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Power generating units are

mega projects
Require huge capital
Require natural resources
like, fossil fuels
Large amount of water
Changes the local eco system
Huge Impacts on the
Environment and Health
In keeping with the policy of liberalization set in
motion since 1991, welcoming private sector
participation, Thermal Projects identified for private
sector Participation in Karnataka
Mysore Stage I 2x250 MW
Mysore Stage II 2x500 MW
Hospet Thermal Power Station 2x250 MW*
Raichur Thermal Power Station 2x250 MW *
Mangalore Thermal Power Station 1000 MW
Air Quality
 Around the coal based plants the ambient
concentrations of Sulphur Dioxide, Oxides of
Nitrogen and SPM are high.
 Epidemiological Studies have shown that of
the area surrounding coal based thermal
plants, population living within a 2 -5 km
radius of the plant suffers from respiratory
disorders .
 Two other gases, carbon dioxide and ozone
are emitted. The high amount of carbon
dioxide emission from thermal power plants
contribute to global warming leading to
climate change is significant Ground level
ozone, which is formed due to photolytic
reactions of NOx and its impacts are under
 Fly ash contains a toxic brew of dangerous chemicals and is the largest
contributor to mercury pollution
Composition of Fly ash
It contains as main chemical components SiO2 (51.4
wt%), Al2O3 (22.1 wt%) and Fe2O3 (17.2 wt%; ignited
weight basis). As commonly observed, many toxic
elements and heavy metals are highly enriched in the
fly ash relative to the original coal. For example,
considerable amounts of Be (16.4 ppm), Cu (106 ppm),
Zn (578 ppm), As (40.4 ppm), Cd (2.6 ppm), Hg (18
ppm), Pb (71 ppm), and U (21.8 ppm) is found in Fly
 Water slurry is used to take the ash from the power plant
to the ash pond for disposal. 
 Water slowly seeps into the ground while carrying with it
the ash leachate. Water may contain harmful heavy metals
like boron, which have a tendency to leach out over a
period of time. 
 When fly ash comes into contact with water, leaches into
groundwater supplies which get polluted and unsuitable
for domestic use. 
 The release of ash pond decant into the local water bodies-
water dries up, dust nuisance, increases turbidity,
decreases primary productivity, affects fishes and other
aquatic biota
The exposure of
employees to high noise
levels is very high
Increased transportation
activities due to the
operation of the power
plants lead to increase in
noise levels in the
adjacent localities.
Large amount of land is used
to dispose flyash from the
coal based plants
Due to this there is change in
natural soil properties.  It
becomes more alkaline due to
the alkaline nature of fly ash.
 Minamata disease sometimes
referred to as Chisso-Minamata disease
is a neurological syndrome caused by
severe mercury poisoning. Symptoms
include ataxia, numbness in the hands
and feet, general muscle weakness,
narrowing of the field of vision and
damage to hearing and speech. In
extreme cases, insanity, paralysis, coma
and death follow within weeks of the
onset of symptoms. A congenital form
of the disease can also affect fetuses in
the womb.
 Minamata disease was first
discovered in Minamata city in Japan
in 1956. It was caused by the release
of methyl mercury in the industrial
Waste water from the Chisso
Corporation's chemical factory,
which continued from 1932 to 1968.
This highly toxic chemical
bioaccumulated in shellfish and fish
in Minamata Bay and the Shiranui
Sea, which when eaten by the local
populace resulted in mercury
poisoning. While cat, dog, pig and
human deaths continued over more
than 30 years, the government and
company did little to prevent the
 As of March 2001, 2,265
victims had been officially
recognised (1,784 of whom
had died)and over 10,000 had
received financial
compensation from Chisso,
lawsuits and claims for
compensation continue to
this day.
 A memorial service was held
at the Minamata Disease
Municipal Museum on 1 May
2006 to mark 50 years since
the official discovery of the
Each year power plants and chemical facilities create
many tons of mercury pollution, which makes its way
into our homes and bodies in fish.
Two of the biggest sources of mercury pollution are
chlorine chemical plants and coal-fired power plants.
Chlorine plants, which use massive quantities of
mercury to extract chlorine from salt, "lose" dozens of
tons of mercury each year; power plants emit around
50 tons of mercury pollution annually. Coal is
naturally contaminated with mercury, and when it is
burned to generate electricity, mercury is released
into the air through the smokestacks.
Coal-fired power plants are the largest source of
mercury air emissions worldwide. As the price of oil
rises, coal becomes a more economically attractive
source of energy in countries where it is abundant
and inexpensive. Currently, coal-fired power plants
supply seventy-five percent of China's energy; in the
next eight years, China is expected to add more than
560 plants coal plants -- a pace of more than one new
plant each week.
Land acquisition leads to loss of habitat of some species and results in loss of
flora and faunal species
 Uses of Fly ash
Fly ash is used in producing
very strong high power
concrete. Which is called self
compacting Concrete(SCC),
soil stabilization, fly ash fills
roads, precast products like
tiles and blocks, fly ash
bricks also called green
bricks , agricultural use ,
raising of dykes, mine filling
 Toxicology:
 How Mercury Harms Humans Elemental (metallic) mercury and all of its
compounds are toxic, exposure to excessive levels can permanently damage or
fatally injure the brain and kidneys.
 Elemental mercury can also be absorbed through the skin and cause allergic
reactions. Ingestion of inorganic mercury compounds can cause severe renal
and gastrointestinal damage.
 Organic compounds of mercury such as methyl mercury are considered the
most toxic forms of the element. Exposures to very small amounts of these
compounds can result in devastating neurological damage and death.
 For fetuses, infants and children, the primary health effects of mercury are on
neurological development.
 Even low levels of mercury exposure such as result from mother's
consumption methyl mercury in dietary sources can adversely affect the brain
and nervous system.
 Impacts on memory, attention, language and other skills have been found in
children exposed to moderate levels in the womb.
 Air borne mercury is highly toxic when inhaled. How does it
get in the air?
Metallic mercury slowly evaporates when exposed to the air.
The air in a room can reach unhealthy levels just from the
mercury in a broken thermometer;
 Mercury may be released into the air when coal, oil, or wood
are burned as fuel or when mercury-containing wastes are
incinerated. The resulting mercury concentrations in
outdoor air are usually low and of little direct concern.
However, mercury in the air can fall to the ground with rain
and snow, landing on soil or in bodies of water, causing
contamination. Lakes and rivers are also contaminated when
there is a direct discharge of mercury-laden industrial or
municipal waste into the water.
 When mercury enters bodies of water, biological processes
transform it to methylmercury, a highly toxic and
bioaccumulative form. Fish can absorb methylmercury from
their food and directly from water as it passes over their
 The cycle of mercury in nature is complex. This illustration
summarizes how methyl mercury accumulates at the higher levels of
the food chain and becomes concentrated in fish and animals that eat
 Methylmercury in the water and sediment is taken up by tiny animals
and plants known as plankton.
 Minnows and juvenile fish eat large quantities of plankton over time.
 Larger predatory fish consume many smaller fish, accumulating
methylmercury in their tissues. The older and larger the fish, the
greater the potential for high mercury levels in their bodies.
 Fish are caught and eaten by humans and animals, causing
methylmercury to accumulate in human tissues.
 Most people are exposed to mercury by eating fish containing
mercury. There is no method of cooking or cleaning them that will
reduce the amount of mercury in a meal.

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