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Exam ner = ace “Fea 4 =i YOU'LL SAVE THE MOS’ Health news, patient ones Sore 0 Share/Sare BES? Read the nts ice. ‘ek Seeing America through the eyes of the French tere o Contrasts Allentown High School hosts 20 students from Lycée du Noordover 5 BY JENNIFER KOHLHEPP Sta Weiter AEH BY JENNIFER KOHLHEPP Stat Witer ALLENTOWN . Beentins in Ame i per, fom the food potas othe vices to the owes. ‘That’ the gression 20 ster om ode du Noord, a scoala Grande: Sue near Dk nro France, ot wbethey cameto America the Sst tne ring a weekoas ty hho fae eal wou Ales, Alles High School (AHS) patexed with Lycée do Noocdover in a sadeat-xchange programa 1988 shen Suda Som Grande Sue coe o America. Accordg to ABS Fach eacher Bub Lela Pipe Bosrden eset fom France. eth sence year in Allentown is father, Lycee da Noorove, waste Sector of Gand Sythe at ate an decide ealich an exchange bememnthe to shoot ‘Since the, apres 20 AHS stdents ist Grande-Syue every ther Year, and drag tb beats years, French det coms to te Unted Sates nd ek ABS. The sna the exchange pegra ot cal end ‘school inter chovn frei cout bt ey alo go sighiseing and wt hot es. Wes the ABS sudens etna oes France et yer hey told the Econ tha pope do very hs erento he ther Se ofthe wold The speccaly woted deeenesin meas, sing tht French moters : cook athe fant mel, lich coud faze wp ose couses. The ao said French anes ava ea together ‘Sethe ood Frances em AHS ston al French school sem to fake academe more seroma do Aner chock and ako lsc ess emphasis on spor. They considered the French more eer intems ofthe way tey ve and ted cas, hoses and appances al sar Frcs Before deparing fo hom on March 23, te Fach ses spoke abou ther experiences in Amica, Along Shey shared eres wi the Ameria densa hese tates ad chon ey sted many dterencesbersen the tro cares sel, “Whereas oth schools ar sir in se - wth AHS’ stdenspopiton of abut 1200 stadents nd Lede Nootdove’s at above 1400 the French Schools psc nab ands ever sapies. reach casos do sot storage pace, all mtd mast be ought fo das Hsu who hae teach bl rher ston ade aol prchase the book for themes ad ther pp. Stents ace esiced toby om spp which eves inches paper ofall ed Ta France, coos not bours of econ mein char of ‘desing dig forthe choo, according to Caria Jacque, one of tie teas wo accompated at det to America Pau Vandewortine, 18, sd suecs intr stl at Maxe Your [owe ctr inc wey pied eter et | = aide TM Vosp dues | . wien US “Aaaioe Lederer, 18, ud stent nh scoot ve ooo 80 ‘hours for nc nd can go homeo eat. whereas ABS sens have to sea down thet nc nefits aston an hw. amazoncom Greater Media | scrim to pm, wlie AHS schol hows aefom 720m #9 Newspapers | 2.x. Dostouistpe of scheing, Jasin add tht Free Buy your Amazon purcheser | seas do nctve tine forthe ae-scho jobs tht any ‘through Grester Media| Aasxicin sues have (Cementiae Bona, 17, sud hats France, sens ated chook ‘Mare-Lise Chotem, 17, spoke sbout the ifeence in tacher-studet relations. “Here fa America the students joke and play around wit the teachers,butia France we cat she ssid Risa Sind of espoct, end we ae i the place only to week, not to joke” French studets got a two-week vacation every seven weeks and also havea sumer vacation hats comparable tw hat of American students. However, French steel subject to four-hour Saturday exams at the whins of thee teachers, according to Leberge. Joban Cara, 17, explained thatthe French students were suprised to see so mn Anmeicen stents wean [nanmer clothes in the sping “In school in France in March, wee all wearing scarves and layers, bat in Americ ts pops, shorts and ssiniskis "he said “The French are famous for thc cic. However, Vandeworste doesnot ink tht French stents have a beter sense of syle hen thei American comtenars "Tink we have the same sense of styl, but there ar te dierences because we doa ve on the sme continent” se sid ‘The Megeit family hosted Vandeworstyne. According to Jane Meas, mother of AHS student Diana Mei, stepaboles know ao language berries, "She [Vande worst] and Dima managed to vist every malin central New Jersey. No joke -Pauie wanted a ‘pa of Cenerse speakers that re mach cheaper hoe than Emope, and they went ll over to ind them iar \Vandesorstye legally became an adit daring her vst to America, as she celebrated her 1 bichday the day after he aived. That eas when she reruns to France, she willbe able to deve a car by hers "InFrance, we can dive at 16 years old but only with parents." she sid. "AL 18, we can drive alone or with fiends” Justine Lamer, 17, noted thatthe youngee diving agen America could be why American students seem more independent fom thei fae. Choteau explained, “American fales are wery nic, but they are aot as together as fais ia France. In Amica, Saeily members eat separately and watch TV separately. In France, we eat with ow parents and watch TV with then.” Whoreas the American student found French food tobe less ereasy, Lamor sid, “Hare they have les of fast food snd tke-eeay [take-out] meas, bur ia France we are not used to that every day." Leberuer sid, "Tice the food here but not too mich. Ii 00 fist to eat and maybe to greasy ‘Bonne added thet people in France are accustomed to eating dine at p.m. or 8 pan wiile people in America cat daner at § pam. or 6 pm. “Many of te seas said they would ke to seta to America to visit and discover moce about its people and ‘cle, bur soas of them said they would ubimately ice to ive inthe United States becans they would net wast 19 ‘permancati eave th fans. "Weave always vedi France, and we have our habits" Camel aid "We would adapt, butt would not be easy. ‘The French have a way ofthat is wey diferent." Lycée i Noordover teacher Laurent Dalmso sid that during the tip Freachstudens got to learn more about America than wha is portrayed by the media in France "Thee vision of America has been ited, but they got to see that America is abitmore diverse than the fore policy ofthe United States. They got to consider more pars of America and see thatthe goverment is only one [perc and that thy do not ear about te other half ofthe conmty * Leberger said the most memorable experience cf his trp was the Vist to Times Square in New York Ciy "When we wer inthe bus, we dial see the buildings that were very bi." Leberge sid. "Whea we got out ofthe ‘bus, we saw that they were very great, very enormous ” (Carmel caled Manharan ‘a ben cixy" He alto side enjoyed the many farm nthe Allentown area at well = ther vist to Washington, D.C., where students romanized a how impressive the White House is ‘Before he came tothe United Stales, Camel sid he thought it would be a beauifl county "Now I know is more beau han I thought.” he sai (Carne sid dhe sudents are very sad to ave te leave thei Amuvican host ies but happy to be retaing to thie coin Ses, [Lehman sad the exchange program has been success for both schools. Se uote that any stadeuts who have ‘Percpate in the program keepin toch with ther host fans. Some have even taveed back and forth berween counties to see each ober again, she seid "Welve had children of formar exchange stents named afer thee host sudents" she said. "Some studs are the _godnothers and godfather of children of former exchange students. We even ad one couple mary." ‘Vandeworstine aay see the AHS studeat sh stayed with asain as soon as the sumer ‘Meggit sider daughter wants to go to France ths ammmer asa graduation preset, so the two may very well hookup again.

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