Functional Divisional Matrix Network

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A comparison of Different Organization Structures

Functional Divisional Matrix Network

DIVISION By Inputs By Outputs By Inputs & By Knowledge
OF LABOR Outputs
COORDUNA Hierarchical Division general Dual reporting Cross-
TION supervision, plans manager & corporate relationship functional
MECHANIS & procedures staff teams
DECISION Highly Separation of Strategy Shared Highly
RIGHTS centralized & execution decentralized

BOUNDARIE Core/periphery Internal/External Multiple Porous &

S markets Interfaces changing
IMPORTANC Low Modest Considerable High
POLITICS Inter-functional Corporate – division & Along matrix Shifting
Interdivisional dimensions coalitions

BASIS OF Positional & General management Negotiating Knowledge &

AUTHORITY functional responsibility & skills & resources
A relative advantages and disadvantages of Different Structures
Functional Divisional Matrix Network
RESOURCE Excellent Poor Moderate Good
TIME Poor Good Moderate Excellent
RESPONSIVENES Poor Moderate Good Excellent
ADAPTABILITY Poor Good Moderate Excellent

ACCOUNTABILI Good Excellent Poor Moderate

ENVIRONMENT Stable Heterogeneous Complex Volatile
FOR WHICH Environmen Environment environment environment
BEST SUITED t with multiple

STRATEGY FOR Focused Diversified Responsiveness Innovative Strategy

WHICH BEST /low cost strategies strategy
SUITED strategy
The virtual network approach
Virtual network structure means that the firm subcontracts most
of its major functions to separate companies and coordinates
their activities from a small headquarters organization.
Indian telecom company Bharti Tele –Ventures Ltd. Outsources
everything except marketing and customer management.
In the music Industry Vivendi Universal and Sony have formed
network of alliances with Internet service providers, digital
retailers, software firms and other companies to bring music
customers in new ways
Comparison of Structural Approach

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