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Curriculum is one of the most important aspects of a school.

Alpha Public School has

spent a great deal of time and effort on selecting syllabus for its children. For this
purpose, we have consulted a leading expert in the field of education psychology, Dr.
Rayed Afzal, who has studied education systems and philosophies of 34 countries of the
world. Dr. Rayed completed his degree in the field of education psychology from USA,
worked there for a few years, and came back to Pakistan in 1980s. He worked as a local
consultant for World Bank in its programs for providing training to teachers, but thought
that the training alone is not enough to give children the required results when the
children are either studying a very outdated government syllabus, or foreign syllabus
designed for children whose mother-tongue is English. In early 1990s, he started a
movement to develop syllabus for Pakistani children. Dr. Rayed, his associates, and some
staff from Karachi University started working on this project. Eventually, after many
years of research on Pakistani children, their teachers, and difficulties they faced in
teaching, especially Urdu teaching, an outline for syllabus appeared.
In traditional syllabus, we read A, B, C and so on, and in Urdu, we are taught Aliph, Bay,
Pay, etc. A few decades ago, western researchers found that both adults and children
learn faster if instead of these alphabets, we teach them their sounds. So, instead of B, its
sounds “ba” is taught. When child sees B, he calls it “ba”. In combination of these
sounds, the educationalists recognized words that are used most of the time in our daily
language. So, in preschool education (playgroup, nursery and prep,) the syllabus was
formed that is based on the most used words in our daily language. Plus, instead of
normal teaching methods, story-telling and activity based learning was introduced.
Stories were created that contained those selected common words, and activities and
games for children were created that made education a game instead of a burden for
children. The stories were related to the daily lives of the children. The results were very
encouraging. But the bad news was that the research was done only in the western
So, Dr. Rayed and his associates had to do same work for Pakistani children, recognize
common words of Urdu, form stories that used these words and were from around us, and
create activities for children. After many years, they succeeded in creating such syllabus
for Playgroup to the 5th class. All basic concepts required for learning of English, Urdu,
Social Studies, Mathematics, and Science are present in those books. But they are
presented as stories that children love to read.
Teachers are trained by the creators of syllabus on how to teach these books, so that the
children can get full benefit of the material that is being taught to them. Further, free
workshops for parent training are held that train parents on teaching children at home and
doing homework with children.
Main features of the syllabus are outlined in next paragraphs.

• Students and teachers love Thematic Approach, with 8 basic themes. My Self,
Food, Pets, Transport, Places around us, Wild animals, Seasons, and Professions.

• It teaches children the 11 crafts of literature: Story, Essay, Diary, Letter,

Autobiography, Narrative, Poem, Interview, Dialogue, Research Report, News

• The story telling approach is so effective that children read the whole book in just
first sitting, due to the interesting ideas and attractive titles.

• Teaches grammar to children though easy definitions and real life examples.

• Children develop their Creative Writing Skills within no time using elements and
formats of 11 crafts of literature. Instead of memorizing essays, they learn how to
create their own essay.

• Math syllabus uses a specialized method that enables children to grasp a concept
completely in a systematic manner.

• It focuses on skill building using simple to complex and easy to difficult


• It develops 6 basic math skills in children: Estimating, calculating, analyzing,

reasoning, critical thinking, problem solving.

• Very easy language is used in the book to make it easy and interesting. Children
spend time on solving math, not language.

• Pictures and colour schemes make math more effective and child friendly.

• Sufficient practice around each mathematical concept helps children apply the
concepts they learn through workbooks and daily life.
Information Technology (Computers):

• IT Series is developed on the most modern and effective Project Based Approach.

• It covers 400 IT skills. Scientifically introduced from class 1 to class 6.

• Step by step instructional style makes IT Series student friendly.

• IT Series helps children learn difficult IT concepts very easily through easy
language and real life examples.

• Children love Project Science for its easy text and interesting writing styles:
Narrative, Autobiography, Story, Essay.
• It develops 6 core science skill in children (38 sub-skills): Data Collecting,
Communication, Experimenting, Analyzing, Drawing conclusion, Prediction.

• It has language based activities to develop language skills in children.

• It makes testing easy for teachers through the competency based assessment style.

• It develops Scientific thinking and Inquiry skills in children.

Social Studies:

• Social studies uses the world’s most modern and effective project based approach.

• Children love Project Social Studies for its easy text and interesting writing styles:
Narrative, Autobiography, Story, Essay.

• It develops 6 core social studies skills (62 sub-skills) in children: Critical

Thinking, Working in Groups, Reading Maps, Referencing Time, Information
Gathering, and Communication.

• It has language-based activities to develop language skills in children.

• Makes testing easy for teachers through its competency based assessment style.

• Based on many years of research that focused difficulties that children face in
learning Urdu, and that teachers face in teaching Urdu.

• From preschool till fifth class, the syllabus covers 12 basic crafts of literature:
Story, Essay, Letter, Diary, Autobiography, Narrative, Poem, Interview, Drama,
News, Advertisement, and Thesis.

• It contains 8 basic topics: My self, food, pets, transport, place around us, wild
animals, seasons, professions.

• The story telling approach is so effective that children read the whole book in just
first sitting, due to the interesting ideas and attractive titles.

• Children develop their Creative Writing Skills within no time using elements and
formats of 12 crafts of literature. Instead of memorizing essays, they learn how to
create their own essay.

• Using this Urdu curriculum, the children develop the same basic skills in Urdu
that American or British children develop in English. For developing it,
Pakistan’s national syllabus, Scotland’s national syllabus, England’s national
syllabus, and American state Massachusetts’ state syllabus was reviewed.
• Selected Suras of Holy Quran are explained in these books. The language used is
very simple and children can grasp it easily.

• Basic concepts of Islam are organized in following areas: Life of The Holy
Prophet (PBUH), Stories of Prophets, Stories of Sahaba Karam, Faith, Prayers,
Islamic Values, Arabic language.

• Stories are given interesting titles, for example, “The Magicians Lost”, “10 Out of
10 Marks”, “Devil’s Naughtiness”.

• Easy and interesting activities are provided to teach children basic themes of
Pre-School Workbooks for Playgroup, Nursery and Prep:
English Workbooks

• Children learn to read with correct letter sounds and pronunciation.

• They help children in word building using “word part” method.

• Children learn and practice –at, -et, -it, -od, -ug, -ick, -ing, and 48 other blends.

• Children make 2 letter words, 3 letter words, and finally short sentences through
these workbooks.

• They make children creative and confident in language.

• Children learn the beginning, ending, and middle sounds of words.

• Children learn and practice the correct letter formation.

• Develop children handwriting through colouring and tracing activities.

• Help children learn the difference between vowels and consonants.

• Adds upto 400 new words to the child’s vocabulary.

• Enable children to write 6 to 8 sentences independently.

Math Workbooks

• Help children recognize numbers and values.

• Develops eye-hand coordination through tracing patterns.

• Help children to recognize flat and solid shapes.

• Children are able to count and write numbers in correct sequence through math
• Help children to write and learn the number spellings easily.

• Help children to understand the concept of units, tens, and hundreds.

• Children love doing interesting addition and subtraction activities in math

Urdu Workbooks

• Playgroup Workbook: Phonics based teaching method to teach children 28 basic

alphabets, their sounds, recognition, and reading.

• Hollow letters are provided to teach correct shapes of words.

• 250 words that are used in our daily conversation are described with pictures.

• Pre-Handwriting is taught using colouring and tracing.

• Nursery Workbook: 63 new words are taught, and 250 old words are revised.

• Usage of Consonants and Vowels is taught.

• Four pages are given to teach each sound.

• Children learn to do their own work using illustrated instructions.

• Prep Workbook: Children make 2 letter, 3 letter, and 4 letter words.

• Less-used alphabet (Say, Aray, Zhay, Zawad etc.) and heavier sounds are taught.

• Children learn to read and write simple sentences and paragraphs.

• By the end of this workbook, children learn 500 words and can read stories, and
upto 60% newspaper.

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