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February – March 2011

Year 6 Exhibition Unit ‘Sharing the Planet’

Dear Parents,
As you know, your child has already identified an issue which is related to the rights and responsibilities in the
struggle to share finite resources, communities and the relationship within and between them, access to equal
opportunities, and/or peace and conflict resolution. It is hopefully an issue that your child feels passionate about and
will enjoy the process of this in-depth inquiry. They will be guided by the central idea:

Understanding ‘the big picture’ empowers us to live

with the future in mind.

What will your child be expected to do over the next 4 weeks?

consider ways of taking action

consider the probable and preferable future of this issue, if the trend were to continue
research the issue, using primary and secondary sources
Process perspectives
create questions to gain a deeper understanding of the issue -- view it from multiple

campaigns, photo displays, storyboards, etc.

for example: drama, dance, music, art, video, demonstrations, oral and IT presentations,
Product create a product based on inquiry which will be presented to an audience

Empowerment, Perspective and Futures Thinking are well understood

use the summative assessment rubric to keep focussed and ensure that the concepts of
t keep an exhibition journal/folder which will reflect the process and progress
self-assess using a skills based continuum to track growth during the process

How can you help?

The students are required to demonstrate independence and responsibility for their own learning, however, given
the complex language that the ESL students will be faced with during the research process, it will require a
considerable amount of guidance, encouragement and support from both parents and teachers. You could help by
doing the following:
 Ask questions about your child’s thinking and about what they’re learning
 Make connections in your mother-tongue/ home country as this will help overall understanding
 Provide practical assistance when possible such as connecting them with people who are knowledgeable
about their issue, helping them get to visits/interviews, etc.
 Attend check points at school whenever possible
 Attend the celebration on 30th March 2011 and celebrate the completion of this incredible independent
Many thanks for your support!

-- Ms Kyla

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