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FOR:_ OR _ : Disclosure Summary age DISCLOSURE

ICFRS 4/98
For Office Use Onlv
Type :State Senate Comm . #
Treas: Brenda Halting (515) 465-2228
JAN 1 6 2002 1ndexed
Name : Hailing for Iowa Senate Committee Audited
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Report Due Date : 0111912002

Committee Chair: Wayne McKinney, Jr (515) 987-1259
Status : Orig

Notice of Dissolution : N/A

Cash On Hand at Start of Period $293 .71

Statement of Cash On Hand
Schedule A: Cash Contributions Total $0 .00

Schedule F: Loans Received Total $0.00

Schedule H: Campaign Property Sales $0.00

SUB-TOTAL $293.71

Schedule B: Expenditures Total $0.00

Schedule F : Loan Repayments Total $0 .00

Cash on Hand At End of Period $293 .71

Additional Assets and Liabilities Loans in Place at Start of Period $18,260.00

Schedule D: UnPaid Bills $0 .00

Schedule E: In-Kind Contributions $0 .00

Schedule F: Outstanding Loans $18,260.00

Schdule G: Consultant Breakdown? No

Schedule H: Campaign Property Value $0.00

Forgiven Loans (From Schedule E) $0.00


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