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SCE2110 – Control Systems K Scerri

Tutorial 1: Electro-Mechanical Positional Servo Mechanism

For the positional servo system shown in Figure 1:

• k is the input and output potentiometer constant; k = 0.05V/°
• A is the differential amplifier gain; A = 40V/V
• Rf is the field coil resistance; Rf = 0.1Ω
• kt is the motor torque constant; kt = 0.1Nm/A
• n is the speed reduction gearbox constant, n = 5
• Jm is the inertia of the motor shaft; Jm = 0.1Nms2
• D1 is the damping constant due to friction at the motor shaft; D1 = 0.4Nms

Figure 1
1. Assuming that the field coil inductance and the inertia and damping of the output shaft are negligible show
θ o (s)
that the system’s transfer function is given by:
θ i (s)
θ o (s) nJ m kk A
= ; where K = t .
θ i (s) s2 + s Dm € + K Rf
J m nJ m

2. For the system given in question 1, sketch the output of the system to step inputs if the amplifier gain is set to
A = 40V/V, A = 20V/V and A =€100V/V, giving clear reasons for your plots.
€ 3. The output shaft of the system in question 1 is used to drive a wheel with inertial J0 = 2.5Nms2. The wheel
has to overcome some friction which is given by the damping constant D2, where D2 = 5Nms. Obtain the
θ o (s)
transfer function for the loading system and sketch the output for the amplifier gains A = 40V/V, A
θ i (s)
= 20V/V and A = 100V/V. Thus comment on the effect of adding a load to the electromechanical servo
€ feedback is now used to improve the system performance. The tachometer used is mounted on the
4. Velocity
motor shaft and has a constant ks = 0.006Vs/°. The amplifier is set to A = 100V/V. Derive the transfer
function of the system and hence comment on the system behaviour to as step input.

Tutorial 1. Servo Mechanism Page 1

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