Algebra Aljabar: Rezar Ricky Ridwa

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Group : Rezar
Part of presentation about Algebra

History Definition

Part of Algebra
Algebra History
• Period of ancient Egypt in Babylon had no number of linear and quadratic formula

• Specialist Mathematics of Alexandria (Ancient Egypt) continued the tradition of

scientists of Ancient Egypt and Babylon, and expanded it with still further by
equation formulas are not fixed.

•Around the 9th century version of the Algebra of Al Khwarizmi wrote in Arabic.

•Around the 12th century Leonardo Fibonacci was capable of thrusting way of
solving the cube root formula.

•Early 16th century Italian mathematician experts have developed a formula of three
such roots.

Definition of Algebra

Algebra is a branch of mathematics that studies

the simplification and solving the problem using
symbols like variable,coefficient,constant.

2x – 3y +7
variable constant
Coefficient x Coefficient y

variable is a symbol that indicates one or a set of numbers

coefficient is a number that came with the variable
constant is a symbol of a certain number that are not written with the variable

Addition and subtraction in the form of algebra are addition and
subtraction like terms
The like terms are tribes that have a variable with the same shape

2x + 3y + x – 4y
(2x + x) + (3y – 4y)
3x - y
Multiplication Algebra

Algebraic multiplication can be done by

following these step:
1. x(x+a) = x² + ax
2. x(x+a+b) = x² + ax + bx
3. (a+x)(x+b) = x² + bx + ax + ab
4. (x+a)(x+y-b) = x² + xy - bx + ax + ay – ab

Interpreting the Exponentiation of Algebraic

Exponentiation of number corresponds to repeated multiplication of that number.

So, for an arbitrary number a, a² = a x a

In the exponentiation of algebraic expressions, we have to distinguish between 3a² and

As for 3a², it is a which is squared
As for (3a)², it is 3a which is squared
So,3a is not equal to (3a)²
Factoring of Algebra

Factoring is reducing summation to multiplication of factors.

The summation of terms having the same factor can be factored by mean of
Distributive law etc.
Factoring the difference of two squares

For each natural number x and y, we have shown that (x + y)(x – y) can be
expanded as follows

(x + y)(x – y) = x² + xy – xy – y²
= x² - y²

Part of presentation about Algebra

History Definition

Part of Algebra

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