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Question 1: What is the company name? What is the company vision and the long-term objectives?
Are they achievable in this market environment? Justify. (2 marks)

Question2: What are the various industries the company competes in? Do a portfolio analysis (using
a diagram/table) and justify why you chose your focus product/brand portfolio for focus in this
market strategy report? Are you focusing on a particular country- why? (2 marks)

Question 3: What is the customer perceived value for your focus product. List benefits and costs and
explain how you think value may change in future and why? (2 marks)

Question 4: What are the key competitors? Which are direct and indirect? Are there any migrating
needs that may affect your industry? What are your strategic benchmark companies you have chosen
and why? (2 marks)

Question 5: What are the various segments that your company is focusing on for your focus
product/brand? Which target segment do you think they should focus on and profile it using the
following segmentation variables (geographic, demographic, psychographic, behavioural) and justify
using DAMAS. (2 marks)

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