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alé Uy Saint Pov! The Thought Behind the Idea 1 was thinking about St. Paul and his story. God chose someone sinful, who persecuted Christians and changed him with the light of Christ (literally AND figuratively). His “weapon of choice” changed from a sword to a pen, and with it, he helped spread the Gospel to the world. As individuals we are also sinful people, but God can use us too. St. Paul Church is known for the love we show each other within our walls. We can share that love with every soul that walks through the door, regardless of denomination, race or social status, and then in turn, channel it toward the greater commu- nity through outreach. That is OUR “weapon of choice.” By doing that, we become more than just “that Catholic Church on Highway 25”. We become an instrument to spread the Gospel in our community. I took a recognizable symbol, unique to our building (the circular, quartered window) and begun with that shape. The starburst element represents the light of Christ that blinded St. Paul, the same light we show to each other inside the building. It is “escaping” from our own church and radiating into the world. As far as the other colors, the reddish-purple color represents the sin of St. Paul and of all of us, despite which we can be used by God. The green represents the outside world, all of the wonders and beauty of God resplendent in his creation. The blue symbolizes the sky and the Heavens where God reigns over us. Both colors seen out of the actual windows. The Type treatment consists of a certain typeface, with some letter shapes manipulated. For example, | altered the “t” to resemble a dagger or sword, which is another reference to St. Paul's former life. OUR SPECIAL THANKS AND GRATITUDE GO TO LORI BRECHTEL, IN-HOUSE GRAPHIC DESIGNER AND PRESENTER OF THIS WORK. Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time March 6, 2011 “ Everyone who listens to these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock.” Matthew 7: 24 Readings for the Week Mar 7-Mar 13 ‘Mass Intentions of the Week Monday: Tb 1:3, 2:1a8; Mk 12:1-12 7:30AM Henry Oscar “Tootie” Williams Ill Tuesday: Tb 2:9-14; Mk 12:13-17 7:30AM Jack Ramsdel Wednesday: Jl 2:12-18; Ps 51; 2Cor 5:20—6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 6-18 6:00PM Jack Ramsdel Thursday: Dt 30:15-20; Lk 9:22-25 7:30AM Edward Messick Friday: Is 58:1-9a; Mt 9:14-15 10:00AM Specal Intention Saturday: Is 58:9b-14; Lk 5:27-32 5:30PM Special Intention Sunday: Gn 2:7-9; 3:1-7; Ps 51; Rom 5:12-19 8:00 AM Michelle Preten (12, 17-19); Mt 4:1-11 10:30 AM People of the Parish Prayer List of Parishioners Janys Canizaro; Helga Morris; Walter Berryhill; Wes Guillory; Frank Buras; Alien Tyra; Teresa Spain; C.E. (Gene) Phillips; John Ottremani; Joan Goodman; Carol Ann Mullen; Gary Harkins; Mary Ann Galle; Mary Doris Reihie: John Bonelli; Mary Ellen Haslob; Wilma Pickett; Kayleigh Hall; Alice Mitchell; Lloyd (Hot) Long; Dery! Guillory; Tommy Jordan; Rose Morris; Jack & Judi Wood; Tommy Autrey; Brynn Cullom; Joan Galloway; Karen Simmons; JoAnn Guillot; LaVerne Finley; Patty Butz; Michael Vaughan; Donovan Flaherty; Jayanne Barrett; Norma Brewer; Antonietta Smith; Holly Wallace; Brian Kirby; Juc Westerfield; Mary Young; Andrew Beadle; Alma Bossen; Fran! Graham; Wayde Plauche; Bryce Spong; _ Kathleen Hawkit Chris Dixon; Mary Jacq Easley; Ann Benandi; Maria Stra Kathy Davis; Logan and Bessie Duncan; Jeanne Butler; Zeno- via Wendel; Joe Frede; Gula Guillory; Judy Waggoner. Prayer List of Family Members and Others Gerald Antic; Melinda Goodwin Easterling: Rondel Grissom;; Albert ; Edward Guidry, Sr. father of Phylis Giamalva; Michael Bar- eit & family, grandson of Martha & Paul Barrett; Lisa Whigham, daughter of Rita Tierney; Olivia Brady; Baker Troxler, Bobby Nick Busick, Bly Cross & Robbie Cross; Cooper Artii; Molly Elizabeth Boyd & family: Diane Jaufre: Blaine Knight: Ann Burns; Mark Meluso: Connie ‘Smith; Jennifer Martin; Clarence Heintzelman; Paul Farmer; Bobby Pace; Kenneth Mitchell; James Bounds; Selena Ralif; Stephen Ray; Joy Bryant; Linda Cooper; Bob Latham; Joe McCreary; Bo Collendar; Chris Marble; Milicent Painter; Keanna White; Anna Grace Dennis; Bessie Murray; Tommy Massey; SuSu McRainey; Lois House; Geoff ‘inning; Cayleigh Durr & family, Michelle Wilson & fa aisle Lernonis; Danny Janet; Wil Galloway; Carlo Martel ion family; Martha Grant; Polly Walton; Kathy Cutrer; Lindy Castle; Milton Semanek; Snaw Fam ly; Carol Campbell; Harold Brown; Jon Pickett; Blanche Stauss; Sandy & ete Watson; Yerlin Murphy; lan Martin family; Bob Lunceford; Todd Nick; Steven Mullen; Wesiey Phillips; Jeffrey mon; Elleen O'Carrol; Sam Williams; Bil Olexa; John Munn family; Martha Smith; Sal Vario; Linda Durke; Donnie skermetta family; Gene Wilson; Travis Levitt; Sharon Watson; Amelia West; Beverly ‘Burnside; Ava Julian; Kurt Harris; Mary Helen McGraw; Seth Miller; Linda Bor Brumfield; Jesse Carr; Mrs. Fritz Morgan, Jr; Bob & Janet Roley; Debbie Rig! : ‘Anna Mullen; lleen Sobotich, Cherie Underwroud; Rolly Marti; | ‘McDonald, Sidney Smith; Marty Bisek; Blake Hall, Kathy Wilson; Mal, Elizabeth & Amy Catherwocd; Mark Edwards; Berice Halt, Mir- ‘am Brown; Fairley family: Bobby Rhodes; Kay Migues; Lynn Roberts; Kim Saxton; Jacob Daniels; Carole Netherland; Carrie Maniscalco; Bob Holz; Virginia & Alex; Patten Lane; Kenely Lemke; Ashley Evans & fami- ly; Jordan Gaughi; Son Gooch; Burley Smith; Mary Jansen; Imelda Jiminez; Michelle Saenz Ash Wednesday Masses 7:30 a.m. and 6: 00 p.m. Bulletin Notice: If you placed a family member or friend on the prayer list and they have recovered, please call or email the church office Thank you! ah LOVE AND DEEDS — God doesn’t want our deeds; God wants the love that prompts them. “St. Teresa of Avila so they can be removed. Why Catholic? sessions resume the week of March 13th. Looking Ahead: “Vacation Bible School will be held June 20th through June 24th. ‘TAKE NOTE OF THESE UPCOMING EVENTS... March 9....Ash Wednesday Mass at 7:30 a.m, & 6:00 p.m. March 18/19....5th Annual Italian Festival in Cleveland, MS April 4...Lenten Penance Service @ 6:00PM ‘April 15...Live Stations of the Cross w/ supper to follow ‘April 21..-7:00PM Holy Thursday Mass ‘April 22.."7:00PM Good Friday Service April 23...8:00PM The Great Easter Vigil May 1....First Holy Communion May 12....Sacrament of Confirmation May 27... Learning Center Graduation June 20-24.... Vacation Bible School St. Paul says that we are stewards of the mysteries of Gad. And the first requirement, he says, is that we be trustworthy. Entrusted with the gift of faith, do I share it as generously as | do my time, talent and treasures? eal TS a ane 3 » Dr utah ricco? ith, Formation News classes or upcoming events, call the Faith Formation Office at 601.919.3962 or contact Sarah O'Donnell through her office email, Our Parish Religious Education (P.R.E.) classes take place on Sunday mornings at 9:15AM for K-6th graders and on Wednes- day evening from 6:00PM-8:00PM for 7th-12th graders. If you need a calendar of classes, please stop by the Faith Formation Office in the Family Life Center. Faith Formation Classes for Adults Sunday mornings—9:15AM in the Adult Lounge Tuesday evenings—9:15 in Room 109 Wednesday momings—10:0GAM in Adult Lounge Wednesday evening RCIA—7:00PM in Room 107 ‘Thursday evenings—6:00PM in Room 101 Thursday evenings—6:30PM in Adult Lounge All classes are held in the Family Life Center. Call the Church Office for contact information and exact dates of the gatherings. March 9th—No Class (Ash Wednesday Mass) 3 March 13th—Rite of Sending 10:30 Mass G Rite of Eloction—Cathedral of Saint Peter the Apostle 2:30 oe During March, for Stewpot, we suggest donations of pasta sauces (especially meat sauces) in cans or plastic jars, pasta, pasta dinners, canned fruit, canned or dried milk, and pudding or gelatin mixes. They always welcome non-perishable food in family-sized packages. The greatest need is for high protein items. Your generosity is always noticed and appreciated! SAINT PAUL Anyone 7th-12th grade is YOUTH welcome to join! BAN LEN satan tor eas obo & s cor Chad-601.829.9522 a A practice takes place on ‘Sundays, 5:00PNM-7:007M ‘Abbey Youth Fest 2011—March 26th at St, Joseph's Abbey Featuring in Matt Maher with Archbishop Gregory Aymond, Paul George and Catholic Comedian, Judy McDonald. See Sarah O'Donnell to register by March 9th! Travel is by bus provided by the Diocese. ‘The beautiful arrangement of flowers in our Church this weekend were donated by George and Peggy Hamilton in loving memory of Debbie Hinton St, Paul Quilters will meet this Tuesday, March 8th at 6:30p.m. until 8:30p.m. The quilt, remains “up” in the the Crafts room of the FLC for anyone to at their convenience. Starting soon in March. Mothers of school age chil- dren group will begin meeting. All mothers who will be available on two mornings each month and want to fe! lowship and. receive spiritual and practical guidance. Bring your children and enjoy coffee and snacks. Dates to be announced. If interested call Ruth Heintzelman at 601.829-3397. LENTEN SUPPERS Every Friday during Lent following Stations of the Cross at 6:00PM MARCH 11—APRIL 22 Family Life Center Meeting this Sunday, Meal at 6:15; meeting at 7:00 A Heartfelt appreciation to all who made Red Rib- bon Weekend such a tremendous success. To all who graciously volunteered to be a vital part of this new ministry, please send an email to me at and give your contact numbers and specialty igterests to share in this ministry. Ses 2 Meeting for all Health Ministry volunteers next Sunday, March 13, between the Sunday morning Masses in the FLC. Women's Guild 0m #.2xir The next meeting is March 15, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. We will be making rosaries for the first Poni class. Women 18 and older are invite Last change to get the remaining titles in the Lighthouse CD stand! Next week we will have 9 new t- tes to guide us all through our Lenten Journey. In the meantime, if you haven't listened to any of these CDs, give one a try. They are so inspirational and will enhance Your faith, If you can, drop a $3 donation in the box. When you are done listening, pass your CD on to someone else. What an easy, effective way to evangelize and share your Catholic Faith with others! The fifth annual Itelian Festival of Mississippi will be held on Friday, March 19 and Saturday, March 20th i Cleveland, MS. For additional information contact their Chamber of Commerce, 662.843.2712. The amount of $574.41 has been sent to Blaire E. Batson Hospital for Children; a donation to them from our weekly Children’s Collection. Your prayers are requested for the repose of the souls of Marie Lovitt, cousin of Linda Massey; Antoinetta Smith; Fr. William Vollor COLLECTION UPDATE: Children’s Last week’s collection: 15,053 eallection “ebruary $40.41 Building Campaign Update Total Cost eof osd Total Loan 1,903,028 Loan Balance $617,656.72 Mavvayment "S06s3 cat PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS, THEY HELP PROVIDE THE BULLETIN FOR YOU. amy RESTAURANT FRED CERAM, OWNER S417 Lalli Dev, Ste o1.919.282 » Ca 6018421092 (ie Caneenert conten EMESIS EEERion en Scene ___fules0050 JMC JOuN M. 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