Future Prospectus

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SO file:/#/C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Administrator /Mly%20Documents/Cownloads/Dooum: © Hancicok of tonass zogarded as only temporary modifications for wartime conditions. However, a few car makers went s0 far as to modify the body work for gasifier installation. Soon after the war, low-cost gasolino becamoavailable again, and most users went back to burning gasoline hecause af its convenience. 2.2 Current Development Activities ‘Aftor thoOPEC oil embargo of 1973, there wa renewed intorest in all forms of alternative energy. including gos pai oe lal Maras Ae of ely work supported by the United States and for nergy establishments focused on largescale coated gasifiers that were intended 10 produce syathetic Natural gos as a fuel, There was litleinterest in biomass (oF biomass gasification (PNL 1906), except for groups Concerned with uses in loss developed countries (NAS 1983; Kjellstrom 1981. 1983. 1985) and. private individuals (Skow 1974; Mother 1982; TIP 1985). Recently, there has boen incroasod intarest in biomass asa rmewable energy source. In the las! few years. & hhumber of individuels and groups have built versions of small downdraft gasifiers and have operated them as demonstration units. A fow of the gasifier powered vehicles trom this effort are shown in Fig, 22, and today one can obtain shop plans for constructing gasificrs (Nunnikhoven 1904; Mother 1982; Skov 41074) Unfortunately, no body of information is avail day hebbyists or their terparts invelved in full-time wsearch to evaluate tical factors such as gasifier operation, gas quality, gas-cleanup systoms, ongine operation, and engine able to help either the lati Interest in small-scale gasifiers is strong among or: ganizations that deal with less developed countries Such as the World Bank, the U.S. Agency for Interna- tonal Development, and the equivalent organizations in European countries. The Producer Gas Roundiabie (of tho Boijor Inatitute in Stockholm) has published a hem > 2.3 Future Development Dire Predicting the needs and direction of ‘our modern world is very dangerous, be Know how future conditions will chang response will be. Since the first OPEC en ‘we have oscillated botween a concern wi plies and business as normal. There predict which direction we are likely to St loot list the possible options and fe the choice normal \imes, development Is drive considerations, ind some of tho econo! fAluancing uso of gasification are listed in times of emergeney. our priorities eh ‘and quite different developments occa Stull gasifiers wore dovolopod very rap emergency of World War Tl and just as peared when liquid fuels were available. is a very high priority, and the U.S. Defense curently has « program to ds mation on small gasifiers in caseof natio However, for economic reasons, no wo for vehicies is in progeess in the United tho lato 1970s, wo imported more than We mserved much of cur liquid fue for there was no government call todevelop United States. (However, Sweden-Volvo and stored 10,000 units for emergency t Inthe private soctorof the United States 10 years, there has been a corresponding of biomass gasifiers for heat applicatio found in lumber and paper mills. There fest in power goneration at a small scale States stimulated by attractive power by some slates under the Public Utilit Policy Act (PURPA) discussed in Chapt A very active area of development for st rate power in developing countri

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