This Is England

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This Is England

Audience Institutions
• This is England has wide appeal in terms of age. As it is set in
the past, and older audience, who will remember the time
period and will be able to relate to the things happening in
the film, as well as the type of people, the themes, clothes
and life style. It will also appeal to the younger audience as
they may not be able to relate to the time but they will still
be able to compare themselves with the characters in the film
and relate to at least one of them. They will also be interested
in England's history and finding out what it was like ‘back in
the day ‘ and compare it to how it is now, and maybe seeing
what their parent or relatives life was like at the age they are
now. Although it is still not creating a mainstream audience
appeal they are covering a wider range of audience by being
able to appeal to nearly all ages: 15 to 60/70 maybe.
• This Is England will appeal to both genders, as it has
mixed characters and although boys and girls who
did not live through that time they will be able to
compare their gender back then to the way they are
now. Also, the older generation, both genders, can
relate to the film and the characters in it and
reminisce on how it was back then and how things
have changed. Although it may slightly appeal to
boys, that little bit more, due to some of the violence
in the film that the younger generation of girls may
not appeal to as much.
• In terms of location, it will most likely be the
older generation of the audience that it
appeals to more as they will maybe recognise
the areas that the film is shot in and the sort
of things going on around those areas at the
time. The younger audience will watch and
maybe learn from the location, once again
comparing between then and now.
• The majority of the cast are white, with the exception of the
character ‘ Milky ‘ who is black. This gives a mixed ethnicity
audience. It gives them both a chance to see the other side of
the story, as in the time the film was set there was a lot of
racial discrimination happening. People who lived through this
will watch it and look back, noticing how things have change
and remembering how things used to be. This may have an
effect on, who were the minority race at the time, of black
ethnicity, but not so much on the white race as they were
majority. The younger audience can watch and learn from this,
and see how things were different back then and how society
has grown from it.
• Interests, creates a variety of audience. Firstly, the people
who can relate to the time and characters as they went
through the same things and therefore, once, hared the
same interested, alcohol, sex and drugs and can look back
and see how their interests have changed. Then there is
the younger audience who can compare interests and see
how teenagers interests have changed over the years, or
may have not. They can watch and see how different they
are to people in that day and age or can sit and watch and
realise that they are quite similar, gaining a relationship
with the characters.
Social Class
• This Is England will appear more to the lower class, working and under, as
most British Social Realism films do. This is due to the harsh view on life
that you do not get in a Hollywood film, things like sex, drugs, alcohol,
themes and lifestyle that is not all happy days and is related to more by
the working and under class than any other class. This means that
audience appeal will be mainly working or under class, although someone
of a higher, for example. Middle class, may want to watch it to see how ‘
the other side ‘ live and their lifestyle. This could be people who are now
middle class and interested in it or people, who in that time where of a
higher class than the characters and want to see how their life pans out,
different to their own. People who lived through the time This Is England
is filmed, may relate to this as they can compare themselves to how they
where then and what they have achieved now, if they are still stuck in that
lifestyle or they have bettered themselves and came out of it. Younger
people who watch the film can compare their working class lifestyle as a
teenager to the characters lifestyle and see how it has changed or stayed
the same. Middle class can also do this, comparing how much better their
life is compared to the lives of the characters.
Marketing Strategies
• To help market there film, the creators of This Is
England used several techniques to create audience
awareness. They sued posters as a use of marketing.
These were good as they, both, set the scene and
introduce the characters so that the audience can get
a feel of the film before deciding if they want to see
it or not.
Marketing Strategies
• Due to New Media Technology, website were made to promote the film.
Shane meadows, the creator of This Is England, had made his own website
that people, and also already fans of his work were available to view at any
time and could therefore go and take a preview at the film to find out what it
was about and see whether they would want to watch it.
• This Is England also made their very won website, all about the film, so that
once again the audience that were interested could go on and find out more
about the film before they saw it and could find details about the cast, the
narrative and have access to reviews and other opinions that would
encourage them to watch the film.
• Viral marketing is a good marketing technique as they are available at any
time, any place and due to new media technology people can access them
on laptops, phones, iPods and other forms of technology, making it easier to
get hold of and ensuring more people will become aware of the film.
Marketing Strategies
• Being a film 4 film, puts This Is England at an advantage as only a certain
audience will view it, but being connected with channel 4 puts them at an
advantage as their films can be shown on that channel. This Is England
was shown on Channel 4, this increased audience awareness and due to
almost everyone in the having TV, even if its just the terrestrial channels
means that they are now able to watch This Is England. This worked well
for Shane meadows, as his film may not of been as popular had it not
been shown on channel 4, because not as many people would have been
aware of it.
• Also, to raise audience awareness for the sequel This Is England 86, This Is
England, was shown again on Channel 4 so that people could watch it if
they had missed it or wanted to watch it again. This once again made te
audience more aware of the film, and got a bigger audience as more
people were aware of it that may have missed it before or not even known
about the film and also helping in the size of audience interested in This Is
England 86.

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