Ch123 Exam II Practice Exam Spring2011

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Ch123 Exam II Practice Exam Spring 2011

15.1 Rates of Chemical Reactions

1. For the reaction below, if the rate of appearance of Cl2 is 0.022 M/s, what is the rate
of appearance of NO?
2 NOCl(g) → 2 NO(g) + Cl2(g)
a) -0.022 M/s b) 0.022 M/s c) 0.033 M/s d) 0.044 M/s e) 0.088

Answer: d
15.2 Reaction Conditions and Rate

2. Which of the following factors are likely to affect the rate of a chemical reaction?
1. the presence of a catalyst
2. the temperature of the reactants
3. the physical state (solid, liquid, or gas) of the reactants
a) 1 only b) 2 only c) 3 only d) 1 and 3 e) 1, 2, and

Answer: e
15.3 Effect of Concentration on Reaction Rate
3. Given the initial rate data for the reaction 2A + B → C, determine the rate expression
for the reaction.
[A], M [B], M Δ[C]/Δt (initial) M/s
0.180 0.250 1.36 × 10-3
0.180 0.500 2.72 × 10-3
0.720 0.500 1.09 × 10-2
a) = 1.21 × 10-1 M -2s-1[A][B]2
b) = 3.02 × 10-2 M -2s-1[A]2 [B]
c) = 1.68 × 10-1 M -2s-1[A]2 [B]
d) = 1.36 × 10-3 M -1s-1[A][B]
e) = 3.02 × 10-2 M -1s-1[A][B]

Answer: e
15.4 Concentration-Time Relationships: Integrated Rate Laws
4. The reaction A → B follows first-order kinetics with a half-life of 14.3 days. If the
concentration of A is 0.024 M after 3.25 days, what is the initial concentration of A?
a) 0.11 M b) 0.021 M c) 0.028 M d) 0.030 M e) 0.041 M

Answer: c
5. The decomposition of phosphine, PH3, follows first-order kinetics.
4 PH3(g) → P4(g) + 6 H2(g)
The half-life for the reaction at 550 °C is 81.3 seconds. What percentage of phosphine
remains after 275 seconds?
a) 2.3% b) 9.6% c) 26% d) 30.% e) 74%

Answer: b
15.5 A Microscopic View of Reaction Rates
6. Calculate the activation energy, Ea for
N2O5(g) → 2 NO2(g) + ½ O2(g)
given k (at 45.0 °C) = 5.79 × 10-4 s-1 and k (at 60.0 °C) = 3.83 × 10-3 s-1. (R = 8.314
a) 0.256 kJ/mol b) 2.83 kJ/mol c) 31.1 kJ/mol d) 111 kJ/mol e) 389

Answer: d
15.6 Reaction Mechanisms
7. The elementary steps for the catalyzed decomposition of dinitrogen monoxide are
shown below.
N2O(g) + NO(g) → N2(g) + NO2(g)
2 NO2(g) → 2 NO(g) + O2(g)
Which of the following statements is/are CORRECT?
1. The overall balanced reaction is 2 N2O(g) → 2 N2(g) + O2(g).
2. NO(g) is a catalyst for the reaction.
3. NO2(g) is a reaction intermediate.
a) 1 only b) 2 only c) 3 only d) 1 and 3 e) 1, 2, and

Answer: e
16.2 The Equilibrium Constant and the Reaction Quotient
8. Write the expression for K for the reaction of ammonium ion with hydroxide ion.
NH4+(aq) + OH-(aq)  NH3(aq) + H2O(λ )
[NH +4 ][OH- ]
a) K =
[NH 3 ][H 2 O]
[NH 3 ][H 2 O]
b) K =
[NH +4 ][OH- ]
[NH3 ]
c) K =
[NH +4 ][OH- ]
[NH 3 ]
d) K =
[NH +4 ]
[NH +4 ][OH- ]
e) K =
[NH3 ]

Answer: c
9. For which one of the following reactions does Kp equal Kc?
a) 2 CO(g) + O2(g)  2 CO2(g)
b) CH4(g) + 2 O2(g)  CO2(g) + 2 H2O(g)
c) CaCO3(s)  CaO(s) + CO2(g)
d) NH3(g)  3/2 H2(g) + 1/2 N2(g)
e) 2 O3(g)  3 O2(g)

Answer: b
10. An aqueous mixture of hydrocyanic acid and ammonia has initial concentrations of
0.100 M HCN(aq) and 0.140 M NH3(aq). At equilibrium, the CN-(aq) concentration is
0.055 M. Calculate K for the reaction.
HCN(aq) + NH3(aq)  CN-(aq) + NH4+(aq)
a) 0.22 b) 0.79 c) 1.5 d) 3.9 e) 14

Answer: b

11. Excess PbBr2(s) is placed in water at 25°C. At equilibrium, the solution contains
0.012 M Pb2+(aq). What is the equilibrium constant for the reaction below?
PbBr2(s)  Pb2+(aq) + 2 Br-(aq)
a) 4.3 × 10-7 b) 1.7 × 10-6 c) 6.9 × 10-6 d) 1.4 × 10-4 e) 2.9 ×

Answer: c
16.4 Using Equilibrium Constants in Calculations

12. At 25 °C, the decomposition of dinitrogen tetraoxide

N2O4(g)  2 NO2(g)
has an equilibrium constant (Kp) of 0.144. At equilibrium, the total pressure of the
system is 0.0758 atm. What is the partial pressure of each gas?
a) 0.0745 atm NO2(g) and 0.0385 N2O4(g)
b) 0.0549 atm NO2(g) and 0.0209 N2O4(g)
c) 0.0531 atm NO2(g) and 0.0227 N2O4(g)
d) 0.0502 atm NO2(g) and 0.0256 N2O4(g)
e) 0.0381 atm NO2(g) and 0.0377 N2O4(g)

Answer: b

13. The equilibrium constant at 25 °C for the dissolution of silver iodide is 8.5 × 10-17.
AgI(s)  Ag+(aq) + I-(aq)
If an excess quantity of AgI(s) is added to water and allowed to equilibrate, what is
the equilibrium concentration of I-?
a) 7.2 × 10-33 M b) 4.3 × 10-17 M c) 8.5 × 10-17 M d) 6.5 × 10-9 M e) 9.2 ×
10-9 M

Answer: e
16.5 More about Balanced Equations and Equilibrium Constants
14. For the following reaction,
SO2(g) + 1/2 O2(g)  SO3(g)
the equilibrium constant, Kp, is 0.870 at 627 °C. What is the equilibrium constant, at
627 °C, for the reaction below?
2 SO3(g)  2 SO2(g) + O2(g)
a) -1.74 b) -.757 c) 1.32 d) 2.30 e) 5.28

Answer: c
15. Given the following chemical equilibria,
N2(g) + O2(g)  2 NO(g) K1
4 NH3(g) + 5 O2(g)  4 NO(g) + 6 H2O(g) K2
H2(g) + 1/2 O2(g)  H2O(g) K3
Determine the method used to calculate the equilibrium constant for the reaction
N2(g) + 3 H2(g)  2 NH3(g) Kc
a) K c = K1 × K2 × K3
K1 K 33
b) K c =
c) K c = K1 + + 3K3
3 ( K1 × K 2 )
d) K c =
2 K3
K1 × K 2
e) K c =
K 33

Answer: b
17.1 Acids and Bases: A Review

16. According to the Brønsted-Lowry definition, a base

a) is a weak electrolyte.
b) increases the OH- concentration in an aqueous solution.
c) is an electron-pair donor.
d) increases the pH of a solution.
e) is a proton acceptor.

Answer: e

17.2 The Brønsted-Lowry concepts of Acids and Bases

17. Which equation depicts hydrocyanic acid, HCN, behaving as a Brønsted-Lowry acid
in water?
a) HCN(aq) + OH-(aq)  OCN-(aq) + H2(g)
b) HCN(aq) + H3O+(aq)  H2CN+(aq) + H2O(λ )
c) HCN(aq) + H2O(λ )  CN-(aq) + H3O+(aq)
d) CN-(aq) + H3O+(aq)  HCN(aq) + H2O(λ )
e) CN-(aq) + H2O(λ )  OCN-(aq) + H2(s)

Answer: c
17.3 Water and the pH Scale
18. What is the H3O+ concentration in 5.8 × 10-4 M KOH(aq) at 25 °C? (Kw = 1.0 × 10-14)
a) 5.8 × 10-18 M b) 1.7 × 10-11 M c) 5.8 × 10-4 M d) 11 M e) 5.8 ×
1010 M
Answer: b
17.4 Equilibrium Constants for Acids and Bases

19. Ammonium ion has a pKa value of 9.25. What is the value of pKb for ammonia?
a) 5.6 × 10-10 b) 1.8 × 10-5 c) 0.108 d) 0.75 e) 4.75

Answer: e
17.5 Predicting the Direction of Acid-Base Reactions

20. What is the equilibrium constant for the following reaction,

HCN(aq) + NO2-(aq)  CN-(aq) + HNO2(aq)
and does the reaction favor the formation of reactants or products? The acid
dissociation constant, Ka, of HCN is 4.0 × 10-10 and the acid dissociation constant of
HNO2 is 4.5 × 10-4.
a) K = 1.00. The reaction favors neither the formation of reactants nor products.
b) K = 8.9 × 10-7. The reaction favors the formation of products.
c) K = 8.9 × 10-7. The reaction favors the formation of reactants.
d) K = 1.1 × 106. The reaction favors the formation of products.
e) K = 1.1 × 106. The reaction favors the formation of reactants.

Answer: c
17.6 Types of Acid-Base Reactions
21. Given the following acid dissociation constants,
Ka (HCO2H) = 1.8 × 10-4
Ka (NH4+) = 5.6 × 10-10
determine the equilibrium constant for the reaction below at 25 ºC.
NH4+(aq) + HCO2-(aq)  NH3(aq) + HCO2H(aq)
a) 1.0 × 10-13 b) 3.1 × 10-6 c) 1.8 × 10-4 d) 3.2 × 105 e) 9.9 ×

Answer: b
17.7 Calculations with Equilibrium Constants
22. What is the OH- concentration in 0.48 M F-(aq)? (Kb of F- = 1.4 × 10-11)
a) 6.7 × 10-12 M b) 1.4 × 10-11 M c) 3.9 × 10-9 M d) 1.7 × 10-6 M e) 2.6 ×
10-6 M

Answer: e
17.8 Polyprotic Acids and Bases

23. Which of the following chemical equations corresponds to Kb2 for SO32-?
a) HSO3-(aq) + H2O(λ )  H2SO3(aq) + OH-(aq)
b) SO32-(aq) + H3O+(aq)  HSO3-(aq) + H2O(λ )
c) H2SO3(aq) + OH-(aq)  HSO3-(aq) + H2O(λ )
d) HSO3-(aq) + OH-(aq)  SO32-(aq) + H2O(λ )
e) SO32-(aq) + H2O(λ )  HSO3-(aq) + OH-(aq)

Answer: a
17.9 The Lewis Concept of Acids and Bases
24. All of the following species behave as Lewis acids EXCEPT ________.
a) BH3 b) Al3+ c) SO3 d) Al(OH)3 e) NH3

Answer: e

17.10 Molecular Structure, Bonding, and Acid-Base Behavior

25. Which of the following molecules or ions is the strongest acid?
a) CH3CO2- b) CH3CO2H c) CFH2CO2H d) CF2HCO2H e)

Answer: e

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