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Fim title

Draft 1 - Date
Shot No. Location Shot Type Angle Movement Length Dialogue Music & Sound Effects Description of Action Actors ent
Slow circular
5 movements rotating Camera
1 Old home Mid-Shot Circular track second None Non-diegetic music around Megan as Stephanie Hand &
s she stares at her old Tripod
"Megan's Story" title
No actors in this Comput
2 Graphic Graphic 3 None Non-diegetic music card shown on blank
shot er
black screen
Slow pan movement
4 Camera
Establishi Low viewing the house, No actors in this
3 Old home Pan second None Non-diegetic music &
ng shot angle to establish where shot
s Tripod
she used to live.
Slow pan movement
4 Camera
New Establishi Low viewing the house, No actors in this
4 Pan second None Non-diegetic music &
home ng shot angle to establish where shot
s Tripod
she has moved to
4 Directed by 'Leanne
No actors in this Comput
5 Graphic Graphic second None Non-diegetic music Sands' And 'Laura
shot er
s Hosford'
A long-shot to
establish her
2.5 whereabouts, whilst Camera
In her Long- Diegetic music - playing
6 Straight Static second None shes looking down Stephanie Hand &
bedroom Shot out of her stero
s at a photo of her Tripod
dad who passed
4 Tears fall
awayfrom her
In her Diegetic music - playing
7 Close up Straight Static second Weeping eyes and land on Stephanie Hand Camera
bedroom out of her stero
3 She the
throws the
In her Point of High Diegetic music - playing
8 Hand Held second Weeping photo across the None Camera
bedroom view shot Angle out of her stero
s bed. point
From Megans
Point of High Loud foot steps and non of view as she
9 Stairs Hand Held second None Stephanie Hand Camera
view shot Angle diegetic sound angrily runs down
3 the stairs.
Megans walks
In her Long-
10 Straight Track second None Non-diegetic music across into the Stephanie Hand Camera
kitchen Shot
Close-up s
2 kitchen
In her Megan opens the
11 from Straight None second None Non-diegetic music Stephanie Hand Camera
kitchen cupboard
behind s
Megan is searcing
through different
2 Clanking of bottles
In her bottles of alcohol,
12 Close-up Straight None second None together and non diegetic Stephanie Hand Camera
cupboard and pulls out a
s sound
bottle of vodka and
closes the cupboard
13 Graphic Graphic second None Non-diegetic music Starring… None
s Walks through hall
way towards front
door, with the bottle
in her hand. When
4 she has said her
Long "Mum im going tripod
14 Hall way Straight Static second Non-diegetic music dialogue the scene Stephanie Hand
shot out" and
s goes to a still frame
and the graphics
with her name come
up. "Stephanie Hand
as Megan"
2 An esablishing shot Camera
15 Park Straight Static second None Non-diegetic music of her walking in the Stephanie Hand and
s park tripod.
From her point of
3 Roxanne Orwell,
Her point view seeing her
16 Park Straight Hand Held second None Non-diegetic music Luke Powell, and
of view friends and walking
s others Camera
over to
Walking them.
over to her Stephanie,
3 Camer
Long- friends, who are all Roxanne Orwell,
17 Park Straight Static second None Non-diegetic music and
Shot sitting on a park Luke Powell, and
s tripod
3 bench. others
18 Graphic Graphic second None Non-diegetic music Co-starring.. None
s Viewing all the
friends drunk and
disorderly rotating
5 Stephanie,
in a circle. Still
19 Park Mid-Shot Straight Circular track second Loud laughter Non-diegetic music Roxanne, Luke,
frame at Roxanne
s and others
and has a graphic
saying, Roxanne Camera
Viewing all the
friends drunk and
5 disorderly rotating Stephanie,
20 Park Mid-Shot Straight Circular track second Loud laughter Non-diegetic music in a circle. Still Roxanne, Luke,
s frame at Luke and and others
has a graphic
saying, Luke Powell. Camera
3 All friends having a Stephanie,
Long- Laughter and
21 Park Straight Hand Held second Non-diegetic music laugh because their Roxanne, Luke,
Shot jokes, Camera
s drunk and others
From her point of
view seeing all her
5 I feel really friends drunk, they Roxanne Orwell,
Her point
22 Park Straight Hand Held second strange, Non-diegetic music are asking her if Luke Powell, and
of view
s Laughing also shes ok. Also she others
then falls over on
the grass. Camera
23 Graphic Graphic second None Non-diegetic music Music created by… None
Her friends are all
Her friends are
crowding over her
6 asking if shes Roxanne Orwell,
Her point and we see it from
24 Park Straight Hand Held second alright, and Non-diegetic music Luke Powell, and
of view her point of view.
s constantly others
They are asking If
laughing Camera
shes ok.
friends Give us a hand Megan asks them to
25 Park Straight Hand Held second Non-diegetic music Stephanie Hand
point of guys! help her up.
s Camera
view Megan walking
4 Camer
Down her Long- down her road
26 Straight pan second None Non-diegetic music Stephanie Hand and
street Shot stumbling to her
s tripod
5 Meganhouse.
Front Her point
27 Straight Hand Held second None Non-diegetic music to open her front Stephanie Hand
door of view Megans sister Camera
s door.
Kelsey hears
Front someone trying to Camera
28 Long shot straight Static second None Non-diegetic music Elena Hand
door open the door so and
she opens it from tripod
the inside.
As kelsey opens the
6 door from the inside
Front Stephanie Hand, Camer
29 Longshot Straight Static second None Non-diegetic music megan falls through
garden Elena Hand and
s it falling onto the
floor. tripod
Kelsey's 4 Kelsey says Megan looks up at
In her High
30 Point of Hand Held second "What the hell Non-diegetic music kelsey and she Stephanie Hand
house Angle
view shot s are you doing?" shouts at her. Camera
Megan stumbles up
the stairs and as
Kelsey says "Dad
8 she gets to the top
In her Point of would be so
31 Straight Hand Held second Non-diegetic music she turns and looks Elena Hand
house view shot dissapointed in
s back down the stairs
you Megan!!"
at her sister who
shouts at her. Camera
2 Megans raises her
Top of Point of
32 Straight Hand Held second None Non-diegetic music arm to wipe a tear None
stairs view shot
s from her face Camera
2 Camera
Top of on Megan wipes a tear
33 Straight Static second None Non-diegetic music Stephanie Hand and
stairs Action) from her eye
s tripod
Close up
3 Megan opens the Camera
34 Long shot Straight Static second None Non-diegetic music bedroom door very Stephanie Hand and
s angrily tripod
3 Megan slams the Camera
Inside on Low
35 Static second None Non-diegetic music door open and Stephanie Hand and
bedroom Action)Lo angle
s enters her room. tripod
ng shot
Megan sits on her
bed and sees the
Inside High photo of her dad she
36 Long shot Static second Crying Non-diegetic music Stephanie Hand Camera
bedroom Angle threw earlier, holds
s and
it tight to her chest
and lays down. tripod
Megan looks up to
the celling still
Inside Point of dazed and drunk,
37 Straight Hand Held second None Non-diegetic music None
bedroom view shot and gradually shuts
her eyes and goes
to sleep Camera

By Leanne Sands and Laura Hosford

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