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A Pronunciation Book for
Spanish Learners of English
Edited by Susana Waasaf and Nancy Leánez
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by Susana Waasaf

Nancy Leánez

Andrea Leceta
Lourdes Nafá
Patricia Castro

Departamento de Lengua y Literatura Inglesa

Facultad de Filosofía, Humanidades y Artes
Universidad Nacional de San Juan

A Pronunciation Book for Spanish Learners of English

ENGLISH SOUNDS IN FOCUS A Pronunciation Book for Spanish Learners of
English helps upper-intermediate Spanish learners of English improve their
pronunciation through a variety of stimulating tasks. It has been thought of as a
textbook which examines the sound system of English, focuses on identified
pronunciation difficulties and gives learners contextualized practice.

ENGLISH SOUNDS IN FOCUS A Pronunciation Book for Spanish Learners of

English contains 14 units which have been organised into three parts, including:

 features of connected speech: linking and reduction

 pure vowels and diphthongs
 consonants
 self-evaluations at the end of each part
 a glossary of technical terms
 a key to the exercises

Each unit in the book deals with a discrete topic in pronunciation, encouraging
learners to increase their awareness of English sounds, identify their own
pronunciation problems and, finally, acquire the target sounds.

The two CDs which accompany this book contain tasks which involve listening to and

repeating material all recorded in a natural, everyday style.

Universidad Nacional de San Juan

Facultad de Filosofía, Humanidades y Artes

ISBN 978-950-605-605-6

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