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conte. ae JOURNAL MICHIGAN. WING 63 CIVIL AIR PATROL COURIER SERVICE COASTAL PATROL BORDER PATROL FOREST PATROL ISSUE NUMBER FOUR PLANS vow CADEL RuexutRsuase OUTLINED = = Kanawiazon Seniameon 68641 Ox Lovanios Wase Ma, Wr Dor © O Message from Wing Gonmandes take AKouNi Hu Wise Nhaxrovne Hein By Grow wv Chosen Se PAN SQUADRON Locate Dany ear Dassen Wernian Gasinny Suokis Hie Ase Tuner 8 Worntas’s Saumur Ratsis Manny 0 One Wise Ths ae : " Kuriow's Buciny Fowne " PROMOTIONS ANH ASHENMENIS = bs Pais stn Fue Cover 16 CONTAC MAGAZINE ic pul Mlehigan Whey 8 oF Comte Steere: Aoundate ili Chattes stant Hues Wid ith die alfce hme been 9 yo elieiah tlisuiduiiw. Other CAP Wing. Group saat Sysuutone puliiatban aay repenw fron CONT AGH wil sander the anny att aca etait et: Wires CONTACH i priniaity s wesinas far the jaws he permed ot Wing ewer Midian. Ogiilans expect by itlividual comrhutary dr Hoh vecesaily exjnes dhe offi tiene at Nhe Cait Aie Patio ea Natoma nit, vction of Major Ray Maker, Coxmmarnder elephone CAA 1967. Maa PLANS FOR OUTLINED! The part hat Civil Niv Patrol ywill in the recruitment ol Force Cadets was discussed at a of Group and 5 tions and Tite Lansing, Mie Relation Officer Capt ler Baker a xomt Officers held ii August 6th, The ted by Wing Public oy Olson, eal of the Air Corps stall of the U. rlerenea andl on lined Ws the olficers the setup for re and training Army Liv Corps d Re men of 17m av the Ait Corps En uel he assured al nw the Army Air Forces Flying: Traine program upon reaching 18. pl. Earl Smith sid, "Youth will play a he fanal. victory the “ais, Jor youth alone has. the sical finess, leriness, and personal daring to mweet the acid test Tor aircrews of hhighpowerod military airplanes. Youth alone «in deliver the goods with maximum efficiency.” He sided, “While sinast, amubitious youths much for the Aie Fovess, the thea the best ly Air Fovees ean § ing tranny i the wore” m ngs EAL Me does oot make much dillerence whether the field seems to you to have been covered thoroughly by other groups who are accomplish the sume pur tint, Tr ist patt of CAP respon sibility to go into the field material cunt be dev sources otlier th worked. “The Army Ia tg suiane that CAP i pregtain, Ehat is pat Hy bur it amounts to 2 member of thy saying Uhat either Contact Mayacine, Ismwe No. 4 Tielna Lindsay. Inligence Olt Sepisaw Squodien 413%, Interviewing Cad CAP in alhis state whew you made cer is really the first hie tine a young tna in, the Army swans sell in aviation to prepare for what is 1 military death nd Lor his ow pro amber who has any with indvetion in day, intelligent lo: planning will enable ¢ ave will ay mul) th Mer pain a men examination which hy wit ahe eapabitiey ot High sho grad (ahnatle at any Avia Hear of rera Dane of te Ale Compe RECRUITMENT go wa Basie T Ge Hove ina five week orient ne, thew draw their uniforms, receive military death, and begin the study of cusons anc! courtesies of the Service y then ge te one of the detachments, located at one of Hing colleges, fov an in tensive fe on aner the bs teahers ry. Nr completin h es the ma forthe practical problems stn fore proneeding 10 8 Clisitcaion Gomer At this Classilication Genter they are » which determine ¥y will become avia turn whether they tors, pilots, oF be dices. ‘The best. phyeholuggical equip. ent helps make this elec As the result of this classification, ley Bo (0.4 preflight school (or pilots, a prellight sehwol lor tavigcaers, schoo! for bombardiers. Tn the words of Major Ray H. Bake Tis our duty as good CAP members andl as the Army: Aip Ausil ure reeruit in great numbers and that, throu! our assistance they will stand ready do better service for oy extimtay ins far as our abilities cain equip then Page Oni ollowing, serviee records KALAMAZOO QUADRON 636-1 IS YOUR NAME HERE? ; ON LOCATION Is have been sent to ransinittal to Serial N Name Unit sad m, Ruth E 638.0 Rober! J Rober H. 61.0 wmt31 Ltt, Robert | h Geo. V , Jascb N ie ih Victor R jr Orville R. Lyseven members of Kalan p G36 and Squadron 6361 5, anal the sal very complete es Briggs, Chas, Burnham, Hugh Phardel, John W... 6315 1. Philip M. Petvaska, Eve Scher HTOR'S NC 1. Glen R. Peterson the above cartoon depic lon at work Grand Rapids Squadron Holds Ann Arbor's Inaugural Courier July Maneuver Service Mission five members of Squadron. Maude Rufus, “f woth,” was hos Courier Hight for sq Arbor. Her Venny, Donald (34101 Stonchowe, Mary ©. 63-4109) Weiss, Marvin (3410 Burton, Fanchon t (34167 Biller, John R ) Michigan Civil G.54468 Hs, Jay rice stations (Continied om page 5) Phe light w: reer ti ‘thus staring fine another of the Air Patrol Courie some phase of the ove Comlact Magazine. sue No 4 Capt. S.Sidney Stewart Commander Group 631 CAP, Flint, Resigns Te ip with a sincere feeling that Major lhaker is east eept the Sydney Stawart as C ar Wing, of Civil Air Patrol will feel this loss is born in Michi y He first so. Ted AU the sight of the present Bishop Airport iy Flint ancl was ental ing of this airport. He wermedd the “Father of Avia He is th andl sulvisor of the Airport Com sion aad was builder of an early ine airplane Hain Stewart Tats anany.husdved hours of solo time to his credit and he hhas been lying his own p! the years, Among the Gil } iy Civil Nir Patrol sa- Stewart and is grate ful for your service Squadron 631-4 Lists Courier fications ta be eligible for ta J stated that days serviee, have ora student ticket with sufficient exoss country exper ogued, should nuake theie names known to in and their app I be forwarded to Heada Contact Magasine, bsue No. x x CAP xx Thumbnail Sketches Wing 63's Executive Officer Captain Squire D. Eurich Born in Syracuse, New Vork, Febru 1008. Trish German father. Spent early part of life in the Fast living in Hagerstown, Maryland, the 14 years prior to mov’ in| M nary 31, 19 i C. Hollman, daughter of C. Knode Hotiman, Hagerstown, Maryland; 2 children, one boy and one itl; one reson, 10 mouiths ole approxi Member of Quiet Bi ur Club: Exel ber of the Mi Joined Zion Re town, Maryland, in. 1982, Member of Civil Air Patrol since the ’s inauguration, State-wide ‘Limited’ Maneuver Held at Wings Airport 1s and sq { Michigan sted in a state: held at the Michigan tai irport in Detwoit, hing of the story of Gi 1 before the cameras of five 1 NEM, Us RKO, and ives of ence that ani p the eetluloid shooters was interest When the studios applied to the \ Deparimen’s public rel wing. that offe trated aetivity Mich taining 1 squralron, i. and the first 1 the country, their attention, “Phese were fe of the CAD acti pi. John Woods of the pictoriat wetion of the publie relat of the War Depustn Washi tire op Hong with all the sexe ar came to) Det 1 supervised ie The work of taking pictures o« ed two. days. necessitati with the fags, ots, mient. Ph plied tens, Every ph onsirated, exquip: ops sup © of CAP effort yas dem nthe dropping dows of Hists (0 the flying, ups OF pigeons, Operations for The Event Were As Follows: SATURDAY, AUGUST 28, 1 10:00 Anvival of Unie 10:45 Awsennbly by Squad 11-00 Moun. MW cal. 18:00. Special Assignment for Phowxtaphie Det 17200 Retreat 17:30 Mess Call Airport Blockade Gall to Quarters Tattoo, ‘aps. SUNDAY, AUGUST 29, 1918 6:00 Kirst Call Assembly. Reveille Mess Call of 11:15 Revue and Eospeetion: 12:00, Mess, 18:00 Special Assignment (or Pho. tographic Deval 15:00 Strike Cany 16:00 Dismissal. Page Three WHAT ARE WE DOING? A Message from your Wing Commander, Major Ray Baker Dureinyg the past few mont, hie westion "What are we doing—when 10 get some action?” hay ved both by wanits and individ Because of a lack uf opportunity for sell glorification some members. hive dropped out—they are no Joss to th ization! Otliers. who perhaps hi tivity, with, the sky rs ob husiastie the al pape conga To thoxe whe have asked the qu tion, looking for aan answer thar will helps them 4 futher their construetive ellonts members of CAP. the be be of some c raised the she shoulders, even an ultyatseientific sum marization would be of little or ne. value oO following will we de jee of it, eNCEpE 10 those lon |. Border Batre, st Patol or Courier Service, we are not doing very mudd. But it i. necessiry to diy: much deeper than the cv to discover the te value found omt—too late this word iapheaval and vinless we ate prepared we are useless ay a mation or as ind viduals Suppowe yaw were € 0 de) a job atbour whieh you ly nothing or lead above all elses raypil and sre exceution, involving the safe ty of property and perun—a job of n onal feiportance-it ia a aie bet, if Page Fow sel we, that you would ike 2 Ihash of things and the realty. would In chaos ob worse, If, however, your were keenly were doi lactoril ‘a loss at aud stare of veh 1 the jab would be de At the moment, the stats of the y of GAP members iy one of in ce study periods an a al drill with an oe lieving the monouny of repetition: preparing, ay bese we iwality effecting: oe we will lane of 0 end of the wear will bec ‘ot postwar will bea place inerested and prepared Ray ft. Baker Major. CAP which th who a ie Knips a) and Harbor 686-3 ative Ollicer Patton hi lor positions as Army: flying. tony, aid expect to fly to Latke Flor diately, Syuielron Adje: unt Lt. ow Reagan is the ler, Li, Almon “Tabor the Officer, aniel Li. Wal wnack the new Adjutant Squadron 635-5—Monroe Commander Peters eas appointed the fol loming personnel: Li, Feilding “Tam Hing, Executives Lt. Berris Steinhawer and Operations: Lt, Agnes con] Medica Supply inewer: Te neering and € ren Hird, ‘Transports Myron) Seigel, Public Ret Hemy Fearn, Photgraphic Training Phe. Squaer rone, Pe ia, weeiving instruc tions for their private and commercial licenses, respectively. Former 1 Fy Wickenheiser, Flight 14 Important Announcement Headquarters ha 1 which greatly: rel tisefulneas of the CAP. is to sive preliminary io the IZvear olds who hve accepied in the Air Corps Enlisted Reserve. Since these young men will be inducted ay Aviation Cadets six months alter they become 18, easily be seen what a tremendous re sponsibility has been given the GAP. We are to swear in these Cadets as CAP tes the scape The assignme Gaxders and f fic takes the oath the Ar m1 19 steep hin sell in swvintion in order to prepare for what is abead. We teach Morse Code, Kirst Ai lex Drill ant with Military Countesy and every subject tlk posible 10 cover These Reservists should reecive their training inthe GAP Ci er than the ¢ I an averscas cap with ¢ proper I chat iy All ders aloutd ob: tain a copy of GAP Bull i ines in Cull everyth signi iy Contact Magazine. Iisme No. 4 AROUND THE WING Courier Serview Stat Genccunitioas Cane ent wa Mae a actual operating expenses bis permit ol a reduction in the service fee from 3150 10 Si for \ corres made to war i Tuesday ach tee months per retuml is. be holding, present August 10, (© Detroit Moskowitz aut Aato ‘On Wednestay, Auguste Hh at ra and newspaper publicity ned! the public of CARS activity i Nir Corps Cadets, and ot yy Eas, Bert Warren ant ey Loomis, Intelligence and Public Relations Olficers, were at the Sq ron Headquarters, Reynolds Field, viewing 12 (0 15 applies CAP Flier Reports Forest Fire. week, ‘Tech. Sel. George MeChai the Me, Plea a pemtine pr HH fonest ire three Te about an size, fainly reamed the rit notified the who, by their quick fot with only What CAP tet Me 1 fire pt the fae tor live acres burned at cawily have bee W. Vir The sery active Charlest sginia unit of CAB ( a printes! paper of its own, News" which, as far ay we ki first CAPG publication inthe country. loys Mave dts ts publishing The Cadet ov, is the Comm: a lea member, Steve Sobak, of thks Oth 1g how valuable CAP taining and how helpful it has king. the grade, We quote from his lever “Alter the visual practice 1 received he squads visual cod we was a cinch.” Contact Magasine, lsne Now 4 Four tnembers of Sxfuadion 6325. Heceived thei Jumpers’ Insignia at the Muskegon maneuver im July, These emblems. aehiehy ave lest 10 per sonnel alter completing five jumps, are worm aver the right pocket. Thase wh received the award were: Lt Dor Walker, Lt. James Allen, La. Teal Gas jarsti, Li Ralph Berkhausen The Women’s Service Unit Squadron 0317 may nor be composed entirely of Hliers, but the members are willing and able to help in every way they en Although they didn Frosbinng ly on the CAP sion daring the recent vi in Detroit, the maps for abers were made by the women, August 8, foun majurity: of n'y Servier Unit, Squares piling, dana anil outlining, HO naps for ane ys Augeast 10, Sunday the Wor USE. com Pues rey Flight Olea At R, Varier and Corps. Glor da Toomey, Sx. Lynch ate Kaw nnighis a ny vontary week the Detroit Gity Airport Gon: tol “Tower, under Joseph Deters, aver operator. After six months they will get jmior operator's wawer licenses andl after year thoy will be ised ne Flint Squadon 681-1, snnder con mani al Mt Li, Clyde Cole, assembled atk R Mic ol homib August 1, Wo prarticipate i i of the grewter Detroit Ate 10th, IS YOUR NAME HERE? (Contomed from Page 2) HHO) Agvusis, J 17) Aibin, Ro WA71 Niward, Lavwis 8, Austin, Wa ser, Ni y HZ Stevenson. Jolt Le M7 Selb, Romald A. 1, Carwin ML Amold ‘ White, Jr Tho Wyma, Ocsmond R. Jacksons, Halston | Glupker \ Gebhen, Lyla Mantis, Martha ©. Coren, Seymour J Chadwick, Clyde A, us, Kenmoth E ‘als, B ad Rice, | Rowia Rau, > Richurdwn, Lester E Is . John Seliliskey, Richard T Ruch, Rosemary Seith, Rose M Picelichi, Laomardl G Gurney, Ther. M. Edbsidge, Lula Mary 1501 Seoler, Engene € 1502 Sorber, Robert E 150 Geonyo, Bselyn | Enddley, George F Pensler Grove Alvin V Mri (Continued on Page 7) MANEUVER HELD BY GROUP 632-DETROIT at CROSWELL Uhe six squadions of Group ship and purpose as a result of the suc ceslul group maneuver Teli Saturday andl Sunday, July STAugust 1. at Hare Airport, Croswell, Michigan As Ofcerobtheday, Bowyer, with Gonamuander Hos hy avititany discipline sn slejartuze of planes au pee 1. the setting up and camoullas ‘of six separate camps, military drill and insp the simuated bombing, wore duty assign ments earsied out High the sunrise devotional ed on the field by James Allen, 6 itd Tiymuns seh as. “Onwan Col. Glesa Lysch Sauodten 6925 0 tha) throws Qed LL Ralph eke (206) with nowlulay of luda. At 63 Crow Reta faith in Got the fre, Uacon tnd que el steaming co fren in the cool of the evening’ and which Tas. eet i frealiness of the morning, the weiner rachute Squuadion by Gann roast at wich gronp illker. were Hosts the 1 here the former member of the Women's Squatl niler roth, were guests with Capt, Earl J Gloria has other Staith of Wing Sealf, participating in vill snl inspeetion, Group staff per sonnel ie Capt Maward © Hartung Commannter: Lt Maleolan Doug Robert G, Lannceford retors, Lawyers, tnogpher and clerks ad war works a volentier asian at ue Radio Excove Oller: Lt Fred N. Glas euograplers at certs anal wat worker er, Dettowt City Airport, Adjutant: Lx, Kathryn Hubbard, er Reon Se Nn ne ena every Sundiy (ron 12 noon to 8 pan sone Officer; Lt. Arthur Bow serving in GAB, Front these sred_entertaincrs-every sqjiadron aks yr Training Ollies, Le, Harve Lamont Smith, Public Relations Offers Ln George Grane, Operations Officers Lt. us, Communications OF heer; Lt. William W. Harts, Equip: ‘ment an Supplics Olfcer; Le, Kelly 5. and every “Tuesday from 6 16 10 pum. series of acts, with Meanwhile, she lager, Motors as ac draftsman on vanks—and its (atta tick), wwonoleygists, pans buys bonds fron her earnings. 1 war tnd GLORIA, “the Come 18 produced a youl problen in MISS POSTWAR. Arneriea, Gloria isn't ile Someone's al tks at General seming an act eee Ob aly and EH tontinaed Ter for "Mie Dont. isle, Tromportasion Ofer Tite ae modatnty Drewtens: Torey ae Ras AOKe Squadron Commanders are Lt. John hat appearances are Group GSE maneuver was Knowl Lat. Wink Haboush, sannlerare for 4 taining mmission. Te fur Hammond, simply 10 provide some ft er Martane” asst ularly Amer rancis. Good lord, 63 1y J. Phillips, can assurance=that a group of citizens from all walks of life can meet on con mon ground and york and worship, live, laugh, sing and fight togett freedom s vight of Mats suelt things as these, sion for her fellow-members of CAP. Glo and pmceedded, in bes amano tactics, C0 toss toughies who made out Group 682, through courtesy of the up to no good. ‘This art of Judo is all owner, Dr. Robert K. Hart, of Cros apart of a phase of diversified taining — Lt and Lt. Leora Stroup, well, Michigan. Lynch, 632.5, took the spotlight pprevell Com. incl 210-pound Hart Airport 9 wo Page Sex Contact Magazine, Issue No, 4 Seaplane Squadron Locates Body of Drowned Woman The beily, thar of Dakoske, wits. ftnally H secanred to the right be taxied to the nd Station, miles. requiring ‘omplish, ‘This. was funded beside it Mrs, Herman G lifted aboard Haat of the pls On Tuesday evening, August 17, the U.S, Coast Guard contacted the Se: al De uid es st for assistance he Dakosk le fishin lo amily 1 Lake presseal a req r St Clair Hats Coast Gi dist Eating membias of believed drowned St Claty AL 08:50 o'clock on Wednesday, Au RUC IS, HH, three seaplanes, piloted in U pan arriy by LW. Pe Maboush, Lt # 119580 o'clock, they hing and Lay Dy La Daviyo body in charge of CE. Riehavd this mision the Seaplane son, Commander of the Station and Rave at the Foot of Meadowbrook. Av fom there, returned to the seap 1:90 o'clock, Li. Haboush tncated a base. A total of 20 hours and 49 aniy tutes were llown by the above three pi Jots on patrol this day, A telephone re port was made to Lt, Bitzpatsick of this Ay"s operation ody, at fst thought 1 be tHe rnissing boy, floating about nee smiles offshore in Mitchell’y Bay and on a compass rearing of 15% degrees from. the Fire cracker Fight, Being unable to land ue to high seas, Lt. Habousl lett the body 10 uy to, boat to the spat uur without success, He then relocated the boty, again chanted it’s position wn Minute Men Help CAP Sixtysive 1s Congres M which is the civilian police fore of the Wayne County Sheeitl’s Depart 1 aayeris have jumped inte the b Mlb dispatched 10 the spot and find. flew upwind for seven 1k compins conse of 8 richer the St. Clair Flats Coast Guava St where he reported his findings wh barrack Fight The aboush circled the position by United States € ne over Were TROL sceessta ink some buildings frowa CCC cunp and the body. AU 1545 o'clock, “The M * dismantled. them Allred Zeyans, observer: Kc on us, spotted the bexdy in abou 1's former locttion and the plane awl alivest complete their en on Si August fn the new site lay Seaplone Suation olicar and his plane, used In locating the bedy of ‘Me, Herman Dake, August Vth. Contact Magacine, Tne No. + IS YOUR NAME HERE? (Continued from Page 5) Busselien, Justi Blair, Joarme M. Carliste, Marita M Cameron, Joba F revenge, Vinicent 1 Jones, Faw Handloser, Gordon L Hen Thos. G Mars, Vernon W, Victor, Merrill B ickers, Theo. G ‘Zaphirion, James G. Yoounans, Ronald E, Webster, Marilyn Wells, Frank R. Smith, Boyd 1 Franchuk, Ni Mackewiex, Jos. I Eggleston, Harold K. Dovrtler, John A. Bennett, R Zeiten, Frank G. 6337 as, Wis Sammut, Francisco, 44538 Revd, Elvin M 6-5-1539) Nowris, Jot P GS-10 Mayer, Mauries 637-1 634011 Mell, Mortison G. 636-4 Gobe4b2 Metz, Francis L 636-4 UNITED STATES COAST GUARD. CLEVELAND, O10 Auyust, 19) Detroit Sir The officers and men of the ticipated in the pa Michigan, who f inBay are very eed patrol was « 1 personally observed that here was nurse practically at nes sehile the yuees were im prog This patrol is an illost how valuable the CAP taining observation ver possible danger may exist Tt was 4 pleasure to have had the opportunity of cooperating with: you nd_the other members of your organ Sincerely yours, J. Ray Davis /s J RAY DAVIS, Lt. Gomme, USCGR (8) Direaor, Coast Gant Augiliary CAMERA SHORTS--HERE and THERE AS THE CAMERA SEES CIVIL AIR PATROL 8 ‘ 2 $70 Ou 634. 4, Dewoit, reports two Cull nivers, with all squadrons luvin weeks Pointing with pride tw the hie at tendance on borh o¢ ik ta Joseph Demon stn the nwenibers ‘of his stall sre have at avork phn Iurther maneuvers designed (0 give a ficers and amen practical fleld exper sions, Comm as held at Ford Airport, where more than Five funndred embers and thinty airplanes assembh: ed fora full day of training 4 Necorded to use of the field by courtesy of Foul Motor Company, th Group was hese 10 the Honorable Or ville Hubbard, Mayor of Dearborn Competitive drill, formations Myinng and ACTIVITIES spot landings occupied a prominent place in the days pr The medi fal unit also received a taste Of actu experionce hen several cases occured, Bus 5 Service Sq wed by Lt, Milde Bunk, for served 10 all present 1 was selected as the site for tie second of the Group summer mt Vhis keeping. wit Commander Demon's pobiey ol ¢ caging nase flying whe sible. Nearly three hundred snembers and forty five airplanes, complete with Hiyingg axl ground personnel, camped uh ‘airport. Supplies aah ner pow inn crews were transported by bs ul the whe plised with timesable precision Marshall Squadron Pushes Cadet Recruitment Marshall, Brooks Field, Mi Squadion 636 Avg. 17 gram. Members brought prospective cadets 10 the Licwtonay Colonel \. Laird, tight surgeon of the Army Air Gorps and Liewenant 1 Katora of the Michigan Aviation Cadet Examining Board spoke at the meetin with anianswer forum Page Tew Watch That Hand Salute! Gate executed esa lesoness in saluting is a sign of poor liscipline. Do not salute with « uiconed, hat on back or side of he with cigarette in moutly oF by while « Inv saluting orsit (ina vehicle) at at stand, m mv, and if practicable f4e An indiv nis, or with aw son or flay saluted under holster or scab hand sa Women’s Service Squadron Raises Money \ rolli gathers no anos sayy Sato Marjorie Baldwin, newly ap: lic Relations Oheer of but it can gather unto itsell a vast quantity of what it needs most With that adage in mind, and realizing it needed most the wherewithall too tor GAP ne Women’s bers, Squi Servive Unit, pac on its thinking © Wild schemes there were, but they were tabled tactlully, ane the law unto the squadron bec: you'll wash ships aha’ att One of the pr ing upon washing airplanes as the most likely scheme wats the noted Lick of abr available at Detvoit C 10 Worn, as in many indus fom, could do the job to be done well-in fet, they were versed with 3 pauiciilar training for it Books were set up under the expable of Pet. Grice Reidy Dah consult Pvt. Reidy, Hecoive appointinents and approxinatte The women of the squadron vol coring for work on any of five is-Monday, “Tuesday, “Th wuriday or Sunday—the hate nye tlhe eay-comne though rather ys in anything from overalls to slacks. Up go their sleeves, out from their lockers al vil, Clear-Vine I workmanlike rolled to the sliythm. of wis of rubber hose and. splashing water fron dipping, Faucets 1 has been found thal wo pletely and satisfactorily wash down a Ships in a little over an hour. ‘Tine a Jowance is greater depending upon the sinc of the plane as is the price, Crews of mo vised! if rime is limites for three or more passenger ships, Squadron 6-7. as ean be seen, Hasn't seathicred moss but in its systema wanderings is aiding pilots in distress, as well ay rising sole ray! lervon pants les Contact Magazine, Inne OTHER WING Jat Lenten Kapert Glass reports an the IF fn hi imteysvdle tan The Wisconsin W ral was. originally. the leadership, of Seth Potlayd of Wau esha, Wise, a8 Wing Coninander, Mi Pollard was ia this ity unl March. Wil, 1448, when hie was forces resis because of his daities as Eceu tive Ollicer of the Wisconsin Gouneil ‘ot Defense. On April 3, 1912, James B, ‘who. had acted ite Execittive OF Ficer to Mr. Pollard Wing Commander was appointed Wisconsin by hnson, whieh post he held until he left for Brunswick, 6 as Operations oliver at this By was then nsaned Cot Goastal Patrol Base Maine, with the ¥ Join F, Sua a Adjutant under Seth Pollard and as Exeautive Officer under Major King. ppointed Wisconsin Wing Com fom Jane Gil, 1M, total of 2900 enlistments [nave beet received in thie Wisconsin Wing wh iy divided into 4 groups, 17 squadrons are 120K) active the present time, the rest having enter ed the a localities, The Wisconsin, Wing is en the angual activities which have bee sed in in otter ws, Mock Ts Civilian Defense activities. Units a the Wing have been organized for Forest Patrol work, which has not been ew el inh 10 any great extent due to favorable weather conditions whieh have prevented any serious Forest fires Wings such as binge and otter Various units of the Wing have been hobilized from time 10 tine when Hoods and sinilar disisters threatened bout the si nate in hi te has been extremely ing, no seri shave only + trouble een sed Lor Fe ar puny disasters which fort have reel AML units however, are onganized for disaster 1 lief at any time and are well equipped with supply. parachutes and other quiproent for relieving lisa Issue Not Contact Mage TIPS Wing G40, 1 Wing Liaison Othiew Phere are approximately. bors ob the Wisconsin W served or are presently wr vi 4a] patio sat several difterent Tkases. \ far Ha at fe muinber ave serving at Maine, ander the former Wing aneer outer service is extablished owing rapidly ab Racine, West Rend and in; the Milwaukee ate, Ad iional Bases are being established in 1 aumber of other ities \-munber of ve heen flown important mnisions and the resulting publicity substantially in acdeling tthe War Plants whom we serve Several Military Courier routes haye been proposed and surveyet in the Wis consin Wing and it is hoped that such routes will be in operation in the future, Adequate aireralt and perso inet arcavailable to fuandlle any M assignments which way de as assisted Hist of Gy velop. X nuiniber ot mancnvers with nits Wisconsin Stare Guar have lan by CAP squadrons Uhis his provided very CAP but ard fy these man: in the Foe pparvictpa in W valuable training. 1 also to the State avers CAP funct fax well as bsnl ground troops and pro. Viding cnmmunications Hhrowgh 1: panel systems and message de Dropping. of supplies another CAP fiinetion i these mau feuvers. A large scale imanenver with the uate Guana is being held the week end fof August Mabe and 15d. at Lake Gen: Wis. with the 4 rons of Group 2 participating, The Aviation Cadet Recruiting pro: gram is progressing satistactorily: and a Very comprehensive promotional cam: patign has been id out throng operation with CAP of tion Gaudet Selection Boar publicity otliccrs of the Gilt Fi Is, the and the Service Avia the Comma ads per sive being ra ents for. Free ton Hights ta all those accepted far Aviation Cadet training are offered. It {s anticipated this program will bring in a large number of vec Ardent CAP Flier SERG. MARGUERITE HUFE Gyil Nir Patrol, 632 Marguerite is 18 years old, married, has Tausbiandl and son t Ma April, 19L1 license July. 15, wn Acronct manried son, 25 years of age. Both, etoolinakers in yar started flying lon's received IM 1995. Alo owns her iyphane. One of our fist vil Air Patrol when tt way onganined Recent ctivities of Owo Squadron 631. L. Pleven airplanes and 8E me Ww Squadron GL and Cader Comps staged a maneuver at Sh County, Airport Sunday morning. Aw gust 8, of the nevly organized Owosso Squadron 6B. The spuadion was in change ot Lt. W. D. nison, Operations Offic wha presented Syuadion Conunander Le. JW. Shutiuek, of 631, \ bers ‘lute from the Saginaw sqad members. of 1 Garden € watch the Saginay squadton fore the prese pection ol the Saginaw Cadet Gonps was male by Lt Shattuck andl his stall and five oustanding cadets were chosen. These five were awarded airplane rides back to Saginaw. 4, Squadion 6313's canteen corps I fast aid group were set up to take the the wo adios, rage Eleven ED FLIGHT TOWER Cadets tied up with ai (ea Lie ate wo sure enug ter, Of put on a Sunday newning Kindly souls were goed enough to ask flight with fer rides tw prospective tinif wee print some move of The same. Cadets. After a inv this ane, We oblige, with thanks, your prospect ny bjex see tions he may have bad, and ie easier We woniler why so many officers and sit p. OF, get prominent doen wen, pos men on Phot tis shots of th Salo: patriotic minute property oseners will Fn ret lay ba wih yu on this, genta rolled pels anton, iets, INP, ase you tba i up iy Su with insignia ou of fine, just dar ‘veighborload Do your own took. good! in print, and they surcly do eighhors and friends know the ae. not Help the ¢ Mr Wendanng sighnient you're working on? BU, i hataine Giuees falowe, wat are or have Ber working om els Tan aetye tinder ordre to check all Whe ‘lve abowe, ann iF you have a god, pokes reg Sree ietaueatetive CAPG nit in your ow Sending ‘em 10 press. 90. we need ne youre doing ind thank you for your selp in the nent a above connectis # os ® Atwout a geouk age, we rece i ne sar. oceat toy from Yad Li AW. Moore, Intellie plaints weneo Offices of Squadron 6983 Ke e f 3 ted soar py Th eyon, We think that 11. Moore’ scores aL aur brave CAP hhave Jost their lives: wearing this sell sine shoulder loop. too, that as GAP Hanger week, your reanarks are a “boiled dows suanary Of the spirit thot hay sparked Givil Paul, [ 10 cUAsh 19 ils Prey Heol ah Mh cavhere YOU! face, we think 9 red shoulder toaps you 3 red to, quiate H1, Moore's letter ver volunteer... a member of anor feviy wnizations whieh is placing A We yy tag eae Bers’ lives av the disposal of its coun qt ty mm ace by Commaniter N.C try, aay ana without tenner: Sl Le fetmay, fe fe Mase Sh Sion sain oo oes a ay A fev weeks ago, we put out an SOS i Me tall for more neve articles and swore el Tai * row you Pie Re ines oa iigence offers. The response Iss teat ratifying! Cie ay bait nel news, and you make an, and you ail give you selves a much more readable, livelier anil here's a thought; if the distaste was niprewed. wilt tl wonlered hae they eam iataoe, Oiicee when these Ayquevily we no iipent to operate oF Tihante"ut ie bile team ly, Bart fh Te fut rae be the CAP. alr Son ¢, probably it arrived too I that it was necessary ti teach code: fu yell appear i one of the Cal tov al yes he 13a oft rion preceeding ion. Fips thar may help you in your Aviation Cadet Recruitment campaign: —taliie were al as go your local streetear or bus ns a cour fn Nava They may ive you Rad's Eaage ation Ne ator an poin completing thal cai Page Twelne startet snottier on Meteor toy wt 0 keep tie ase ppd tr eomtac spect mvs to Fricties cee, Spyiicaions 18 fa a iodo thee. i ust ude, toy no vesvan a to ea foes! CAT mer Weal the oesoun sis ay he sl take men Gn tep of ant Jeet a 8 CAM Whi” at heme EI Nidee ae tie ear how Scrap Dive hae how teat rant oni). Wa Now Seth Patt along Lake Ate Thave fete Tor fie Arne forces Twenty ae bie Ara Air Rineen, segent hun wt Conte ar ‘ie od i Now tas ca eats ae or he ‘lation x ra Th oes ike a se er the hot Courier Serv Seores Again In Detroit Emergency the \.G. Red 0, Michigan, troit on an alli scheduled out of De: a Woh » Courier § quested transportation to City Airport. Weather at City Airport was cheekedd instruments. tung Ainport rev rN gplianc was 1, F, Miller port. pan er Base, ar was waiting for the transfer of pas sewer to the City Airport. “The mis pleted with two mes ntact Magesive Iesve No, 4 PROMOTIONS and ASSIGNMEN Arthur J. Selick 9G, MePeren lel Gi Willis Arthur Rauernfiend (Continued on Pa Segteae Squadeon 6912 vin Stave “mleslon sly 25, 1843 at Houghton. Contact Macacine, bone No. ublic Relations Query public inv the alark: ic is a request for a selfexan nf your individual and collective CAT con: sciences, with the following sguidle 10 dees penetration of your immed pasts: Have you sinned n wo send to your gr for ck port on squs setivities? Are you co send pictur viously of mele Have you doubted { teresting features among your squad ron members and, therefore, failed 10 seek out those tea nel rite there are Haye you been eallous tthe re spansibilities of your commission, dis. regarded the counsel of your superiors, inthe just bers 1c you consciausly overlooked the achievement of a saember who} soloed who has inereased his rating? Is there a member (or members) in your squadron veho is “a story in him sell” that you have nov wold? If you can notansiver the majority of these questions favorably, the nest question is: Are you a public relations ollicer HE you fave been the latter but now stand the enormity of yor of andl ble and contrite, forgiveness is yours. io, and sin NO more. Forest Patrol? Pech, Sgt. George MeClain, of the Mi, Pleasant Fight, while erygaged in a routine practice Might noticed a simall forest fire three miles northy of Weid: ‘san, Michigan, Upon eloser inspection it was found to be about an acre in size J spreading rapidly due vo the fairly wind, Ploy McGlain returned to Pleasant airport andl notitied. the local fire wardens, who, by thy k action, p the: fire out with five acres bumed, What could easily the aleriness of a CAP member Owoso Squidion GELS went co Houghton Lake August 21 and 22, with 56 members, 10 pet a CCC barracks for elassroom use age Thirteen (Gantinred from ‘AP and OCD Cooperate in PROMOTIONS and ASSIGNMENTS “Bombing Detroit” HM Sad Le Hi 2nd Le M3 dnd Le MA 2nd Le Mi 2nd Lt 152 152 167 Fh. Ol 168 Pn Le 168 Bnd La 169 Sud Tot Pege Fanstecs Corporal -Hughes: Mann Harper cTumance Brockway Ellis J. Arnold Percy B. Hubbell Josephine A. Que Gul, vorth Otte E. Harper Allen 1. Larson A, M, Klinger {Kenneth C. Bothivell Stephen Huilowicr ‘Robert Dayid: Whyte ‘Peter kins, Lafayette forma Portia Tricks “Herbert G. Bleakley Jolin M. Piekarski 2}. Dettaan 1 G, Sanderson, A. Weed Ellis Justin “Walter Mayer “Justin W, Shattuck Gliflord Taphouse {George W. Campbell Robert L. Siorret William Hibbard [Jo ls DeRonier a SH Raphael A. Ransbottom Jol R. Nyland an Golden 268.3107 21 titel, OFF 31078 Med. OM re GA2N05 Vers, OM GSADIN Trans, OM 0351 Eng, Of 3122 200 63807 G0 Observer HUG Dept. Gon, OL 4817 68.384) 63-1004 3820 Pi 653828 Pilot 6341790 Pilot 63-3081 “64179, 03-786. Vilow [65782 Pilot 265-1108 Tilot 63-1186 Piloe 63-2530 64-2829 Ht Lair. "@" Flt, Lar, "D" 921 Photo. Olt. 163-2002 Commun. Oil (63275 ‘Trans, Off 263-2202 Commander Fit Lal. Adjucant Exec, OM ‘Tr. & Op. OFF Med, Of ol 63-3460 Intell. Off 8951 Oper. Off 163-1059 Exec. Off, « 268-1971 7 Int.& Pub, Rel. Pilots and observers of Detroit and icipated in uy attack of oud, with the OGD supe ing the ¢ Iie event of etter kanown to all lea, as welll ac the civilian sion was 10 as 000 feet My ower the city then separate into g ¢ bomb dropping at 2,000 feet. 100,000 that, should the city be attacked by enemy Airplanes the homefront would Group 635 Maneuvers at Ypsilanti Another successful Maneuver iu 685 was held at MeEnn: port, Ypsilang, Sunday, August der “the direction of ended, with, weluding 1 les, $ trucks, st Fach transportation lac planes, $9 anton U hortse Mion equi mergency, medical supplies, ir tools, ete. A public utilized at Group be-and announce ious events whieh included com dill, message pickup, mess sion by conte and wigan, chute dropping 0 i problems, sand medic Ann Arbor, and plaee Monroe third, Hoy Scouis of Trop 31, Ypsilanti, served as ainport guards while the Squadrons supplied guards for their own equip: ment Contact Magacine, lane No. + MICHIGAN WIN! cl Ausitiars 0] Army Air Fores 10 Hoos. Towne IVIL AIR PATROL The Birth and Growth of Civil Air Patrol Deruorr, 26 EDITOR'S NOTE. A report on the August 12,1963 activities of more than 7 airmen of the Civil Mi hoe July 15, 1918, the following members perate ont af a thou ani will report to Mary G. Donnelley. Stiles airfields and coustitite the Training Sihool, 18210 French Road world’s largest aerial home guard ix Mile Road and Detio posite heir staines for instr Googe G. Rom (6:4 165) State ting, Lansing, Michi hme: NbN 381TH Rts SU Airport, at OS:IS o'dock the date sot would be imposible il assignment pages. However, we pti Unit Dae ig, Hoping you'll Lind the activities of aa August 13 1915 $ itetesting to you, Next issue, Mt the Ube another instalment. Mec rane: pers The Civil Air Patrol, organized te week ele Pea Haan the i en ak cae) Que 98 ise of evi uate hers iit eon etn Ca taken over by the War Depart ee fo the Cie of ian Deere on Tan estou. Detralt. Mihigan Phin AR Tid, 7 AMersnim HL, Wewendont (63-0 Tons Fenn Ro, Pen « Viet 2aN1-Bxt 1a Phe See4AL, Onn No. 2 Melsin F. Laverne 10 Hiedh"Aeetne, Ent Laing. Michigan GUNG Bak Ma i940) yal Oa, diet 80. I Hiaeth 8, Wickman (6-1 1a N. Woendwant Ave Phiene:—Brw. 139 1) i, gh Miia April 29, 10) nw at aussiliary avn of the Anny Ait ot ge lu ory angane PUGS Cotaling over 20° miion ay ovikes, the spotting of more dan 150 submasimes for site Army, Navy and ited . Hlfahore paisa si Of (arjedan, nok. Voday more planes are ble for Nie Patol sigan the ie entire Army. Air Corps possessed atthe Amy 10, Peasing the ition allowed to wear Upon completion of the thee weeks course individnls will return 4 het s, insignia on ite unilorm, As their units. Seerotary of War or Nit Robert Iiy Owen of Winn: Ca naKen y ROR Ani coment A. Loven, ermed the recogni ane, Michgaty Wins, tion af a job well done NOTE: Link Training School Night Clatsos Begin Tuesday. Sept . Holland Squadron Members Go Into AAF Members of have ented ae si malron O89 wh Aug. 1, 1948, Seriat ROR. E Holland, Ang. i. 1943, Wese Huh fe) Marvin Gebben, Apr 1, 1948, 90 serial No., West 18th St, Holland, (©) Adam serial No, RR, 1, Holl McCay, June 20, 1948, 10 nd, Mich, Contact Magazine, Issue No Only the United States ant Russia have allowed their civilians to tly in wartime; other belligerents. grounded CONSCIOUS? thei amatcis as soon as War W declared, American militar J. Smith, wing stall public 4, TANECURAV Auge c stepped ollicer, into the that civilian flyers coukl But aviation enthusiasts bey showing what they a breech. “He who is ainn Fhe wwhwy beiewes. i a sng to Tet some one while he who is aitcor could do. that ide work with, lor there were inthe to get fie ou Teed « 100,000 To which a member ot Lt. Bob student pilot Lunceford’s parachute syuatkon add: anit mone thi fan Tels eds “And He eho jumps i una Most of the mititayage pilots andl st > wwere soon inthe armed ser ces; Page Fifteen 15) wl Highs (Continued irom Pa GAM began onginizing the volunteer squnadtons, gue serving, under a Wing, Com cach of the 18 suates. Wing Cannan thers report diveetty to National Heal (quarters, salled by olfcers of the Anus Nir Fone, at M0 Fit Avene, New York City Mechanics, nurses, talio operat, observers, photvygaphers and docists ul the pilots in groundcrew trait which fits exch focal unit to per any anissions ght planes ean fly Mt squadean anembers carry regular jos aml serve Hu thei Qualified members may cons of fall volunteer f GAP operations stich as Coastal Patrol where many have signed ap for the duration, Flying their own planes. using their nt an ‘own rains, initiative, equip " ther with gradually. en flanged Federal grants, they have buith coastal baws from Maine to ie plas, ground mee raulio operators. ‘Their volunteer sions search for last planes, 1 forest fue patrols, and fly emengener tele to flood and disaster ares, They furnish men and yornen pilots (0 the Transport Gana, and carry on a program—all of Iso Army planes which frees How {pilots Jor more ung Ca los. re 0 flyers killed One of those kill now ying Patrol ou of EL Paso, al les Early Beginnings of La. Gol the enthusiastic pres At the outbreak Earle 1. Jo mnancer of the Civil Air 1 pilot of HE years’ standing ws alarns ed at the ease le ungitarded state of airports sabi " with which he Page Sixteen id do co a hundeedt power plants in one night, Lind theit ined Germans ¢0 planes i a field, walk ai IL never even be caught.” The story has been told of his ciking off one night in his own Curtiss Wright and dropping a faery. Pol ports were placed ui lov rs of the Jackson Squadron, jave been assisting the Arn nining Board with tlhe reer of young men ay Aviation Cadets and have interviewed a aumber of appli eants, CAP ot Reynolds day night from seven tun to give formation vember atte ispective Ca i Hof the sponsd my have already: successfully the mental exammnatio La ison and La. Sydney Moskowitz few sirphines at the fi of Homer Dees who was kille at a Calitor The planes were Now al procession and cireled the mause: dropping flowers. CAP officers, lackbure, Brown, Kennetly, Ma son, North and Woleatt, acted as pall rs for the funeral which was held Thursday, August 19. Muskegon Squadron Search Mission on BH Muskee wler Hy Perkins, seu sean Lake Michigan August seavele lor the body aif Lt. Cal. Sevan Mo Mule, Anuy fg instructor from Truax Field, Wisconsin, whose ship y have «4 tn the lake. Che sits Here pliens, forsaer 68223, LThe gitls squads fee) her ata ituner Friday, Nu Women Take Part In Bombing but nevertheless inp role in che recent “bombing” of by Givi Air Patol was enac iiembers of the Women’s Servic Squaation 6347, \ wt eh, inv the Womens Aux Ferying Squadion, at Sweet 4. Texas. She is spending a few {home in Detroit before vist 1th, pontant Detroit ed by © Unit atraw up anaps for the on Sundays Augtat Sire, dhe sua rom ry they, also, served a6 Clerks for clearance papers, worked in the airport offer, nl were part of the wer the Detroit EDITOR'S NOTE: Yet oo & pa ra Hae den seuation 6303. On tho lat LMG. Wht Svadion Commander, Rh 1/5 rah Seuioes, ecto fnsinerigolic. Photo tsovlay 00 search lor mising erm fe suliod by U.S Contact Magacine sae No.4 ALWAYS EAGER To Jon > HELP You WHEN IN FORMATION [ SHINE YOUR AND MARCHING E DON'T GAZE AT INSIST AIRPLANES FLYING 7 OVERHEAD. . . YOU ARE LIABLE To FIND DON'T LAUGH YOURSELF A YONE-MAN ARMY = WHEN SOME~ ; ONE MAKES ‘— A MISTAKE... nnn, HELP HIM OUT |F YOU KNOW BETTER 4 ourteous THIS— CORRECT IT.. “~%, A BARBERS POLEHAS =” STRIPES— YOU WILL NEVER GET ANY THIS WAY... . ‘ NOBODY LIKES To SEE ? , roqressive AND SEE IF YOU FIT INTO OPEN UP THE DICTIONARY THE SCHEME OF THINGS. A FORMULA FOR MURDER submarine pack speeds on a word ather than what you read ar javest in War Bonds and Stunps . and fe <= that jersation that'll Ihe wvitt this W

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