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Script Final Draft


Writer: Ahmed Mahdi

Scene 1: Opening shot. Dancer dancing and camera slowly zooms in to him. And cuts
abruptly at the end.

Scene 2: Establishing shot of the setting. Sped up shot of a London monument.

Scene 3: Establishing shot of the setting. Shot of a bus journey from inside the bus sped up.
Images of oncoming traffic.

Text to explain narrative

Scene 4: Pan/group shot of a group surrounding on dancer who is dancing. Music changes to

Text to explain narrative

Scene 5: Angled shot of a man jumping over a row of people. (Slow motion)

Scene 6: Reverse of the same shot- Rewind. This shot also in slow motion.

Text to explain narrative

Scene 7: A break dancer dancing sped up. And then when it gets closer to the finish it turns
to slow motion for the last 4-5 moves.

Opening title of the film

Scene 8: Same dancer from scene four dancing again. Zoom into him. Music changes to a

Ending credits, release date of the film and certification.

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