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Pradeepan Ganeshanathan (Student ID: 000637324)


Part 1 - Research project using bookmarking with Delicious

Completely reviewed one online resource ( and
updated on the Delicious online social bookmarking tool. A review summary was also written about this
particular source of information.

Part 2 - Implementation of an aircraft maintenance application

1. Level 1:
Implementation of Level 1 is fully completed. DAO design pattern is used. JPA and JSP technologies have
used for appropriate needs. JSP files are used for display purposes for the client and JPA used to access
persistence database via the objects. Server side validation has been made for appropriate forms. There are
no exception errors in level 1. The system provides the following functionalities under level 1,

 Administrators can login system, error message will display for unsuccessful logins

 List of all engineers and their qualification and whether or not they are currently on duty
 List of details of all jobs and their status
 List of all qualifications and which engineers have those qualifications

2. Level 2:
Front Controller pattern was implemented to be used with DAO. Level 1 also has been adapted to Level 2
functionality as per the progress of the project. There are no exception errors and server side validation also
has been done. The front controller is used to manage the authentication processes of the login

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