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Term-End Examiiiation


Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 70

Note : Answer any three questionsfrom SectionA

and any four questionst'rom SectionB. AII
questionscarry equal marks.


1. (a) What the purpose of Master's Standing


(b) What would you expect the Master's night

orders to be taking into account, if the vessel
is coastingin poor visibility?

.BNA-031 P.T:O.
2. Describethe action you would take in the event of
the following :
(a) On plotting the position by visual bearingsand
GPS it is observedthat there is a differenceof
three miles
(b) In the middle of your watch you are feeling
very sick.

3. (a) Describe, in your own words, the actions

AMVER would take on receivinga distresscall.
(b) Who has the responsibility for search and
rescuealong the Indian coastline?

4. (a) Who all shall form the bridge team, and what
are their responsibilities
(b) Who is responsiblefor ensuringthat safe bridge
watchkeepinglevelsare maint3ined?

(Safety & Security)

5. (a) Name activitiesfor which check list existed on

board your last ship.

(b) Give five reasonswhy check lists are important.

6. (a) What is ship securityassessment? What would

it culminatein ?

(b) Name five security threats that a ship may


7. (a) What happens when ship securityalert system

is activated ?

(b) What is the purpose behind filling Automatic

IdentificationSystem (AIS) on board ships ?

8. Write short notes on :

(a) Respiratoryprotectiveequipment

(b) Hand and foot protection

BNA.O31 P.T.O.
9. (a) What extra precautionsare to be taken when a
seaman is painting ship's side or on a ship's
mast ?
(b) What is the purpose of Muster lists on board ?

1O. (a) State the precautionswhich are requiredto be

, taken when using machinetools.

(b) How would you securethe anchors for sea ?


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