WHy Sexualization of Latins As Exotic I Defy

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IF you had to import a special tool from another country to be a better company

wouldn't you do it? Like me, I need to speak French, Spanish, ENglish, Chucko, to
write about my life so wouldn't I then have a right to use those techniques if
somehow I felt they worked better? AM I supposed to say, "green papers! Poetry you
can't have a French word when talking about Love and Revolution." THat makes no
sense. Especially if it is something I got for free. The best things in life are free and
everyone knows it. Freedom of thinking is the reason we can even talk like this so
even if we destroy nature first, once we destroy language then its back to Square

Reversal of Times: Why Latins are Sexualized

Why Latins are SExualized, Thanks

Maria Shriver!  Even William C.
Williams was Put to that Axe, a Lover,
a Puto, a Whore, a Mexican at one Step,
a Half-Peon...and Quite a bit Elegant--
who is this Threat to my Husband? His
Daughter or Hers, gets a Lot of Attention
for her Civility and Wit, her Warmth
and Chaste Figure:  Kill it WIth Love
of a Brother? Oh Bill! Get that OUT
of Your Head, you Soft-Headed Boy--
you are Mine to Keep Baby Doll, my Will
to the Last and my Husband. All is Well
by Accords. But Peace is Due, Yes C'est
La Puta de Palabra la que yo Nunca Fui
ni Debil Frente a tu PatriarKKKa,
Apestoso que si Hitler nunca Tuvo
Linea Y se Acabo a Esa Cobarderia
Inhumano Genocididito Bobo sin
Ninguna Chanza a Encontrar la
Causa de su Orgullo Sera Mi
Resistencia Hecho Mierda de
verdad con los Historiadores
de Falsas Papeles...SOn Esos
los Ilegales los Putos y Nazi HA HA!
language frames change. Language is the woodwork inside of thinking. It's not the same
as the final construction, but it is the outlines of a design that orients the materials to
make a house in a poem that's how it works. Thinkin of Keith Aker when I say this cuz
he teaches people and when you teach, you tend to like to figure out best way of saying

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