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While it was Raining


I was so down
that I could let go
Drowning from being beaten
by every blow
Laying on the ground
losing the light
For all I know,
I’m dying or it is night
Gasping air
while struggling to stand
I’m seeing things I don’t understand
Is this what a ghost looks like?
Suddenly I remember
my first time riding a bike
Ah! Those where the times
I loved living
Cruising down the road
like I’m surfing
Pretending to be riding
a very fast ride
But then awaken
by a bump on a side
I crashed and never rode a bike again
The first time I acted as the villain
Now I’m dying with no one around
After this,
I’ll be 6 ft. under the ground
I woke up not in hell or in heaven
But angels are all around me,
am I forgiven
I’ve caused too much pain
that I deserved to die
Why let me live
when I’m not sure if I won’t lie.

Composed: 03-02-11

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