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JO·CR-64b Rev. 8-10 C.G.S. § 54-2a

Pro Bk. Sec. 36-1. 36-2. 36-3


For Court Use Only

Supporting Affidavits sealed

DYes 0 No

Police Case number


I Agency name

Derby Police Department

I Agency number


Name (Last. First, Middle Initial) Santo, Louis

I Residence (Town) of accused Derby

I Court to be held at (Town) I Geographical

Derby Area number 05

Application For Arrest Warrant To: A Judge of the Superior Court

The undersigned hereby applies for a warra set forth in the: I2J Affidavit Below.

e arrest of the above-named accused on the basis of the facts it(s) Attached.

The undersigned affiant, being duly i om, deposes and says:

The undersigned, PTL Joe Mas ;tti, Jr 059, being duly sworn, does depose and state that he is a member of the Derby Police Department and s been since 8/13/2007. At all times mentioned herein he was acting as a member of said department. The following facts and circumstances are stated from personal knowledge and

..... ~observationsaswellasinformationreceivedfromotherpo1iceofficers·acting in their official capacityandfrom official police reports and statements made by prudent and credible witnesses.

1. That on 23 February 2011 Affiant #1 was contacted by Shelton Police Detective Trabka regarding a threatening and harassment complaint. Trabka stated that he received a call from Ansonia Police Department Detective Sergeant Lynch on 02/16/1 L Lynch stated that Los Angeles Police Department Threat Management Unit contacted Lynch because a Louis Santo was threatening Hollywood actors, actresses and their affiliated companies. It was believed that Santo was residing in Shelton. The case was passed on to Det. Trabka.

2. That Det. Trabka contacted LAPD Detective John Gregozek, whose agency has taken numerous complaints relating to the case, Detective John Gregozek reported that he has been employed by the Los Angeles Police Department for approximately 14 years. Gregozek is currently assigned to Detective Support and Vice Division, Threat Management Unit (TMU). Gregozek's responsibilities involve investigating cases wherein a:iJ. individual demonstrates an abnormal fixation on another person and or persons and generates a long term pattern of harassment, which could include unsolicited gifts or acts of visitation, unsolicited communication (i.e; telephone, letters, or the Internet), or stalking (the combination of harassing behavior and a credible threat) of another person (s) within the City of Los Angeles. Furthermore Det. Gregozek is responsible for investigating incidents of

. workplace violence wherein the victim(s) and/or suspect(s) are employees of the City of Los Angeles, which includes threats towards elected Los Angeles City officials. During these investigations Det. Gregozek has

. interviewed numerous suspects in regards to their methods of operation, as well as numerous victims, in terms of . the process of mental anguish they have endured. Det. Gregozek partakes in continuing dialog with other experts

in the field of threat assessment/management to gain investigative knowledge, which he utilizes in his current assigrunent. Det. Gregozek is an instructor for the Los Angeles Police Department Detective Training Unit in the (This is page 1 of a 8 page Affidavit.)



Finding The foregoing Application for an arrest warrant, and affidavit(s) attached to said Application, having been submitted to and considered by the undersigned, the undersigned finds from said affidavit(s) that there is probable cause to believe that

an offense has been committed and that the accused committed it and, therefore, that probable cause exists for the

'Jssuance of a warrant for the arrest of the above-named a sed.

Date and Signature


JD-CR-64a Rev. 8-10 C.G.S. § 54-2a

Pro Bk. Sec. 36-1, 36-2, 36-3


Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) Santo, Louis

Residence (Town) of accused Derby

Court to be held at (Town) Derby


Area number 05

Affidavit - Continued

field of investigative teclmiques and laws related to Stalking.

3. That Gregozek forwarded Det. Trabka several complaints involving Louis Santo (DOB 12/23/1974) as the suspect. The first complaint to the Los Angeles Police Department was received on 01-07-2011. The complaint was filed by Attorney Frank DeMartini who is General Counsel for Nu Image, Incorporated, which is a Motion Picture Production company. Nu Image Inc. recently produced the movie "The Expendables", in which the lead role was played by Sylvester Stallone. Nu Image is located at 6423 Wilshire BL, Los Angeles, CA. The business occupies first and second floor and has 50 employees working in the office during day time. DeMartini reported that sometime during September of201O, after the release of the motion picture, 'The Expendables" a male suspect repeatedly called the office. Initially the suspect spoke with Kevin King and John Thompson. The suspect identified himself as Louis Santo and told them that he should be compensated for working on the film (The

- - - --~Expendables);Thesuspectwascallingfrom203~435~2288whichis a ceHph:ofieline6urofCOfifiecticut

4. That initially Santo was not taken seriously and was advised to speak with the Attorney, Frank DeMartini.

DeMartini informed Santo to consult with an attorney about the claim and have an attorney contact Attorney DeMartini. Santo continued to call the office and was again advised to consult with an attorney. DeMartini told Santo not to call him at which time Santo told DeMartini "You are then going to have to deal with my friends, Smith and Wesson, II and hung up the phone. This call occurred on 0 1107/2011. Santo had also left a message on the voice mail which was transferred to a CD-ROM. A copy of CD was forwarded to the case Detectives in Los Angeles. DeMartini stated that he fears for his safety and the safety of the employees. DeMartini stated that in past four months Santo called the office 10 to 15 times. Five times, the secretary had hung up on him.

5. That DeMartini submitted a two page e-mail which provides detailed accounts of what had transpired in past four months with Louis Santo. In the e- mails DeMartini detailed that Kevin King Templeton and Jolm Thompson ofNu Image Inc. informed DeMartini that the calls from Santo started shortly after the release of the motion picture "The Expendables." That initially no one took the calls seriously and eventually they told Santo to deal with Attorney DeMartini. DUring the first call to DeMartini, Louis Santo identified himself as a person who knew Sylvester Stallone and that he had been told by Sylvester Stallone that he would be compensated for his idea for "The Expendables". Santo then made some claims about Certified Mails and having spoken to Mr. Stallone directly. After that call DeMartini contacted both Kevin King, who works with Stallone and John Thompson one of the Executives at Nu Image. Both were producers on "The Expendables." They both told DeMartini that they remembered Santo calling, but they thought nothing of it and "just blew it off'. At the time DeMartini thought he would do the same. However,Attorney DeMartini did tell Mr. Santo on the third or fourth

call with to hire an attorney and have the attorney call in order to make a legitimate claim. .

6. That DeMartini stated that since then the calls from Louis Santo had become much more threatening and much more frequently, to the point where DeMartini is not taking the calls. On at least one occasion, maybe more, Santo left a message: Attorney DeMartini has one of those calls saved on his ariswering machine. On that

Signed (Affiant)


JO·CR-64a Rev. 8·10 C.G.S. § 54-2a

Pro Bk. Sec. 36·1, 36·2, 36-3


Name (Last, First, Middle InitiaQ Santo, Louis

Residence (Town) of accused Derby

Court to be held at (Town) Geographical

Derby Area number 05

Affidavit - Continued

recording Santo states that they should not be messing with a "former SEAL." That on 01107/2011 at approximately 4:00 PM (pacific Time), Santo called again. At first DeMartini told the receptionist to put Santo to voice mail. The secretary then called and said that Santo wanted to talk to DeMartini's superiors because DeMartini was not doing the will of the company and that Santo had been told that he would be taken care of. DeMartini took the call. DeMartini's initial comments to Santo were telling Santo to get an attorney and that DeMartini would only talk to an attorney. Santo then said DeMartini wasn't representing the will of the company and Santo wanted to talk to DeMartini's superior. DeMartini told Santo that his only superior was the owners of the company and that DeMartini had been given full authority to deal with this. DeMartini told Santo lido not call here anymore, if you feel you have a claim, just have an attorney call." Santo replied It You are then going to have to deal with my friends, Smith and Wesson," and Santo hung up the phone. DeMartini then discussed this with Trevor Short, one of the three owners of the company and played the old recording for Short. Both

----~conc1uded thatthishasnowgottehlothep6intWhefetheyshoilldiepoffthisfotliEautliorities.DeMiirlirii is concerned about this because it does deal with an international celebrity, Sylvester Stallone. Attorney DeMartini believes that Santo is capable of carrying out his threats even though Santo has a Connecticut based phone number. DeMartini requested Police intervention.

7. That on 01/13/2011 Detective Gregozek was assigned to investigate another complaint against Louis Santo by another victim. Det. Gregozek met with Rose McGowan, who stated she received numerous messages from suspect Louis Santo via the social networking website, "Twitter." McGowan is an actress and has appeared in several movies and television shows. McGowan stated she first noticed Twitter messages from Santo to her account about 6 months ago and recalled the messages as being strange. Santo wrote that he loved McGowan very much and that he misses her. Santo asked McGowan 'repeatedly to call him and that he had a movie he

created for her to star in. McGowan has never had any prior contact with Santo and does not know who Santo is. Santo's messages to McGowan became increasingly desperate telling her she had made a big mistake, and that she would be sorry. McGowan stated that Santo had made numerous telephone calls to her manager's office, "MediaTalent Group," her public relations office, "BakerWinokur Ryder Public Relations," and a business she has a partnership in, "Dry Bar. II Santo made repeated telephone calls, e mails, and text messages to various people working for these businesses demanding to speak with Mctfowan. McGowan stated she has never had any dealings with Louis Santo and has no desire for any contact with him. McGowan stated that several business partners and employees have received repeated phone calls from Santo demanding contact with her.

8. That on 0112112011 Detective Gregozek, received information from McGowan that suspect Louis Santo had made several calls to her personal cellular telephone in an attempt to get in contact with her. It is unknown how

Santo got McGowan's personal phone number. .

9: That on 01125/2011, Detective Hoffman and Det, Gregozek responded to the work address of Alison Daulerio, where she is a public' relations agent. On or around January 5, 2011, Allison received a phone call to her personal cellular telephone from a male who identified himself as Louis Santo. Santo stated he had a script

(This is page 3 of a 8 page Affidavit.)



~ '3 . Il


JD-CR-64a Rev. 8-10 C.G.S. § 54-2a

Pro Bk. Sec. 36-1. 36-2. 36-3


Name (Last. First. Middle Initial) Santo, Louis

Residence (Town) of accused Derby

Court to be held at (Town) Geographical

Derby Area number 05


! I


Affidavit M Continued

for Rose McGowan and that he needed to get in touch with her. Allison told Santo that she does not have contact with Rose McGowan and could not pass on the information. Santo became agitated and asked, I1Why are you blocking me? She wants to get in touch with me. II Santo also told Allison on a subsequent telephone call to let Rose McGowan know that he saved her life, and that she loves him. Allison stated that Santo has called her approximately 10 times and sent her approximately 8 text messages over a 10 day period. Most of the text messages were on 01-05-2011. The message is sent from 203-435-2288. The message is that Rose McGowan better call him (Santo) or there will be problems. Allison spoke with Santo about 6 different times via telephone when Santo called Allison with a blocked number. Allison repeatedly told Santo there was nothing she could do, but Santo continued to call. Allusion stated that the tone of Santo had become increasingly desperate overtime. Several weeks ago, Allusion left her cellular telephone number on the company's outgoing recorded message as an emergency contact during offhours. Allusion believes this is how Santo obtained her telephone number.

--- .. ----.- ..... 10; ThatHe't;··GregozekspokewithA.l1usion'sco;.worker,ValerieFateh:LFatehistatedtrujlotiJaniiazy4,···20r r, she received a call to her work number from a male who identified himself as Louis Santo. Santo stated he had a script for Rose McGowan. Fatehi told Santo that she would pass on the information to the appropriate people. Over the next 7-10 days, Fatehi received numerous telephone calls from Santo to Fatehi's work telephone and had approximately 7 conversations with Santo in which Santo insisted he get in contact with Rose McGowan. Fatehi had told Santo to stop calling after his 3rd telephone call, but Santo did not stop. Fatehi also received 2 e-mails from Santo to her work e-mail. Det. Gregozek documented through photos of the victim's cell phone that the call number from the text messages was from 203-435-2288. Several e-mails were sent from LouissantoI9@yahoo.


11. That Det. Gregozek spoke with McGowan's co-worker, Alana Rosu. Rosu stated she first received a telephone call to her work telephone from a male who identified himself as Louis Santo in early January, 2011. Santo stated he had an "emergency script," and he had to talk to Rose McGowan. Rosu stated she received 20-30 telephone calls from Santo until around January 20,2011: Santo repeatedly insisted on getting in touch with Rose McGowan. Alana told Santo to stop calling after about the second call, but Santo continued to call.

12. ThatDet.Gregozek reported Det. Trabka that on February 8,2011, McGowan received Twitter messages from Santo stating, "rose don't hurt me! I will not kidding. U will be gone," and "Louis Santo III LOVES U! ROSE HURT LOU Or urgone." McGowan believes this to be a threat to her life and is in fear for her safety.

13. That Det. Trabkathen checked the records of the Shelton Police Department and discovered that Louis Santo has been involved with the Shelton Police ontwo occasions in 2010. On 06-15-2010 at approximately 1148 hours, Shelton Police Officers Kichar Sebourne was dispatched to 27 Rocky Rest Rd. on a welfare check. A notification was received by dispatch regarding a Louis S. Santo 3rd writing on Facebook that he was going to kill himself

14. That upon Officer Seboume's arrival he was met by Louis Santo 'at his front door. Officer Seboume

(This is page 4 of a 8 page Affidavit.)


om to·before me on (Date)




JO-CR-64a Rev. 8-10 C.G.S. § 54-2a

Pro Bk. Sec. 36-1, 36-2, 36-3


Name (Last, First, Middle InitiaQ Santo, Louis

Residence (Town) of accused Derby

Court to be held at (Town) Geographical

Derby Area number 05

Affidavit - Continued

informed him the reason for being at his residence. Santo told Officer Sebourne that he and his family do not get along and that he has not spoken with his father for over 4 years. Additionally Santo's father keeps harassing him. Officer Seboume told him that his father had called and stated that he, Santo, was posting onto Facebook that he was going to kill himself. Officer Sebourne then asked Santo to log onto to Facebook and they went through the postings for the last 3 days. Officer Seboume stated there were no postings from Santo regarding him wanting to kill or hurt himself. However, there were posting from his friends stating that he was trying to kill himself by being in the hospital for an operation. After reviewing the Facebook account of Santo Officer

Seboume did not find any probable cause to commit Santo for an evaluation. .

15. That on 06-15-2010 at approximately 1941 hours, Shelton Police officer Nugent, was assigned to a walkin complaint. Officer Nugent met the complainant, Ryan Santo. Ryan stated that he has received several e mails

~~~ ~~ ----_ -from~~friends~throughout~-the~~dayregarding~~-his-~brother~-t:ouis'--Santo:Ryan--~stated~that~-hisbt6thetwiUtake-~offfo:t a

few years, not be heard from, and then return to the area. Ryan stated that he has received e-mails from friends about Louis' comments, which were posted on Facebook. Ryan showed Officer Nugent the posts, which read "Im going to kill myself. please let your mom know you and her are great people, but I don't want anyone to go my funeral or waken. "I am going to kill myself'. Ryan stated that he was notified by friends of the e-mail and wished for officers to conduct a welfare check on Louis.

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16. That Shelton Police Officers Butwell, Falcone, and Nugent responded to 27 Rocky Rest Rd. in an attempt to locate Louis. Officers were met at the door by Louis Santo, who invited Officers inside. Officers needed to step over garbage to get into his apartment. While speaking with Santo, he denied making any comments on Facebook, and stated that his brother was harassing him. Santo stated that he does not have any family and that they want his money from a movie he is writing for. While inside Santo's apartment the living environment was very messy. While speaking with Santo about his families concern, he wished to contact the "FBI" stating that they informed him to contact them ifhe had any problems. Based on Officers contact with Santo and messages brought forward from his brother, Santo was transported to Griffin Hospital for an Emergency Psych Evaluation.

17. That Det. Trabka reviewed the two Shelton Police reports and found one e-mail message Santo wrote to a

family member stating the following "another thing you better t answer me, you and Scott better pray to

god you didn't stab me in the back with rose, you and Scott pray to. r, b god you didn't do that and you' pray to god you didn't ruin it on me with rose you better pray to god." This appears that Santo had a fixation on Rose McGowan back in June of 2010 When he was threatening to end his own life. Also included in the.e mails submitted by Ryan was one that had Louis asking to be called at his phone # 203-435-2288. This is the number listed as Louis Santo's for police complaints.

18. That a check of Derby Police records found that on 11123/10 Santo made a walk in complaint that he was receiving threatening text messages from someone named "Sam". The messages were coming from Rose McGowan's phone number, At the time of complaintSanto provided his phone number as being 203-435-2288 .

. (This is page 5 of a 8 page Affidavit,)



;:,_............; __ . ".,.' n~_.~. · ·_·~~······-"··


JD-CR-64a Rev. 8-10 C.G.S. § 54-2a

Pro Bk. Sec. 36-1, 36-2, 36-3


Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) Santo, Louis

Residence (Town) of accused Derby

Court to be held at (Town) Geographical

Derby Area number 05

Affidavit - Continued

19. That a NCIC check for criminal history for Louis Santo (DOB 12-23-1974) found that Santo has four arrests since 2008 in Ansonia and Seymour. The charges include Harassment, Breach of Peace, Threatening and

Violation of a Protective Order. .

20. That these affiants reviewed all the e-mails and a greeting card that was sent via the Internet to Rose McGowan. It was observed that there were references by Santo to living in an apartment in Derby and the return

address on the Internet greeting card listed 47 Hawkins Street, Derby, Ct. .

21. That on 0212112011, Det. Trabka and Shelton Policeinvestigator B. McPadden responded to 27 Rocky Rest ~o~~, Sh~lt? ~}Jpear th.a.t~()llis ~al1t? resi~~~tl1eyea.nyl()I1&er.!\tt\Ppro~l11a.t~lyl~3011()ll!s

-Trabka and McPadden traveled to 47 Hawkins Street, Derby, Ct. and observed mail for Louis Santo, listing

apartment 1. Trabka and McPadden knocked on the residence and a male identifying himself as Louis Santo answered the door. Trabka and McPadden were allowed into the residence. Trabka explained who they were and asked Santo how long he has resided in the apartment. Santo stated about six months. Trabka explained that we were following up on a complaint from the Los Angeles Police Department that he was threatening and harassing people in LosAngeles, Santos responded that he knew no one in Los Angeles. Trabka then asked if he had been calling any movie studios, actors or actresses in Los Angeles. (No names were given to Santos.) Santos then stated that he had one actress friend in Los Angeles, but that she is not in Los Angeles right now, that she is in New York. Santos went on and stated, III am friends with Rose McGowan. She is in New York right now. She invited me down and.I was in New York with her this past Tuesday. I have a couple of calls into her right now, I have her number." Trabka and McPadden observed that Santos. had two cell phones and a small laptop computer on his living room table .. Trabka and McPadden thanked Santo for his time and left:

22. That based on the fact Santo resides in Derby and it appears the calls and computer are in his apartment, the case was forwarded to affiant #1 of the Derby Police Department.

23. That on 02/23/2011 Affiant #2 contacted Det. Gregozek and informed him that contact was made with Santos and that Santos resides in Derby and that Derby Police will follow up. Affiant #2 also advised Det. Gregozek of Santo's claim to have been in New York to meet with McGowan. Det. Gregozek reports that McGowan is in fact in New York. Gregozek did tell McGowan that she wouldbe closer to Santo in New York and to use caution. Det. Gregozek reported that McGowan's trip to New York was publicized online and would be common knowledge to anyone who followed her.

24. That Gregozek provided thisaffiant with copies ofLAPD investigative reports, e-mail copies of DeMartini's complaint, copy of greeting card sent from Santo to McGowan, copies of photos taken of messages on victims cell phone, copies of emails from Santo to Fatehi and Rosu, and search warrant and records seized .

from Twitter regarding messages sent from Santo to Mcflowan .

(This is page 60t ~ 8 page Affidavit.)


Date /

7;;)./11 .


.. ,


JD-GR-64a Rev. 8-10 C.G.S. § 54-2a

Pro Bk. Sec. 36-1, 36-2, 36-3


Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) Santo, Louis

Residence (Town) of accused Derby

court to be held at (Town) Derby


Area number 05

Affidavit - Continued

25. That e-mails sent from Santo to Fatehi stated that Rose heeded to call Santo asap because the movie was finished, there was several refenced to McGowan loving Santo. Santo mentions several movies that were his idea that were stolen. In an e-mail to Rosu, Santo mentioned that previous messages were not from him and that someone was looking into who sent them. Santo ends the e-mail by saying "you mean the world to me rose you and I will work out great where perfect.. even though you broke my nose. LOL I love you rose. i would do anything for you. be my valentine. Pictures of messages taken from the cell phone show that 203-435-2288 sent messages saying among other things, "its not me being scary its you people being 5th grade assholes give the message she will call me she going to be with me anyway", "stop being rotten she wants to hear from me.!!! I have witnesses she told me to get in touch with her through you guys". Another message comes from the same.

nlll1l?~~and ~?~sbet\.v~~n.tl1~f11'st ... (lIl~t11ir~pers()1l~xsta.tiIJ.g,"~ftllllle:ll14s~()p 1()~il1g:ll14giyellerth~111€!

----she wouldn't tum her back to me i saved her life. I am here with louis s santo III. He told me what ur doing give

rose the message she will call him definitely will call him". Affiants were also provided a copy of a greeting card Santo sent to McGowan stating, "rose I love you more than you could imagine. I love you. please call me and I do want to be with you. I love you its me louis s santo III I love you. 2034352288 8608197853. I love you rose please stop hurting me I love you I don't deserve to be hurt like this I love you fro louis s santo II".

26. That on 25 February 2011 this affiant received a fax from LAPD Threat Management Unit regarding restraining orders. There were two separate restraining orders from Frank DeMartini and Rose McGowan against Louis Santo. At about 09:45, hours Derby Police Officer. DiMauro #054 and this affiant went to 47 Hawkins St to locate Santo. There was no answer at the door. This affiant called Santo and stated that I had a package to deliver to him. Santo stated that he was driving around at work but would come home. Officers observed a white pickup truck witha cap over the bed and a ladder on top. This vehicle was bearing CT Reg. 50CL43. The truck traveled north on Hawkins and stopped next to a post office truck. The truck then turned east on Cottage St. Officers followed the truck and observed it tum north on Elizabeth ST. The operator failed to signal. A motor vehicle stop was executed on the vehicle. The operator provided a Florida operators license (S530537744630) that identified him as Louis Santo. Ofc. DiMauro explained to Santo that the Derby PD had someone paperwork for him. Santo agreed to travel to Derby PD. This affiant explained to Santo why he was there and asked if he knew Rose McGowan or Frank DeMartini. Santo stated that McGowan was his former girlfriend and that

DeMartini was going to be arrested and owes Santo 1.8 million dollars for stealing his movie idea. This affiant

. .

provided Santo with both restraining orders and read the specifications of the orders. Santo stated that he

understood. Santo stated he did not own any firearms and a computer check confirmed this.

Based above the above facts and circumstances the affiants respectfully request and arrest warrant be signed for Louis Santo for violating two counts of C.G.s. 53a-62 Threatening in the Second Degree, two counts of

. 53a-183 Harassment in the Second Degree, and two counts of 53a-181 Breach of Peace.

• .4 " i '"


JO-CR-64a Rev. 8-10 C.G.S. § 54-2a

Pro Bk. Sec. 36-1, 36-2. 36-3


Name (Last. First, Middfe fnitiaO Santo, Louis

Residence (Town) of accused Derby

Court to be held at (Town) Geographical

Derby Area number 05

Affidavit - Continued


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i . (This is page 8 of 8 8 page Affidavit.)

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