal of the logoic egoic Lotus, and are of such a nature that we can scarcely con
the line of the Buddhas of Activity, but the above named are free for this mahamanvantara,
have yet somewhat to work out. They could only "come in" in the middle of the f
were a group of initiates who arrested their own evolution (technically speaking) in order to

special piece of work on the planet Vulcan; therefore, th

and complete that which has been left undone. Owing to the results of their ex

Vulcan, the physical vehicle necessitated is of such an order that they could not at t
round, incarnate without disaster.

In this fourth round only four subrays of these colours have been glimps
rays are in manifestation at any one time during this fourth round
( OM 214) That each of these three colours and the other two are o
through four of their lesser sub-rays. This is the fourth round and onl
of these colours have as yet been glimpsed. By remem
undue emphasis will not be laid upon apparent information, and the student will wisely

There are only five ray active in the current round which is the 4th.
ego varies from round to round, and, in mo
(WM 111)The ray of the

race, and comprises one of the five rays of our present evolution.

In this 4th round usually four rays are in flux at any one given time
( OM 243) The second point I seek to make is that these influences (which show forth
cycles we descr
contact matter) move in their own ordered cycles. These
coming in or the going out of a ray. In this fourth ro
four rays are in flux at any one given time; by this I se
that though all rays manifest in the solar system, at certain stages of manifestation mor
dominating simultaneously. These rays, forces, influences, or [Page 234] co-ordination
expressed in terms of light, colour the matters they impinge upon with certain recognis
the tone to the life of the personality or to the Ego. They are recognized by you as the
are seen by the clairvoyant as colour.

(EA 614) ………at the seventh

initiation—an initiation far more easily reached by peop
than on any of the others. (many 1st ray Monads will complete in 7th rootrace of
the 7th round, but the majority in the next solar system )

(CF 579) The Monads of power, though in manifestation, are as yet ver
They came in, in large numbers, at the close of the moon chain, and will

numerical strength in the last two rounds of the present chain

Final reabsorption of the Monads into their emanating source in the 7th
final reabsorption of the perfected mo
(CF 426) Third. At the

source in the seventh round. This will be marked by obscuration and

destruction of the form. Suffering will be practically nil, as the human units
stage where they can consciously co-operate in the process of abstraction. It is evident theref
family (the manasaputras in incarnation), the fourth, fifth, and seventh rounds hold hid the key to the fir
first, second and sixth. For the involutionary entity, whom we call the "spirit of the planet" it is simply t

The highwatermark for the 4th round for the 3 Monadic Rays
3rd Ray Monads-relative achievement-5th Root-Race of 4th Round
2nd Ray Monads-relative achievement-6th Root-Race of 4th Round
1st Ray Monads-relative achievement-7th Root-Race (and
incarnate during the 1st and 7th subraces of each root race) of 4th Round
1st ray Monads complete in the 7th round (apart from the failures)
2nd ray Monads complete in the 6th round (apart from the failures)
3rd ray Monads complete in the 5th round (apart from the failures)
(EPI 318) The fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict leads from the period of that terrific ba
(the [Page 318] fourth race) to the sanctified and free devotion of one-pointedness in the next
lines of energy consummating in it. It marks the point of achievement of the Mona
final race marks the point of
the expression of Love-Wisdom. The

for the Monads of Will, just as the present Aryan race marks, and will m
Monads of Intelligence. This warrants thought. It is a relative achie
this is the fourth round, but there is necessarily a "highwater mark,
each round.

Aeon probably refers to the time frame of a Solar System. The Monadic
same throughout the two solar systems it needs to complete its evolution
(WM 111) The sub-ray on which a man is found, that minor ray which varies from incarnation to incarn
coloring for this life. It is his secondary hue. Forget not, the
primary ray of the Monad c
aeon. It changes not. It is one of the three primary rays that eventually synthesise the

ego varies from round to round, and, in more evolved souls, from ra
the five rays of our present evolution. It is the predominating ray to which a man's causal body vibrates
the ray of the monad, or it may be one of the complementary colours t
ray is either the same ray or a complementary ray to the Monad) The ray of the personali
life, till the gamut of the seven sub-rays (each subray of the Monad would be develop
this would be the Chain wheel and would cover seven rounds through a chain of glo
ray has been passed through.

1st ray cycles in The Seed Manu of a globe gathers all life to himself at the close of a glo
the World
(CF 744) In considering planetary pralaya we might briefly enumerate the following periods o
Periods (7 root
races make a
World Period) Between Two Globes in a Chain. This covers the period of abstraction of the seeds
The seed manu of a globe g
transference from one sphere to another.

the life forces into Himself, as does the Logos at the close of a sys
transpires at the close of a chain, and holds them quiescent in His aura. This co
manvantara, or of one day of Brahma.

1st Ray cycles in

the Root races
The Egoic Cycles are revealed at the second initiation
(CF 738) (2) The period between egoic Cycles . Herein is hid the myster
concerns the relation of the unit to his group on the egoic plane, prior to the unfoldment of the fifth peta
between the savage stage and that of the disciple, when he is an average man but still in the two Halls. T
races lies here, and the egoic cycles coincide with the building of racial forms, and civilisations.
again and again in the various subraces of a root race until a certain c
then he may undergo a pralayic condition until in a later (and sometimes much later) ro
vibratory call, and the egoic impulse to incarnate will again be felt. In illustration of this, we should bea
humanity of today did These cyc
not incarnate until the fourth root race.
the mysteries of initiation, though one of the earli
are revealed at the second initiation as they enable the initiate to com
somewhat the nature of the karmic impulse, and to read his own record in the astral light.

force emanations from the Manu, or those of

(CF 1038) The
easily traced when the races are considered, and this
recognition of the races and subraces. What is oft overlooked is that each of these rays
constructively, through the form-building agencies, and destructively through the abilit
prior to building. Thus the cycles can be viewed from two angles.

The 100,000 years figure given here for the 5th rootrace and is a mistake
5th subrace. The 5th root race is actually 1 million years old. The periods
overlap. This is an important clue to how these 100,000 year and 1 millio
Probably the next cycle begins while the last quarter of a
100,000 year or 1 million year 1st ray cycle is still running. The last quar
both initiate the next period and synthesize the previous seven cycles.
(HIS 42) The Manu presides over group one. He is called Vaivasvata Manu, and is the Manu o
race. He [Page 42] is the ideal man or thinker, and sets the type for our Aryan race
destinies since its inception nearly one hundred thousand years
come and gone and His place will be, in the relatively near future, taken by someone else. He will then
exalted kind. The Manu, or the prototype of the fourth root-race, works in close co-operation with

influence in China. He is the second Manu that the fourth root-r

having taken the place of the earlier Manu at the time of the final stages of Atlant

destruction. He has remained to foster the development of the race type, and to bring abou
periods of office of all the Manus overlap, but there remai
root-race upon the globe at this time. Vaivasvata Manu has His dwelling place in the Himalaya m
around Him at Shigatse some of those immediately connected with Aryan affairs in India, Europe and A
be concerned with the coming sixth root-race. The plans are prepared for ages ahead, centres of
years before they will be required, and in the wise fore-knowledge of these Divine Men nothing is left to
moves in ordered cycles and under rule and law, though within karmic limitations.

(HIS 46) The closest co-operation and unity exists between these three Personalities, and every move an
united foreknowledge. They are in daily touch with the Lord of the World at Shamballa, and the entire g
hands, and in those of the Manu of the fourth root-race. The World Teacher holds office in con
and fifth root-races.
1ST Ray Souls predominate in the 7th root race and in the 1st and 7th subra
(EPI 316) The Rays and the Races

We have been told in the past teaching of the Ageless Wisdom that a human being is a triple as
essentially a trinity, as is the Deity. We speak of him technically as Monad-ego-personality. W
body. I should like to point out here that in studying the human family as a unit and as a whole
be essentially a Monad, with seven egoic groups, within which all souls (in incarnation an
their place, andwith forty-nine corresponding racial for
which the seven groups of souls cyclically express
souls work out their destiny in all races, but certain types predomin

racial forms. Where, then, is to be found any reason for racial predilections or anti
the truth that we all, at some time, experience incarnation in all racial forms will come the k
unity. The subject may be clarified if we tabulate the teaching and the ray relationship to the r

Ray Full Expression Major influence

Ray I. Will. In the 7th rootrace. 1st and 7th subraces
1st ray souls. Perfection of Plan.

Ray II. Love-Wisdom In the 6th rootrace. 2nd and 6th subraces.
2nd ray souls. Perfected Intuition.

Ray III. Intelligence. In the 5th rootrace. 3rd and 5th subraces.
3rd ray souls. Aryan race.
Perfected Intellect.

Ray IV. Harmony. In the 4th rootrace. 4th and 6th subraces.
4th ray souls. Atlantean race.
Perfected astralism.
Perfected emotion.

Ray V. knowledge. In the 3rd rootrace. 5th and 3rd subraces.

5th ray souls. Lemurian.

Perfected physical.
Ray VI. Devotion. In the 2nd rootrace. 6th and 2nd subraces.
6th ray souls.

Ray VII. Ceremonial In the 1st rootrace. 7th and 1st subraces.
7th ray souls.
(EPI 317) Remember that this tabulation refers to the majo
remember further that in every rootrace you have a conti

and intermingling of the rays with what might be called t

or dominating ray, which appears and re-appears with g
potency than do the other rays. There is therefore a close correspondence between certai
their subraces, and these are coloured by these pr
influences. It is interesting also to interpret these ray influences (as I have expr
quality leading to their objective, as follows:

The first Ray of Will leads from latent purpose in the first race to the
the seventh race.

The second Ray of Love-Wisdom leads from love or divine desire in the second race to full in
sixth race.

The third Ray of Active-Intelligence leads from the latent mental awareness of Lemurian
intellectual achievement of the Aryan race, the fifth race.

The fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict leads from the period of that terrific balancing o
318] fourth race) to the sanctified and free devotion of one-pointedness in (EPI 318) the ne
with two lines of energy consummating in it. It marks the point of achievement of the Mona
The final race marks the point
expression of Love-Wisdom.

for the Monads of Will, just as the present Aryan race m

mark, the achievement of the Monads of Intell
thought. It is a relative achievement, for this is the fourth round, but there is necessarily a "h
call it, for each round.

In the above four races you have the great period of the balancing of the forces for our hum
three rays upon the Lemurian race and the two earlier and formless races need not here be co
the consciousness of the forms found in those races, and the pressure exerted in them by the E
family as a whole, are too abstruse for the average reader. He is mainly concerned with the
summarise for him past and future achievement.

The 7th root race will be governed by the 1st, 7th and 2nd rays. We know the
ray cycle controls all periods such as 700 years, 7,000 years, 700,000 yea
Maybe a 700,000 year seventh ray cycle will be operative during the 7th r
(EPI 357) Later, we shall have a transition period again, analogous to that period wher
developed, and we shall then have the entire race expressing a developed synthesis of i
preparatory to that advanced stage which will come at the close of the nex
This takes us to a period ten million years hence, when the intellect will have in
threshold of consciousness, as did the instinct. It will then work automatically as does
and the race will be intuitive This will really mean that the fifth kingdom in nature wil
and that the kingdom of God (as the Christian calls it) will have arrived. This will con
importance equal to that of the advent of the fourth kingdom, when men made their ap
next great race will be governed by the second an
thus demonstrating a relation between the fourth root race, the Atla
sixth root race. In terms of consciousness, this can be expressed as a relatio
emotional development and an intuitional-buddhic development. The final race
governed by the first, the seventh and the second
I think I have given you as much on this abstruse subject as can be grasped. The tabula
the races might be stated, therefore, as follows:

Lemurian Race................................Rays 1. 7. 5.
Atlantean Race................................Rays 2. 6.
Aryan Race.....................................Rays 3. 5.
Sixth Race.......................................Rays 2. 4.
Seventh Race...................................Rays 1. 7. 2.

(EPI 349) 4. The Racial Rays

The reader needs to remember that three rays are occultly quiescent and four rays a
activity. Let us recapitulate for a moment so that this thought may be clearly anchored

Rays one, four and six are at this time out of man
though ray six began to decline in influence only
years ago, and its potency, though greatly weaken

Rays two, three, five and seven are still potent. The
give some idea of the relative "values" of these ray influences.

In Lemurian days the 1st ray was active due to a special dispensation on
(EPI 355) Curiously enough, in Lemurian days the first ray wa
because of a special dispensation or effort on the part o

Hierarchy With the aid of the seventh ray the needed

time of the individualisation of humanity, a third ray, the fifth, was
operation, and thus with the united effort of the [Page 355] first, the se
fifth rays, the great fusion between the higher and the lower aspec
is interesting to note that the secondary ray influence in the A
this time is the fifth, thus linking up the Aryan an
Lemurian civilisations. Both were and are intensely material civilisat
material because the whole attention of the Hierarchy was turned to the development o
today the attention is not turned to the physical unfoldment of man, but to an effort to e
physical forces of the planet

The 5th ray has not had such an unobstructed dominance since Lemuria
The secondary influence which is leading the Aryan race fo
the fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge or Science.
was one of the rays which brought about individualisation millio
ago, and so launched mankind upon the path of r
comes into power, and though it has had many cy
since Lemurian days, none of them have been of
unobstructed [Page 356] dominance as the presen

Brahmanism is the last great religion which arose under the 1st ray-Was
the 5th root race?
(EPI 167) Every great religion which arises is under the influence of one or other of th
necessarily follow that each successive ray should have a great far-reaching religion as
Brahmanism is the last great religion which
heard that
first ray influence; we do not know what may have been the religion wh
last second ray period; but the Chaldean, the Egyp
Zoroastrian religions may be taken as representin
the fourth, and the fifth rays respectively.

The Racial 1st ray is not currently active

(EPI 348) 4. The Racial Rays
three rays are occultly quiescent
The reader needs to remember that

in varying degrees of activity. Let us recapitulate for a moment so that t

anchored in our minds:

Rays one, four and six are at this time out of manifestation, though ray si
decline in influence only three hundred years ago, and its potency, though greatly
Rays two, three, five and seven are still potent. The
some idea of the relative "values" of these ray influences.

Ray three has been the longest in incarnation, but in

"completed its outgoing, and began to curve upon itself, and thus return". It is therefore jus
event occurs in connection with any type [Page 349] of energy, the effect produced is always of a crysta
produce "set forms which warrant prompt destruction". This causes mental conditions of a set and static
therefore clear that in the later stages of this ray's activity we have the demonstration of those dogmatic,
attitudes, for instance, which mark the decline and consequent uselessness of the various schools of thou
embodied man's ideas and sufficed for his helping during the period of their growth.

The 1st ray was active when the Jews in the Old Testament slaughtered a
(DON 15) The true first ray personality who works in response to this Shamballa influence will hav
deeply enshrined in his consciousness and heart; he will think in terms of the whole and not in terms of
he will endeavour to impress upon the racial consciousness. This may lead at times to ruthlessness an
individual is not yet controlled by soul impulse. Such cases can frequently be seen. An instance of this

Jews as found in the Old Testament.first ray was When the

passing through one of its rare cycles of activity

slaughtered all their enemies — men, women and children, [Page 16] putting them to the sword. The
first ray force just as the pen is of the second ray influence.

The major ray cycles governing the root races cover inconceivable long p
(EPI 263) The two earlier races were governed by the second and seventh r
order then, being 2,7, 5, 6, 3, 4, 1) and embody the activity of the form builder and the construc
these major ray cycles, t
organiser. The reader must bear in mind, as he studies

inconceivably long periods of time, and produce two effects whic

are the soul rays of the Root races)

A planetary cycle
A planetary cycle, such as those we have just considered in connection
(EPI 265) 2.

Soul Rays of the root races)—the five above enumerated and their five control

Racial ray periods-

certain rays are in power for a pe
(EPI 265) 4. Those cycles when

evolution, such as the five major racial periods to which we have

may not be fixed term ray cycles) (they are probably the soul rays of the

(HIS 42) The work of the Manu.

The Manu presides over group one. He is called Vaivasvata Manu, and is the Man
root-race. He [Page 42] is the ideal man or thinker, and sets the type for our Aryan race, hav
since its inception nearly one hundred thousand year
have come and gone and His place will be, in the relatively near future, t
someone else. (Morya will be the Manu for the 6th root race) He will
more exalted kind. The Manu, or the prototype of the fourth

close co-operation with Him, and has His centre of influence in China. He is the seco
fourth root-race has had, having taken the place of the earlier M
final stages of Atlantean destruction. He has remained to foster
type, and to bring about its final disappearance. The periods of office of all th

overlap, but there remains no representative of the third root-race upon t

Vaivasvata Manu has His dwelling place in the Himalaya mountains, and has gathere
of those immediately connected with Aryan affairs in India, Europe and America, and those who will lat
sixth root-race. The plans are prepared for ages ahead, centres of energy are formed thousands of years
in the wise fore-knowledge of these Divine Men nothing is left to sudden eventuation, but all moves in o
law, though within karmic limitations.

The Manu of the 4th root race is organizing a preparatory school ( OM 309)
preparatory school for the advanced egos of the fourth root-race. This will be under th
race and will be situated in Japan , with its most esoteric branch in western China . This makes the
(EOH 298) They are both types of the most powerful Avatars which humanity itself has as yet produced

government, of the first ray and in the department of the M

to Shamballa force. Such Avatars frequently emerge at the founding of a nation. This is true of both Bism

close of this round, (7th root race) the

(EPI 243) Towards the

the advanced units of humanity will be so powerf

marked pouring in of ray one, with its stimulation of the individual will.

The 7th race marks a point of achievement for 1st Ray Monads
(EPI 318) the next or sixth race, with two lines of energy consummating
achievement of the Monads of Love, Who arrive at the expression of Love-Wisdom.

marks the point of achievement for the Monad

present Aryan race marks, and will mark, the achi

Monads of Intelligence. This warrants thought. It is a relative achie

round, but there is necessarily a "highwater mark," if I might so call it, for each round.

Sub race Ray 1

Cycles The 5th subrace is 100,000 years old, which is why I have placed this her
(CF 1058) The entire solar sphere, the logoic ring-pass-not, rotates upon its axis, and thus all th
exact figures of
sphere is carried in a circular manner through the Heavens. The

covers the vast rotation must remain as yet esoter

be stated that it approximates one hundred thous
might be supposed, controlled by the energy of the first aspect, and ther

first Ray.
Branch races
Monadic Ray 1
The 1,000 year 1st ray cycle
(CF 1039) Apart from the cyclic impulses continuously going forth, overlapping and superseding, and i

there are many which we might call lesser impulses (and the cycle of one h
which H. P. B. refers [Page 1039] is but one of the lesser impulses. There is a one thousan

greater moment). There are vaster cycles, of 2500 years, of 7,000 years, of 9,000 yea
many others which only advanced initiates know
follow; these can break in upon any of the lesser impulses, and can be seen appearing, unexpected
knowledge is concerned, and yet they are but the returning impulses set in cyclic motion perhaps thousa

(CF 579) The Monads of power, though in manifestation, are as yet ver
They came in, in large numbers, at the close of the moon chain, and will

numerical strength in the last two rounds of the present chain

The 1st ray is out of physical incarnation, but is having an effect on the m
be felt on the astral plane in one hundred years, and in 2,000 years it wil
RAY I — This ray is still out of physi
physical plane. (DON 142)
manifestation but is beginning to have a definite effect upon the ment
influences the minds of disciples everywhere and lays the stage for the appearance of a
Two thousand years from today, the in
from Shamballa.
ray will be felt powerfully on the physical plane. O
its potency will be noted upon the astral plane.

The first ray cycles are rare

(DON 15) The true first ray personality who works in response to this Shamballa influen
the group deeply enshrined in his consciousness and heart; he will think in terms of the whole and no
thing which he will endeavour to impress upon the racial consciousness. This may lead at times t
personality of the individual is not yet controlled by soul impulse. Such cases can frequently be seen.
Jews as found in the Old Testament. (The Jewish race
in the history of the
Monad, 1 ray Soul and 3rd Ray Personality and is ruled astrologically b

the 5th house with Virgo rising) When the first ray was in cont
through one of its rare cycles of activity we read that they b
enemies — men, women and children, [Page 16] putting them to the sword. The sword is ever the sy
the pen is of the second ray influence.

Although the 1st ray is out of incarnation, the cycles seem to continue in
have a 1,000 year period mentioned. The 100 year periods are significan
the 1st ray is not in incarnation yet.
(WM 391) ……work of arousing the sacred fire, the kundalini. Note how the correspondence works ou
fifth root-race, three-fifths perhaps, stand close to the Probationary Pa
it possible to make the adequate extra effort, entailed in the taking of
Initiation… arousing the fire of kundalini in the large numbers of those who are ready. This w
carried forward actively for the next one thousand years.

The 1st ray is out of manifestation

(EPI 350) Only one ray is today really out of manifes
altogether and functioning entirely behind the sce
is the first ray. Where humanity is concerned, the first ray makes its prese
dominates, when the stage of accepted discipleship is reached. It increases in powe
gained. Thus there is beginning to be gathered on the subjective side of life a steadily
who can function under [Page 351] the influence of this first ray. When enough o
function, their united responsiveness will constitute a channel through which this

This is one of the main activities and objectives of the Hierarchy, and in the right und
the responsiveness of humanity to the ray influences shall we arrive at the rec
hitherto undiscovered. This particular law is connected with the department of the G
the Manu.

The Monadic Ray of our planetary Logos is the 1st, so the Monads he
with are the 1st Ray Monads, but while he is controlled by his 3rd ray P
Monads are most numerous, and when he is later controlled by his 2nd
Monads will be most numerous. 1st Ray Monads will dominate during th
the Earth scheme
(CF 364) In occupying ourselves with these various statements anent our scheme and its R
particular cycle, or incarnation of His, is one of great importance, not only to Himself b
The planetary Logos of this scheme is primarily occupied with
with those Monads who vibrate to His key, are colored by
answer to the same number, and are esoterically known by the same Name.

No pure 1st ray Egos in incarnation at this time. This probably means the
beings who have both 1st ray Souls and 1st ray Monads, in incarnation at
below to mean that all 1st ray Souls/Egos in incarnation at this time hav
pure 1st ray type will come in during the 7th root race of the 4th, 5th, 6th an
whole of the 7th round. 1st Ray Monads will dominate the 3rd and final so
find people i
(EPI 27) The question arises here: How does it happen that we
on all the rays at practically the same time?.........
ray egos, there are no pure first ray types on the planet. All so-c
ray egos are on the first subray of the second ray,
incarnation. A pure first ray ego in incarnation at th
disaster. There is not sufficient intelligence and love in the world to balance the dynam
ray of the destroyer.

All human monads, carried into manifestation by

desire of some ray Lord, are part of His body of manifestation.

There are no pure first ray Egos in incarnation at this time-this most pro
no 1st Ray Souls with 1st Ray Monads in incarnation at this time
(EPI 27) The question arises here: How does it happen that we find people in incarnation on al
same time? The reason is that, as you can easily see, the fourth is beginning to approach and t
puts six of the rays in the position of having their egos in manifestation. There are however ve
on the Earth at this time, and a very large number of sixth ray egos, for it will be about two hun
ray egos pass out of incarnation. As to the first ray egos, there are no p
types on the planet. All so-called [Page 27] first ray egos are on the first sub
which is in incarnation. A pure first ray ego in inca
would be a disaster. There is not sufficient intelligence and love in the world to balance the dy
ray of the destroyer.

A ray must be in incarnation for the Souls on that ray to come into incar
first ray is not in incarnation at this tim
(RI 646) As this
therefore souls who can fully express it are absen
this type of energy, and its influence [Page 646] and quality when related to the energie
difficult to express. Each great ray, as it comes into incarnation, tra
cycle, enriches the existent vocabulary, and brings new knowledge to humanity; th
past and present—are the result of this.

Final reabsorption of the Monads into their emanating source in the 7th
final reabsorption of the perfected mo
(CF 426) Third. At the

source in the seventh round. This will be marked by obscuration and

destruction of the form. Suffering will be practically nil, as the human units
stage where they can consciously co-operate in the process of abstraction. It is evident theref
family (the manasaputras in incarnation), the fourth, fifth, and seventh rounds hold hid the key to the fir
first, second and sixth. For the involutionary entity, whom we call the "spirit of the planet" it is simply t

The highwatermark for the 4th round for the 3 Monadic Rays
3rd Ray Monads-relative achievement-5th Root-Race of 4th Round
2nd Ray Monads-relative achievement-6th Root-Race of 4th Round
1st Ray Monads-relative achievement-7th Root-Race (and
incarnate during the 1st and 7th subraces.
1st ray Monads complete in the 7th round (apart from the failures)
2nd ray Monads complete in the 6th round (apart from the failures)
3rd ray Monads complete in the 5th round (apart from the failures)
(EPI 318) The fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict leads from the period of that terrific ba
(the [Page 318] fourth race) to the sanctified and free devotion of one-pointedness in the next
lines of energy consummating in it. It marks the point of achievement of the Mona
final race marks the point of
the expression of Love-Wisdom. The

for the Monads of Will, just as the present Aryan race marks, and will m
Monads of Intelligence. This warrants thought. It is a relative achie
this is the fourth round, but there is necessarily a "highwater mark,
each round.

The 1st ray Lord is not in full expression except where he brings cycles to
ray Lord is not yet in full expression, exc
(EPI 64) - This
causes destruction and brings cycles to an end. The
power are much fewer in number than any others. Egos
ray are relatively not so few. They are characterised by a dynam
within the human family works out as the force of destruction, but in the last anal
that will produce liberation. We shall see as we continue to study first ray egos and p
death and destruction are always to be found in their work, and hence the apparent crue
their reactions. Form does not count with first ray types their energy produces death to
periods of cyclic pralaya; the first ray is the controller of the death drama in all kingdo
which brings about release of power and permits "entrance into Light through the gatew
intent of the Lord of the first ray is to stand behind His six B
have achieved Their purpose, to shatter the forms which They
He does by passing His power through Their bodies, and Their united effort leads to
to the center whence the initial impulse came. The first ray purpose t
produce death, and some idea of that purpose may be gleaned if we study s
which the ray Lord is called:

The first ray is not in manifestation on the physical plane.

(EPI 385) The static stabilising tendency of Germany showing, for instance, in her
of race now impossible, is due to her first ray personality, whilst her fourth ray egoic fo
standardise and harmonise all the elements within her borders, to the exclusion, however, of the Hebrew

Jew I will deal later. Germany cannot help herself, for though the first ray is n
manifestation as we understand the term, yet the bulk of the egos now in power i
subray of the seven different rays, and hence they are from one dominant angle the tran
is here given. It is for this reason therefore that Great Britain can contact the German race and handle th
understandingly than can Russia , Italy or France . They share similar qualities, and one of the services
at this time is to come to the aid of world peace, and so live up to the motto, "I serve," by acting as a me

Notice that rays 1, 4 and 6 are not on this list below of Masters who are g
four of the worlds major cites, and these rays are the ones not in Manife
of the Planetary Logos though, is active on the astral plane.
(EPI 74) This is owing to the imminent appearance, or manifestation, of certain great Lives W

energy of rays two, three, five and seven…. inflow of these fou
energy …..These four Beings, Who will appear as human beings in the field o
looked for before the end of this century …….. period which will go down in history
glory for the fifth root race. Each of these four Masters……. F
destructive energy extant in the world today is due to the presence on the astral plane of

disciple of the planetary Logos. His work it is to clear the way for th
four major Disciples, Who are primarily Builders……
close of this round, (the fourth) the monadic ray o
(EPI 243) Towards the

of humanity will be so powerful that there will be a marked pour

one, with its stimulation of the individual will. You will therefore have in this unfoldment of the wil
following stages, which are of psychological importance.

3. The monadic ray of every ego is one of the three rays of aspect, and the sons of
monads of love, or monads of intelligence.

The revolution of a planetary centre (a planetary chain) produces monad

revolution of a planetary centre producing mon
(CF 1087) The

The monadic wheel , or the periodic appearance of units of the fourth Creat
pass down the scale through all the kingdoms and forms till we arrive at the tiny revolution of an atom o

turning of the monadic Wheel covering th

(CF 1089) In the fact of the

three solar systems, lies hid the mystery of monadic self-will, and the secret as to
Monads refused to incarnate, whilst others "fell," and thus proceeded along the pres
refused to incarnate because of internal group conditions brought about through the evolutionary proc
kalpas. It will, therefore, be apparent that the question of what constitutes sin and evil is far more in
the surface. From our [Page 1090] limited vision, it appears to be "sin" to fall into incarnati
self-satisfaction, to remain unevolved upon the higher planes. Yet both groups followed the law of their
mystery lies in that which is to come.

(CF 1089) In the fact of the turning of the monadic Wheel covering th
systems, lies hid the mystery of monadic self-will, and the secret as to why some of the Mon
incarnate, whilst others "fell," and thus proceeded along the present lines of evolution. They
internal group conditions brought about through the evolutionary processes of the past kalp
apparent that the question of what constitutes sin and evil is far more intricate than even appears upon th
limited vision, it appears to be "sin" to fall into incarnation, and equally sin or self-will, se
unevolved upon the higher planes. Yet both groups followed the law of their being, and the solution of t
to come.

(CF 1090) If the student will with care meditate upon the fact that the three lower planes—the mental, t
the dense physical body of the planetary Logos and are, therefore, no principle, it will become apparent

certain units or cells in the body are more active in space and time than others. He must also bear in min
Monads come into incarnation according to which centr
Man of a particular planetary scheme, or which centre o
of vivification or cyclic activity, and that certain
of the centres of a solar Logos and th
system are in a condition of partial pralaya through the process of the absorption o
the centres of higher vitality. Again, he must remember that the entire aspect of the Divine Life is not in
unfoldment at any time in this solar system but must wait for the vitalising impulses of a later. This is d
this solar system effects of causes originating in earlier kalpas or—to word it otherwise—the karmic see

Our solar Logos has not yet attained true rhythm, but for millenia of cycles the equilibrising process mu
Logos achieved equilibrium, and the even balancing of forces, therefore until His point in evolution and
and it is known also which centre in the solar body is vitalised by His life, it will be the part of wisdom

assertion, and a too free utterance in connection with incarnating, and non-incarnating,
turning upon the monadic cosmic wheel; each is being [Pag
activity upon the lesser revolution of this particular systemic wheel, but not

particular cycle are to be found revolving upon a specific planetary

development and for more appropriate seasons in interplanetary spaces, and some must wait until t
new mahamanvantara. (some Monads will not incarnate until the next solar sys
carefully in mind the words of H. P. B. where he tells students of the Secret Doctrine that the stanzas and
primarily with our particular planetary Logos. This is oft forgotten.

It may interest students to know that there are certain colours, veiling these groupsof non-inca
present totally unknown to humanity. These will sweep into the consciousness of the human being in a
after the taking of the sixth Initiation. All that we have on earth are reflections of the true colou
the lowest aspect.

Every colour in the cosmos exists in three forms:

1. The true colour.

2. The illusory appearance of the colour.
3. Its reflection.

The Monadic cosmic wheel (3 primary colors)(three Solar Systems)

The Monadic systemic wheel (7 colors of the 7 planets and the seven basic Monadic
The Monadic planetary wheel (the group of monads in their many Egoic/Triadic div
particular scheme)
The Monadic Chain wheel (around a chain of globes)
The Monadic globe wheel
The Monadic race wheel (rootraces)
The reflection is that with which we are familiar; the appearance, or that which veils the reality, is conta
with the eye of the soul, the Eye of Shiva, and the true colour14 is contacted after the fifth kingdom has
consciousness is merging in that of the divine. Students will, therefore, note that the monadic cosm
1092] visioned in terms of "true colour," and is seen by the illumined seer as the combined blending of t
the three solar systems.
The monadic systemic wheel, which concerns this solar system alon
totality of the seven
colours of the seven Heavenly Men, and from the vision of the adep
sumtotal of the primary colours of the egoic groups of the differing planeta

The monadic planetary wheel, which concerns the particular group

incarnating in a particular scheme, is seen by the seer as the blending of egoic groups,
colour is a dual one, and the colouring of the personality ray of the incarnating Ego is also seen.

The egoic cycle, or the turning of the wheel of the incarnating Ego, is of the most practical interest
somewhat dealt with. For purposes of clarity and elucidation, this wheel may also be seen as turning
making three kinds of revolutions, covering varying periods of time.

There is first, the Wheel of the chain, or the cycling of the Monad ar
chain, and its passage through all the globes and kingdoms. The consideration of this is
any particular chain, the Monads seldom begin and end their evolution; the
through their cycle and achieve their objective. It is not possible to dissociate a chain from its
Many Monads who achieved self-consciousness in the moon chain only entered into renewed activ
fourth root race; others, who have individualised on this earth, will not succeed in reaching thei
here a correspondence to systemic evolution, and there is an analogy between the Monads who re
incarnate (the appropriate vehicles on the mental plane would not have been avail
bodies with) and the Egos who were unable to take bodies in the Lemurian or third root race.

There is next, the Wheel

of a globe, or the process of evolution upon any particular globe. The s
that the Monad, after planetary dissolution, passes the time between incarnations o
which are the correspondence to the interplanetary and intersystemic spheres.

There is also, the Wheel of a race, or the lesser cycle of incarnations—forming a definite series—
Monad cycles through a number of lives in a particular race.
The lesser cycles deal with the incarnation of the Monads into the three worlds of th
planetary logos-the greater cycles (greater turning of the wheel) concerns the appear
etheric body/four higher planes of the solar system
All these cycles of periodic manifestation are concerned primarily with the appearance, or the m
one or other of the three planes in the three worlds, or in some part of the phy
planetary Logos. The lesser cycles deal with this; the greater turning of the wheel
flashing forth, of the sparks in the planetary or systemic etheric body, or on the four
solar system. We can picture to ourselves the glory of this concept; the downpouring of the stream
forth into points of intensified fire as they meet conditions which produce occult "ignition"; and the con
fires constructed of the sixty thousand million human Monads and the countless strea
every side—a network of fiery rivers of living energy, focal points of intensified brilliancy and everywh

There are a few more remarks to be made anent the turning of the various wheels, and we can then take
and the sheaths.
c The 1st ray was active when Christ took the 6th and the 7th initiations beca
was now active, although there are no subsidiary Ashrams yet. The Maj
has a Chohan at its head.
(RI 386) When the Master Jesus took the Crucifixion Initiation, another crisis arose of equally great imp
brought about because simultaneously with the crucifixion of the Master, the Head of the Hierarchy, the
initiations in one: the Resurrection Initiation and that of the Ascension. These are the fifth and

Christian terminology. [Page 387] This was possible because the first ray
now active, making entry into the Council Chamber at Shamballa possibl
this, He was deemed worthy of embodying in Himself a new principle in evolution and of revealing to t
second ray aspect—the divine principle of love (as humanity calls it) or of pure reason (as the H

The first ray is not in manifestation on the physical plane.

(EPI 385) The static stabilising tendency of Germany showing, for instance, in her
of race now impossible, is due to her first ray personality, whilst her fourth ray egoic fo
standardise and harmonise all the elements within her borders, to the exclusion, however, of the Hebrew

Jew I will deal later. Germany cannot help herself, for though the first ray is n
manifestation as we understand the term, yet the bulk of the egos now in power i
subray of the seven different rays, and hence they are from one dominant angle the tran
is here given. It is for this reason therefore that Great Britain can contact the German race and handle th
understandingly than can Russia , Italy or France . They share similar qualities, and one of the services
at this time is to come to the aid of world peace, and so live up to the motto, "I serve," by acting as a me

The Racial 1st ray is not currently active

(EPI 348) 4. The Racial Rays
three rays are occultly quiescent
The reader needs to remember that

in varying degrees of activity. Let us recapitulate for a moment so that t

anchored in our minds:

Rays one, four and six are at this time out of manifestation, though ray si
decline in influence only three hundred years ago, and its potency, though greatly
Rays two, three, five and seven are still potent. The
some idea of the relative "values" of these ray influences.

Ray three has been the longest in incarnation, but in

"completed its outgoing, and began to curve upon itself, and thus return". It is therefore jus

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