Unseen Best Friend New

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hEARD a lOT ;)

thousands of people we meet, every time a new face, colored attitude and
surprising nature. Most of the times, even you are too far from them, there's
always a thread which keeps you winded to those special ones, and then it changes
into a relation normally known as "Friendship".

This "Friendship" is like a ship. When it sails, trust n worthiness in between every
fiber cuts though any complex situation.

he friend on whom this article speaking of, keeping all the nice things aside, is “a
mural of unpredictability”. Not much inspired but most of time, well sometimes
times, boosted. Yet haven’t saw or met in real, which weirdly makes him more
special because of trust and care we shared.

Taking every normal stuff complex, and every fire game nothing makes him
sometimes dumb, but on the other hand always a source of smile and strength.

n his life, “luck and fate”, well he don’t like to talk such stuff. He got a strong
believe in Al’laah. Just wants to get along with what he’s dished in life, without
taking anything on head.

Always talk and laugh, so his friends remain happy and relaxed. But he’s really bad
in hiding own emotions, feelings and story of heart.

Well hope to see what is in his; book of eye, soon!

ew words of My Friend, touched my heart and taught me a lot;

“Don’t blame or feel guilty for something that is a part or is in you, just try to take
it in control and go for right options. With time, you will feel with small bits of
steps that you are in peace, and then you’ll see the dreams you always dreamed of
and you’ll reach them soon”


Abdur-Rehman (A-R.)

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