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“The Ransom of Red Chief”


Newspaper Article
You are a reporter for the local newspaper
in Summit, Alabama. You have been
assigned to report the kidnapping of
Johnny Dorset AKA Red Chief. This is an
exciting opportunity for you since nothing
like this has ever happened in the small
town of Summit, Alabama.
Your Task

 First you will have to collect the

facts by using your textbook.

 You will answer 5 questions to

prepare for the reporting of this
event. What are these questions?
The 5 Ws must be answered when
reporting a news story.
• Where did the kidnapping take place? Where did they
keep the victim?
• When did the story take place? Time of day? Lapse of
• Who was involved in the kidnapping?
• Why did the kidnapping occur? What did the kidnappers
want from Dorset? Why?
• What happened during the time that Johnny was
kidnapped? Describe and use specific details from the
• How did the kidnapping end?
Your Task
• 1. Use your textbook to answer the
questions for the 5 Ws. Cite page #s as you
answer the questions.
• 2. Next, Read the example newspaper
article to begin your rough draft.
• 3. Write a rough draft on every other line
using the newspaper format and the answers
to the questions.
• Catchy Headline (Title)
• An attention-getting introduction
• Several supporting paragraphs (a minimum of 3) with
specific details
• A conclusion that describes the end of the kidnapping
• Original quotes from at least 2 characters from the
story (ex. “I never had so much fun in my life,” said
Johnny) or (ex. “I made them pay me $250.00 to
take him off their hands,” Mr. Dorset exclaimed.
DSTP Writing Rubric
• Unified with smooth transitions, a clear and logical
progression of ideas, and an effective introduction and
• Sufficient, specific, and relevant details that are fully
• Consistently complete sentences with appropriate
variety in length and structure.
• A consistent style with precise and vivid word choice.
• Few, if any, errors in standard written English that do
not interfere with understanding.

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