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Az angol nyelvi zárószigorlat témakörei

1. Globalization
2. International trade
3. Free trade versus protectionism
4. Marketing chanels of distribution
5. Retail trade
6. Wholesale trade
7. Agency
8. Transport (air, road, rail and sea)
9. Forwarding
10. Incoterms
11. Shipping documents
12. Means of payment (cheque, bill of exchange)
13. Methods of payment (letter of credit, documentary collection)
14. Banks (functions of a central bank and commercial banks)
15. Complaints and adjustments
16. Types of business companies (franchise, holding, as well)
17. Advertising, sales promotion, trade fairs and exhibition
18. Performance of companies (reorganization, liquidation, takeover, merger)

Általános nyelv:
1. Individual and family
- family problems, the institution of marriage
- divorce and its consequences
- generation gap
2. The place where you live
- housing shortage, buliding a house/flat, the ideal home
- global environmental problems
3. Jobs and learning
- professional career, further education and retraining
- unemployment
- woman as managers
- taxation, prices, incomes
4. Meals
- healthy and unhealthy nutrition, the Hungarian cuisine
- alcoholism and its problems
5. Services, commerce
- market, supply of goods, quality
- shopping centres and traditional commerce
6. Health, sports, weather
- depopulation, pension system
- smoking, alcoholism, drugs
- the role of sports in healthy lifestyle
7. Traffic, travelling
- traffic morals, public transport in large towns
- the problems of customs and immigration
- experiences accumulated travelling abroad
8. Entertainment, civilisation, communictions
- TV and cinema, computer games, Internet
- Modern ways of holding communion: cellular phone, e-mail, fax
9. Hungary
- Hungary’s social settlement, electoral systems, parties, Hungary’s EU admission
- The rights and status of the minorities in Hungary
- Crime, public safety

1. Brief history of European integration
2. EU institutions
3. Major treaties
4. Economic integration
5. Political integration
6. Common policies
7. Community Law

Ajánlott irodalom:
Király rita: EU for U
Dévény Ágnes: Amgolul az irodában
Radványi-Görgényi: English for Business and Finance
Báróczy-Dévény: A guide to business in English

Hangsúlyozni szeretnénk, hogy a fent felsoroltkak témakörök, nem pedig tételek. A

szigorlaton húzott tételek ezen témakörök variációi: egy tétel A és B kérdést tartalmaz.

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