Study Guide STEP 728

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+Nia Boles

Physics Study Guide


Scalar-things with magnitude, but no direction <Speed, Mass, Distance>

Vectors-things with magnitude, and direction, don't have position <Velocity, Acceleration,
Displacement, Force, Momentum>

Incentanious Velocity-Average velocity over a small interval

Motion Equation:
S=VoT + ½ at²
Vf=Vo +at
Vf²= Vo² + 2as
S=(Vo +Vf) T/ 2

Special Acceleration
g=9.8m/s² = 32ft/s² = 980cm/s²

Projectile Motion:

Horizontal Direction-velocity is constant

R= Vx • T

At the highest point, the vertical velocity is zero

Newton's Laws:
1) Things in motion remain in motion, things at rest remain at rest. Natural state of an object is
constant velocity
2) Force Law=force is equal to mass times acceleration F=ma
3) For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction

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