Henri Boudet - Le Vrai Langue Celtique-English Translation

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Dedication from Henri Boudet to Grasset D'Orcet

PREFACE The title of this book seems, at first, too pretentious to be accurate. It
is easy, however, to prove the truth, as the Celtic language is not a dead
language, disappeared, but a living language, spoken in the world by millions of
men. The language of a nation as powerful as was the Gallic nation, would it
have been lost and without a trace? Is it really surprising that people would use
our Europe too, to express his thoughts, words came out of the mouths of men in
ancient times the world? Without doubt that people, who eagerly sought today to
resume the interrupted thread of its traditions, unaware of the various migration
of its valorous ancestors, but with the help of its national language, he may
engage in research, which certainly will be crowned the happiest living language,
to which we allude, we strongly helped to discover the magnificent monument to
Celtic existing Rennes-les-Bains, and, in turn, the study of this monument has led
us unabashedly to etymological deductions that seem difficult to refute.
Cromleck Thus, the Rennes-les-Bains is intimately linked to the resurrection, or,
if you will, waking up unexpectedly Celtic language
PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS Concerned to write some remarks on the
spa town of Rennes-les-Bains, where God had called us to exercise the pastoral
ministry, eager to relive old memories, we thought, wrongly or rightly, that the
name of Rennes, containing probably in itself the country's history in Celtic
times, we discover, for a correct interpretation, many interesting things about
the sharp rocks which crown our mountains. Two loose stones, placed on a ridge
of a hill, also invited us to ask with persistence a past, moreover, very dark. But
how penetrate the secret of a local history through the interpretation of a
compound name in an unknown tongue, when the history of ancient Gaul is still
plunged in darkness depressing? Most ancient peoples have left written : they
were historians, poets, and their stories, or fabulous or strongly imbued with the
patriotic pride that exaggerates, defect common to all nations, we can identify
the certainties of their origin and the various stages of development . Among the
Celts, but nothing like this: on every side a dark night. Intrepid researchers,
historians have pushed the illustrious most out of their passionate investigations.
All writers of antiquity were interviewed. The sum of knowledge remains very
incomplete. Where is the "torch" that will dispel the darkness? Is it not in the
old language which our fathers bequeathed to us? "Dialects," said J. de Maistre,
proper names of people and places seem to me Mine almost intact and he can
draw from historical and philosophical riches. "(I). Languedoc dialect spoken in
our region, does not seem a very safe way so that we can in the next, keep the
hope to reach an important result. However, this route, we traveled with
patience, with the firm conviction that the Divine Providence would direct our
steps and we would achieve the goal of our efforts. When the torch we were
looking with anxiety, rose to our eyes, its first ray fell on the name of Tectosages,
and this radius dazzled us. It was necessary, however, does not fully engage the
imagination, and we intend to convince ourselves of the reality of that light that
would enlighten Gallic times, we tried to make people think by the mirrors
Languages Hebrew, Punic, Basque and Celtic. The result seemed to us seriously,
and before we use the language of Tectosages to explain the meaning of
monuments megalithic elements of Rennes-les-Bains, the primary purpose of our
research, we applied to the interpretation of proper names taken in these
different languages. Therefore we find, first, in this work performing these tests,
because they are intended to serve as a decisive proof.

It is not useless, we believe, to preface this review with a
quick summary of current knowledge on the famous Gallic
nation. Gaul has been the focus of the final establishment of
the Celtic family in the western countries of Europe, and
even the name of sapling she held, demonstrates the
continued dominance in this country, its people brave. It was
between the ocean, the Pyrenees, the Mediterranean, the
Alps and the Rhine. The southern part, from the Bay of
Biscay to the Mediterranean, was occupied first by the
Iberian and Ligurian from the Spanish peninsula. The gals,
descendants of Gomer, son of Japheth, went to Asia Minor
at a time that we can not specify, spread in Gaul by
repressing the Iberians south the Ligurian eastwards and
invaded Spain, mingled with the Iberians. The Aquitaine,
Iberian tribes, resisted the encroachments of Gals and
retained their position between the ocean and the Pyrenees
and the Garonne. Towards the sixteenth century BC, the
Gals were the undisputed masters of Gaul. The conquest of
Spain by the Ligurian Gals forced to move, and about the
year 1400 BC, after crossing the Alps, founded in Italy in
recent domination of Ambras and Shadows, 647 years before
the founding of Rome. This is the first part of the Gallic
family, that, according to Thierry Am, the ancient historians
apply more particularly name Celts. The Kimris formed the
second branch of the family Gallic The Greeks and Romans
called it Kimmerioi called the Cimbri. In the year 631 BC,
the people Scythian, the report of Herodotus, fell on the
banks of the Sea of Azov and pushed before them Kimris
who headed into the sunset under the leadership of Huari-
arm, ascended the Danube and invaded Gaul by the Rhine.
Following the traditions Kimriques Hu-ar-arms will point
came in the pole, but he crossed the misty ocean and
conquered Gals on the island of Albion. During these
migrations and conquests of these Kimris, Ancus King
Rome, victorious over his neighbors, built the city of Ostia at
the mouth of the Tiber River. But new tribes successively
inundated Kimris Gaul, and "after a huge scrum, Gaul is
divided between the Gaels and Kimris. "(1) The Kimris,
west, occupying the sides of the sea and the plains of North
and Northeast, and Gaels retain the eastern and central
Gaul. It was after these population movements that
historians put the two emigrations of Sigovèse and nephews
Bellovesus Ambigatus king or chief Bituriges in the year 587
BC. Bellovesus took the road to Italy; Sigovèse headed to the
Northeast,crossed the Rhine, and through the Hercynian
forest, settled on the banks of the Danube. About 300 years
before Christ, a powerful confederation of Kimris, the
Belgians, invaded the north of Gaul and captured them. Two
Belgic tribes, the Tectosages Volkes and the Volkes
Arécomiques crossed Gaul, weapons in hand, and stopped in
the south, the Volkes Tectosages on the banks of the
Garonne in Toulouse, they made it their capital, and the
Arécomiques Volkes, east of the Cevennes, with their center
in Nimes. Volkes The Tectosages did not remain long at rest
in the country they had just conquered. Around 281 BC, a
large emigration rejoined, on the banks of the Danube, the
Gallic tribes which descended from the companions
Sigovèses. Carried away by their warlike, these Gauls were
divided into three parts and fell like a hurricane in
Macedonia, Epirus and Thrace. Some of these Tectosages
insatiable Adventure, crossed Asia Minor, near their
original home, founded a new Gaul, Galatia. "The Gauls
filled and the din of their arms" the ancient world as a
whole. The extent "Direct their possessions, the territory
occupied by the body" nation by Gallo-Kimris, was
immense. If we take "a look at the map of the ancient world
to the first" half of the third century BCE, we see race
"Gallic deployed from Erin (Ireland) to Estonia" (with a few
steps St. Petersburg), since the "northern tip of the
peninsula Cimbric" (Denmark) to the Apennines, from the
three Finisterre "of Britain, Gaul and Spain to the borders"
of the bridge and Cappadocia , via the Danube "they hold
up beyond its confluence with the Save," by the
Carpathians, the Alps Illyrian, Hemus and "Thrace. The
Gauls hanging over Europe, ends "of Spain to the Euxine.
"(1) CELTIC LANGUAGE II. From this brief presentation,
we see that historians are involved in the possession of Gaul,
first the Gals, and then Kimris Finally, the Belgians, whom
they descend, without any certainty, and Arécomiques
Tectosages Volkes. One might ask why modern historians
Gals called Gaels or the original inhabitants of Gaul, when
Julius Caesar (1) warns us that the Gauls, in their own
language, called Celtae and in the Latin Galli. These two
names seem to be synonymous and have a unique meaning,
and that's what proves a peremptory Bouisset Abbe, in his
brief on the three druidic colleges Lacaune. The term Celtae
- Kell - were these people a very positive direction pointing
to the man, and the expression Galli, according to the
explanations of Mr. Light Abbe Bouisset, would contain the
same idea. In Greek mythology, the Gauls were the subjects
of Galatians, son of Hercules. The warlike reputation of
Galatians was immense, and that of his strength and his
virtues. We do not disdain to gather in the middle of the
allegories of mythology, these details apparently very high,
but in fact of considerable use. At the time when Caesar
brought the war in Gaul, he shows us occupied by three
people: the Belgians, Aquitaine and the Celts. They all differ,
he says, by language. However, this difference should not be
very deep. In a paper on the origin of the Celtic languages
and French, Duclos, born in 1704 in Dinan, permanent
secretary of the French Academy, says: "In the absence of
monuments is to say works writings, we have no lights on the
Celtic language that the testimony of some historians, which
indicate that the Celtic language was common to all the
Gauls. Gaul was divided into several states (civitates), states
in the country (pagi), all of which are governed by specific
laws, and these statements together formed a body of a
republic, which had a common interest in general affairs .
They formed the Assemblies civilian or military; they called
comitia armata, resembled the backbench. Therefore, need a
common language that members might confer, deliberate
and form on the field of resolutions that were to be known
assistants, and we do not see in any author they had need of
interpreters. We see, moreover, that the Druids, which both
function as priests and judges were accustomed to assemble,
once a year, from Chartres to administer justice to
individuals, who came from all sides view. It was therefore
necessary that there was a general language of the Druids
and that was familiar to all the Gauls ... There were also
several nations, whose language was to have much in
common with the Gauls. It is probable that the Gauls and
Germans were not to differ much these people having the
same Celtic origin, the Germans had settled in Gaul and
Gauls were reciprocally increased in Germany, where they
occupied large areas. .. "
These sensible thoughts lead author of the brief to assert
that differences in language were only observed by Cesar
dialectical differences. We do not follow these considerations
very fair on the considerable damage occurred in the Celtic
language of Gaul by the establishment of the Latin family.
We note, however, that if he had drawn from his beginnings
a rigorous consequence, he was led to conclude that the
Celtic language had to maintain perfect integrity in a
country, which the Romans have never set foot. It is well
established that the Gauls have no gave a written
monuments, because they may be more confidence in the
traditions, and there is no reason to be surprised in this way
to act, if we pay attention to the tenacity of traditions among
a certain people of Europe, which we shall further with
clarity. However, it is not permissible, that the Celtic nation
has not left to future ages the memory of his morals, religion
and industry. This story of the Gauls is not written in books
and is engraved on the very soil they occupied. They gave
the tribes, land, mountains, rivers of Gaul names that time
itself could not erase. Here is confined their true
history.These appellations certainly have a precise meaning,
full of interesting revelations, although all languages seem
powerless to explain these puzzles. The decay of these names
of places, people, tribes, was seriously concerned about
many minds: we tried to find this language, which has filled
our ground indelible names, whose m eaning unknown to
our legitimate curiosity throws an ongoing challenge. Sir
William Jones, founder of the Asiatic Society of Calcutta,
had first noticed a affinity between Sanskrit, Greek and
Latin. They should therefore have a common origin and,
without daring to say he suspected that the Celtic and the
Gothic came from the same source as Sanskrit. Comparative
grammar of European languages François Bopp went on to
explain how the grammatical rules can discover in Sanskrit,
Persian, Greek, Latin and Gothic, no longer a simple
affinity, but a real community of origin. Until recently, "Mr.
Tregear has read before the Philosophical Society of
Wellington a study of Maori in Asia. He cited the Hindostan
language and modern Persian facing the Maori language, by
showing remarkable number of agreements between them.
The words quoted were themselves full of history and have
provided evidence of the great space of time elapsed since
the Maori lived in india. Beginning of European languages,
he has shown that hundreds of words similar to those of the
Maori language are found in Greek, Latin, Lithuanian,
Celtic, etc., etc.. But the most interesting part of his study
was that which determined the identity of the Maori and
English, not taking into account the Anglo-Maori words,
manufactured words both lang
uages, since the conquest of the country by Britain. "(1). All
these successive observations led to the suggestion that the
Sanskrit language may give the key to Celtic language, and it
was believed with any all the more reason that the Celts
came from Asia, the cradle of mankind. We can observe that
the dialects spoken in France, Ireland and Scotland should
give us that key even more easily than the Sanskrit; because
the alteration of language does not even now find the same
words in Celtic dialects Irish, Scottish, Welsh and Breton
Languedoc. It could be many quotes, but we will confine
ourselves to a few.The skin of the wheat ground and passed
bolter is called, in dialect of Languedoc, Bren bren in
Breton, Welsh bran, bran in Irish and Scottish. Heather, so
common in the moors of Gaul, called in Languedoc Brugo;
in Breton and bruk brug; Welsh consuming and brwg. The
French verb is translated into clean Languedoc by scura;
sguradh by Scots, Irish by sguradh. The French name of the
alder, (1) The Advocate, September 5, 1885, newspaper of
Melbourne, Australia.essence of trees, said in Languedoc
Bergne; in Breton and Welsh Gwern, Fearn in Scottish and
Irish. (1) Languedoc dialect III AND Tectosages It is certain,
few examples of words that are found in the Celtic language
of the descendants of the Celts in Brittany and Languedoc,
so we will not hesitate to make the test of dialect Languedoc,
in order to try to discover the true Celtic language spoken by
our ancestors. Nevertheless, it must seem odd that we chose
the Languedoc dialect rather than Breton to put us on track
and we invoke it for a serious historical reason, and by
closely examining the emigrations of Tectosages Volkes, we
shall be convinced of the correctness fully this choice. At a
time very indecisive and historians believe they can
determine, however, as the fourth century BC, two tribes are
said to belong to the Belgians, and Tectosages Volkes Volkes
Aré-(1) Names Breton Irish, Scottish and Welsh are taken
from the book by MA Chevallet: origin and formation of the
French language. I. Flight
Hilarious crossed Gaul and settled in Southern Gaul
between the Garonne and the Pyrenees and the Rhone. The
Tectosages made Toulouse their capital and Arécomiques
placed themselves in the east of Nimes Cevennes with as
central to their domination. Around the year 281 BC, a large
emigration of Tectosages walked towards the Danube to join
their brothers, also Tectosages, who owned the banks of the
river. Let's now facing these facts to the information
provided by Julius Caesar. " Long before there was a time
when the Gauls excelled the Germans in their military
prowess and they went to war to their homes: the fields were
no longer enough to feed a population too large. They sent
colonies over the Rhine. So in the land of Germany's most
fertile around the Hercynian forest, that Volkes Tectosages
settled after they conquered. This people until now occupies
the same territory. "(1) At the time when Cesar wrote these
lines, Volkes Tectosages were therefore established masters
unchallenged on the right bank of the Rhine and around the
Hercynian forest, that is to say, north of this vast forest,
from the Rhine to the Oder and perhaps even beyond, and
more, they possessed the left bank of the Danube, which
flows south of the same forest. Caesar fixed point of the era
of conquests Tectosages but the most important thing to
observe is that countries along the right bank of the Rhine
and conquered from the Germans, they have always
belonged. After Julius Caesar, authors no longer refer to
Tectosages. There seem to disappear from the world, the
silence became so deep around their name. We will meet
them soon, however, taking as guides the etymology of
Tectosages Volkes and we can still follow the long track of
their warlike expeditions.
Volkes (Volcae) derives verbs to vault (vault), vaulting,
jumping and to make cowboy (kau), intimidate Tectosages is
produced by the other two verbs to take to (Teke to) take
pleasure in ... and to sack, pillage, plunder. By bringing
together the four verbs constituting the two designations, we
are seeing in their various meanings that Volkes Tectosages
frightened the enemy by the rapidity of their evolution in the
fight and liked to devastate and plunder.
Do not let this point go unnoticed bouncing gait,
traditionally among the outfielders of the former French
army, and kept still in our regiments of Zouaves and
Chasseurs, as Volkes are ancestors of the Franks, as they
could be checked when we talk about Franks tribes. Volkes
movements warriors were distinguished by so swiftly
bringing with it fear, usually crowned by the victory,
followed by the devastation and looting. In summarizing the
names of Tectosages Volkes, we see them fast and
frightening looters.
This name had nothing but glorious for the people, for the
looting, it was war, and we know that the Cimmerian loved
him passionately. So this meaning of the word honorable
robber has kept it intact in the country occupied by them in
southern France. When a child shows a keen intelligence, a
soul full of energy, and when this energetic spirit is served
by a body whose members are agile and nervous parents
speak with pride and call it a "Raider". They go even
further into the meaning of this word, if asked about the
number of their children, they respond without hesitation,
they have "one, two or three Raiders. The story, as we have
said, after Caesar, no longer speaks of Tectosages Volkes,
and this silence is all the more extraordinary that the people
who sent the settlements beyond the Rhine, around the
Hercynian forest on the banks Danube and into Asia could
quickly lose if the traditions of his adventurous spirit.
Always eager for war expeditions, they reappeared with a
bang as the Saxons. And they declared openly in the face of
nations, they were the son, the direct descendants Tectosages
- to sack, plunder - his, son down. It is remarkable that
historians still call the Saxon raiders. This qualification was
in fact their real name, and, unconsciously, historians
explain, for the term of looters, the exact meaning of Saxons.
Around the year 446 AD, the leader of the Britons on the
island of Britain, Wor-Tigern, asked for help to rescue the
Saxons of the Picts and Scots who sought to oppress. The
Saxons made haste to steal the island of Britain under the
leadership of two brothers Hengist and Horsa, and, after
defeating the Picts and have made themselves masters of the
island, they exterminated the Britons their allies. Angles , -
to angle to angle - who lived on the shores of the Baltic Sea,
came to take Saxon brothers their share of looting and, after
forcing the majority of Britons escaped the massacre to take
refuge in Armorica, they founded the Anglo-Saxon kingdom
known under the name of England. Tectosages, according to
historians, were Kimrique race, and the Cimbri - Kimbo,
forked, - to harry, lay waste - the destructive forked,
referring to the horns of aurochs whose warriors adorned
their heads - we say the Cimbri, belonged to the Celtic
family: they were therefore , Cimbri and Tectosages, speak
the language of their family. The possession of the island of
Britain by Tectosages exerted a positive influence on them to
preserve their language and their customs. The isolation has
preserved the profound changes undergone by the languages
of other peoples of Europe, while leaving them the fullest
freedom for remote settlements, which are a special feature
of their character. Languedoc dialect AND REAL CELTIC
LANGUAGE. Genealogy of the Anglo-Saxons as we present,
could still, despite all seem to some purely hypothetical, but
it is easy to support a convincing proof, since the language of
Tectosages left deep traces in the Languedoc dialect. A
simple comparison between a few terms and their
corresponding Languedoc Anglo-Saxons will suffice to
demonstrate the complete analogy between the two
languages. However, wishing to avoid the boredom of too
numerous comparisons, we only give the expressions of the
most famous and most used.

Languedoc dialect. Anglo-Saxon Language (1) Alade, green

evergreen tree. Alder alder. Ander, firedog Andiron
(andaïeurn) andiron of Arréou in the queue. Array (arre),
order of battle. Baïssel, vessel, barrel. Vessel, vessel, barrel.
Barata, barter, exchange to barter, barter, exchange.
Bouiche, boxwood. Bush (mouth), bush. Beck, dozing. to
Beck, nodding his head. Bolo, a ball. Ball (Baule), a ball.
Bosk, a wood. BOSKY, woody. (1) The Saxon words are
borrowed from the dictionary EnglishFrench Percy Sadler.
We want this dictionary of the kindness of Mr. William
O'Farrell. William O'Farrell is the author of English
Grammar, an admirable order and clarity.

Languedoc dialect. Anglo-Saxon language. Braou young bull

Braw (Braou), front air. Braza, welded with copper. Braze
to (Brèze), welded with copper. Bren sound. Bran, son.
Bugado laundry. Buck (Beuk), laundry. Caicho, cash. Cash,
cash. Cambo leg. Ham, leg. Catcha, squeeze, squeeze. Catch,
catch, clamp. Clapa hitting. to clap, strike. Clouko, hen
clucks. to Cluck, cluck. Carreto, charreite. Car, truck. Cost,
price. Cost, price. Costo, coast, ramp. Coast (kost), coast,
shore. Counta, calculate, count to Count (kaount), calculate.
Crinko on top. Crinkle, fold, sinuosity. Dérouca, limbing,
debarking. roughcast to (reuffcast), cut coarsely. Despatch,
hurry. to Despatch, dispatch. Escapa, escape. Escape to
(iskepe) escape. Estreita, narrow. Strait (stretto), narrow.
Flac powerless. to Flag, to fall from weakness. Flasketo,
powder flask. Flasck, a powder flask. Franchiman, one
French. Frenchman, a French man. Fresco freshness.
Fresco, freshness. Freight, rub. Freight to, rub. Gat, a cat.
Cat, a cat. Godo, nonchalance. Goad (god), goad. Hai, a term
used to force the pace horses. To hie (hated), hurry, hurry.
Languedoc dialect. Anglo-Saxon tongue. Zhuk, chickens
roost. To Juke (djiouke) perch. Keck stutterer. To Keck
(rarely used) to make efforts to vomit. Leite, bunk bed. To
Lie (Lai) to be coated. Maït, more, more. Might (MAIT),
power, strength. F, binding. Mire (mayor), binds. Neit night.
Night (NAIT), night. Nouza a node. Noose (us site), noose.
Panno, frying pan. Pan frying pan. Pasta, knead. To Paste
(plague), knead. Pentenoic net to take the rabbits. Pent, shut,
tight. Pickasso, ax, hatchet. You pick, drill and Axis ax.
Préfaïthié, mercenary Prizefighter (praïzefaïteur), who
fights for money. Rait, adv. at the right time. Right (ARTI),
adv. at the right time. Raja flow. Rash, rash. Raoub flying.
To Rob, steal. Raspa, filing, shredding. To Rasp, filing,
shredding. Ruled, make a sound to ring (Ring would be),
make a sound. Rocko, a rock. Rock, rock. Rodo, a wheel.
Road (Rode) bay harbor. Round, round, circle. Shrank, past
tense of to shrink, shorten. Scalféto, foot warmers. To Scald,
heat, feet, feet.

Languedoc dialect. Anglo-Saxon language. Scaouda, scald.

To Scald (skauld), scald. Scoutos, spy. Scout (skaout) spy.
Scrum, skim. To Scum, skim. Scura, clean. Sot court
(skaour), clean. Seit sitting. To Sit, sit. Sembla, look like.
Seems to, look like. Senshorno without intelligence. Sense,
intellect and horn, private. Shakad, torn to pieces. Shake to
falling to pieces. Shankadi, lame. Shanked, which in the legs.
Shépad good fit. to Shape (CHEP), adjust. Sigur, sure.
Secure (sikioure), sure. Sillo eyebrows. to Seel (Brazil), close
your eyes. Skaïsha, squashed, torn. to Squash (skouoch),
squashed, crush. Spatarrad, thrown to the ground at full
length. To Spatter, splash, covered in mud. Spillo a pin.
Spill, a small piece of wood. Tasta, taste a liquor. To Taste,
taste a liquor. Trapa, surprise. To Trap a surprise. Trounko,
tree trunk. Trunk (treugnk) tree trunk. Trullo, emaciated.
Trull, lost morals. Up, up. Up (eup), above. Yé, really. Yea
(ye), yes, certainly

This relationship between the terms indisputable Languedoc

and their corresponding Anglo-Saxons, demonstrates better
than any reasoning that Tectosages lunch Gauls emigrants
across the Rhine, and the Anglo-Saxons are the same people,
and it leads to this result absolute language Anglo-Saxon is
the language spoken by the family Cimmerian. The
explanation of a so-called Druidic tradition reported by
Caesar highlighted again this result. "The Gauls, he said,
pride themselves down all of the pluton and ensure they hold
the belief of the teaching of the Druids is why they have the
time not by days but by nights and they are attentive to
indicate days of birth, the beginnings of months and years,
such as day follows night. "(1) Caesar is obviously wrong in
saying that the Gauls boasted of descent from the pluton,
including the Druids cared as little as Proserpine:
Cimmerians, Gomer children, were brought from the East
the custom of counting days by the evening and morning,
and Jews have kept up their dispersion as a national body:
the origin of this custom is told in the words of Genesis:
"And the evening and morning was the first day. "(1)
However, Caesar did not err in arguing that the Gauls had
the time not by days but by nights, the descendants of
Tectosages still say fortnight (Fortner) fourteen nights, to
express the time in half weeks and se'nnight (sennit) seven
nights, counting the days for one week.
The identity of the Celtic language with that of Tectosages
becomes quite obvious from the decomposition of names
given to various ground parts of Gaul, and especially by the
breakdown of tribal names submitted by the story and these
names contain, in effect, interpreting the Anglo-Saxon
language, information fair, accurate and confirmed by
history. These names which affect the whole country Celtic
are certainly not the work of the people could not point to
deliver, give up serious composition, true and correct these
essential names, caprices without number and without merit.
There was certainly a learned body charged with that duty,
and what makes clear, these are the similar names imposed
on countries placed at both ends of Gaul. To give some
examples quite striking, why was there a Aleth formerly
Curiosolites in the tribe, and another Aleth are there still in
the Languedoc? Or these two locations were exercising the
same industry, or they had a very similar ground. Why the
city of Rennes in Brittany and the spa of Rennes-les-Bains in
the department of Aude are they the same name? This is
obviously due to the similarity offered by the two countries
by their Meniri and loose stones. Why even the city of
Rennes, carrying, according to Strabo, the name of Condate,
there was another Condate Allobroges in the tribe, and a
third in Santones, except that we should teach in these cities
the same traditions? This does not demonstrate he learned
that a body was established and highly responsible to give
every city and every part of the Celtic lands of domination,
justified by the truth and accuracy of items served?
"According to Irish tradition," said H. Martin, Gaelle
Gadhel or personification of the race, is the son of
Neimheidh. What this Neimheidh, this mysterious figure that
hovers over our origins? History can not answer. "(1)
Neimheidh is not the name of a Gaulish chief, it means one
who is leading, controlling, driven and gives the names, - to
name (nth), appoint, - to head (hed) to lead, lead - and it was
physically impossible for one man to give the country the
Celtic names are the cities, tribes, rivers and smaller parcels
of land: this was the work a learned body and neimheidh
term, applied to this elite corps composed of the Druids, an
expression of this undeniable truth, as the Druid were both
priests, judges, chiefs of the Gauls and undisputed charge of
the transmission all sciences. Neimheidh the Druids knew
excellently form proper names of people or places: they
employed mostly monosyllabic words of their language and
placed in an arrangement such that the sound of these
monosyllables contiguous to each other, could not injure the
most delicate ear. The decomposition of Celtic words
designating the Gallic towns and tributes will be the day the
most comprehensive on how to make these scholars, as we
shall see later, when we talk about Armoricans and other
peoples of Gaul.
Desiring reports indicate the similarity between the Celtic
and Hebrew languages, we see exposed to considerable
lengths and yet necessary. We will forgive them, and the
biblical stories are in themselves a striking interest, and
likely to captivate the attention of the more rebellious. The
beginnings of humanity are told with admirable accuracy.
The sacred historian does its work faithfully and sincerely: it
do not exaggerate the facts generous, it throws light on the
point of criminal actions. In his speech short and severe, the
divine words appear plains of grandeur and majesty of the
human facts take place with utmost clarity, without speech,
without digression, displaying traits sublime are not
investigated and pursued. We would strongly desired to
have them out but we had to confine ourselves merely to
report, in our attempt to interpret the Bible stories perfect
agreement with the meaning enclosed within the proper
names of men they trace the character and life . A thought
that comes naturally to mind is this: assuming the language
of Tectosages as the true Celtic language, it seems essential
that the purest expressions of this language are found
abundant in the names of leaders this family whose
expansion has almost filled the universe. It traces back to
Gomer, the eldest son of Japheth, the father of the Celtic
nation and Cimbric; should therefore in the language Anglo-
Saxon, which we now call the Celtic language, a great
resemblance to the Hebrew, and in terms monosyllabic in
both languages, a certain conformity, at least for much of the
words that make up the names, if not all of the language.
This belief has a foundation too sure that if we were not
looking at the Celtic language may explain the names of the
first people mentioned in the books Hebrews. Here it is
necessary to observe that the prolonged stay of the Hebrews
to Babylon as a result of captivity had exercised a disastrous
influence on their language. A considerable number of
Chaldean phrases have crept into the Hebrew language and
became greatly distorted. After the captivity, Ezra, the
doctor skilled in the law of Moses, applying to educate the
people in the law of the Lord, changed the character of the
ancient Hebrew script and substituted Chaldean characters
to make reading Scripture easier for Jews already
accustomed to these characters. He was therefore obliged
not only to transcribe the scriptures known characters of the
people, but also to translate the ancient Hebrew language
purely as most Jews no longer understood in the language
spoken at the moment and a mixture Hebrew and Chaldean.
This demonstrates the absolute necessity of this tradition
made by Ezra, is the insuperable difficulty experienced by
the historian Josephus, when he sought to interpret the
Hebrew names of the Chaldean-Hebrew language: they also
have usually resisted all efforts of his insight. Before testing
the Celtic language of the names of men who must, it seems,
contain the short history of the first world age, it is fair to
stop first on the different names given to God , the creator of
the universe. Elohim is the name by which men were first
appointed to the Lord who created the earth, and has
deigned to bless the devoted to his glory. The Hebrew term
Elohim, the rabbis say, is put in the plural of respect for
God, for it seems strange to Eloha. The Hebrews are derived
from the el, strong and powerful and ala, oblige, compel,
because God is obliged and forced himself to say so to use its
power to the conservation of created things. (1)
If we are allowed to speak frankly, we say that the Celtic
language better explains the meaning of Elohim. When God
created man and woman in His own image and can,
therefore, bliss, knowledge and supernatural love, and
blessed them, saying, "Be fruitful and multiply and replenish
the earth. "(2) So the multiplication of the human race God
bless and wanted the word Elohim in Celtic language says
the same thing - Hallow - Heams - Heams (HIM)
representing the child who has not yet emerged, while the
verb "to hallow (hallo) means to bless, sanctify is Being par
excellence who has the right to bless and sanctify all things.
This similarity of meaning and expression does not appear to
be neglected. God was still known as Sadd, who expressed
the idea of giving creative food and abundance of things
necessary for bodily life by his generosity because Sadda
means broad and liberal. (1) In interpreting Sadda the Celtic
language, we find that men are filled by a God-conscious
creatures, - to sate (Sète), and feast - to eye (ouch) ... keep an
eye on Adonai was yet another name given by men to the
Almighty: The Lord is the Dominus of Scripture. The
Hebrews not writing out of respect, name of Jehovah, the
usually replaced by Adonai. It was not enough to ensure the
goodness of God by his providence for the nourishment of
his creatures, it also gave them the power to possess,
according to these words of Genesis: "Be fruitful and
multiply and have dominion over the fish of the sea, the
birds of the sky, and all animals that move upon the earth.
"(1) The power to possess granted by God to men is
contained in the term Adonai, inexplicable by the Hebrew
language - to add, add, to own (on), own, - to eye (ouch) to
have the glance. Jehovah is the sacred name, the real name
of the Lord, God revealed himself to Moses. The Hebrews
never wrote point, however, it was engraved on the gold
plate that was attached and held by a ribbon of blue with the
High Priest's miter. Josephus relates that when Alexander
came before the High Priest Jaddus covered in this moment
all his pontifical vestments, the conqueror of Asia bowed to
worship the one whose dreaded name was engraved on the
blade of bright gold above successor of Aaron's forehead.
According to the traditions of the Hebrews, Jehovah where
was the ability to express the name of Jehovah Trinity in
Unity? It was necessary to achieve this goal, this divine name
in its composition renfermât personal pronouns of the
language spoken by Moses. The ego of the first in Hebrew,
translates into animals and Anci and us by anu, Nenu; the
you and you the second person ate and atm; him the third
person eua. The personal pronouns of the Hebrew language
does not refer to the four letters i, hey, u, i, which form the
name saint of Jehovah. However, i (yod) is among the
pronouns of the first person affixes, which correspond to
reflexive pronouns possessive adjectives and pronouns in
French. To place in terms of the four Hebrew letters i, hey,
u, i, which make up the divine name revealed to Moses, the
personal pronouns of the Celtic language I, he, we, ye, and
we can be legitimately surprised by the result. Observe in
passing that the Hebrew alphabet does not have it, while this
is properly contained in the Celtic alphabet. So we really in
the personal pronouns Celtic four letters of the divine name,
that is to say two i, a he and a weekend ouau which replaces
the Hebrew language. The first i always being written by a
capital I is the nominative singular first person I or Me and
pronounce ai. The second i, ye who pronounced yi, is the
nominative plural of the second person you, the Thou or
Thee singular, expressing a disrespectful familiarity, is not
usual in Anglo-Saxon, and indeed, in French, in the polite
language. The ET, speaking hi, is the nominative singular of
the third person, him. As for weekends, which is pronounced
yes and replaces ouau Hebrew is the nominative plural first
person, Us. In these four letters is thus the designation of the
three divine persons by Me, You and Him while we gather
them, unites them into a single being with a substance,
nature, a species common to the three distinct persons. We
will find that many times in the narrative of the history of
mankind made by Moses, the faithful servant, who brought
with integrity the divine instructions sent to the Hebrew
people. We first appears in the creation Rights: "Let us,
saith the Lord, the man in our image, after our likeness. "(1)
After the disobedience and the fall of Adam and Eve, we are
still recounted in these words full of irony and healthy
vengeful God address them:" Here Adam has become like
one of us, knowing good and evil. "(2) A third time we divine
is emphasized in the decree against the pride of men and
follow the complete dispersion of the human family by the
confusion of the early speech:" Come, "said the Almighty,
descend in this place, and confuse their language so much
about it, they may not understand one another. "(3) We have
written the name of Jehovah by the letters i, hey, u, i,
although the Hebrew text is i, he, u, hey. Cornelius Lapide
tells about it the formula used by the Jews when they are
forced to take an oath, so you do not pronounce the name
divine and sacred, they speak thus: "I swear by i, he, u, i,
and these letters the same Cornelius added, form the real
name of Jehovah. The difference charged by the fourth letter
appears at first very important, but by examining carefully,
it does nothing embarrassing for Celtic in the pronoun ye,
you, there is also a y and e, and this is, we believe the node of
a difficulty that modern Hebrew language, reduced to its
forces alone can not solve. Apart from a traditional
transmission, long interrupted, it becomes almost impossible
to reconstruct the pronunciation of the name of four letters
containing mystery of the Holy Trinity. Besides, the Jews
themselves are unaware of it so Moses and the Jewish priests
uttered before the people assembled for religious
The ease with which personal pronouns of the language
Anglo-Saxon explain the divine name of Jehovah, leads us to
believe that the Celts were far from ignorant and this name
and its true meaning, since the relations of Gaul with Asia
was incessant by emigration to the West for new Celtic
tribes. The year 1491 BC saw the revelation of the name of
Jehovah to Moses. Forty years later, after the conquest of
Palestine made by Joshua in the space of six years, from
1451 to 1445 BC, the brilliant feats of the Hebrews had worn
off their warlike reputation and the surprise hit of the Asian
peoples, who understood God's protection, which broke the
invincible force in supernatural assistance provided to the
descendants of Jacob. The various Celtic tribes, in their slow
and continues to Europe could therefore know not only
exploits Hebrew, but their tribal organization and the name
of their powerful protector, Jehovah. It should not be
surprised that, with a sense of the sacred name, the Celts
have professed reverence for the extreme number three, who
represented to their minds the Holy Trinity in the divine
unity. The name by which the Celts designated the Hebrews
clearly affirms their certain knowledge of the name of
Jehovah. For children of Gomer, a Hebrew name jew (djiou)
that is to say, before which a man was pronounced the name
of four letters, and who used that name in its divine worship
and tributes prayer. In reality, the children of Gomer had
applied to the people protected the name of the protector,
and it seems very likely that the term jew is the holy name of
Jehovah containing the four letters revealed to Moses.

THE FIRST MEN - Adam to Noah. After attempting to

interpret the divine names in the Celtic language, we'll also
try this same language in the decomposition of the proper
names of people and places. The strain of the human race,
the the first being with a rational soul, united with a bodily
substance, named Adam. Under this name, it means the man
and woman, "because God created them male and female, he
blessed them and gave them the name of Adam on the day
they were created. "(1) This name was so common to Adam
and Eve, and God himself had imposed. Hebrew scholars
want to drift Adam adama, earth, because God had formed
from the dust of the earth. Performed by the Celtic language
the word Adam, composed of two words, as it presents a
summary of the creation of our first parents. Among created
beings, Adam had none found it was similar. "And "The
Lord said it is not good that man should be alone; make him
a helper fit for him" (1) God made so the woman and
brought her to Adam. According to scripture, the woman
was a creature added to man, like him and his help in the
multiplication of mankind, ie, the mother added to the
father, and this is the idea offered by the decomposition of
the name of Adam - to add, add, dam, mother. The Scripture
gives the first child of Adam, the name of Cain. At birth,
Eve, his mother exclaimed: "I have a man by the grace of
God. " Cain, Hebrew, implies the idea of possession, and it
comes from the root Kana possess. Adam and Eve looked so
their son as well and their particular acquisition, the rest,
the power of the father of her child she is not a natural
right? Eve was very right to call his first son, Cain,
possession. The Celtic language holds, not the verb Kana,
possess, but the verb Can, power. The meaning of the name
of Cain would be the power, the ability to have a man by the
grace of God, and this difference is not sensitive in the
thought that Eve had to attach to the words spoken by her at
the birth of his son. In the Hebrew text, Cain is written Qin:
Celtic language to corner (corner) resulting in coinage,
invented. Would this not the true meaning of Cain would
have imagined, invented the conventional value of
currencies? love too strong for gold and silver certainly
stifles the generous sentiments, and deadly weapon usually
iron hand of the assassins . Cain was a hundred and sixteen
when committed the awful crime that made him curse. We
may believe with good reason that men were already
numerous, since Cain responding to the threat of God, said:
"Whosoever therefore shall find me, kill me. "The rapid
growth of the human race had to be born in the spirit of
Cain, the idea of replacing trade with a conventional value
attached to precious metals, gold and silver.
Abel is the second son of Adam and Eve, but his mother he
has not been given this name. Josephus derives from the
Hebrew word ebel mourning, for, by Abel's death, mourning
made his first appearance on earth. To grasp the meaning of
Abel, as indicated by Josephus, we must not lose sight of a
expression very common in the holy books designating death
and the tomb is the expression Inferi, the underworld, while
the place of punishment of the damned and cursed is the
infernus and it is in the first sense that David, being near to
death, recommended to Solomon his son Joab to punish
crimes: "You do," he said to him, according to your wisdom
and you will not allow that after having grown old with
impunity of his crime, he descends into the grave in peace,
and non deductible canitiem EJU inferos Abel presents the
first image of death by the terrible crime of his older brother
- to ape (ECE), imitate, present the image of ... hell, enfers.-
The term ebel or spell would be applied to second son of
Adam just after the fratricide of Cain, and the appointment
of their son by such expression has been, for many years,
reviving the soul of his unhappy parents the pain of his loss.
We are tied in this interpretation to follow the direction
given by Josephus, however, as the first men were often
known by several names with different meanings, we believe
we can see any other way to explain the name of Abel,
keeping rigorously to the pronunciation given by the Holy
Scriptures. It is clear to any serious mind that Adam had
received communications from God's most precious, not
only on religious truths, but also on industries human
resources to the social state, and Adam passed on to his
children and religious science and at the same time the
principles of industrial arts. "The world said Origen to
Celsus, having been created by Providence, it is necessary
that the human race has been, in the beginning, under the
tutelage of some superior minds, and then God will be
manifested to men. It also what the Scripture testifies ... and
appropriately, in fact, that in the infancy of the world,
mankind received extraordinary relief, until the invention of
the arts would have put in a condition to defend itself and
does have more need of divine intervention. "(1) Abel was a
shepherd, he offered sacrifices to God, choosing for this
purpose lambs the finest and fattest of the flock and the
Lord looked favorably his present.
The Holy Scriptures, marking carefully the pastoral Abel,
suggests the origin of its name. Abel collected the finest
fleeces of his magnificent herd her silky hand spun wool, and
the son interlaced, forming and the warp and weft, gave an
excellent fabric which he could clothe - abb, wool fabric, - to
ell, measure. A just and severe punishment followed closely
the horrendous crime of Cain. The Lord said to fratricide:
"You're a fugitive and wanderer on earth", and the culprit
had replied: "You drive me today from the earth and I'll
hide myself in front of your face, and I'll be fugitive and
wanderer on the earth. So anyone who meets me, kill me.
"The Lord replied," No, it will not be so, but whoever kills
Cain will be punished sevenfold. "And the Lord" put a mark
on Cain so that those who find not slay the point. Cain,
having retired from the face of the Lord, lived as a fugitive
on the earth in the eastern region of Eden. (1) The Hebrew
text, instead of these words: Cain lived as a fugitive on the
earth, bears Cain dwelt in the land Nod. Josephus makes a
nod instead of proper name, because he could not come to
discover the exact meaning of this expression of the
primitive language. The term is nod in the Anglo-Saxon and
it gives knowledge of the sign of God's curse attached to
Cain means to nod, nod, lowering his head in greeting. The
mark of infamy, marked on the person of fratricide, should
therefore consist of a nervous and convulsive movement of
the head, forcing the lower Cain shamefully before all those
he met. According to tradition, the sign of a curse brought
by Cain was a continual tremor of the body, tremor
revealing his crime. Abel, pure and pious child was replaced
by Seth and Eve said: "The Lord gave me another son
instead of Abel whom Cain killed. "(1) In Hebrew means
putting Suth and place: in the language of Tectosages, the
verb set retains the same sense of place and place. Seth was
the substitute for Abel and destined to become the father of
men faithful to their Creator. Woolen fabrics manufactured
by Abel do not reappear in the name of the first men and
give way to the reference books iron and bronze. Do not go
at great length in the genealogy of Adam's children to meet
the science of metals, because Malaleel - mall to hit with a
mallet - to allay (gone) mixed metals - to ell, measure, - was
the great grand-son of Seth. Following the usual chronology,
when at the age of seventy years Malaleel became the father
of Jared, the men lived in the world for only three hundred
ninety-five years. Adam was still among his descendants for
his advice and help introduce them to industrial. Because the
science of materials placed in Malaleel, does this mean that
those who had preceded him ignorant of the use of iron and
alloys of copper and tin bronze component? We are far to
believe, Adam was attending to the work of his children, and
its presence indicates that enough had the knowledge and
whence the impetus various industries. It was not possible to
write in the name of one man possessed the sum of science
behind the world and were gradually etched in the names of
family heads. Malaleel we denote structures of iron and
bronze, and so that future generations do not misunderstand
and do not see him as a single craftsman, he calls his son
Jared, - to jar (Djar), jingle, rattle, - to head (hed) be at the
head, order, - thus proving he was the head of many metal
workers. The names of men, containing the reference
material knowledge of the early days of the created world,
and indicate that the march of human civilization has not
been rising and that the stone age and bronze have preceded
any age iron cradle of humanity. The little son of Jared,
Methuselah whose longevity has surpassed that of other
men, introduces us to another branch of industry: the beds
were soft little while in use, you these products too advanced
civilization were replaced by mats on which they took a
much needed rest in his house - to mat, cover with mats - to
use (ious) use - hall, home. The children of Seth are not only
to unveil the secrets of the arts among the first men, and by
browsing the brief lineage of the descendants of Cain, we
note Tubalcain " who was skilled in all kinds of works of
bronze and iron. "(1) However this skill to work iron and
bronze is not written in her name, she is replaced by another
knowledge, that of nautical art. The men were able to build
good ships, and we understand well how they have paid poor
attention to the ark for Noah, and taken along the shape and
dimensions given by God himself. Perhaps they even have
counted on them to try to escape the effects of divine threats.
There was however a very sensible difference between the
construction of their ships and that of the ark that Noah
would have. It was a real ship decked protected against the
rain from the sky and large plates of the sea, while the
ordinary vessels, completely exposed, were not defended
against the heavy rains or high waves. The first word that
enters into the composition of the name Tubalcain traces the
shape of the first buildings - tub, vessel discovered, bowl,
bucket, - hall house - to corner (corner), to invent.
Science possessed men talk to revolt led to the most
audacious cons God. Accumulated crimes against nature,
and tired of this obstinacy in evil, the Lord said to Noah: "I
resolved to destroy all men: they filled the whole earth with
iniquity, and I will cut them off with all living things on
earth. "(1) Noah was just, and having found favor with God,
as he became the confidant of his plans avengers. He built
the ark in the order given by the lord, and shutting himself
with his family and animals that had to be kept on the
ground in the vessel placed under divine protection, he was
saved from the flood in which all perished male criminals.
Noah claims that he had knowledge of the future
punishment of men, how it would be imposed and also the
knowledge of its own preservation and that of his family - to
know (Noh), know, know - how ( Haou), how, how.
After the violent destruction of mankind by the flood, God
blessed Noah and his children and told them: "Be fruitful
and multiply and replenish the earth. Noah had three son
who came out of the ark, Shem, Ham and Japheth. Gold
Cham is the father of Canaan. These are the three son of
Noah, and from them is out the whole race of men who are
on earth. "(1) The flood and the miraculous salvation of
Noah and his children were too great events in history that
the name of a son of Noah did not some essential feature
reproduced. The ark that floated on water for seven months
before they hit the top of the mountains of Armenia, Noah
wanted to write this remembrance of interest in the name of
his eldest son, Shem, - to swim (Souim) float on water. The
second of his children, rude and impudent, drew on his
father's curse posterity by a lamentable lack remained
forever his shame and disgrace, and so his name Cham - to
shame, shame, - reiterated his infamous act and the curse
that has monitoring. The Scripture says very clearly that
Shem, Ham and Japheth came out the whole race of men
who are on earth. We thought he could leave this starting
point quite historic focus on a different topic, to distinguish
the varieties of human by color of skin and degree of the
facial angle. It would take too long to list all the
classifications put forward, and it seems better to stop the
division of Cuvier distinguishing the following varieties: 1
The white or Caucasian, 2 ° the Yellow or Mongolian; 3 °
Negro or Ethiopic.
"The white variety, Caucasian, European Arab recognizes
himself mainly to the oval shape of the head, skin color more
or less white, lips, small, regular features. Its main focus is in
Europe and Asia Minor, Arabia, Persia and India to the
Ganges and Africa up to and including the Sahara. "The
Yellow or variety Mongolia recognizes the square face,
flattened nose down over the eyes placed obliquely, and
tanned olive skin. It would somehow its focus on the high
plateau of Tibet and Tartary. "The Negro variety or
Ethiopic complexion black or blackish, the head depressed,
flat nose and thick lips. It covers most of Africa and some
islands of Oceania. "(1) We did not want the inconvenience
of a classification containing a single variety Arabs,
Abyssinians, Egyptians and many branches Celtic, we only
need to find in Japheth, third son of Noah, and the actual
strain incontestable human variety as white. The children of
Shem whose type is the best preserved retraced the Arabs
are swarthy complexion or less, but the peculiarity of the
family shows itself in the eyes and black hair. It can not
however be of a general nature and, among the Hebrews,
Direct descendants of Shem, the Holy Scripture has been an
exception in the person of David, whose hair was red. In the
family of Japheth, with white skin and dark hair usually just
join the blue eyes or slightly discolored. This lighter color
eye was so sensitive in the third son of Noah, he has kept the
name of an eye discolored or Japheth, Iphth in the Hebrew
text - eye (ouch) eye to fade (FEDE) is discolor Gomer, the
eldest son of Japheth, was to present the brand's distinctive
eye discolored, since he was declared the true heir - to come
(bloke) become - heir (er) heir. It was essential point here
favors conferred by birthright and allow the heir usually the
eldest son, to offer sacrifices to God, to command his
brothers and keep their father's estate, for these rights
belonged to the seniors of all families. This term is applied
rather heir to bodily qualities noted in Gomer and
transmitted to his posterity forming the huge Celtic family.
The men had strong multiplied after the flood: "There was
then a language and a common way of speaking for all men.
"Forced they were spread as a result of their rapid growth,
they said," Come, let us a city and a tower whose top reaches
to heaven and make our name famous before we disperse on
earth. "(1) They held this proud language in the plains of
Shinar, and they began to work, using bricks instead of
stones and bitumen as a cement.
But the Lord was angry that work nonsense, and said:
"They are all one people now and they have the same
language: they have begun this work and will not forsake
their plan than they have completely finished. Come, go
down in this place, and there confound their language,, so
they may not understand each other. "This is how the Lord
scattered them from that place in all countries the world,
and they stopped building the city. "It is for this reason that
this city was called Babel, because there was confused the
language of all the earth: and the Lord has subsequently
dispersed in all parts of the world. "(1) Babel, in the words
of Scripture, brings with it the idea of the confusion, and the
Hebrews, looking carefully Babel in their language, could
not find that balal, confusion, explaining that this Babel
'they no longer possess. Balal but is far from having the
value of the Celtic verb to babble, babble, talk: babble
incoherent, confused, filled with shame men who no longer
understand the language they understand very well the night
before The primitive language is it disappeared in the
middle of this confusion? We can say with confidence, it
remained in use in the mouth of some of the children of
Shem and also some of the children of Japheth, and this
primitive language is like the starting point of the other
languages spoken in the world as a source giving rise to
countless streams that will describe the capricious turns off.
This language has survived in perfect condition among the
Hebrews until the stay of the people of God in Chaldea the
change has made a very perceptible. Gomer children have
they passed on intact, at least in its essential parts? We will
try to demonstrate that the integrity of the original language
is preserved in the family of Japheth more surely than in the
family of Shem, possibly because of the universal dominion
promised by God to the descendants of Japheteh. This
demonstration can be done by interpreting the Celtic
language proper names of the most famous, preserved in the
history of the Hebrew people, but we must not forget that
the proper name of a man, after the confusion language as
the first world age, usually retains the memory of a
remarkable action of his life,or the power of a quality,
defect, body and sometimes also represents the state of
morals of the time. We have seen in the Genesis men leaving
the city building and tower Babel. In this city unfinished, the
Nimrod fierce, grand-son of Ham, makes his home and
founded the kingdom of Babylon. This violent hunter before
the Lord does not attack the wild beasts, he was a hunter of
men, oppressing its similar, spreading terror everywhere
and well deserving the name under which he was known as a
scarecrow renamed Nimrod means, - name (nth) reputation -
rawhead (râuhèd) scarecrow. Dispersal of males is
determined and fixed by which Phaleg translation in
Hebrew, is division, "because the land was divided his time"
between people speaking different languages. (1) The
language in Phaleg Tectosages represents us, the men
pushed to reduce their excessive concentration in one region
of the world - to fall, fall, - to egg, push, stir. Phaleg was the
eldest son of Eber and it they left his name, to testify that his
children had him by the legacy of divine blessings promised
to Shem and his descendants, direct - Heber breaks down as
follows: to ebb, down, - heir (er) heir. ABRAHAM AND IV
patriarchs. The great Abraham belonged to the lineage of
Heber and Holy Scripture is careful to call Abram Hebrew,
accused by the importance attached to this title. Abram, the
first name of the patriarch, is accurate and correct specific
orders received from God. The Lord told him: "Leave your
country, your kindred and your father's house and come
into the land I will show you." I'll leave you a great nation, I
bless you, I will make your name famous and you will be
blessed. "I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse
those who curse you, and all peoples on earth will be blessed
in you. Abram went out as the Lord commanded him, and
Lot followed. "(1) The Hebrew scholars translated by the
famous father Abram Abram and Abraham the father of a
multitude illustrates abram-a-my. That explanation seems a
bit obscure but determined by a fact in all respects conform
to the truth. Abram, from the divine commands, should not
bear in a foreign land that would be shown by God. Leaving
his native land, his relatives and the house of his father, he
actually became a stranger to the inhabitants of the
countries he traversed, he imitated the wanderer, going here
and there, waiting for his place of residence was fixed with
certainty - to ape (ECE) imitate, to err, err, go here and
there, ham, leg - aperrham. The Arabic expression Berrani,
and the term foreign Kabyle aberrans, meaning also abroad,
confirm this interpretation of the first name Abram.
Obeying the word of God, Abram passed through the land of
Canaan, he had to leave soon because of famine raging in the
country: he retired to Egypt, still protected in a visible
manner, and, after having remained some time he returned
to the land of Canaan with his wife and everything he
owned. He was very rich in gold and silver abounded in his
tent. Lot went with Abram, and he also had flocks and herds
of cattle. A quarrel having arisen between the pastors of Lot
and Abram, the latter said to his nephew: "Let there be
point, I pray you, of any dispute between you and me,
between your herdsmen and mine, because we are brothers.
You have before you the whole world: get out, I pray you,
from me, if you go to the left, I will be right and if you
choose the right, go to the left. "(1) This circumstance of
Abram's life was worth to his nephew's name - Lot to lot,
divide into lots, portions.-Lot chose the country that seemed
the most fertile and settled in Sodom. The inhabitants of this
city and neighboring cities, delivered to the excesses of the
most shameless debauchery, had angered against them
divine justice. In a trial of a formidable fairness, the Lord
had condemned the destruction by fire and the inhabitants
of Sodom and the soil itself that they had defiled - Sod, soil, -
to doom (dom) to judge, condemn But Lot was righteous and
God did not wrap it in punishing the guilty. Two angels were
sent to him for the lead out of this cursed place. The story of
the Holy Scriptures give us the reason for the small city
where Lot took refuge, brought in after the name of Segor.
"At dawn, the angels urged Lot to leave the city, saying,
Arise you, take your wife and two daughters, lest you perish
yourself in the ruin of the city. "Seeing that always differed,
they took him by the hand and led him away as his wife and
two daughters, because the Lord would save him. They took
him well outside the city and said: save your life, look behind
you and point you do stop into the land around, but save you
on the mountain, lest you are enveloped in the destruction.
"Lot said unto them, O Lord, as your servant has found
favor with you, and you have shown your great mercy
towards him by saving my life, see, I beg you, that I can not
save the mountain, because the danger may surprise me and
make me die before."But there is, near a city where I can
hide, it is small and I save myself and you know it is not
great, and she save my life." The angel replied: I give this
thing also to pray that you make me not to destroy the city
for which you speak. Hurry up and save you because I can
not do anything until you're entered. That is why we gave
this city the name of Segor. The sun rose on the earth when
Lot entered Segor. "(1) critical thinking emerging from this
story can be translated as: the angels urged Lot to leave
Sodom because approaching the time fixed for the
punishment, and Lot, meanwhile, alleging his weakness,
sought to delay this Time for expiation supreme. It took an
angel took his hand, forcing it to follow him, and then Lot,
desperate to save some of the inhabitants of the region,
asked to take refuge in the small town called Segor: prayer
was heard, but still says the angel, you make haste! This
insistence of the angel to repeat that time was pressing is
perfectly reproduced in Segor - to say (se) repeat, to egg,
push, excite - hour (Haour) hour time. Lot was safe in Segor,
"and the Lord sent down from heaven a shower of fire and
brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah. (1) "Gomorrah reveals
the transformation of a beautiful valley in a swamp with
stagnant water to come (bloke) become, - moor (die) a
swamp. The waters of this lake seem poisoned: they were so
dense that the human body can dip into it completely, their
bitterness is extreme and they are saturated salt makes them
so heavy that the wind seems more impetuous impotent to
communicate some movement. The banks have a terrible
aridity, look no meeting point the green foliage of the trees to
rest. the image of desolation is painted everywhere, God's
curse is passed through the valley ."Many travelers,
including Troilo and Arvieux, say they noticed fragments of
walls and palaces in the waters of the Dead Sea. This report
seems confirmed by the father and Maundrell Nau. The
former are positive about it rained; Josephus, who uses a
poetic expression, "said one sees the lake shadows of the
cities destroyed. Strabo gives sixty stadia-turn "Ruins of
Sodom. Tacitus speaks of the debris: as the lake rises and
retires with the seasons, he may hide or discover the
skeletons in turn cities condemned. "(1) A few years before
these dreadful events, Abram was childless, by Sarai was
asked to marry her servant Hagar, to accomplish the divine
promises. But Hagar little grateful, began to despise her
mistress, it outraged his impudence, complained at first
rebuked Abram and Hagar such severity that it forced her
to flee. This accident of the life of Sarai produced this first
name - to say (se), tell, - Row (Rau) noise, quarrel, high
(hated), and violent. Hagar - to hag, torment, harass - to
hare (here), running here and there - went into Egypt
through the desert when an angel appeared to him and
ordered him to return to his mistress and humiliated under
his hand. He added: "I will multiply your descendants so
that it will be endless ... You bring forth a son, and you call
Ishmael because the Lord has heard your affliction. "(2)
Ishmael is the end of friction products enter Sarai and
Hagar, the servant was freed from abuse by his humble
docility under the hand of his mistress - to ease (ISE) issue to
Maule (Maule) wrinkle. Announcing the birth of Ishmael,
the angel of the Lord said to Hagar: "It will be a proud man
and wild: he will raise his hand against everyone and
everyone will lift a hand against him, and pitched his tents
vis-à-vis all his brothers. "(1) is the faithful picture of the
character of the Arabs, descendants of Ishmael. Your nature
is fiery and passionate, loving, passionate freedom and
independence they have always wanted plunder and
adventures. Their goatskin tents are housed just a few
moments and soon, clearing obstacles still saddled their
horses, they eat in a fast race the burning sands of the desert.
Their white wool blanket thrown over their heads like a veil
just designate off to the worried looks of travelers who
venture to cross their country arid and treeless - to hare
(here), running here and there - abb, wool weft. Hard to
fatigue, easy mounting hunger and thirst, scorning resting
on a soft bed, they deserve the name of Bedouin under which
they are known - bed, bed, - to wean (wah) deny. Thirteen
years had passed since the birth of Ishmael, God appeared to
Abram and said: "I am God Almighty, walk before me and
be perfect." I will covenant with you and I will multiply your
seed to infinity ... "You do not call you Abram, but Abraham
because I've established to be the father of many nations.
The change wrought by God in the name of the great
patriarch is in full on the last syllable of Abram's Celtic in
the composition of that name, ham, leg, which is
transformed into Heams (HIM) child has not yet seen the
day, and contains within himself that Heams insurance by
multiplying his family. Thus, Abram became Abraham
abroad - to ape, imitate, - to err, go here and there - Heams
(HIM), a child who has not yet emerged - ie abroad in
numerous descendants. This interpretation by the Celtic
language is easy to understand why the Arabs call Ibrahim
the father of Ishmael, patriarch of their family and strain.
After prescribed circumcision to Abraham as a sign of his
covenant, God, renewing the promise already made a great
posterity, said: "You no longer call your wife Sarai, but
Sarah. I will bless you and I give her a son I will bless too. It
will be the father of many nations and peoples will come
from King himself. "(1) After the order given by God to
Abraham to call his wife Sara, writing now called the Holy
Sara Sare wrote it - to say (se), say - to Ray (re) radiate. This
radiation around Sara should come from the beautiful
posterity announced by the lord. Abraham was then one
hundred years old and Sara ninety. The Holy Patriarch was
greatly troubled at the thought that his age and that of his
wife would probably be a very big obstacle to the
accomplishment of the divine word: he believed, however,
this word in the intimate conviction that God works a
miracle for him . While he was delivered to these anxieties,
God said: "Sarah your wife will give you a son and name
Isaac. I'll make a pact with him and his descendants so that
my covenant with them is eternal. "(1)" Sarah conceived and
bore a son in his old age at the time that God had predicted.
Abraham gave the name Isaac to his son who was born of
Sarah. And he circumcised him the eighth day according to
the command he had received from God ... And Sarah said,
God gave me a smile of joy will know who will take part in
my happy smile. "(2) The Hebrew-Chaldean, Isaac comes
from the verb tsachak, satisfied smile, be congratulated, and
the meaning is in perfect keeping with the sacred text. In
examining the term in its composition Isaac Celtic, we
discover infallible assurance of the fulfillment of divine
promises, insurance must be issued to Abraham all the
torments of mind caused by the sight of a natural
impossibility - to ease ( ise) issue to hag, torment. Isaac
inherited not only his father's great wealth, but also of his
faith and obedience to the Lord. Before birth, his two son
Esau and Jacob - to jog clashed in the womb of their mother
Rebecca, and it alarmed, consulted the Lord who said: "Two
nations are in thy womb, two peoples divided against each
other will emerge, one of these people will overcome the
other people and the elder shall serve the younger. The
eldest of two children was hairy and he was named Esau, his
brother was named Jacob. Esau was also called Seir - to say
(sé) tell - hair (her) hair - confirming the statement in the
Scriptures strange hair on his body which was covered. The
name of Esau - to Haze (Hèze) scare - how (Haou) how how
relates to the fury of which he was seized when his brother
Jacob after having d first bought his birthright, he steals the
paternal blessing. Hatred of Esau became so violent that
Jacob, full of terror, was forced to flee his home and seek
refuge with Laban some time. It pushed, excited by the
insistence and advice of his mother Rebecca - rape (repe)
action to steal, transport, - to egg, push, exciting - that Jacob
had consented to use the trick to remove the maternal
blessing for his brother Esau. Jacob spent fourteen years
with his uncle Laban - to lap, wrap, twist, - to hand, seize -
before marrying Rachel. This time was for him a real time
painful humiliations that he wanted to score in the name of
Rachel - to rack, harass, torment - to garlic (el) cause pain.
The torments suffered multiplied in the house of Laban
allowed Jacob to say with truth and tied to Rachel: "You
know I have served your father with all my strength. He
even made use of deception to me, and changed ten times
what I should be rewarded: and yet God does not allow him
to hurt me. "(1) is known by its particular sequence of events
in Egypt God led the patriarch Jacob and his many children.
Joseph, joy of his mother Rachel and the hope of fertility, (2)
to joy (djoï) rejoice, welcome, safe (Sefe) except excluding
Risk - had to give his brother the eastern part of Egypt, and
Hebrews had grown to such an extent that the Pharaoh who
ruled more by country ignoring the immense services
rendered by Joseph to his kingdom, resolved to stop by all
means this spread, worrying for his political suspicious. The
measures most iniquitous were decreed against the male
children of the Hebrews who came to the world, and was
ordered to throw them into the Nile. While young children
were murdered as well, public officials overwhelmed the
Hebrews under the weight of work overwhelming and made
their lives quite bitter.
was born amidst these deplorable circumstances, and his
mother, after having kept hidden for three months, exposed
on the edge of the river where God's merciful provision by
his providence , drew the daughter of Pharaoh. Touched by
the beauty of the child, "she adopted for her son and named
him Moses, because, she said, I removed the water. "(1) The
name of Moses denies a strict interpretation by the Hebrew-
Chaldean, moreover, this name is an allusion to the special
position of children raised in Pharaoh's court and the action
of removing the king's daughter the child's river where he
was exposed. The adoption of Moses by Pharaoh's daughter
had delivered the fieldwork and also the terrible oppression
under which his brother groaned. It was not therefore
obliged to harvesting, transporting the harvested fruit in
barns arranged for that purpose, and this is the explanation
simple and clear the name of Moses by the Celtic language -
to mow (mo), harvesting, mowing, to ease (ISE), issue. -
Josephus noted that the name of Moses, delivered
water,composition was Egyptian, as he says, shows and
water mo ise translates issue. It is likely that the Egyptian
name given to Moses by Pharaoh's daughter meant she had
saved from the waters of the Nile, while the one by which the
Hebrews his brethren knew, related mainly to its education
king's court. We will not dwell on the miraculous event in
which God led the Hebrews through the desert to take
possession of the land of Canaan at the time intended by
providence, we'll just add a few words that are a good
demonstration of sensitive language spoken at that time by
the descendants of Jacob. "Engaged in the desert, the people
after three days of walking in this arid region, managed to a
fountain whose waters were unfit to drink because of their
bad taste, and he began to murmur. Moses began praying
and the Lord showed him a bush which he threw the wood
in water and it became very soft. The waters of this fountain
named Mara were not only bitter, they were still corrupt,
and repulsive this alteration is clearly indicated by the word
Celtic to mar, spoil. Arriving in the desert not far from Sin
Sinai, the Hebrews who had consumed the provisions
brought from Egypt, indulged in violent murmurs against
their leader, and then Moses said: "Tonight, you'll know it's
lord you out of Egypt, and tomorrow morning you'll burst
the glory of the Lord ... Moses added, the Lord will give you
this evening flesh to eat in the morning, you will be satisfied
with bread. "(1) When evening came, many quail covered
the camp, and in the morning there appeared in the desert
something like grainy and pounded in a mortar, which
looked like the frost that covers his ground during the
winter. Thus did the Lord manifest his power to the eyes of
Hebrew and the brilliance of divine power that has earned
the name part of the desert of Sin - shine (Shain), brightness.
- The people at the sight of this special food to replace the
bread, the essential food, exclaimed: "Man hu? That is to
say, what is that? Because they knew what it was. Moses
said: "This is the bread that God gives you something to eat.
"(1) Both hu-man words are quite worthy of being noticed;
man in Celtic means essential, important, main (MEN), hu is
how the word Celtic (Haou), how it so. The Hebrews had to
be expressed as: "Is this then the main food, hand how? And
man they called the food that God distributed throughout
the duration of their stay in the desert. They named so
because it was really the essential foundation of their diet,
taking instead of the wheat they could not raise the point in
their journey. We emphasize that expression in a special
way, because the adjective Celtic hand (men) primary key,
entered the composition of words Meniri, dolmen,
designating Celtic monuments, standing stones, and it
becomes of invaluable assistance to the explanation of these
terms until such time covered with an impenetrable veil.
Moses was still in the wilderness of Sin when Jethro his
father-he came back his wife and children. The name Jethro
, prince and priest of Midian, is interesting and it
summarizes the advice given to Moses to the establishment
of inferior courts to deliver justice for the people in business
the easiest and most common. Jethro saw Moses hard to do
justice to the people who presented to him from morning till
night, said: "Why are you so against the people? Why are
you sitting alone to try him, so that what people expect from
morning until evening? You're not a good thing. "You get
tired and unwisely, you and your people, unnecessary work:
the occupation surpasses your strengths and you can not
sustain itself. "But listen to the advice I give you, and God be
with you. Be hard for the people who watch things God ...
and to teach him what he must do to please the Lord.
"Choose among the people of steadfast and God-fearing,
truth and full of enemies of greed, and give the pipe to one
thousand men, others percent, with other fifty, and the other
ten. "Whether you reserve for big business and they
consider only the smallest: and the burden of justice being
shared with others, you will become lighter . '(1) Moses
followed this advice, whose wisdom was evident and
distributing the burden of administering justice, he was well
protected against an occupation quite overwhelming, he
believed he could successfully complete without succumbing.
The name of Jethro accurately reproduces the substance of
sensible advice given the inexperience of Moses - to Shade
(CHED), protect, shelter, - raw (RAU) new, inexperienced.
should not be s' surprised to see Moses in the new
government of the Hebrew people, since God had imposed
the painful burden for six weeks. Forty-eight days after
leaving Egypt, the Hebrews reached Sinai. In this place, the
people received the Lord's religious precepts, politics and
law that should govern. The law was proclaimed there in the
midst of dazzling lights, noise bursts of thunder incessant,
and the splendor of a huge mountain on fire. This brilliant
device in the proclamation of the law was given to this
mountain called Sinai - to Shine (Shain) shine, sparkle, burst
- to eye (ouch) watch, keep an eye SUR.-At the top of Sinai,
where God had called him, Moses received the order to build
the tabernacle and the ark of the covenant, and appointed
the lord to his servant, namely the two men he had met with
intelligence, wisdom and science to invent everything that
art can do with gold, silver and bronze. The interpretation of
Bézeléel - bezel (bezel), Kitten with a ring, - to lay (on) make,
project, - to ell, measure - and that of Ooliab - wool (ououl)
wool - to eye (ai) having an eye on - abb, wool fabric, - we
learn that Bèzeléel had to beat the two gold cherubs - share
(SHER) share - up (eup) above - on each side of the cover,
while Ooliab that was responsible for carrying the rich
embroidery curtains of the tabernacle and clothing for the
Department of the High Priest. (1) After more than a year of
residence at the foot of Sinai, the Hebrews, led by the hand
of God, was brought into the solitude of Paran - to fare (fere)
move, travel - to hand, lead by hand - where his tent
remained upright until he was ordered to head for the
promised land to take possession. Moses had sent explorers,
and the Hebrews knew the land of Canaan by Joshua, their
relationship was one of these explorers, and probably their
leader, since this occasion Moses changed the name it was
previously that of Joshua . The conduct of the nation was
later given to Joshua when Moses, shortly before his death,
he spoke these words to all the assembled people: "Be strong
and courageous, because you'll get the people who in the
land that God swore to their forefathers to give them, and
that you too will share lots. (2) (1)
Joshua's mission was clearly defined by these words. It was
established warlord of the Hebrews, was to conquer the land
of Canaan and share lots between the tribes, but the
authority was receiving only became not hereditary in his
family: he was simply holding the office of lieutenant of the
Lord, and God had reserved an absolute command of his
people. The direct rule of God on the Jews lasted since the
exodus from Egypt until the day when the people demanded
a king with the same rights as the kings of surrounding
nations. Samuel, to whom the people had spoken for
monarchical government, received this proposal with
displeasure and offered his prayers to God to know His will,
and the Lord said to him: "Listen to the voice of the people
in whatever they tell you, because it is not you, but they
rejected me, that I should not reign over them ... but first, let
them understand and declare them the king's right to
command them. "Samuel explained to the Hebrews that
would be for them the royal authority they sought so
insistently, but "the people refused to listen to these
explanations: No, they said we want a king who governs us.
"(1) The resistance of Samuel to insult the people addressed
to God by his request, the response of the Lord and the
obstinacy of the people with clearly demonstrate the direct
exercise of divine authority over the Hebrews. This
theocratic government is engraved in the name Joshua, or
Iehosuah, as has the Hebrew text. The first part of the name
consists of letters, i, he, u, i, enclosed in Jehovah, and the
second part includes the verb "to sway (Soué), govern,
control, and both parties in their meeting, produce Iosoué ,
that is to say, Jehovah's government. The Hebrew-Chaleena
is powerless to translate literally Joshua. The only words she
could advance to its interpretation is iehoscua, savior, and
she is still very far from the exact composition of Joshua.
Thus, the Hebrew translation of Joshua by iehoscua, savior,
did she assume that the name of Jesus, Saviour and
Redeemer of the genus human, was derived from the same
root: for the angel appearing to Joseph addressed him in
these words: "Joseph son of David, fear not to take with you
Mary your wife, because what is born in it, is the work of the
Holy Spirit and bear a son to whom you give the name Jesus,
because he will save himself by delivering his people from
their sins. "(1) The meaning of savior and deliverer must be
enclosed in the name of the Lord Jesus, according to the
explanation of the angel, and the expression of this sense is
perfectly rendered by the two verbs to ease Celtic ( ise),
issue, to sway (Soué) order, govern, which correspond
perfectly to the Hebrew letters reproduced in Issa, Jesus,
and is a significant difference between the name of Joshua
and Jesus. Arabic language confirms this difference between
the two names it is known that the Arabs translated, Jesus
son of Mary, by Isa bin Mariam. These so easy
interpretations of Hebrew names by language Tectosages
prove that it was indeed that of language first time. To
complete the proof and make, as it were, tangible, we can
still try to break the two names of David and Goliath.
Everyone knows the incidents of single combat between
David and Goliath. However, it is necessary to recall some
details that explain fully the name given by the Hebrews in
the Philistine giant. The army of the Philistines and Saul's
soldiers were present when Goliath standing in front of the
battalions of Israel cried to them: "Why are you fight? Am I
not a Philistine, and ye servants of Saul? choose a man
among you, let him come and fight alone. If he can fight me
and hit me, we are your slaves, but if I won myself and I kill
him, you will be our slaves and you will serve. And the
Philistine said: "Today I challenged all the battalions of
Israel and I told them: Give me a man, and he comes to fight
against me. But this Philistine arose to battle the morning
and evening, and it does so for forty days. "(1) The goal end
the contest was proposed by the Philistine subjugation of the
vanquished to the victor, watching the giant stature, the
Hebrews were terrified, and the bold Philistine could throw
forty times his challenge to the most valiant soldiers Saul, no
one dared raise it, - goal (gol), goal, close to eye (ouch) see,
look, - to add, add. - But a handsome young man, indignant
at these outrages, armed only with a sling and a stick,
offered to defeat Goliath in the name of the Lord of hosts.
Giant advanced with a scornful, but "David hastened and
ran into battle. He put his hand into his scrip, he took a
stone, hurled from his sling - davit (DeVita) reel - and struck
the Philistine on the forehead. The stone sank into his
forehead of the Philistine, and he fell on his face against the
ground, (1) - to dive (Daive) - sink - to hit, hit. These
examples seem to be sufficient to provide strong support for
this assertion that the Gaelic language and reality in the
primitive language, and we will not pursue further this
beginning of etymological studies on the descendants of
Punic language ---------------
Phuthi - Numidia and MOORS Among the descendants of
Ham we will retain only Phuthi, his third son, which
commentators believe the Scriptures to be the strain of the
original inhabitants of North Africa. The African continent
presents a more striking contrast. In part crossed by streams
of considerable size, heat joining in soil moisture produced
in the trees and plants of vegetation vigor and power
admirable, but in areas where rivers have a low volume of
water, freshness and fertility disappear under the action of a
burning sun, and the desert appears with its terrible aridity.
In the most extensive of these desert, the Sahara, the vast
plains of burning sand are carried to the eye. The dangers
are extreme, because the breath of simoom impetuous,
restless sands roll like the waves of a raging sea. Woe
travelers that simoom in its rapid course, committed to
meeting those parts fatal! The sand whipped around them,
seized them, buried them under the weight of their bodies
piled up - afer (éfeur) wind from the south-west, rick (rik) a
heap. Whatever may seem necessary, in speaking of Africa,
deal with the Egyptians, however, we leave aside and
monuments and the long list of their kings. The labyrinth of
Egypt and Mesraïm, first king of the country, we will stop
just a moment. Mesraïm, second son of Ham, we offer a
proof of the security and veracity of the statements are an
unshakable scientific basis. Mesraïm is famous as the first
king of Egypt: it nevertheless deserves to be otherwise
reported due to architectural fantasy bequeathed by him for
ever future and that these, in their ingratitude, have
forgotten the author. ancients had built some monuments in
different regions called labyrinths, and the most famous
were those attributed to Daedalus of Crete, and that of
Egypt, which the learned architect had remained unknown.
Herodotus makes the Egyptian labyrinth work of twelve
kings, while Pliny think Tithoès alone must claim the glory.
According to the description given by Herodotus of this
building, twelve palaces were enclosed in a single enclosure.
Fifteen hundred apartments, mixed terraces were arranged
around twelve main rooms, and communications were
arranged so that those who s engagement in the palace were
powerless to find the exit. There were still fifteen hundred
underground chambers. This construction was it a
monument dedicated the sun, as Pliny seems to think, or was
it intended for the burial of kings? Was not it rather a
caprice, a whim of an architect whose skilful men had lost
the memory? Mesraïm alone can put us on track and show
us the end of this maze of assumptions, admitting that he is
the author of this strange building, consisting of long rows of
apartments, and had a fancy a whim of his mind - Maze
(mèze) maze, or even to maze (mèze) astray, embarrass, -
row (ro) file row - whim (houim), whim, fancy. Mesraïm If
his secret book without difficulty It is not the same for
Phuthi, third son of Ham. This odd name does not present
itself in its monosyllabic form, no sense that the mind can
declare himself satisfied. It should be divided into two
syllables, and then it offers a reasonable meaning faithfully
relating to the character and clothing of peoples and Libya
which Gaetules Puth is the father. Enemies of the Egyptians,
they differed in a manner very sensitive, Gaetules Libya and
led a nomadic life, wandering through the meadows - lea (li),
prairie, - by (bai) through - and were noted for the
particular shape of their coats - to get (watch) have, - hull,
an outer cover, a mantle. - The hallmark of mantle Gaetules
involved in the cap, and hooded Algeria seems to be a part of
traditional clothing worn by Puth and his descendants.
Gaetules The only license we have, by the sight of their coats,
hoodies, enter the composition of the name of their ancestor
Puth - foe (fô) enemy - to Hood (Hud), put a hood. In his
writing on the war waged by the Romans against Jugurtha,
Sallust overlooks the original inhabitants of North Africa,
some interesting details. According to him, Africa was first
occupied by Gaetules and Libya. They were, he said, a harsh
and uncompromising nature, fed on wild fruits of the soil
and the flesh of wild beasts. Laws, leaders, their civilization
was unknown; wandering to and fro, they stopped in the
place where the night came the surprise. But Sallust
continues after the death of Hercules, arrived in Spain
following the belief of the Africans, his army composed of
various peoples and deprived of its head, spread in all
directions. Medes, Persians and Armenians who were of his
army, crossed the sea in ships and seized the coast of our sea
Persians marched especially on the side of the ocean: not
finding the fields in the materials needed to build their
houses, they used the overturned hulls of their ships by way
of housing. They mingled with Gaetules gradually through
alliances, as they often changed place after fertility
campaigns they met, they gave themselves the name of
Numidia. Moreover,construction of Numidian campaign,
oblong and covered with arched brick (tile-channel) are
called by them mapalia. libya The allied with the Medes and
Armenians: they occupied the land by the sea African, while
the Gaetules longer living in distant lands in the land burned
by a hot sun. Libya possessed the city early, and separated
from Spain by a simple strait, they were trading. Gradually
Libya altérèrent their name and called themselves, in their
barbarous language, instead of Moors Medes. The affairs of
Persia was soon to become prosperous and shortly after,
away from their fathers because of their numbers too great
they occupied under the name of Numidia, the countries
located around Carthage and that was called Numidia.
Gradually subjugating their neighbors, they made a name
full of glory: for the Warriors were more Gaetules that
Libya finally, the lower part of Africa fell under the
domination of Numidia, and all those they had conquered ,
joined them and took their name. All information provided
by Sallust is invaluable and spread some light on the origins
of these Africans, but we are surprised that it deprives them
of free laws, and civilization leaders. They might well not
have written laws, however it is difficult to deny them the
traditions certainly forming the basis of their legislation.
There is little evidence, moreover, what has brought
significant difference in the lives of these people since they
live in the African soil. Still covered with their coats,
hoodies, constantly looking for new pastures for their herds
that can provide abundant food, preserving through
centuries their nomadic habits, we still find, at almost
exactly, such as Sallust describes . The houses that the
author means by mapalia Latin - to map, track, - Hall, home
- could not give up much of the population to go in any
direction the country to lead the flocks in pastures new and
fresh - new (Niue) again - Mead (mid) meadow. Numidians
The owners were wonderful horses, and we know with what
meticulous care the Africans elevate them to connect all the
nervous energy and zeal they want to see in them.
Nevertheless, despite the strength of these great beasts,
Numidians were powerless to cross the immense African
desert, the camel was only proper to go through these vast
solitudes, because of its extreme simplicity and singular
disposition of his stomach which contains a pouch filled with
water (1) forming an admirable reserves that can to spend
several days without water, camels are very numerous in the
West African Moors and watch them with reason as the
main wealth of a family. Libya and the former Gaetules
knew full well the reason for the sobriety of the camel and
the ease with which he traveled for many days, without
stopping at a source to quench the thirst, so they used it in
preference to horse to venture in the wilderness This use of
the camel in ordinary travel, and the certain knowledge of
the full bag of water in the stomach of this animal are useful
because of the name of Moors, given to Libya involved
Armenians and Medes of West Africa - maw (MAU) paunch,
crop, - to wear (ouer), use, carry around for use .- The term
maw (MAU) indeed describes the camel, as in the language
of Tectosages, a fabric made of camel hair called mohair.
Sallust, adopting the belief of African killed Hercules in
Spain, and claims that his warriors abandoning Iberia spent
on African soil. For us, we will try to rely on certain facts
narrated by mythology, and despite his bouts of insanity, she
let out some light on this historical point. Mauritania for her
was the garden of the Hesperides containing the trees with
golden apples . A hundred-headed dragon was in charge of
their care, and constantly open eyes on the precious fruits,
he uttered a horrible hiss. Hercules had promised to
Eurystheus, king of Mycenae, to bring him the golden apples
from the garden of the Hesperides. He removed in
Mauritania, in the midst of Atlantis, killed the dragon and,
seizing the golden apples, he returned triumphant to offer
them to Eurystheus.
By changing the name of the hero of this story, the narrative
of Sallust appears completely illuminated by the light of true
truth. Gallic nation is represented here by Hercules, and
mythology itself gives us the theme, saying that the Galatians
warrior renowned for his feats and his virtues, and also king
of the Gauls, was the son of Hercules. She then insinuates
Hercules, that is to say, the heroic Gallic family, like a rising
tide and pervasive, having flooded Europe, reached the
heart of Spain, and saw its flow inordinate lapse and
stubborn resistance of the Iberians. Only part of the vast
army crossed the sea and took over the beautiful valleys at
the foot of the Atlas, which grow in abundance orange and
lemon trees on their splendid golden apples. The Atlantis,
Libya and Gaetules lived with the conquerors and became
the Moors and whose powerful Numidian cavalry was so
feared by the Romans. II-GENERAL OF THE CARTHAGE
Numidians later saw a colony of Phoenicians and landing on
their shores to found schools. The city of Carthage was built
there, 888 years before Jesus Christ, by Dido, Tyrian
princess. Addicted to trade, Carthage enriched, grew rapidly
and expanded its possessions on the African coast and the
coasts of Spain, especially attractive for its mines of gold and
silver. Become a warrior by the obligation imposed on it to
support her business, she raised armies composed of
mercenaries which it could hardly be proud. Numidians,
Iberians, Gauls abounded, but these warriors borrowing
remained only in his service, when a skilful general knew the
lead to victory and plunder. A battle lost infuriated these
foreign soldiers, and massacred the unfortunate generals
who had failed to conduct their impetuous momentum. The
need to overcome may be contained in the secret herself the
skill of the fearless and brilliant Carthaginian general. The
Phoenicians who founded Carthage, spoke the Canaanite
language, and this language, despite many dissimilarities
should show a close relationship with one of the Numidia.
But is this really the language of Carthage must be
attributed the name Punic, and that name would belong to it
not rather that the Numidian and Moorish?
We believe that the Numidian language can easily claim it,
and, by examining closely the current language of the
Kabyle, ensured that it is made of puns and therefore the
only Punic - to pun (Pon) make puns. This assertion does not
seem unfounded, if we compare the names of the most
famous Carthaginian general called by history to those of
Numidian kings, and we can feel in the names Carthaginians
own a certain resistance to interpretation, while the names
will give in willingly Numidian monosyllables that train.
Hamilcar, father of the famous Hannibal gave the Romans
in Sicily against clear evidence of military skill. Continuing
with a stubborn zeal prosperity and expansion of the empire
Carthaginians - to AIM (em), direct - weal (yes!), Prosperity,
- to care (Ker), get in trouble for - he submitted the coast of
Africa to the Great Ocean, and going to Spain, he took the
west coast of this country. He had on his repeated insistence,
brought with him the young Hannibal, to introduce him to
the leadership of an army and science warrior. Amilcar also
had with him, "said Cornelius Nepos, a handsome young
man, Hasdrubal, which accused him of loving more than he
would have been. From there it was, that the inquisitor
mores forbade him to keep his house in Hasdrubal. Amilcar
then resolved to give his daughter in marriage to this young
man, he was in their habits, they could not defend his or her
son to live with her stepfather. We report this fact, Cornelius
Nepos says, because after the death of Amilcar killed in
battle, Hasdrubal became Chief of the Army. Hannibal only
took command after the death of Hastrubal murdered by the
slave of a chief Lusitano. The fact told by Cornelius Nepos
gives intelligence training Hastrubal name. He was pressed
by the inquisitor of manners, Amilcar wanting to stop
annoying noises, however, and wishing to keep Hastrubal
with him, hastened to give him his daughter in marriage - to
haste (Hester), hasten - Row (Rau ) noise - to pall (Paul), kill,
weaken. Hastrubal The presence of the house of his father
and his elevation to the head of the army after the death of
Amilcar Hannibal had to be a source of trouble , and hence
subject to command his brother is, the rise of his military
genius was continuously compressed. So we had rightly
called Hannibal, which is to say, tired of living the life of a
junior officer tasteless - to annoy (Annoyer), bored - to pall
(paul) become tasteless.We did not report the exploits of this
great captain and they are well known and are not also
useful to our purpose. The difficulty of interpretation
presented by these names Carthaginian generals no longer
exists in those Numidian kings and Celtic expressions take
place with the greatest ease.After the Punic War, Carthage
had lost everything, his empire, his riches, his business: he
was barely life that Massinissa, head of Numidia and ally of
the Romans, sought to remove him. This Numidian, who
lived a century, stood still night and day on horseback, at the
age of ninety years, without harassing the unfortunate
Carthaginians truce or thank you. Cavalier indomitable
Massinissa knew no rest in a house or in the inns which he
professed to laugh - mass, mass - to inn, housed in a hostel -
to hiss, laughing. "After the victories over Carthaginians
and Syphax taking - to see (if), thinking - to face (FEE)
confront, brave, - whose empire stretched far away in
Africa, the Roman people gave the king all Massinissa cities
and lands he had taken his hand. "(1) The old Numidian was
always the faithful ally of the Romans and left his kingdom
to his son Micipsa her two other son, and Mastanabal
Gulussa, were abducted by the disease. Sallust silent about
their lives, content to just name them and establishing
Mastanabal that was the father of Jugurtha. Mastanabal
probably did not have the wild energy of his father
Massinissa, as its name says terrified of becoming the leader
of a nation so great - mass, mass, assembly, - Thane (then)
chief - to appal, terrify .- As Gulussa, its name clearly
denotes their habits of deception - to gull (gules) mislead,
deceive, to use (ious) used to, use -. Macipsa, became head of
does Numidian became known as the weak of his character,
letting loose and missing all the favorable opportunities to
further expand the vast territory bequeathed by his father -
to miss, miss, lose - to heap (hip) pile - to say (se), say, tell
-.This prince had adopted his nephew Jugurtha, and had
come into the kingdom shares with both son and Adherbal
Hiempasl. Beloved by Romans because of the fighting
qualities he had displayed at the siege of Numancia, where
Micipsa had sent him with the secret hope of seeing them
perish, admired as the most ardent hunter of lions and
boldest rider Throughout Africa, Jugurtha was consumed
with ambition to own one of Numidia. Relying on the
venality of the Romans, he first murdered Hiempsal - to eye
(ouch) review - to AIM (em) direct - dirty (SELE), sell,
market, - the youngest of his rivals. Adherbal still bothered
him, because the senate was split between him and Numidia
Adherbal. Jugurtha adds another crime, attacks, despite the
opposition of the Romans, Adherbal in a city where he had
fled, seized the last heir of Micipsa and destroyed in torment
- to add, add, - heir (HER), heir - to pall (Paul), shoot -.
Jugurtha was so high, by two horrendous crimes, to the
throne of Numidia, and it was only fair that the name
rapportât to future generations - to juke (djiouke) lifted - to
hurt (smooth), harm, do harm -Delivered to the Romans by
the treachery of Bocchus - to balk (Bauke) wrong - her
stepfather, King of Mauritania - maw (MAU) paunch - to
wear (ouer) wear, carry around for use, - to hit, hit, - hand,
hand - Jugurtha was thrown into a dark dungeon where he
was put to death by torture of hunger. After the conquest of
Numidia by the Romans, colleges were established in major
African cities for the study of Latin and Greek letters:
however, the Punic language never ceased to be spoken in
his integrity and This proves it is the name given to the
Punic end of the fourth century AD, the greatest genius that
Africa has produced, St. Augustine. Barely twenty-eight
years, having taught all human knowledge at the time, he
professed vividly rhetoric at Carthage and a few years later
to Milan, where he was baptized by St. Abroise in 387. High
intelligence, eager for all science and truth above all, subtle
and penetrating mind, with a rousing speech and logical
reasoning of a steadfast, St. Augustine certainly deserves the
name Eagle meetings, which gave fairly and happiness -
hawk (Hauk), falcon - hustings (heusstings), assembly hall.
III Kabyle
It is recognized in history as the Carthaginians were
distinguished from other peoples by the finesse and guile. In
the service of their trade, this spirit of cunning trickery
produced a black, and the latter vice was so well known that,
to express the most egregious bad faith, a faith they said
Punic or Carthaginian. However the bad faith did not
belong only to the Carthaginians and Gulussa son of
Massinissa has enough built on deception its usual habits
and also those of Numidia. Kabyles descendants are the
undisputed Numidians and under a name affects a different
form , querulous mores of the people show themselves
openly accusing the formation of the Kabyle name - to cavil,
quibble .- The Moors, in relation to the chicane, have
nothing to envy the inhabitants of the Great Kabylie South
of the Atlas. The one and the other miss no opportunity to
prove how great their dishonesty and treachery. The
Algerian Kabyle Mountains deserve more the name of
Berbers, who they are, however, attributed with good
reason. In a surprising sobriety, a few dried figs and a little
bread sufficient for their food, and their homes, extreme
poverty, mark the manners of a people accustomed to
poverty and energy to bear the loss any welfare - to bear
(BER) bear - to bare (bere) strip. The Berbers showed great
honesty in their relationships. It comes without doubt that,
for several centuries, Christianity has flourished in their
country, and this cause is more than sufficient for the morals
of a people acknowledge the profound change effected by the
exact practice of the evangelical precepts. Despite the
Muslim despotism that has saturated Mohammedanism, the
Berbers have not lost the memory of the Christian religion,
and they proudly show the cross they bear tattooed on their
hand or their arm. Traditions have an important place in the
manners of Algerian Kabiles; trait resemblance to the Celtic
family of highly reflects the truth of the assertions of Sallust.
One can still see flourish in their midst the constitution once
governed Gaul and Caesar as described. "It has been said
many times," says General Daumas in writing Kabylia, that
Kabila was the Switzerland of the Algeria. If this
comparison is just a topographical viewpoint, it is not least
in view of the political constitution. Taken together, Kabylia
is an agglomeration of tribes who govern themselves,
according to the principles that the tradition and usage have
brought into the customs.also offer similar combinations and
are associated in several monosyllables, whole sentences with
a rigorous and precise. We choose in the Kabyle language
some of these expressions that can be observed how carefully
the admirable words, nouns or verbs, are composed. The
former inhabitant of North Africa were rearing point
probably bees whose swarms spreading freely in the hollow
trunks of trees or clefts of rocks. These bees, little
accustomed to the vicinity of humans and animals, cruelly
tormented travelers who passed by their house and troubled
by their stinging bites the tranquility of their march. This is
the meaning of the word bee in Kabyle, thizizouith, plural
thizizoua - to tease (tize), torment - ease (ize) peace, - way
(yeah) path -. We use this interpretation to the plural
thizizoua but in freeing us own endings in the singular or
plural, the meaning of thizizouith becomes even easier and
clearer, since it is then the hum of the insect that annoying
and disturbing the rest - to tease (tize) annoy, - ease (ize),
rest - to whiz (houiz) buzzing.The word honey in Kabyle
Testament, reproduces the thought that the sweetness
always ends up tame and tame - to tame (system), tame,
tame, to end, finish. Punic terms are certainly correct
expression patterns of these peoples and this truth manifests
itself powerfully in the verb crawl in Kab. mour'edh. For us,
it's crawling forward in the manner of the snake, but a
Numidian is to engage in the tall grass of swamp and go
forward without being seen - moor (mour ), swamp - to head
(hed) -. The verb overwhelming lead in Kab. r'ot, says that
what people think of a man who lets himself be surprised by
the heat, raw (UAR), new, inexperienced - hot, hot, hot - it
must be, in fact, no experience their exposure to hot sun for
his fires at certain times of day.When we transmit that
Sallust Libya and Gaetules lived as nomads, he forgets to tell
us that the bare earth they did not like to take their rest was
really a layer too painful, so did they care for remedy this by
extending their weary limbs on a good "mat" in Kab.
aguerthil, - to ake (EKE), hurt,be painful - earth (erth),
earth, - to heal (hil) remedy. We might think that the
Numidian, because of their fiery nature, liked the noise and
strife, but their language belies that thought; for a man
engaged in the racket is a man of "vile" amekrouth, - to
make (Meke) do - Row (Rau), noise din -. There is, in the
Kabyle language, many monosyllabic words, in these words
Celtic and their correspondents, there is always a correlation
of striking ideas. And grinding, in Kab. zed, refers to to sate
(Sète), satisfy: ablaze, in Kab. clamped 'drift to sear (Sir),
burn: night, Kab. idh, just to heed (HID), beware: vilify, in
Kab. Simes, Isam, is to shame (chem) to shame.This warlike
people knew the good sword fighting, and retained in the
strong hand of his warriors, the sword fell straight on the
head of the enemy with a shrill whistle sword Kab.
translates iskim, - to hiss, hiss - Keen (kin) acute, sharp .-
The verb in the language retains abdicate Numidian perfect
sense: we give, we in this expression taken by itself, meaning
of a voluntary surrender to the sovereign power: the
Numidian see it as a heir to the throne, sometimes chosen
freely, and in many circumstances received by force, that is
to say imposed: abdicate in Kab. translates tekher, - to take
(Teke), take, receive, - heir (HER), heir. It is not up to our
common salt, in Kab. thaqsoult who did the honors of a
compound word, - to take (Teke), take - to salt (Falls), season
with salt, salt. We could add other words Kabyle their
decomposition and their meanings next, but the examples
are numerous enough to show in the Punic language a
derivation perfect language that preceded Babel. But we
must not conclude this brief overview, without interpreting
the term applied by the Kabyle aroumi French. Taken
collectively, the French are known in Kabylia, in the name of
Afransis but the French took itself is, for the Berber, the
man who has subjugated, who surpassed in military valor, to
whom he must bow as they bowed to the superiority, and to
contain a single word in his admiration, the French is "the
Great" - aroumi - roomy (Rumi), large -.CHAPTER IV.
FAMILY Japheth. ---------------
We have already observed that Gomer , eldest son of
Japheth, was the heir of bodily qualities distinguishing
Japheth his brothers Shem and Ham. Gomer is the strain of
the great Celtic family, and St. Jerome and Josephus do not
hesitate to call his descendants Gomériens and Cimmerians.
Established the Galatians in Asia belong, according to St.
Jerome, to the same family or Cimmerian Cimbric. Most of
these Galatians were Tectosages from the south of Gaul in
the pursuit of military adventures. Three son of Gomer,
Asken, Riphath Thogorma and are appointed by the
Scriptures because they were single people. Some
descendants of Asken - to ask, demand, - Keen (Pushkin),
very cold, penetrating - Haze (Hèze), fog, mist, - bound for
northern Europe, were not afraid to settle in a country with
intense fog, while others stood in Asia near the Medes. They
became their allies in the war waged against Babylon, and
with these words of Jeremiah: "Call cons Babylonian kings
of Ararat, Menni and Asken." (1) Josephus believes Riphath
and her children occupied Paphlagonia on the banks
Southern of the Euxine, and it looks good qualifying for the
name of a sailor says Riphath well versed in the maneuvers
related to the wing of ships - to reef (rif), make rice, the sails,
- to add, add -. As Thogorma that even Josephus believed to
have lived in Phrygia, his name unveil the inventor of silk
fabrics - tow (to), tow, tow, - to hawk (Hauk), hawk, - worm
(oueurm) worm. The other children of Gomer that Genesis
does not name, probably remained with him and formed the
great Celtic family, who came to establish the center of its
dominance in Gaul, after crossing, along the Danube,
Europe - to err, go here and there - to hope (Hope ) hope -
still uninhabited. If we could know the former names of
Gomer that children have left after them in their slow
migration westward, we find it credible that these names
would be easily explained by the language and provide
information Tectosages valuable on their walk and their
various stages throughout Europe.
TUBAL and Iberians. Among the brothers of Gomer, Tubal
is the only one that interests us at this time. He had settled
with his family or his people at the foot of the Caucasus
Mountains between the Black Sea and the Sea Caspian. This
position was Tubal and children of hardy seamen, and his
name justifies this thought, since Tubal means a house, a
house-shaped tub - tub (cock) tub, vat - Hall (haul)
residential hall -. Ptolemy refers to the descendants of Tubal
with the name of Tobéliens, while Josephus knows them as
that of Iberians. Some of the Iberians left the country in
which they had first spread, and putting himself, according
to the Basque traditions, under the direction of Tharsis,
nephew Thubal, they faced the perils of navigation, the
search for a new land where they could settle, retaining their
customs and mores specific. It is quite is curious that the
name of Tharsis, Iberian emigrants head, due to the Celtic
language as well as that of Tubal. He reveals the vessels of
the Iberians, whatever form they had in fact, were perfectly
paved and in good seaworthy - tar, tar, mariner, - to size
(saiz), coat of slime -. The Iberians were they ever that name
before heading to Spain, or have they received the Celts
when the two nations clashed in the south of Gaul? It would
be very difficult to say in an absolute manner, and indeed
the solution of this question seems not necessary. The only
thing we wanted to make is that the Iberians were a very
sparse population, when the Celts have faced and drowned,
so to speak, in the flow their nation great. Transported by
their vessels off the coast of the Spanish peninsula, while the
Celts slowly followed the Danube, it is not surprising that
the Iberians have quietly occupied Spain, and are
widespread on the Gauls still desert terrain, until the arrival
of the Celts has gradually pushed back beyond the Pyrenees.
Basques consider themselves rightly as the true descendants
of the Iberians, who have fully preserved their traditions
and language specific. A few bold spirits wanted to make
these primitive Basques men, having no report, no
association with other human varieties that they would have
preceded the world. This thought is in complete
contradiction with what we said in Genesis: "Noah had
three son who came out of the ark, Shem, Ham and Japheth.
These are the three son of Noah, and from them is out whole
race of men who are on earth. "(1) The Holy Scriptures
contain the unalterable truth, it is absolutely necessary that
the Basque language, we would consider as not related to
any other, is in fact one of many branches of primitive
language. This language, preserved in the mountains by men
of iron, a stubborn and indomitable courage, was
perpetuated in a remarkable purity and his training shows
in a bypass some of the language spoken by Noah and
Japheth, since it is a compound whose elements are taken as
the primitive language. The Basque language is made by
powerless to give any reasonable description, since each of
its terms already form a complete sentence, and so it no
longer possesses the basic words, and come to associate to
form new expressions stating the various qualities of men or
of nature that it would present an accurate picture. This
important fact explains how the Iberians had to undergo
Neimheid names imposed by the Gauls and expressed by the
Association of Celtic monosyllables, which they themselves
were powerless to translate. Besides, the names of
Cantabria, Gascon, Vardulles Iberians and they were given,
are taken with so much truth in the heart of their manners,
it was impossible either to change or reject them. Before
explaining the specific names of these Iberian tribes, we will
try to interpret a few words in the language Basque to his
affiliation with the primitive language is unmistakable.
BASQUE III. It is interesting to note, by the formation of
Basque words, how did the confusion at Babel of language.
New words no longer have the same simplicity, they express
the association of primitive terms, proposals sometimes
figurative, sometimes telling a historical fact and reality.
These new combinations are also easily observed in Kabyle
language in the Basque language, however, it reproduces
them in greater purity and captures, so to speak, by the way,
surprising philosophical thoughts, pictures of manners that
leave nothing to be desired. In the language of the
descendants of Tubal, "men, ghizônac" are beings with
customs, that is to say, the unwritten laws, and as custom or
unwritten law, is the manifestation of will be governed by
reason, this definition of man as "ghizônac" refers to perfect
the most accurate definitions that have been made, - As
(Guais), custom - to own (we) have. - The ac syllable in this
word is that the plural ending.
These beings customs treasured memories of bold actions,
courageous and confided to the memory of their children to
transmit to posterity, and this is the meaning of "history,
Konda" - to con, memorize, - to dare (REED), dare to have
the boldness -. The habit of memorizing the brilliant actions
made by the warriors, however, does not prove that writing
was not known. Basque has the verb "to write, ichkiribatzia.
The existence of this verb in the language obviously implies
the use of specific characters to set and pass the word. We
probably do not know the shape of the characters, the
Basques were using, but this form is irrelevant, since it
varies with each nation. We still do not know on what paper
they traced the characters of their writing, but it would be
unfair to deny them the knowledge and use of a solid and
light as what were provided by the thin papyrus from Egypt.
Blades or tunics forming stem of the papyrus were about
twenty in number. Each tunic forming a sheet, it is
conceivable that a single stem of a shrub ten feet high would
provide many sheets of any length. These pressed leaves,
beaten, stuck, and polished were the subject of significant
trade in ancient world, and all peoples have the right to use
papyrus to write contracts for the sale and purchase, letters
and agreements between individuals. We give these details
because of the very curious expression "quire" enclosed
within the Basque verb write, "ichkiribatzia. "Quire
translates into Celtic" a qu ire of paper "and the words
together in ichkiribatzia says that writing is to have the
itching to add, accumulate, pile up the hands of paper - to
itch, itching, - quire (qouaïre), a quire of paper, - to heap
(hip), pile, accumulate, - to add, add -. The complexion is
brown so easily distinguish the Iberian Celts, is recalled in
the word "face, bisaiya" - bice (BAIC), pale green - high
(hated), strong speaking in a dark color. Among the Celts
there were three distinct classes of people: priests, nobles
and the people. This constitution is also found in the nation
Tubalienne, since the death of an Iberian, the heir vassal
paying a fee to the lord of the fief: this feature is revealed by
the term "Heriotza, death", as heriot Celtic language, means
the fee paid by the heir to the lord of the fief after the death
of a vassal. Besides, usage of the Celts seem to revive in the
Basque language, so a death is expressed by "hilbat", that is
to say an eminence, hill, a tumulus: the syllable beats in
hilbat respondent is an indefinite article in French to one
and one. The term Iberian hilbat announced that entrusted
their dead to the earth, and yet it is certain that, at least for
some time, they were consigned to the flames. The use of
burning the dead on the stake has been introduced among
the Iberians of Spain, while at the time of the formation of
their language they followed the practice of other nations
who bury them. We know how this People liked the fighting:
the sound of gunfire made them smile, and to die on the
battlefield was the only ambition of a warrior as there is
nothing surprising that the term "die" or hiltzia Hiltz " This
image of the sword - hilt, handle of a sword. The "iron,
Burdin (Mars!), this heavy metal - to Burden, load
embarrass - formidable warriors in their hands, that was
heavy arm loose, for he alone was a burden, a burden and an
Invincible soldier, they could not bear the shame of defeat;
be defeated, it was for them to have to suffer, to shamefully
sit on a bench in their home, the shouts of the enemy
offensive: this is the meaning picturesque " defeated
benzutua "- to bench, sit on a bench - hut, hut - hue (like the
word hue), whooping -. What ignominy for brave men to be
exposed, helpless, insults and derision, while going slightly
and proudly among them the triumphant "Victor
benzutzaïla" - to bench, sit on a bench - hut, hut, - to sail
(Sel), pass lightly -. Both the winners should they be without
pity, since the "massacre sackaïla" n 'was for them a proud
sacking, - to sack, pillage, plunder, - Highly (Haile), proudly
-. The Basque language present in the composition of his
words of knowledge that would dare even to suspect
material; and it ensures that the portion of the ports where
they moored the vessel was closed by a lock, this is the
meaning of "sea Itxasoa" - to hitch, moor, - Sasse, lock, - to
oowe (O) be obliged
-.Bold sailors, the Basques were exposed to disastrous
wrecks and they were confined in the expression itself
"shipwreck urigaldua, therefore certain, make haste to run
directly before the wind - to hurry, hurry - to scab, running
before the wind, - due (dieu), directly -. The Iberians had
their days of work and also their holidays: working, it was
exciting to take up arms in haste; this was the "day business,
eguna haste "- to haste, haste, - to egg, stir, -
gun, weapon -. But when came the "holiday, besta eguna"
Woe to him who ran to arms, as he was violently abused by
the staff - to baste (best) beaten, abused, - to egg, stir, - gun,
gun. "Darkness, ilhuntasuna" only interrupted the daily toil
of hunting - to heal (hil), appease - to hunt, hunt - and when,
in their wanderings, fatigue forced them to take a
momentary break in the 'deep shady woods, this "shadow
itzala" devoured the excess of their warm zeal - to eat (it)
devour, - zeal, enthusiasm - and putting their heads under a
rock or a tree trunk, they called them to "sleep, loghitea" -
log, log, log, - to hit, hit, reaching -.
Iberians were the homes of what they are today, at least for
the portion of the population most needy. They lived in caves
they pierced during the rainy day and "bad weather
dembora tcharra - den, cave, to bore, drill - shower
(chaoueur) shower, sleet -. They adorned the branches of
trees returned when the "good weather, Embora Ederra -
den, cave, - to bore, drill, - to Edder, garnish with bundles
-.Let no one be surprised at these statements in the Basque
language, since even in our century, Spain, the poorest
families live in caves or caves with their hands. The next
match inserted in the newspaper L'Eclair, Issue 7 June 1885,
gives some details about it which are not unimportant. The
corresponding traveling Burjasot, following the official
commission sent to study measures to be taken against the
terrible scourge of cholera, written on 6 June: "On arrival,
we learned that in the last twenty-four hours, there were ten
cases and six deaths. You know that this village has barely
2,500. We went to visit some of cholera. "We found an old
man in one of these caves that serve as home to some of the
poor. This is an unfortunate feature in the current
circumstances. We use first excavations that are already
made above the ground and were then expanded according
to need and increase the family etc. .. "We can see that there
is no need to used in past centuries to meet troglodytes, and
it is useless to imagine at great cost systems for progressive
civilization of mankind. It should not be assumed that the
Basques were exclusively hunters. Agriculture was certainly
honor among them, and the term "hildua" which means
land that raises the plow digging into the groove - hill,
eminence, - due (dieu), suitable - shows that deep plowing
and careful not They were not unknown. They also
preferred to productions of the soil with plenty of precious
metals existing in their country, they shut their eyes instead
of opening them greedily when in harrowing the fields, their
eyes were struck by the brilliance of "money , cilharra "that
their work brought to the surface of cultivated land, - to seel
(Brazil), close your eyes - to harrow, harrow The names of a
few months of the year also relate to productions of the soil
and the vital work that was performed. We can briefly
examine the composition and meaning of these names.
"Janvier, Urtharrilla. "The bad weather in January stopped
the work of those who would spend the harrow in their fields
- to hurt, harm, - to harrow, harrow, - to Will (yes!) Desire,
want -."February, Otsaïla. "The heat is sufficient to
determine the ice breaks up the coast of the Euxine and lets
set sail - hot, hot, - to sail (SELE), set sail -." Mars
Martchoa. "The continual rains of March necessarily
change the terrain in wetlands - marsh, swamp, swampy
place, - to owe (O) -. duty" in April, Aphirila. "Wanting
soon as cereals have the image of the ear - to ape, to present
the image - ear (ir) ear of wheat - to Will (ouch), desire."
Mai Maiyatza. "For the ears are allowed to associate, in
May, bright wildflowers - to May (mis), picking flowers, - to
add, add -." June, Erearoa. "Agitated for harrowing fields -
to hare (devil), stir, - to harrow, harrowing -."July, Uztaïla.
"Delaying large meetings, assemblies, probably because of
the heat - to hustle, stir together - to while (houaïle) differ
-." August, Agorilla. "The streams cease to flow - ago,
passed - to rill, run, dribble -." September Bûruïla.
"Wanting to hole up, locked up in caves assigned to
[Housing - to burrow (beurrô), hole up, withdraw
underground - to Will (ouch) want, wish - "October Urries.
"Hurry in field work - to hurry (heurri), hurry." November,
Hazila. "The fog creeps over the hills - to haze, to a foggy, -
Hill, Hill -." December, Abendoa. "Cover your wool
garments - abb, wool fabric, - to endue (endiou) is coated.
The circumlocutions used in the Basque language are more
sensitive in the expression of some natural events such as
sunrise and sunset sun, sunrise and moonset. "The sunrise,
iruzki atheratzea" presents the following sense: one who is
tired, hate to hear buzz in the air - to hear (hir), hear, - to
huzz (heuzz), zoom - Sky (Skai ) air - to hatter, harassing, -
to hate, hate -. "The sunset iruzki sartzea" shows a similar
training: the farmer arrived at night, hate to hear buzz in
the air - to hear ( hir) hear - to huzz, zooming, - sky, air -
sart, cultivated land -."The rising of the moon, ilhargi
atheratzea. The man tired out hate to want to listen to the
cries, - to Will (ouch), will, - to harck, listen, - hue (like the
word hue), cry - to hatter, harassing, - to hate, hate -. "The
moonset, ilhargi sartzea. "The farmer wants to listen to the
cries, - to Will (ouch) desire, - to harck, listen, - hue (like the
word hue), cry - sart, cultivated land -. Let us consider other
expressions whose explanation will serve to place the Basque
language in all his days, ie, as derived from the full primitive
language. "In the morning Goizé" walk with ease - to go,
walk, - ease (ize) ; comfortable, easy -"Midi, eghuerdi"
moment when the growth of sunlight and begins its decline -
to egg, push, - hour (Haour), time, time - day (de), day -.
"The evening arratxa "run in haste to the house - to Hare,
Run - rath, hastily -." Midnight gaûherdi "go to now, the
moment of the day - to go, go, - hour (Haour time), - Day
(de), day -. "A field, landa beats. "- Land, earth, -
corresponds to a beat." A source, Beghi Ithurri beats. »Start
to hasten his race - heat (hit), race - to hurry, hurry, - to
begin (beguine), begin. "A fountain Ithurri beats. "Rushing
the race - heat (hit), race - to hurry, hurry." Cabin Etchola.
"A crowd of heads under one roof - head (HED), head -
shoal (Chol), a crowd, a troop." Pin, ichkilin. The extreme
cleanliness was far from shining in the inns where travelers
stopped hapless dutifully armed with a pin: it is easy to what
disgusting and annoying insects to here, - to itch, itching, - to
kil, kill - to inn, housed in a hostel. "House, Etchea. "A head
who meditates - head (HED), head - to chew (chu),
meditate." Cellar, SOTU. "Part of the house where they
could become dazed by dint of drink - to fool, to become
bewildered by dint of drinking - how (Haou), how."
Thunder, ihurtzuria. "See above the flash that is sure to hurt
- sure (Shura) course - to eye (ouch), see." Darkness,
ilhumbeak. "Soothe buzzing, barking and bleating, - To heal
(hil), appease - hum, hum, - to bay (be), bark, bleat -.
"blinded, itxutzea. "The eye is closed by the effect of a
sudden - to hit, give a shot to shut (cheut) closing -." To
break the leg bone, zango beats Auster. "Spoil the leg bone -
shank, the leg bone, - flies, a - to waste (West), spoil -."
Tears, nigarrac. "Denying necessary - to niggard, refuse
necessary -." Rival yelosstarria. "Push the cries of horror at
the sight of the enemy and attack for plunder, - to yell,
scream of horror - to host, attack, to harry, rob -." Family,
maïnada. Insert the key is to say, children - hand, essential -
to add, add -."Honor, Ohori. "Being forced to have white
hair, - to owe (O), be obliged - hoar (Lahore), who has white
hair -. We could interpret a host of other terms taken in the
Basque language, but as they are less interesting than those
we have cited, we pass over, and we will finish this series
long enough to prove that an expression always the great
instruction and high doctrine led men to glory, Loria - lore,
doctrine, training, - to eye (ouch), keep an eye on the
Cantabrians -.
IV. - The Iberians.
The language of the Iberians was likely to surprise strongly
Celts also quite surprised not to comprehend the meaning,
they decorated the descendants of Tubal name Cantabrians,
- to cannot, speak a certain jargon - Abroad (abraud),
outside - and wrap in a perfect expression language very
curious about people and their arrival by sea in the Hispanic
peninsula. The Iberians, by settling in South-west Europe,
have chosen to dwell in the Pyrenees in memory of their stay
in the Caucasus Mountains. This choice had indeed his
reason for changing the country, they had no intention of
changing lifestyle. Placed in the Pyrenean region, which was
to them as a central point, they had, heading toward the
North, a wonderful hunting ground Gallic comprising all the
land still deserted, where the deer would not point their
default. Besides, they had all that is necessary for long races.
A constitution of iron, an indomitable courage and used to
hunt any species of wild animals. They had not to bother
with bags; killed game enough in hunting to many days.
Only one thing was essential when encountering a cave own
to serve as temporary shelter, they wanted to prepare a
burning hearth, the necessary meal it was the flint, whose
name is Basque suarria, ie ie, a spark of light or running to
and fro by the shock of two objects one of which, flint, is
leaning to one side, and the other steel or iron, is waved, - to
sway (Soué), lean sideways, waving, - to hare, running here
and there - Ray (D) of light. -The weapons used in their
distant hunting probably not very different from those they
had before the hand in the ongoing fight against the Gauls,
and we can not without injustice to deny them weapons of
iron, since this word exists in their language. Many months
could elapse between the departure of the Iberians and the
hunters return to the domestic hearth, and they measured
their distance to using objects such as strips of soft stone, or
wood pieces from reindeer, on which they marked with lines
or notches days have passed since they left their normal
place of residence. In the cavern of Bize (Aude) an explorer,
MCCailhol, received a slice of stone soft enough for many
notches on the edges and in the cave Arignac (Haute-
Garonne), Mr. Edward Lartet by digging the soil (1860), "it
found many bones of the cave bear, the bison, reindeer,
horse, etc. .. "And a platform placed in front of the cave,
surrounded by debris very interesting," a strip of wood
reindeer accidentally cut at both ends, one of whose faces
perfectly polished, offers two series of transverse lines also
distanced them, and whose side edges are marked with
notches deeper, quite regularly spaced. Mr. Lartet sees in
these lines and notches signs of numeration, and Mr.
Steinhauer has suggested that these are trademarks of
hunting. "(1) accidents occurred probably multiplied the
Iberians in the pursuit of deer, several have not seen the
home and were buried in caves well known hunters. In the
cave of Aurignac closed by a slab, "the navvy Bonnemaison
discovered in 1852, the remains of seventeen human
skeletons. "(1) The Cro-Magnon shelter (Dordogne),
excavated by Mr. Louis Lartet in 1868, he delivered several
human skeletons." This shelter, "said Louis Figuier, would
have served, according to M. Louis Lartet Appointment of
hunting, housing, and finally place of burial. Seven dead
were buried there, was able to collect the remains of the
skeletons, but only three skulls are almost intact. Is it
permissible, "says Louis Figuier, to know that she owned the
race men of the Cro-Magnon burial and be, therefore, an
idea of the human race that lived in our countries time to the
big bear and mammoth? The Cro-Magnon is not so different
from all races, ancient and modern thinking that the Broca.
According to M. Pruner-Bey, all the skulls so far described,
and referring to the era of big bear and mammoth, are
similar to those of the Eskimos and Lapps today. M. Pruner-
Bey called primitive Mongoloid race the first inhabitants of
our land. We shall see as skulls and other debris found in
Belgium, Mr Dupont, Solutré in Macon, Mr. Ferry, and Mr.
Brown Bruniquel finally from the jaws of Aurignac and
Arcy-sur-Cure, confirm this conclusion. "The men belonging
to race primitive Mongoloid heads were generally round,
diamond cut face, jaws and teeth directed slightly forward,
then in all likelihood, brown complexion and black hair and
hard ... There are still remnants of this primitive Mongoloid
race: it is the Basques ... "(1) The Iberians were therefore
left traces of their unequivocal habits of hunters and the
remains of Big Bear and Mammoth abundantly found in
caves show that the flesh of these animals entered their diet.
The name carried by the Iberians fully confirms all those
assessments, saying they were hunting bear and the flesh of
the bears were their usual food - to eat (it) eating - bear
(BER), bears.
The Iberian nation is not the only one left in the ground
traces of its sensitive manners. Another people of our
Europe, but not only hunter fisherman dropped his
knowledge of nutrition to patients investigations of scientists.
The details given on this subject, by Louis Figuier on shell
mounds of Denmark, have a great interest that we can not
resist the temptation to cite the most important part. "Placed
in the last row," said M . Louis Figuier, the extent of its
territory and its population, the Danish nation is nonetheless
one of the largest in Europe by the place she has cultivated
the sciences and arts. This brave little nation has a host of
distinguished men who are a credit to science. The patient
research of its archaeologists and antique dealers have
searched the dust of ages to resurrect a worldwide
disappeared. Their work is supervised by the observations of
naturalists, took a brilliant day on the early stages of
mankind. "No land is also cleaner than denmark to such
investigations. The antiquities found there at every step: it is
only the question whether to draw important revelations
concerning the manners, customs and industry pre-historic
populations. The Museum of Copenhagen, which contains
antiques from various Scandinavian states, is unrivaled in
the world. "Among the items listed in this rich museum, we
see a lot from kitchen middens. "First of all, what these
Kjoekken-moeddings, whose name is so hard to pronounce
for a French mouth, and tells us that this is sufficient age
stone? "At various points the Danish coast, particularly in
the northern part, where the sea has carved deep narrow
creeks those known as the fjords, we see vast accumulations
of shells. In general, these deposits are higher than one meter
above sea level, but in some steep places, their altitude is
high enough ... "What does one encounter in these clusters?
An enormous amount of marine shells, especially oyster
shells, broken bones of mammals, birds and remains of fish,
and finally the rough-hewn flint. "We thought at first that it
was there that some bench fossil shells, land once submerged
and would have been made apparent by a rising ground, due
to a volcanic cause. But a Danish scholar, Mr. Steenstrup
fought this view based on this fact, the shells from four
species that never live together, and they had therefore to be
gathered by man. M. Steenstrup was also noted that these
shells had belonged mostly to individuals reached their full
growth, we saw almost none ever young. Such a singularity
obviously indicated an intention reasoned, an act of human
When they had discovered in Kjoekken-moeddings any
debris that we have listed, when there were found remains of
homes, types of small platforms that still retained the trace
of the fire, we guessed the origin of these huge shell mounds.
There were tribes who lived there fishing and hunting, and
throwing around their huts remnants of their meal,
consisting mainly of shells. Gradually the debris had
accumulated, and had made considerable benches in
question. Hence the name-Kjoekken moeddings composed of
two words: Kjoekken, kitchen, and moeddings, piles of
trash. The Kjoekken-moeddings are scraps of meals of
primitive populations in Denmark. "... It is worth noting
that Denmark did not have the privilege of masses of
shellfish. They have been found in England, in the country of
Cornwall and Devonshire, Scotland, and even in France,
near Hyères (Bouches-du-Rhone). "Species of mollusc shells
which form the bulk of the almost entire Kjoekken-
moeddings are the oyster, cockle, mussel and periwinkle.
"The bones of the fish are in abundance in the shell mounds.
They belong to the herring, cod, flounder and eel. We infer
that some early inhabitants of Denmark were not afraid to
venture into the waves in flimsy skiffs: herring and cod fish
do indeed at some distance from shore. "The bones of
mammals are also very common in Kjoekken-moeddings.
The most common are those of deer, deer and wild boar,
which, according to M. Steenstrup, included for the 97 cents.
Others come from the aurochs, brown bear, wolf, fox, dog,
wild cat, lynx, marten, otter, porpoise, seal, water vole,
beaver and porcupine. "In some bird species which are
collected remains in Kjoekken-moeddings, most are aquatic,
which is naturally explained by the situation of man on the
edge of the sea "(1) The interpretation by the Celtic
language of kitchen middens confirms and powerfully
illuminates the Statement of Louis Figuier on shell mounds
of Denmark. These clusters are really scrap meal, and the
word cleverly combined Kjoekken-moeddings says with
assurance, that we reject anything that might have been
painful in the mouth, that is to say, sharp edges, the the head
and entrails of fish - jaw (djâu) mouth - to ake (Eke), be
painful - Keen (kin), acute - maw (MAU), rumen - head
(HED), head - ding to (worthy), hurl - jawakekeen-
mawheadding -.The people whose scrap meal produced the
shell midden is it so primitive that history does have retained
no memory? Louis Figuier points out with just because of
clusters similar to England in the country of Cornwall and
Devonshire, and it is hardly surprising, since the tribe of
fishermen who made the kjoekken-moeddings Denmark, was
able, at least for some time, retain its old manners when she
took hold of England in a definitive manner. This tribe
belonged to Tectosages established between the Rhine and
the Oder, was that of the Angles - to angle to angle - and this
significant name says too high the usual occupations of the
people, so that we can seriously refuse to recognize him as
the author of Kjoekken-moeddings. This digression on the
shell mounds of Denmark must not make us lose sight of the
Iberians and their hunting dangerous big cave bear. The
habit of hunting the bear is not yet extinct mores of the
Basques, and, remarkably, in marriage contracts, the
fathers, even today, attribute dowry to their children by
possession of bear, or a quarter, a third or half, depending
on the number of children fill. Recipients of the French are
very familiar with this recording feature, and should not
omit to collect fees from the State on this contribution in
value of bears. We do not know the precise time when the
Iberians came address the land of Spain. Some historians fix
their emigration in the year 523 after the flood, that is to say,
1824 years before Jesus Christ. This would be in the same
century when Inachus, the oldest of all the kings known to
the Greeks, founded the kingdom of Argos, while in the East,
Abraham left by his death (1821 BC) his son Isaac heir of his
faith, his power and divine promises.
The Celts were descendants of Tubal imposed on certain
names under which proved that the custom could not erase
centuries. Thus, the name of Vardulles was given to a tribe
of Iberian because the habit of these people keep on their
shoulders, and day and night, a sort of cloak - to ward,
guard, - hull, outer cover coat - and we know that the son of
Vardulles not derogate from such use. It does not enter into
our thinking to consider all the names of Iberian tribes, must
be However, an exception to the well-deserved Vascons or
Gascon. "According to history, the Basques had the
privilege of forming the vanguard of the Carthaginian
armies, and to measure the first with the enemy. "Their
reputation for dauntless courage was so well established
that" Caesar daring to cross the Vasconia, as he feared,
went to Spain to prevent their meeting, the Aspe Valley in
Bearn. (1) Gascon gave their name to our French Gascony.
One can hardly say that their settlement in Aquitaine was an
invasion, because Aquitanians for them were brothers, and
the cadets had come to their aid for fighting the yoke of
domination that Clovis was trying to impose on them. We
see them first as children of Clovis set up the right bank of
the Adour, and later, around the year 626 AD, occupying the
entire Novempopulania who now called Gascony. They have
received their strange name of the shoe they had adopted
specific and that their descendants have not abandoned.
Gaskins,Celtic language, means a great footwear at the
antique. This is the sandal that is called spardillo
Languedoc, Catalonia spadrilla, and that the Basques call
spartinac. It is far from lacking in sense spartinac word: it is
compound verb to spar, prelude to battle, and the adjective
thin (Thinner), slender, light-seeded, few. This lightweight
shoe allowed the Basques to engage in guerrilla warfare:
gifted with agility rare, and almost imperceptible, they
advanced few, prelude to battle with hits that were isolated
and singularly surprise their enemies. This term spartinac
shows us his true character of the warlike genius of the
Basques: they were in those early times what they are today,
the guerrillas. After giving us the meaning of the names of
Iberian tribes, the Celtic language we explain with the same
ease those tribes living in Aquitaine. In this part of Gaul, the
Celtic family has left traces of the largest and strongest of its
mixture with the Iberian family. All authors have
reproduced the different traits of character that separates
the Iberians and the Celts: they were those gays, light, eager,
loving the fighting and quick to attack instead the Iberians
were serious, serious, almost somber, as loving and
supporting the war with an obstinacy invincible. When two
people met, the shock has been terrible. After fighting for
the possession of the country, says Diodorus Siculus, the
Celts and Iberians have lived together, under a peaceful
agreement, and they are involved in alliances. From this mix
came out Celtiberians nation, in which the Iberian blood
remained predominant. The Aquitaine which, according to
their traditions, are not from the Celts, belong to the family
Celtiberians because they strongly resemble the Iberians by
the traits and habits, they have nevertheless adopted the
habits and institutions of the Celts. We present evidence in
the institution of SOLDUR, which we feel is absolutely Celtic
though generally attributed to the Iberian nation. An
institution which is specific (Aquitaine), which is foreign to
the Gauls, "said the highly esteemed author of the History of
Gascony, Abbe Monlezun, is that of solduriens, or rather
Saldun (the Escualdunal, or zaldi saldi, horse Saldun, who
has a horse rider, the Roman eques); was never identified so
much with him not a single example of him has ever
survived. (1) When the chief fell, they were seen looking into
the fray a glorious death, and if they could not find it there,
they returned to break into the body of one who had faith.
"We can observe that in the narrative of the war against the
Aquitaine, Caesar speaks only to the imposition of soldurii,
without asserting also that SOLDUR does not exist in other
parts of Gaul. SOLDUR this term, which in the Basque
language does not offer any idea in mind, this, on the
contrary, in the language of Tectosages, a perfectly
connected with it, and accidents-War does not separate, life,
death, and he will live or die with him, and accidents of war
do not separate; SOLDUR life will not last more than the life
of its leader. - Soul (land), life, soul. - To hard (Diouri), last .-
Even today, the soldier is called does not soldier in the
Anglo-Saxon? Where does this soldier, if not SOLDUR
(soldioure), and how this term would exist in the Anglo-
Saxon, if the institution had been peculiar to soldurii
Iberians? This institution, which we apparently it is common
to the Celts and Iberian Celts, tells us how, on the ground
Aquitaine, had made the merger of two families. Occitania
The name was used to designate Aquitaine. "Charles VII, in
order for the erection of Parliament from Toulouse, called
the Patria Occitania: yielding about to Pope Innocent VI in
its register, call Occitania this country. But the most
commonly and is often named in the former acts patria
linuae Occitaniae. "(1). The author of Memoirs of the
History of the Languedoc would like, because the first
syllable of Occitania, apply this term languedoc but this
expression, disassembled and performed by the Celtic
language shows us with the latest evidence that the
inhabitants were Occitani coastlines that surround the Bay
of Biscay, that is to say, Aquitaine and the Cantabrian. The
reputation of the Basques and Cantabrians as intrepid
seafarers has never been challenged, and not without reason
that 'they attribute the honor of having first given the
whaling. Besides, if the whales may rarely fell under their
blows, he was not the same porpoises, and porpoises that
their normal hunting earned the name Occitani - hog-sea
(hogs), porpoise - to hit, hit, - hand, the hand - hogsihithand.
- The term Occitani was therefore a general name referring
to the fishermen in the Bay of Biscay. The Celtiberians from
within the country between the ocean and the Pyrenees and
the Garonne, had received another name, as general, that of
Aquitane. The Basque call say, their language, Escualdunac:
the language of horse tamers, tamers face dark and frowning
- scowl (skaoul), gloomy and frowning, - down to (daoun)
tame, - hack, horse .- The title tamers of horses is not only to
Basques, it must be shared by the Aquitaine, and this
community of tastes and manners seems a remarkable
feature of affinity, which must not be overlooked. It would
have been difficult to Aquitaine of being bad horsemen
because their country was rich in horses renamed. The
learned Benedictine, Dom Martin, which modern writers
have borrowed their details.more curious about the customs,
government and religion of the Celts, understood that this
production of fine horses had a great influence on the name
given to Aquitaine. Also ahead there that this country was
first called Equitainer, Latin, equus, horse. The remarkable
sagacity of the learned religious was not at fault because
they were still bold tamers of horses, that Aquitane - hack
horse - to cow (kau) intimidate - to hit, hit, - hand, hand -
hackcowhithand. - The passion of horse is she disappeared
from the modern heart of Aquitaine? It certainly still has the
same degree of alertness, despite changes in the century
habits: exercise any equestrian circus enough, indeed, to
excite in the soul of Aquitaine and Gascony a interest and
enthusiasm that can not be contained.The tribes that lived in
Aquitaine were about forty in number, nine of which were
key to the Romans in this country on behalf of
Novempopulania. We will examine the name quelquesunes
of these tribes with those of several cities, and we see that
they all belong to the Celtic language. The Tarbell occupied
the shores of the ocean, and Ausone not hesitate to call the
Bay of Biscay, the Ocean Tarbellien. Strabo claims that their
country was rich with a great gold: but the gold mines of the
country had nothing to do in the name they bore. Marine
careful and farsighted, they knew tarring their boats light to
fight against the destructive action of sea water - to tar, tar, -
to belly, bulge .- At the end of their territory, on the side of
Spain the Tarbell possessed a city Lapurdum, whose name
was later used to designate the country or Labour
Labourdan. It is believed to Bayonne (1) Lapurdum, former
Bayonne, should be placed on the seashore, as the waves of
the ocean Tarbellien reached him, - to lap, lick - ord board -
Lapord. The spoken-bigerriones Caesar occupied the
country which is now the chief Tarbes place. "In the name
came bigerriones de Bigorre which designated formerly a
fortress defending the city of Tarbes. Two of its first pastors,
Aper, in the Council of Agde, and St. Julien in the fourth
Council of Orleans call themselves, a bishop of the city of
Bigorre Civate Bigorritanae, and the other Bishop
Bigerricae of the city. Gregory of Tours does not name any
other way. "(1) Some authors have felt able to derive two-
Bigorre Basque words, bis, two, gora, height, but this
interpretation by the Basque offers no precise meaning.
Ausone bigerri calls this small nation, and seems well that
He has given us the real name, the more accurate
pronunciation. These mountaineers were devastating, looters
whose intrepidity never wavered. This is the trait of
manners traced in Bigerri Ausone - big, brave, to harry
(Herrera), pillage, devastate -. The Auscii formed in
Aquitaine the most powerful tribe. The ancient geographers
give to their main town name climberris. We are confident a
mistake on their part, they have not grasped the precise
meaning of this term, a distinctive whole country because
Auch never seen it change its name borrowed from Auscii.
Moreover, we believe we can discover the truth for the
meaning of Climberris intended to apply to the entire region
including both the city of Auch that are chosen. Anything
country produced berries and grains clime, region, country,
- berry, berry, grain, - -. Climeberry Why would they
attributed to a single city and grain production of the
grapes, since this was a general production of the region?
And it is not surprised to see the berries of the vine, the
grapes go into the composition of Climberris because the
vines were in Gaul in the wild. Considerable time had
elapsed perhaps without having thought about its culture,
and history seems to honor the Greeks to have taught the
Celts to make wine, which seems doubtful, moreover, Gauls
being advanced as the Greeks in material civilization, and
superior to the son of Javan in the philosophical and
religious sciences. qu'Auch We have already said her name
was borrowed to Auscii and was their main city. In seeking
to give Celtic Auch pronunciation, one is forced to say aouch
and probably the real name of this city, being written in
Anglo-Saxon Ouch, and deciding Aoutch.Ouch means gold
necklace, embeddings of a gemstone, and Auscii means
skillful workers, applied to work in precious metals and
manufacturing these magnificent gold necklaces whose
warriors adorned their breasts in great day of joy for them
were the days of fighting - ouch (aoutch), gold necklace -
hew (Hiou), cut - The Auscii could easily get skilled in the
books of gold was the metal almost flush to the ground in
their area, and various historians claim that the Greeks and
Phoenicians greedy merchants, returning to their country,
gave ballast for their ships the gold collected in the Pyrenees.
The richness of the horses had won Aquitaine a fraction of
Bituriges-Cubes (in Berry) and they were detached from the
bulk of the tribes to settle at the mouth of the Gironde.
Bituriges-Cubes have the same tastes as Aquitaine. Like
them, they were horse breeders, ready to pounce on their
horses and clever to use the brake - bit, brake, jaw, - ure, use
- itch, itching desire, - to cub, give birth, produce - .This part
of the tribe Bituriges-Cubes, established on both banks of
the Gironde was renamed Bituriges-Vivisci. The word
Vivisci, Celtic bright (vaïvz), refers to a disease of horses, a
disease that probably Bituriges treated with great success.
They had the main city Burdigala (Bordeaux). This city
should be then as now the main warehouse of trade between
the Ocean and the Mediterranean. It is quite instructive to
see Burdigala express the idea of a merchant and trader in
these times so distant from us - board (board) the deck of a
ship - to higgle, resell. Below the left bank of the Gironde,
and next-of Bituriges Vivisci, the coastline of the Gulf of
Biscay was occupied by the Boii, - bow (bo), arc - to hew
(Hiou) -. These archers cut, placed by unforeseen
circumstances on the banks of the sea, became excellent
sailors, and this probably later summoned the Boates - boat
(Bote), boat launch. CHAPTER V. --------------- ---------------
After applying the language to Tectosages interpret Basque,
we can try its effectiveness in explaining the names of British
and Celtic tribes Armorican. The Breton language is
believed to be the true Celtic language spoken by our
ancestors. The Bretons have maintained a very large
number of expressions Gallic is indisputable, but they have
not kept this language in its purity, and just take a look on
their pronouns to judge the profound alteration of their
language. This demonstrates that this alteration in broad
is the difficulty experienced by Britons themselves to clear
their names of ancient tribes, especially the names dearest to
their patriotism, those Brits and Armorica. Gonidec The
Next, Breton or Bretoun or better Brizard , just Briz,
meaning painted various colors. Lehuerou said Breton
(Brython Gallic traditions) drift Bro, country and tuna,
than, or den, men, that is to say, men in the country , native.
This, unfortunately, everything has been unveiled for the
etymology Breton British. The idiom of Tectosages be
happier, hopefully at least, while maintaining a more
accurate pronunciation. Britannic drift to breath (Brit), live,
and to annoy (Annoyer) annoy, bother. The island of Britain
was likely to be occupied by men living in a way hard and
uncomfortable. Caesar, speaking of his military expedition
to this island, reported that the former inhabitants kept
indoors, while the coasts of the Belgians were in power from
the mainland. The Belgians began to cultivate and sow the
fields: the island was heavily populated, many herds;
residents living within milk and meat, no wheat sowing
point, and were dressed in skins. (1) The intentional taking
of wheat and bread, food exclusively from milk and meat,
clothing skins eyes had seemed to be a kind of Neimheid life
pretty hard and pretty uncomfortable to name the island,
British . Armorica The term is also an enigma in the Breton
language. According to all the authors derive from Armorica
armor, sea Mor itself means sea in Breton, but ar, what does
it in a safe manner? And termination ic is it unnecessary and
it would become a mere ornament? In the idiom of
Tectosages armorique breaks down as follows: - arm in arm,
- bv (gold), rowing, oar - to eke (ike), extend, develop, - that
is to say, an arm uses very long trains. This sense of Brittany
becomes startling truth, when one remembers guidance of
Caesar on the Venetian navy powerful enough to make this
indomitable people. Armorican vessels to keel flat defied the
shallows; built their whole heart of oak, they could play the
clash of spurs Roman their bow and astern very high,
admirably resisted the waves greatest: the sails were made of
skins, so they were torn apart and point to pieces by the fury
of hurricanes and storms. (1) It is not surprising gifts that
building ships rims so high, the sailors of Brittany have had
to use trains very long, and this is the origin of their name,
Armorica.'s Go through even if this land of Armorica
interesting and we will break even by the names of their
tribes and its cities, many things worthy of the attention The
tribe's most powerful confederation Armorican was that of
the Veneti. These sailors feared were very religious, but they
were unaware of the temple to pray, they met in the open air
when filling their religious exercises, scorning to shelter
from the weather and seasons to accomplish the actions
more noble life. The name of Veneti indicates that proud
tradition, which was also common to all the Gauls, just as
religious as the Veneti - vane (Venezuela), the temple - to
hate (HETE), hate -. Their principal city was Dariorigum
Today Valves. We have already seen the ability of Aquitaine
and Bituriges to raise and tame horses, and now in another
part of Gaul, we can convince vigilant care what the Celts
surrounded the equine species - to dare, dare , to-hew (Hiou)
carving - rig, half horse castrated -. South of Morbihan, near
the seacoast, is Carbac, so remarkable for its alignments.
The stones are arranged in long rows and are regular lanes
whose width varies between four and eight meters. A
distance of seven, eight and ten meters is provided between
each of the stones. Aisles of the center are larger than the
side aisles, and at one end, one sees a large open space, like a
public square.We are looking for a long time the significance
of these alignments made of stones and measuring several
kilometers. If we were allowed to venture an opinion on
these alignments, we would be inclined to see, not a religious
monument, but a place of exercise, where the Gauls were
formed to drive with skill, amid obstacles multiplied, their
chariots of war, armed with scythes, their cobhains - kob
horse - to hem, circle - and we know what address the
fearsome Celts spread. Caesar was so much impressed that
he could not hide his admiration. "The exercises daily, he
said, have made them so clever, they know to stop their
horses in the race for the most spirited in the steepest slopes,
and they make the short run: themselves are accustomed to
running on the pole, to take on the yoke, and then jumped to
discharge into the tank. "(1) The alignments of Carnac were
willing to train the eye and the hand of young Gauls, forced
to drive their carts between the stones they should be studied
and turning to avoid. Besides, what us to put forward this
hypothesis, the very name of Carnac, meaning a carriage
drawn by a young horse - for, cart, - nag, young horse. - Is it
unacceptable that these long lines of stones Carnac were
lifted, so to speak, a racetrack, where the Celts showed their
strength and skill by beating, among the obstacles, young
and strong horses The fans can see megalithic monuments
Locmariaguer among the Veneti, a covered walkway, called
Caesar. Locmariaguer is placed near the Lake of Vannes.
Here is the composition of that name: a lake that keeps
hunters, - log, (lok) lake - to March, prevent - Yager
(iagueur), hunter -. All authors who have occupied Celtic
industries we learn that hair sieve are Gallic invention, but
they do not say where was the place of invention and
manufacture. Sarzeau in the peninsula Rhuis we heard
plenty about it, SARC (SARS), mesh, woven horsehair, to
sew (so), tie, sew. North of the Veneti, the tribe was
established Curiosolites. Their hands fashioned the sails of
hides, which were used by sailors of Brittany and had been
so surprised Caesar. The Curiosolites were tanners, forced
to sew and attach the skins stink, to curry (keurri), currying,
to owe (O), be obliged to sew (so), sew, tie, olid, stinking,
fetid. Estce Curiosolites in remembrance of the City of
SaintMalo is still a large trade in hides and skins? In this
tribe on the shores of the Sea, was Regina, whose name alone
indicates the importance for marine Armorican: we to hew
(Hiou), trim. In the field of border Curiosolites, was a city
named Aleth, located roughly at the location now occupied
by the city of St. Servan. City Aleth, went away (gone),
mixture, alloy, to etch, engrave etching on copper, it works
manufactured copper and bronze, or, she received this name
because soil which would have contained copper ore? It is
difficult to pronounce. However, our Aleth the Aude
department might give us information, and the similarity of
name seems to come from the similarity of industry or field
containing metals similar in both localities. The metal
industry has always been zero in our Aleth, and there is
nothing in the traditions that allow even to suspect the
operation of its copper pyrites The Neimheid had to apply a
name similar to these two cities so far apart from each other,
probably because of their soil containing quantities of
copper pyrites mixed with other minerals. The city belonged
to Brittany Aleth Tribe Diablintes - To Dye (DAI), tinting,
coloring, - able, skilful - to hint, invent,suggest - the
ingenious and skilled workers who could provide tissue
which consisted of clothing Celts, these colorful and varied
they liked the brightness. Diablintes The city had another
called Thin, - to fine, refine, purify, - Haze (Hèze) fog. A t we
want in the name of Fine refer to the vapor-like mist rising
above homes refining? Located near Aleth, Fines might well
have homes, intended to purify the copper pyrites from this
locality. Assuming this hypothesis, which is not unlikely, a
smelter of copper or bronze, in the town of Fine, the stoves
were never extinguished, especially if it was obligated to
provide and drawbars wheels bronze Carife people, whose
industry was to adjust the various parts of carriages Celtic -
because carriage - to eye (ouch), keep an eye on, - to fay (fe),
adjust - . Carife was ten miles southeast of Aleth.To the west
of the Veneti, in the part of the former county of Cornwall
or ending at Cape spout Raz, lived Corisopites. To try and
enjoy this country, just to quote the description given by
Chateaubriand, who knew his beloved Britain, "Region sad
and lonely, foggy, resounding noise of the winds, and whose
coasts were battered rocks bristling with a Wild Ocean."
These words are faithful and complete translation of
Corisopites - horn heart - hiss, hiss - sob, sigh, sob, - to hit,
hit, hit -. The shrill whistles, the moans incessant products in
the rocks by the fury of hurricanes, they were not likely to
strike at the heart of Corisopites sad? The Agnotes, who
occupied the north of Corisopites the tip called Armorican
Cape Finisterre, were too tired and tormented by bad
weather and storms - to hag, torment - Connaught (Nauta),
-. The bad Agnotes were included in the tribe or Osismiens
Osismii. They had given that name because of the abundance
of porpoises and piety that frequented their coast - sea-hog
(hog-si), porpoise -Smews (smiou), Pieter, waterfowl -.
Located on the right bank of the Loire or ligers - lickerish,
delicious - the tribe Namnètes was made famous by his
ability to stretch nets, - name, reputation, celebrity - to net to
net -According to Ptolemy, the main city of Namnètes was
Condivicum today Nantes - to con, memorize, - device
(divaïce), invention -. What inventions were therefore made
this city Condivicum styling, inventions that we learned by
heart? Was there a school where they taught the practice of
manual arts, or was it a school of navigation in which the
intrepid sailors Veneti came to train and keep abreast of
science and inventions water? He is always sure Condivicum
owned a construction site for the ships, since bathing in the
river city, were thrown, by order of Caesar, the Roman
galleys to combat the fleet of the Veneti, who had two
hundred and twenty ships . (1)
Give them back. -
DRUIDS. - The Carnutes.
North of the tribe Namnètes, were the Redones. One can
hardly speak of Redones reminiscent to mind images of large
stones which Britons have kept the names so carefully. It is
interesting to know the mind of modern science on these
monuments, thought that Mr. Louis Figuier was perfectly
done and reflected in Early Man. We quote verbatim in this
regard, some important passages of this book. "A strange
and fortunate circumstance at a time," writes Louis Figuier,
has made it extremely easy, and yet some, the notions that
we will present our readers. These tombs of men of the age
of polished stone, these monuments have been studied,
described, researched in depth by archaeologists and
antiquarians, who is the subject of a multitude of
publications and of scholarly papers. Indeed, these tombs
are nothing else than the dolmens, or monuments or Celtic
Druid, and they do not relate, as we had always thought, at
times historical, that is to tell the time of the Celts or Gauls,
but back to a much higher antiquity, because they belong to
the pre-historic era of polished stone. We will, with this
explanation given, and the dolmens called megalithic
monuments, grand remains of an Era buried in the mists of
time, riddles colossal necessary to our reason and sting at the
highest point of curiosity of the scholar and thinker. The
dolmens are monuments which consist of a large rock, or
more less flattened, and placed horizontally on a number of
stones, erected vertically themselves to use formats. The
earth covering these kinds of burial chambers and formed a
mound, but later times, this land has often disappeared,
emerging only the bare stones of the burial chamber.
These are the bare stones that have been taken to the altars
of stone, which was reported to the religious worship of the
Gauls. The so-called Druidic altars are only ruined dolmens.
This is not, as has always said, to serve the cruel practices of
a religion they were raised. It is safe now that the dolmens
are tombs that pre-historic times. ... " He must give up
seeing in the dolmens of Brittany, who have been so often
described by antique dealers, who are among the
monuments of our history, symbols of the religion of our
fathers. We can no longer look only as burial chambers. The
dolmens are very numerous in France, many more than we
think. It is generally believed that none exists in Britain, and
admire the curious in this respect the so-called Druidic
altars so prevalent in the former province of France. But
Britain is far from having the privilege of megalithic
constructions. We found in fifty-eight of our departments,
belonging mostly to parts of western and south-west .. The
menhirs were huge blocks rough stones, which are stuck in
the ground around the graves. They were planted singly or
in rows, that is to say in a circle or avenue.When the stones
are arranged in a circle, single or multiple, they are called
stone circles. These are large stone enclosures, usually
arranged around a dolmen. The cult of the dead seems to
have converted these speakers in places of pilgrimage in
which stood, on certain days, public meetings. These
speakers are sometimes circular, as in England, sometimes
rectangular, as Germany and include one or more places. "...
These stone monuments, we have already said, are no more
than Celtic Druids. The Celtic peoples who occupied part of
Gaul, several centuries before the Christian era, are quite
innocent of megalithic constructions. They found them all
made during their migration, and presumably they
considered them with as much amazement as we do. They
took advantage when they appeared advantageous to use
them. As for the priests of ancient peoples, as for druids who
gathered sacred mistletoe on the oak, they performed their
ceremonies in the Black Swan. Yet never does dolmen was
built in the depths of the forest and all the stone monuments
that exist today stand in the discovery of the country. He
must give up the ancient and poetic insight which dolmens
altars of religious worship of our ancestors. "(1) The opinion
of modern science regarding the dolmens, strangely different
ideas arising from the interpretation of the names are big
stones, so abundant in Armorica, especially among Redones
(Rennes).The tribe reshape religious, scholarly, possessing
the secret of raising megalithic monuments scattered
throughout Gaul, was the tribe learned of the stones, - read
(red) scientist - hone, stone. - The study and science were
required to know the purpose of erection of the megaliths,
and they alone possessed the intelligence and sense who had
learned from the lips of the Druids. It is worth noting the
department of Ille-et-Vilaine includes most of the territory of
former Redones and receives its name from two rivers Ille
and Vilaine that take their sources. Ille, hill, meaning hill
Vilaine - to Will (ouch), will, - to hem, wrap - attaches to
stones placed on the hills surrounding the tribe Redones.
The report and the name of convenience between two rivers
and that of Redones they are purely incidental? Is not this a
striking confirmation of the interpretation given in Redon
and implied by the language of Tectosages? Isolated stones,
"said H. Martin, called men-hir, long stone, or peulvan
pillar of stone caves dummy leckh, rock, or dolmen stones,
(tol or fraud, elevation) or stone table (from taol, table) : the
circles, crom leckh (crom stones or stone circles). The
famous round towers of Ireland are also monuments of
Gaelic, of a character a religious group, as evidenced by
their very traditional name-Feid Neimheidh. "Neimheid, we
have already seen, refers to the learned body which
comprised the names. These chosen men as they handed out
to the people the main basis of their food, that is to say
wheat and bread? Feid declares positively puique the verb
"to feed (fid) means, feed, feed. Terms Meniri, dolmen,
Cromleck, still refer to this important fact, which was for the
Druids, to distribute to the people of Celtic, the first religious
science, essential to the moral life, and secondly, wheat and
bread, essential to material life.
The Meniri, by its acute and pointed, was the staple food,
wheat, - hand (men), Main - ear (ir), ear of corn .- Strange!
In all our villages of Languedoc, there are still a land which
is attached the name Kaïrolo, - key, key, - ear (ir), ear of
wheat - hole, a small country house .- In this field, probably
built was the breadbasket of Celtic villages. The distribution
of wheat was made by the hand of the Druids as various
authors have clearly recognized and identified as witnessed
with the words attached to the dolmen, which was, in fact,
built as a distribution table, to dole, distribute, - hand (men),
essential -. It is quite curious and interesting to the terms
and Meniri dolmen, the name of the last chief of the Druids
armoricains, who lives close Druidic colleges under a decree
of the general assembly, chaired by the Bishop Moderan
under the first king of Brittany, Conan Meriadech, and held
in Rennes, in the year 396 AD. The supreme leader of the
druidic order was called Eal-irbad, - to heal (hil), remedy -
ear (ir), ear of corn, - bad, bad, bad -: Bridging the spoiled
wheat. He was therefore obliged by his duties as Archdruid,
not only to distribute wheat in ordinary times, but still, in
the unhappy years, to address the accidents occurring to
crops, distributing, without doubt, wheat prudently held
special reserve in attics.
The circle of stones, usually round, is the bread Cromleck
indeed drift Krum (Kreum), breadcrumbs and to like
(Laika), love, taste. Cromleck In Rennes-les-Bains we see
strong round stones, contained bread, placed on top of huge
rocks The loose stones are appointed by the Britons
Roeselare - ruler (Wheeler), Governor - They are a sign of
divine government and Druid. We have thought through the
stories of Caesar and the shape of dolmens, these tables were
used as altar where the Druids sacrificed human creatures,
but the interpretation of the names of all the Celtic standing
stones, light and easy interpretation by the idiom of
Tectosages lose these megaliths odious characters attributed
to them, and is back in the class of simple buildings, with a
splendid religious significance, however, we will try to
explain with clarity in speaking of Cromleck Rennes-les-
The greatest indecision reigns over peulven and lichaven. It
generally refers to the peulven Meniri and lichaven the
dolmen. In reality, peulvens lichavens and have a similar
idea to that which is contained in the name of the Veneti, as
peulven expresses a feeling of repulsion for the temples - to
pull (Poulle), plucking - vane (Venezuela), Temple - and
lichaven represents a people lacking religious buildings - to
lack, lack, - vane (Venezuela), temple -: it should be written
instead of lackven lichaven.
It could be observed with respect to lichaven that, in the
idiom of Tectosages, the verb to like (Laika) means love,
which would attribute to lichaven a direction contrary to
that which we thought we should give him, but he should
lose sight of that lichavens exist in the tribe of the Veneti as
well as in the tribe Redones, there would be a contradiction
quite obvious in the presence of these lichavens (magnet
temples) in the middle of the occupied territory by Veneti
(hating the temples), and Neimheid was too clever to commit
a mistake as big. According to Strabo, the largest city of
Redon was Condate. It would be very popular with the
young students of Gaul, because there learned by heart,
science provided by the Druids, - to con, learn by heart -
death (deth), death and its aftermath, or else - date (DETE)
time -.
Before quoting the statements of Caesar on the Druidic
teaching, it is advantageous to seek the meaning of the word
Druid, which has been interpreted so diverse. We are
convinced that commonly Druid means man of the oak, and
Pliny has contributed much to be gained for this
explanation? Oak, Languedoc dialect, is expressed by
garrik; in Anglo-Saxon by oak (ok), in Brittany, by way of
departure, Dervis, in Welsh, by Derwies, Scots and Irish by
dair; in Latin, by Quercus, and in Greek by thick. Pliny,
after noticing the Greek expression, believes Druid just
thick: "No sacrifice, he said, without the oak branches" (1)
The branch or branches of oak, resulting in Greek, by o
druïnos clados this sounding had certainly throw in an
inevitable error, if ignored, as is likely, the language of so-
called barbarian Gauls. The word Druid, Anglo-Saxon druid
(drouid), contains a well-meaning otherwise serious and
remarkable. It must be remembered that Caesar, by relating
the name of the Druids, has sought to soften the harsh,
guttural sounds of the Celtic Druids and he wrote (drouides)
instead of trouides. This last term can easily find the key to
the enigma. It consists of the verb to trow (ORT), imagine,
think, believe, and another verb head (HID), beware, be
careful - trowhead (trôhid). For the Druids, according to the
meaning of their name, was imposed the obligation to
imagine, build, secure expressions, full of tribes, cities and
all parts of the Celtic territory, and it was function they
fulfilled in the name of neimheid. They still had to focus
their attention on what to think and believe, they were
responsible to teach the divine and human sciences. The
Druids did not write the mysteries of science: their many
disciples got the knowledge, using their memory to
remember the many verses in which the doctrine was
confined Druid. Forcing young people to learn by heart and
the sciences were communicated to them, "they prevented
them from resting on the writing and also neglecting the
training of memory. It usually happens in fact that it applies
less to remember by heart what can be learned through
books. The foundation of their doctrine is that souls do not
perish ... They also deal with movements of the stars, the
vastness of the universe and the world, the essence of things,
the power of the gods, and teach these doctrines to the
young. "(1) We see by these words of Caesar, the Neimheid
gave, with great accuracy, to the town of Redon, Condate
name, that name brings to mind memories of the doctrines
taught by the Druids, youth Gallic, which they cultivated
intelligence and memory. It is not necessary to insist on
material knowledge possessed by the Celts. The names of the
tribes and cities expressing various professions, the
wonderful organization in the entire Celtic, which resemble
the tribes to corporations working with an industry par-
ticular to each tribe and appropriate products of the soil,
amply demonstrates, not only the superiority of civilizations
of the Celts, but also the perfect understanding of their
government, who knew and direct all the productions, to
distribute all the works necessary for the preservation and
prosperity of Gallic society.
Caesar gives us a few more details about the hierarchy and
some druidic functions. This faculty was chaired by a druid
clothed with supreme authority. After the death of the
leader, they gave him the successor to the druid most
deserving and if more was also worthy of this honor, the
highest number of votes obtained by one of them, wore
power: sometimes, however, the weapons could only decide
the final choice. The Druids gathered at a fixed time of the
year in a consecrated place, on the confines of Carnutes,
because this country Carnutes is considered the focal point
of all Gaul. Here, assembled from all sides who had disputes,
and they submitted themselves to the judgments and
judgments of the Druids. (1) The science of law, make
judgments, and punishments to be imposed on perpetrators,
was also transmitted by purely oral education: Condom
(Gers) demonstrates, - to con, learn by heart - to doom
(dom), judge, condemn -.
The Carnutes Chartres which occupied the country is now
the chief town. By removing the two words that form
Carnutes, we will be able to appreciate the skill composition
of the Druids in Celtic tribal names. Carnutes means new
cart full of oats and fresh - because, cart, - new (Niue), new,
cool, - oats (OST), oats Carnutes -. The country has never
seen it fail in his huge output cereal? And Chartres can cite,
in the past century, a time when his prodigious grain trading
was temporarily suspended? The Celtic name of Chartres, as
the authors engage and Autricum. Autricum This is simply a
positive affirmation of the place where were the purchases
and sales of new oats - oatrick, heap of oats -. We do not
know if the explanation of proper names by the Armorican
language Tectosages, will in the mind a conviction sufficient
to destroy all doubts. It could be argued that this is, perhaps,
language Kimrique, very different from the Gaelic language
in use among the tribes of eastern and central Gaul. Let us
examine again the value of the idiom of Volkes, in the
interpretation of some proper names, taken as part of Gaul
owned by the confederation known as Gaelic. L III
Arverni and Vercingetorix. Part of Gaul is occupied by the
Gaels watered by the Rhone, Rhodanus. This expression,
Rhodanus, gave rise to some Historians believing that Rhone
had founded a city between the mouth of the Rhone. Henri
Martin, after having shared this belief, expresses his
hesitation. "The name comes from the Rhone not yet Rhoda,
such as Greek and Latin historians have imagined, but the
Gaelic Rhuit-year (running water). "(1) The Neimheid,
naming the river Rhodanus, well knew the shape of the bay
which was at its mouth, and also the exact number of outlets
through which it flowed into the sea scholars Gauls n '
would, moreover, never consented to call this river Rhuit-
year, running water, because that would require styling and
all the rivers and running waters of Gaul.
Strabo relates, on the Rhone, the opinion of Timaeus, (2)
arguing that the Rhodanus flowed into the sea by five
different outlets in a harbor, filled by the river worker - road
(Rod), roads, location where ships cast anchor; - hand, hand,
arm end finished by hand into five fingers -. Timaeus was
not wrong in giving the Rhone five different mouths, and it
although the actual condition of the river when the Neimheid
he imposed the name Rhodanus. Not forsaking the Rhone
without seeking to know Marseille Massili. Historians argue
that around the year 600 BC, a ship came from Phocaea
Greek city of Aeolis, anchored near the mouth of Rhone to
the east of this river. Segobriges belonged to these shores:
their leader Nann, married that day his daughter.
Foreigners, welcomed with kindness were allowed to take its
place among the guests. Following the custom of the
Iberians, borrowed by the Ligurian Segobriges, the girl was
free to choose her husband among the guests assembled at
the table paternal. At the end of the meal, the girl Nann
between a cup in hand: it takes a view on the meeting,
hesitated a moment, then, stopping in front of Euxenus,
leader of the Greeks, she presents the cut. Nann confirmed
the choice of his daughter, and gave a dowry to the shores of
Euxenus Gulf where he had landed, and some land on the
coast of the Mediterranean. Euxenus threw a peninsula in its
field the foundations of a city he called Massili, and soon,
thanks to the many settlers who came to him Phocaea, the
Greek city rose to the highest degree of prosperity. (1 ) This
narrative historians left in complete darkness the
Segobriges, who received so cordially Euxenus with Greeks
Neimheid the book itself to posterity a very weak
information on this tribe. Established at the mouth of the
Rhone, the Segobriges were much impeded in their
communications, through the waters of this deep and rapid
river. They were thus seen in the need to build many
bridges, to make their relationship easier and easier. It is,
moreover, any assertion of the Academy Gauloise - to seek
(sik), try to, - to owe (O), be obliged - to bridge (brijde),
build a bridge On the coasts of Segobriges, Euxenus laid the
foundations of Marseille and made this flourishing city in
calling to the Levant trade, but it is quite likely that the
Neimheid him not abandon the task of naming the city, since
all words used in the composition of Massilia, is purely
Celtic. Massili in the admirable brevity of the term, is a port
that receives an infinite number of large vessels that put the
band for refit - mass, a mass, - to heel (hil), putting a vessel
in the band refit - high (hated) -. In general up the Rhone to
the lake and on the left bank of the river appear powerful
Allobroges. They occupied Savoy, Grenoble and theirs with
the country now included in the department of Isere. The
predominant industry of this tribe has not disappeared from
the area they owned. Liqueurs of the Saint-Andre, ratafias
renowned grenoble, succeeded the spirits and exciting
products manufactured by the Savoyards, - to Alloo
(allocated), animate, excite, - brewage (brouedje), a mixture
of different beers - . The profession of Allobroges can
therefore be concluded that the clear water of the fountains
was not the only drink of the Celts. To the west of the Rhone,
in Vivarais Helvii fitting the address with weapons of war,
lances, spears, axes, - to Helve, fit, - to hew (Hiou) cut - too
small industry that Helvetii had contemptuously rejected as
according to their tastes somewhat belligerent - to Helve, fit,
- to hate (HETE) detest - to hew (Hiou) cut -. Abandoning
Rauraci, Basel, cold storm that - raw (RAU), cold, frozen - to
rack, torment - back to the confluence of the Saone and the
Rhone, to find Lugdunum, Lyon. MA Chevallet of in his
magnificent work, Origin and formation of the French
language, writes: "dune mound of sand that lies on the sea;
poop, the highest part of the back of a ship. These words
derive from the Celtic dun, which meant a hill, a hill, as we
learn Clitophon in a treatise attributed to Plutarch. Here is
the passage: "Beside the Arar (Saone), is a hill called
Lougdounon, who received his name for the reason that I
bring. Momoros and Atepomoros, who had been dethroned
by Seséronéos, undertook based on the response of an oracle
to build a city on the hill. They had already laid the
foundations, when a multitude of crows directed their flight
from this side and came to cover the surrounding trees.
Momoros versed in the science of omens gave the city the
name Lougdounon, whereas in their language, (the Gauls)
call the raven lougon and eminence dounon This city, as the
reader previously thought, none other than Roman
Lugdunum, became our Lyon: it was first built along the
right bank of the Saone, on the heights which border Pierre
SCIS. Dun was preserved in termination of several of our
other cities. "The fact reported by Clitophon seems to be
quite real. It was a happy accident, good fortune Momoros
versed in the science of omens, seeing a multitude of crows
his mark, so to speak, the place that was to occupy the city,
and the term luck (leuk), accident, good fortune - luckdun -
expresses the satisfaction he must have felt. As for dunum,
which ends the name of several cities Celtic, it does not mean
the eminence on which a city could be built as to dun means:
annoy a debtor. It is likely that the cities on the termination
or dun dunum originally were cities of refuge, where
insolvent debtors would get immune to prosecution creditors
too intrusive.The learned Dom Martin, in his history of
Gaul, has already made this thought, that the Gallic cities
were perhaps mere cities of refuge, empty of inhabitants,
where they ran to take cover from a pressing danger . The
verb "to dun, offers a sense quite clear, accurate, fully
explaining the cause of the stampede of a debtor and his
sudden retirement in a distant city. It is certain, however,
that the Celts were looking for hills to build their cities and
the city of Lactora (Lectoure, Gers) An example of this
choice. Lactora, located atop a steep mountain, at the foot of
which flows the Gers, indicates clearly the hill where it sits,
and also the stated preference of the Celts to the heights
when they founded a city - to like (Laika), love, taste, - tor,
(torr), completed in peak height -. Among the tribes included
in the confederation known as Gaelic, the most famous is
that of Averna. Citing the names of Arverne mind stops
immediately with a painful interest on Vercingetorix, the last
defender of the Gallic independence. Commissioned by
Vercingetorix and fighting in their beloved mountains,
Caesar Arverna inflicted a crushing defeat, which aroused
bitter memories in the heart of the Roman general, the most
savage hatred against his conqueror Caesar was unable to
find his soul ulcerated, even a weak sense of admiration for
the hero Arverne proudly engaged the Romans to save his
comrades. The conqueror of Gaul, by throwing him in
chains , proved that his heart wide open to the ferocity, was
closed to the generosity of the more vulgar. We can not think
without indignation at the barbaric treatment suffered by
magnanimous Arverne, who had six years languishing in
chains before the ax of lictor has put an end to his torture.
The name of Vercingetorix, the leader of the Gauls imposed
fighting for the independence of their country, we depicted
by a line of fire. This is the warlord forgetting everything, to
think only with the dangers facing his country and lead his
brothers in combat - war (ouaûr) war - King (kigne) leader,
King - to head (hed) be at the head, driving, - to owe (O), be
obliged, must, - risk, danger -. We tried several times to
interpret the name of Vercingetorix. This is the
generalissimo, worm-cinn -cedo-righ, "says a historian who
rightly accuses the Latin authors" of the title confuse
functions with the proper name, as they did a head or
Brennus Brennus of Gaul. "(1) Brenn, in fact, derives from
brain (Brenner), brain. Henri Martin, in his History of
France, says this about the Celtic hero," he called
Vincingétorix, ie say, the great leader of a hundred heads,
worm-kenn-kedorigh. "This explanation stems from the
same source undecided who gave us ar-Fearann, high-earth,
Arverna. But what a gulf between this ar-Fearann and truth.
The Arverna were once what they are today, ie, traversing
Gaul hawkers to sell new goods, - to hare, running here and
there - ware (Oučrč), commodity, something to Sale, - new
(Niue), again - and we could not cite a single point city in
France where one discovers some Arverne enriched by
trading. Is not this a wonderful thing to see the same
exercise Avernes industry in the earliest ages of the Celtic
history? Jealous care with which members of Neimheid
scholars have made sure they not exactly burn the
occupation of a tribe in the name she bore After the
explanation of the designations made in eastern and central
Gaul, where the Gaelic language should dominate, does it
seem unfair to argue that the Celtic language used by the
academy was a Gallic, and dialectical differences that existed
only in popular language? The neimheid was not only
established in Ireland, where he left his name attached to the
round towers that still exist. Caesar said that the institution
was designed Druidic first in the island of Britain, and
thence introduced in Gaul (1) but is it credible that the good
order of the Druids has been a sudden start among Breton
Island? When the Celts have left Asia, towards the West,
Neimheid already performing its functions, and names he
had to leave following the course of the Danube, later amply
prove, because we firmly confidence that their interpretation
by the language Volkes, will be extremely easy. We have
already disassembled and explained more than two hundred
words or names, Hebrew, Punic, Basque and Celtic. Are we
not entitled to find the evidence strong enough to argue that
the language of Tectosages, preserved by the Anglo-Saxons,
is the true Celtic language? Is it not fair to call the primitive
language,spoken by Noah, the patriarch and sent to Adam
who had received from God as the divine names and
surnames of the first men read with real clarity as to the
terms included in this language and how many memories
our Bretons of France will revive, they whose faithful
memory has preserved the names of all these monuments
Celtic looked upon with curiosity as real puzzles! We are far
from claiming that no error has crept in explaining Celtic
names that we have tried using the language of Tectosages
but these errors are easily excluded or corrected by the torch
of local traditions, whose persistence as its radius will
project light on the life and history of our ancestors. This
history, moreover, is not it again? "These primitive Gaels,"
Henri Martin (1), tattooed, armed with knives and stone
axes, were to offer some resemblance to the wild warlike
North America. They are shepherds and hunters, they have
even a little agriculture. "To this the answer Neimheid by
religious denominations, and industrial designations
imposed to cities, smaller tribes and villages whose names
reveal many surprising things. We must therefore abandon
all assumptions of savagery and barbaric state, insulting to
our ancestors the Gauls, and with justice to the high degree
of civilization, religious, moral and material which they have
an indisputable right. In response neimheid, adds even more
serious replica of our holy books: "What once was? What
must happen in the future. What was done? What needs to
be done. Nothing is new under the sun, and no one can say
this is a new thing, because it was already in the centuries
passed before us.
CHAPTER VI. VOLKER Tectosages ---------------
THE RHONE AND THE VOLKS ---------------
I Tectosagians and Arécomiques.
According to several historians, the fourth century BC saw
the Volkes Tectosages Arécomiques and settle in the south of
Gaul. William of Catel, in his history of Languedoc, says
that Tectosages were already established in southern Gaul
until the fourth century, for it involves the army Sigovèse
about the year 587 BC, formed in large Tectosages part,
while the army Bellovèze march towards Italy, contained
Bituriges, the Aedui, Arverni and warriors belonging to
other tribes of central Gaul. This assertion does not lack
merit and it is likely that Caesar refers to this first
expedition, writing in his comments: "Long before there was
a time when the Gauls excelled the Germans in their military
prowess and made war even among them: the fields are not
sufficient to feed a population too numerous, they sent the
settlements beyond the Rhine. It is in the land of Germany's
most fertile around the Hercynian forest, that Volkes
Tectosages s' established after having conquered. This
nation until that time held the same territory. "(1) Julius
Caesar shows us the set Tectosages beyond the Rhine first,
then around the Hercynian forest, that is to say, having also
the Danube. Around the year 281 BC, the Tectosages the
south of Gaul, taking with them other tribes presented
themselves to their brothers from the Danube, and dragged
to Macedonia, Epirus, Thrace and Greece. This last
expedition, led by Tectosages toulouse, combined with
Tectosages Danube and the Gauls Sordiques or long sword -
sword (Sord), sword - to eke (Ike), extend - also placed in the
Danube region, brings to two major migrations Tectosages
made since their establishment in the south of Gaul. In the
first northward migration, with Caesar has shown no
intention of returning, countries conquered from the
Germans: in the second expedition to Macedonia, some of
these Tectosages insatiable adventures, went to Asia and
founded their allies with a new Gaul, Galatia, another part
of Tectosages returned to their native and reported, say the
historians, even in Toulouse gold Delphi and the spoils of
Greece. Volkes appear, after this, having conquered the
south of Gaul, long before the Belgians have invaded North
Gauls what happened to them in the current to the fourth
century BCE. They would not be a tribe of Belgium,
although belonging, like the Belgians, family Cimmerian.
The name of the Belgians gave no indication about their
origin, but it defines their war tactics. They knew very
careful to combine remarkable courage, and said Caesar,
"alone among the Gauls, they had successfully repelled the
attacks of the Cimbri and Teutons (probably Volkes set
beyond Rhine), so they had of themselves and their ability in
the military art very highly. "(1) The art of science warrior,
among the Belgians, was mainly a choice of their fortified
camps, they knew how to fortify make impregnable. They
found the remains of the walled enclosures that Louis
Figuier believes contemporary of the Stone Age. (2) "To
find, he said, the evidence still standing wars men of the
Stone Age, we must move in that part of Europe that is now
Belgium. Yes, at the age of stone, beyond any written
tradition, the people of this country have waged war, either
among themselves or against other peoples from the outside.
We have proof from the speakers or fortified entrenched
camps, which were discovered by MM. Hamour and
Himelette. The camps are for Furfooz, Pont-de-Bonn, Simon,
Jemelle, the Hastedon and Poilvache. "These camps offer a
variety of common characteristics. They are generally
established overlooking steep valleys on a massive rocks,
forming a sort of promontory, which is connected to the rest
of the country by a narrow passage. A wide ditch was dug in
this tongue of land, and the entire camp was surrounded by
a thick stone wall, simply assembled against each other,
without mortar or cement. At camp Hastedon, near Namur,
this wall, which was still well preserved at the time of its
discovery, measured three feet in width, a height roughly
equal. When they were attacked, the men gathered in the
chamber, rained stones on the assailants borrowed from
their wall, which thus became at once a work of defense and
These entrenched positions were so well chosen that most
continued to be busy for the next century. We cite an
example that Poilvache. After Roman fortress, it was
transformed in the Middle Ages, a castle which was
destroyed only in the fifteenth century. "Camps and the
Hastedon Furfooz were also used by the Romans."
Throughout the enclosure of the former camps, were found
flint tools and fragments of pottery, all of which would
suffice to prove the presence of primitive man. The
enormous walls of these camps show while he lived on the
designated points in many cities already. "The construction
of these camps, stated, among the Belgians, the rational
choice of tactics, and it was impossible that their names not
bore a trace serious point: so by removing the two syllables
that make up Belgae, there are men knowing, war, surround
their positions of a wall or fence, which could make them
immune to surprise the enemy, and terrified by the difficulty
or impossibility of removing main force behind their walls, -
to paddle (peeled), surround, palisade, - to cow (kau),
intimidate, frighten, - -. The Pelkaou Volkes Tectosages did
not conduct a war of this kind. Their order of battle - to
come (bloke), become - to eke (ike), develop -. Disdaining the
shelter of a rampart, lily relied on the enemy, quick as
lightning, re-formed their ranks with ease, without concern
for the evolving threat and as sure of victory. We are happy
to find people in this strain of Francks, the fury that made
the French army so formidable. This dissimilarity in the
genius we warrior strongly urges not to consider the point
Volkes Tectosages Arécomiques and Belgians as two tribes,
although the verb to cow, frighten, also used in the
composition and Belgae Volcae. Arécomikes The Tectosages
and divided the south of Gaul, the first extending from
Bésiers until Rhône Nemausus (Nimes), the main town.
Nemausus, Celtic, means house of fame, - name (nth),
renown, celebrity - house (haouce), house -. What was that
famous house? The square house of Nimes is still cited today
as a remarkable monument. But how did this house have
become famous for this unique and simple as to be square?
This is probably because the Home Gallic affecting the
round shape, a square house built in the city has excited
general astonishment and determined the name of
Nemausus. Can be as all the houses in the city they had the
square shape. The Tectosages had placed the seat of their
dominion in Tolosa (Toulouse), which already existed and
was probably the largest city and largest of southern Gaul.
The Garonne River, navigable for a great course, lent his
Gallic craft service, which however, was forced to tow them
to reach Tolosa, now a shopping mall to the south. tugs were
employed as the country's magnificent bulls, horses being
eyed Gauls animals too precious to be used for such
purposes. As well, the bull, stronger than the horse, he was
more capable of driving boats often involved in the silt of the
river - to tow (to) tow - to low (lo), bellow, roar, - ooze
(welve), mud, silt, - towlowooze. The small town of Tolosa in
Guipuzcoa, surrounded by the Oria, the largest river in the
province after the Deva, also saw slight Cantabrians boats,
towed by bulls , reach the foot of his homes. Garonne,
Garumna, rooted in the Spanish Pyrenees. This country was
occupied by the tribe Garumnites whose Garumna river
took its name. Garumnites fed mountains of real chamois
herds: the species is known in the Pyrenean region under the
name of chamois. This term, quite Celtic, related to an
important detail of the lives of these animals. When the herd
grazing, two or three old males in posting sentries on the
hills overlooking the pasture, and the first appearance of
danger, they warned by a shrill whistle: soon the whole herd
rushed to the hills with the speed of lightning - to hiss, hiss -
hart, a stag. The chamois are covered with a woolly hair of a
dark brown in winter and a tawny brown in summer.
Driven hard, the chamois has won the most inaccessible
places in the Pyrenees, to escape the pursuit of Garumnites
and their descendants - station (little), coarse wool, - rum
(Reum) strange, funny, weird, - neat (nit) cattle. The
description of the species enclosed in Garumnites, refers to
less than the chamois goat. The hairs that are a little longer:
the horns curved back are especially noteworthy: they are
composed of many rings, and the total length is so great
among older males, that the ends reach the origin of the tail
when their head is raised.
The goats have disappeared from the Pyrenees, they are few
in number in the Alps. At the end of his term and after
receiving the Dordogne, the Garonne is called the Gironde.
Although the ancient authors refer to this river by the name
Garumna unique, yet we see modern geographers, relying
on local traditions, also called the Gironde before it empties
into the sea The first part of the name - to sheer (CHIR),
throwing, rolling, - Clearly, this term naval vessels that
Bordeaux have played an important role in the composition
of Gironde, and the second part to derive from undam
(eundam), releasing a lock, this description we show on the
riverfront site of a genuine Gallic ship construction and
launching into the waters of a closed basin with a lock
The country inhabited by Volkes Tectosages is called
Languedoc. The dialect spoken in the southern region, long
after his accession to France, he has actually caused the
name of Languedoc as opposed to the langue d'oil, referring
to the language of French nationals over the Loire? We are
far from believing, and this division seems quite arbitrary
and unfounded seriously. William of Catel in his memory in
the history of Languedoc, printed Tolosa in 1633, says: "We
are now very little Belgium, which may have been subject to
modern divide that we retain the Gauls in two languages or
two parts, one which is called Ouy language, of which Paris
is the capital, the other has Tolose Languedoc to France ...
Charles VIIth in order for the erection of Parliament from
Toulouse, the Occitania called Patria, which gave about the
Pope Innocent IV in his record, calling this country
Occitania. But common and most often, he was appointed in
former acts, patria lingua occitaniae.
Several felt that the country of Languedoc have taken its
name from the Goths, who have many years held the said
country, provided that land in Germany means the country.
And thus seems to be said Languedoc country of the Goths,
even formerly was called Gothia Languedoc. But I think
they did not fully met; for Languedoc comes this word
instead of the language that the natives spoke. For the
country as those of the French language are called the
language of Ouy, and those of this country are called
Languedoc, that is to say, as we noted above, the language of
This quote shows that the starting point taken to explain the
term Languedoc, the interpretation is quite erroneous
Occitania. We have already seen that the expression
Occitani - sea-hog (hog-si), porpoise, - to-hit, hit, - hand,
hand - the hand that strikes the porpoise - is attached to the
edges of the inhabitants Bay of Biscay, Cantabria and
Aquitaine. Toulouse has been considered the largest city in
the neighboring country of Occitani, however this is not a
sufficient reason for this particular name, usually denoting a
professional capacity, must apply to language Languedoc,
differing little from that of Aquitaine of the interior, but
much different from that of Cantabria. Moreover, the
language spoken in the north at the time mentioned Catel
employed almost as many words as Celtic and Latin
language Toulouse.
There is an error very sensitive ink in the statement of
William of Catel Ouy between the language of the
Languedoc, as the Languedoc is usually paralleled by
various authors, not with the language of Ouy but with the
langue d'oil, which is a considerable difference. When
William of Catel reports that according to the estimation of
many, the Languedoc was so named by the Goths, he was far
from suspecting the truth, those interviewed by several, in
fact, the Visigoths-speaking Celtic, Languedoc was for them
or the country Landok Oak - land, country - Oak (ok) - oak,
or opposed to Landoil oil country - land, country - oil (oil) oil
- the latter comprising the region inhabited by Arécomiques,
and also some parts of Provence. These two names attached
by the Visigoths in the southern region of the France, owned
by them, did nothing unusual or contrary to the habits of
conquerors. Like all essential names existed long ago in the
country, the Visigoths were simply divided their Gallic
possessions into two parts, designated by the lines general
production of the soil.

These explanations should point seem quite hazarded, if one

considers that the Visigoths of Spain, master of the kingdom
of Toulouse, spoke the Celtic language, especially as their
name makes clear. Historians have felt obliged to call the
Visigoths and Ostrogoths, Goths West and East, but in
reality, their name comes rather warlike qualities or habits
they attributed to themselves, and direction of their march
toward a warmer climate than their own. Thus Visigoths
were advancing cautiously and ability to land in hot - Wize
(ouaïze), cautious, clever - to go, walk, - hot, hot - while, in
moving to these countries also preferred the Ostrogoths,
disdaining clever feints, brutally attacked the enemy - to
host, attack, - raw (RAU) rude, crude - to go, walk, - hot, hot
-. This is not a haphazard approach that the name of the
Visigoths and Ostrogoths, interpreted by the Celtic
language, since the names of other people who dismembered
the Roman Empire can also be explained with equal ease.
Jutes of Julanda, - to jut, forward, protrude, - land, land -
the Angles - to angle to angle - the Saxons, were part of
Tectosages set beyond the Rhine, and under names
previously unknown, ran ravage the lands where their
ancestors had multiplied. Heruli the coats of hair, from the
Euxine, - hair (Her), hair, - hull, outer cover - the Gepidae,
who watched carefully to their height and beauty of their
bodies - shape ( SHEP), size, proportion of the body - to head
(HID), be careful, be careful -; or Lombards Lombards, who
were eager to fight violent and bleak - to long, longing, to
cope, fight, -
hard, hard, hard -; the Vandals themselves, who had no
homes, and thoroughly destroyed the monuments and houses
of other nations - to want (ouâunt), not having - lobby house
and all, despite their different names, do not let that belong
to the same family of Gomer.
THE FRANKS III. THEIR ORIGIN. The Franks formed on
the right bank of the Rhine a confederation of tribes,
mingling in a general designation, which was to them as a
rallying point. They prided themselves on a generous and
sincere, - frank, sincere - and had relinquished the former
title of looters kept only in one of their tribes. Their feelings
of modesty and reserve were burned in the name of Chamavi
- Shame (SHEM), modesty, - To Have, possess, - included in
this confederacy. A portrait of the Franks made by a Latin
poet, about the time they began to settle in Gaul, "they said
it, the tall, very their face is completely shaved, except the
upper lip, where they leave two small whiskers grow. Their
hair, cut from behind, along the front, are a wonderful
blonde. Their dress is so tight, he reveals the entire shape of
their bodies. They wear a sash which hangs a heavy sword,
but extremely sharp. It is, of all people known, the person
seeking the best movement and military developments. They
have an address so unusual they always hit where they aim,
a prodigious light, they fall on the enemy as soon as they
launched the line, and finally a daring if great, that nothing
surprises them, nor the number of enemies and the
disadvantage of the premises, or even death with all its
horrors, they can lose their lives, they never lose courage.
This is a faithful portrait of Volkes, also enclosed in their
name - to vault - flit - to cow, frighten -. The region occupied
by the Franks was one of the country which had seized on
Volkes Tectosages the Germans. Their presence in this
region is a sure indication of their
origin, because no nation has ever managed to dispossess
Tectosages their conquests. Jutes, Angles, Saxons, Frisians -
free (fri) independent - his, son, descendant - belonged to the
family Tectosages, and Franks, separated by their generosity
of their fellow looters Saxons, also show by their position on
the right bank of the Rhine, by their manners, their
constitution and their beliefs, the same origin. The outside of
the Franks differed point outside of the Gauls, their religion
had a striking analogy with Druidism: it foundation was the
immortality of the soul, and historians say, their altars were
never stained with human blood. This last feature of their
customs informs us that at the time of the migration
Tectosages Toulouse, human sacrifices in Gaul did not exist.
The military tactics of the Franks detected mainly as the
true lineage and Arécomiques Tectosages Volkes.
They had been singularly because these Cimmerians of old
time to take the name of Volkes, since, after the Latin poet
quoted above, no people hear better movements and military
developments that their descendants, the Franks warriors.
Franke confederation was composed of tribes known
Germanic and known as such by the Latin historians.
Tacitus speaks of Cherusci, the Chatti, of Bructeri in the
history of the expedition of Germanicus beyond the Rhine.
The Chatti, the Chaucer, Bructeri the Cherusci and others
were included among the Franks. These various names are
almost synonymous, and has the same thought. Chatti and
the warriors broke everything in their path - to shatter,
smash -; Chauca liked the attacks, violent clashes, - to shock,
attack, and the Bructeri in their movements and changing
light, cut to pieces the enemy - to brush (Breuches), pass
suddenly - to tear (tér) to pieces, and Cherusci greeted with
shouts of enthusiasm to share the spoils - to share (SHER),
share - to huzza (houzzé), greeted with shouts of acclamation
-. All these titles worn with pride by the various tribes are
reduced to abstract under Volkes Tectosages or devastating
to drive fast. It's always the same people seeking war with its
adventures, its dangers awaiting the glorious and equal
sharing of booty between the warriors of the expedition. The
history of the vase of Soissons, a testament to this undoubted
right to share the spoils, between soldiers. "Clovis," said Em
Lefranc (1), "wishing to maintain the good disposition of the
Gallic clergy, declined to move with his army in the cities
which he had received the submission. It was the only way to
save the looting convents and basilicas which contained a lot
of wealth. But one of the churches of Reims could not escape
the rapacity of a band of marauding Frankish. In their booty
was a sacred vessel of a size and extraordinary beauty.
The bishop, informed of this fact, Clovis deputed to demand
that vase. Delighted to be agreeable to the prelate, the king
said to the envoys' Come with me to Soissons and if I find
among the booty be delighted, I will repay you. All the loot
was shared after the campaign, and the fate sharing between
all settled. It was not long in discovering the precious vase
among the spoils gathered under a tent in the middle of the
public square of Soissons. My good fellow, "said Clovis to
Franks, it will not be unpleasant for me to take the vase, and
that I make to people who ask? The officers and soldiers
consented. Certainly not, says a brutal warrior and jealous,
you will not take the vase if fate gives you, and suddenly his
ax broke it. Clovis was silent, took the vase and surrendered.
A year later, as he reviewed the Franks in a field of Mars, he
recognized the soldier whose boldness had raised the gross
act of sharing: It is not, in any army, weapons worse held as
yours, "he said thy lance, thy sword, Thy ax accuse your
negligence and your cowardice and snatching his ax, he
throws down. The soldier bent down to pick it up, but Clovis
suddenly throws his and split his head: Well, "cried he, what
you did to the vase of Soissons." This greedy soldier
probably belonged to the tribe Cherusci in disregard of right
now the title of Frank.
The exact distribution of the booty captured from the enemy
was also in use among the Germani. Le Germain is not, as
stated in the common interpretation, the man of war,
Warman - war (ouâur) war - man, man - but the man with a
stringent law to share the spoils enemies: the Sherméan - to
share (expensive), share - may (mis) power - to hand, give
with the hand -. This term was first applied to Germans, and
also who had Volkes Tectosages
seized the most fertile lands of Germany, and had adopted
the manners, the way Germans live defeated and driven into
less fertile lands (1), and when Roman historians Tacitus
and speak expeditions conducted beyond the Rhine against
the Germans, it means the cons Volkes Tectosages enveloped
by the Romans in the general appellation of Germans. The
confederation of the Franks did not exist even under this
title when Cherusci the Chatti and other tribes exterminated
the Roman legions commanded by Varus, ten years after
Jesus Christ. The name of the Franks played for the first
time in a battle where the emperor Decius died, 251 years
after Jesus Christ. Constantly renewed their attacks against
the border of the Roman Empire in Gaul were gradually
successful, and, surprisingly, these descendants of former
Tolosates, after a thousand years of living beyond the Rhine,
captured Gaul, and Toulouse, their birthplace, received (507
AD) as conquerors and aliens.
THE FIRST KINGS FRANKS. Filiation of franks with
Volkes Tectosages becomes even more striking for the unity
of language, and using the language of Volkes, and receives a
full day of interpreting the name of the first leaders
confederation, using the language of Volkes. Marcomir,
Pharamond father, had been recognized by the tribes as the
sole leader of the confederates - to mark, consider, - to owe
(O), duty, - mother (target) alone, single -. Conquered by
Emperor Valentinian II, he had not succeeded in moving to
this side of the Rhine Pharamond his son was more
fortunate. Part of Belgium fell into his hands, and despite
some setbacks soon repaired, the Franks gave up more land
conquered. Some historians argue that Pharamond never
crossed the Rhine, and even its existence is quite
problematic. If the interpretation of the language
Pharamond Tectosages may be a compelling reason, not only
its existence can not be doubted, but he would surely have
crossed the Rhine with his army, - to fare (fere) go, - amount
(amaount) all -Clodion the hair penetrated far into Belgium,
and his head was adorned with her long hair and distinctive
sign of royal authority among the Franks - load (Lod), loads,
- hi (hated) shows, high - to own (we) have -. The royal heir
was only allowed to wear long hair, and this fact, well
recognized and some elsewhere, becomes even more evident
by the composition of Meroveus name, Merovech, the
winner of Attila - mother (target) alone, - to owe (O), be
obliged, - wig, hair -. When Meroveus died, still young, the
possessions of the Franks extended to the Seine.
Childeric was a child, when he was called by the death of his
father, who commanded the nation Franke - child (tchaïld)
child - heir (er) heir - Wig (ouigue) hair -. He lost the
affection and esteem of his people by errors so serious that
he was forced into exile. The Franks are entrusted for a time
in the direction of Count Roman OEgidius but the king was
soon reminded by his subjects whose resentment had
subsided during his absence. Taught by adversity, Childeric
bought the mistakes of his youth by boiling stock full of
glory. His son Clovis Hlodowig, is regarded as the real
founder of the French monarchy accompanied by victory, he
conquered most of Gaul, made Paris the capital of the
kingdom and became one of the most powerful princes of his
time - load (Lod), loads, - to owe (O) be obliged - Wig
(ouigue), hair .- We should also mention the name of
Clotaire I, in two words depicting the horrific murder
striking committed against his two nephews, he coolly
stabbed to seize the states of these young princes, - claw
(clau), claw, greenhouse - to tear (TER), tear to pieces -. It
was only fair that the Franks stigmatizes this criminal action
by comparing the murderer to a bird of prey, tearing its
sharp talons a helpless victim These persistent
interpretations of proper names of men and tribes are
appropriate to indicate the language spoken by all the
children of Gomer, who hewed to the environment and
kingdoms in the Roman Empire. The Visigoths also
belonged to the Franks while this huge family, and they
made up names were taken in the language common to these
people. This uniformity in language authorizes us to believe
that the names and Landock Landoil have been given by the
Visigoths in their possessions in the south of Gaul,and that
these names very well chosen, moreover, have been met by
the Franks, when this area came under their domination.
For years many have seen the southern parts of Gaul keep
the Celtic language with remarkable persistence. The
Romans have vainly bent populations to their authority.
While Latin was honored in the cities, Celtic lived in the
countryside, an opponent of altering a long and passive
resistance. Degeneration could not be long though, and the
barbarian invasions of the so-called delayed penalty to
complete the merger two languages, since the merger was
already noticeable in the sixth century AD. The Romance
language outcome of this alliance, dominated the kingdom of
the Franks, gradually perfecting itself in the northern
provinces, is also complicated grammatical rules belonging
to the mostly Celtic and Latin, sometimes combining to form
expressions French, Latin words and other Celtic words, as
in soldier or given soul - soul (sol), soul, - data, data, -
capable or clever head - caput, head, - able, clever - while in
the southern provinces, it has maintained a certain integrity,
with turn by turn of his sentences Celtic words and Latin
words perfectly preserved in their purity, so it is very easy to
distinguish them, and to find the expressions used in the
mouths of our ancestors the Gauls. Latin itself, taken
separately, betrays a Celtic character that surprises at first,
but which one realizes easily, because the Gauls were
masters of much of Italy, where 753 years before Christ,
Rome was built by Romulus, the strange man in the cloak, -
rum (Reum), weird, - hull, outer cover. - It would be easy to
quote, in considerable numbers, the expressions contained in
Gallic Latin language but we'll just reproduce the following:
to add add, Latin adder; to know, know, in Latin
cognoscere, know; to endue, coat, Latin induere,
take; able, capable, in Latin habilis, which has the capacity
for something; to joke, joke, Latin, JOCAR, joking. The
founding of Rome itself was made from the Gallic customs,
Romulus will have opened an asylum for vagrants, the
disaffected and those fleeing the importunity of their
creditors. We do not believe a neglect to make these brief
comments on dialects in the southern provinces of France
and Languedoc in particular, except to develop them later,
alone, in fact, they were able to open a safe path leading to
the certain knowledge of the language of our fathers. It
boggles the mind, when hearing these expressions around
you Celtic, now treated with disdain as miserable and rude,
it is clear that that was the primary language communicated
by Adam to his children. Also, we are confident that these
dialects precious resist, saved by the spirit of tradition
inherent in man, and will never be destroyed.
SARDANAS. - CAUCOLIBERIS. - Illiberis. The Sordes.
Before the arrival of the Celts, the Pyrenees-Orientales were
occupied by the Iberians. Bears, about ordinary prosecution
of these intrepid hunters, many lived in these parts. The
apparent extension of the Pyrenees, east of their junction
with the Black Mountain and the Cevennes, occur as a side
chain that separates the bottom of the Tet Valley, in the
French Cerdanya and named special Albères. "(1) In
Alberes - Hall (Haulli) Housing - Bear (BER), a bear, - the
beasts were retreats deep, and their pursuit had certainly
considerable danger that the Iberians faced with courage
that distinguished them. These bear hunters were they the
same people as the Bébriciens, whose main city was Pyrene?
It seems certain, if one identifies the historical traditions of
all the fabulous embellishments that make them
According to mythology, the Pyrenees Bébrix belonged to
the king, when Hercules, with his warriors stood at the foot
of these mountains. There is no doubt that Hercules existed
only in Greek and Latin myths: however, it is useful to point
out, this famous hero takes a real consistency and having the
character of truth, since he personifies the nation Celtic and
migration of people towards the western countries of
Europe. Sallust speaks of the death of Hercules in the
Iberian Peninsula, and after his death, Armenians, Medes
and Persians of his army, crossing the sea to spread in
Africa. Diodorus, in turn, tells the violent action of Hercules
cons Pyrene, daughter of King Bébrix before the Hero
should enter in Iberia at the head of his soldiers. We can,
using this information, clearly discern the truth through the
veil of which she is surrounded. The Celtic nation, coming in
the Pyrenees regions, has met the Iberian people. The
Iberians, with an average size, to fatigue of the most
dangerous hunts, watched without fear these Gauls high
stature, and their bold and stubborn resistance could not
prevent the Gallic Hercules to cross the Pyrenees to go s turn
off and die in the heart of the Spanish peninsula. The
Iberian people, great by his fearlessness, small in size
alongside the giants Celtic, takes a specific form, determined,
in the King Bébrix, the courageous child, the daring toddler,
who dared to confront, braving the hazards and perils of a
struggle with the Gallic Hercules - babe (baby), a small
child, a toddler - risk, danger, chance.The Celts and the
Iberians, reports Diodorus of Sicily, after having fought for
the possession of the country, lived together and formed an
alliance by marriage. Alliances with the Celts and the
Iberians have resulted in the fabulous history Hercules and
Pyrene. The name of the city of Pyrene, reflects the merger
of the two peoples, for it contains the memories of the efforts
made by the Celts to prevent the Iberians to burn their dead
- pyre (pair), funeral pyre - to rain (ren ), repress, - that
name and, by extension, later designated the whole chain of
mountains occupied by bear hunters. The efforts of the Celts
have been successful if we are to believe the name of the city
of Caucoliberis Sardana - to cock, face, rectify, - Lobby
(Haulli), house, room, - to eye (ouch) see - to bury, (Beri),
buried - because the people of this country have raised, in
future, the tombs to bury the dead.
Illiberis, Sardana other city, does not contradict this
assertion, he notes that only the pump Iberians deployed in
funerals, Highly (Haile), ambitiously - to bury (Beri), bury -,
taking into account, however rigorous the two who are in
Illiberis, then that name would be linked to that of
Caucoliberis for it would simply mean a hill built for burial -
hill, eminence - to eye (ouch) see - to bury (Beri) bury - . A
second city of Illiberis existing in Aquitaine, seem to show
that manners had Gallic everywhere removed the funeral
pyres of bear hunters. Celtiberians The Pyrenees-Orientales
were delivered later to a profession other than hunting large
cave bear. They have engaged in various industries and have
deserved the name of each Sordes, other than Sardana. They
held the coast, setting their houses near the sea, the waves of
which drew fishing activities. Because of this general
condition, they were called Sardan - Sardan, little fish,
sardines - it is known, however, how the anchovies and
sardines are abundant in the Gulf of Lyons. Ruscino, their
main city, is far from giving the lie to their profession as
fishermen, he says, in effect, as people flocked in crowds to
the environment and reaching Ruscino to go to sea and then
soft large fishing nets - to rush (Reuche) come in crowds -
sean (sin), great for fishing net, seine.Sordes the contrary,
were set in the valleys and mountains of the Pyrenees-
Orientales. Their industry was very different from that of
Sardan; they made weapons, swords - sword (Sord), -. This
sword is not only to early times of Sordes which was made of
iron in the great eastern slopes of the mountain watching the
Mediterranean. There are few more years, eighteen furnaces
for smelting iron were in full activity, and these furnaces
produce iron from According to the so-called Catalan, and
bore the name of the Catalan forges. The commercial treaty
with England, under Napoleon III, has been off the stoves,
the cost was too expensive so that we could engage with the
English iron, a struggle that would become disastrous. The
last village Sorde which was producing iron, is called Gincla.
It shows the remains of two forges, a rolling mill and several
swifts - forges, whose foundation is lost in the mists of time.
Gincla drift to jingle (Djingle '), jingle, rattle. It is a
something really surprising that the term Gincla applied to
an area, where, always and every time we heard the clatter
of iron, heavy sound of hammers striking the anvil, and
making ringing sound
Carcassonne. The basin of the Aude did not belong to
Sordes, but other iron producers, living in the country of
Atax, to Atacini; thereof in the manufacture of swords, axes
joined it, - to add, add, - ax, ax -. The nearest village of
Sordes and being part of the country occupied by Aticini, is
called Axat, and this name, which is a simple inversion of
Atax, marks the exact point of division between the two
tribes and Sordes Atacini. Axat is crossed by the River
Aude, and had a highly regarded manufacturer of steel,
whose fires are unfortunately extinct today. The Atacini
inhabited the northern slope and also the western slope of
the mountains and in which the Aude and Ariège their
source. Catalan forges were even more numerous in this
region than in the Pyrenees-Orientales, it is fair to say that
the country of production was larger, because it included
part of the basin of the Aude basin and part of the Ariege.
The Atacini ought not therefore to their name the river
Aude, and if geographers Latin Atax call, only because its
waters across the country Atacini. In the manuscripts of the
Middle Ages, the Aude door the name of Aldo flumen. That
is its real name; Alda is the same term as Alder, and Celtic,
Alder means the light. This species of tree grows naturally
on both banks of the Aude, on a journey of more than eighty
kilometers, and although property owners have shot down
most of the yards, there are still enough to prove how truly
our ancestors had named this river Alder.
The volume of water from the Alder was considerable, and
have spent Atacini for radellerie industry, an industry that
tends to disappear every day, not only by building a railroad
along the banks of the Aude, but mainly by the decrease of
water and alluvium formed in the riverbed. Industry
floating of timber by the waters of the Alder is the cause of
the names that are Roquefort-de-Sault and Espéraza. The
village of Roquefort, or Roucafort, pronounced as its
inhabitants, is situated on a plateau a thousand meters of
altitude, surrounded by magnificent pine forests. It is
divided into two parts, one called Roquefort, and the other
larger, is called Buillac. Rich in flocks of sheep grazing in the
meadows constantly cervical Garabell - station, coarse wool,
- bell, bell - Buillac student still large numbers of bulls and
horses - bull (Blvd), taurus, - hack, horse -. The inhabitants
of Roquefort, the less fortunate side of the ground, working
in the forests and cut trees to be moved to Carcassonne by
floating on the waters of the Alder. Roquefort or Roucafort,
clearly shows the traditional occupation of these
mountaineers: in fact, equivalent to Roucafort Forth Celtic
roughcast, cutting off roughly.
The trees, stripped of their bark and branches, were
dragged to the Aude, whose waters carried them to quillan
and Espéraza. Quillan, Latin Kilianus - Killow-hone, black
earth and black stone - could begin to float on the Alder
rafts together into rafts bearing the name of squares -
because, trolley - raft, train Wood on water, floating
carriage -. The construction of these rafts was necessary
especially in Esperaza, and there is barely thirty years, most
of the population of this large village belonged to the
corporation of radeliers. It is really amazing that industries
and occupations Celts are well preserved intact until today.
Espéraza that people rightly called Sparassis is called
Sperazanus in a bull of Pope Callistus II, dated the year
1119, quoted by Dom Vaisette. The texture of Sparassis
contains the following words: - spar, beam, - axis, ax, - hand,
hand in hand radeliers ended, with the ax, the construction
of rafts, which form rafts , floated on the waters of the
Alder. How safe the natives of this village did not they kept
the old Celtic term, barely softened when imposing
Standing on his square, holding back a long oar placed on
the front of the radelier Sparassis was carried away by the
waters of the Alder skillfully directing his car floating. His
address was soon put to the test, coming at Couiza in the
bend in the river, elbow which has given its name to the
village built on these shores. Couiza Kousanus, kove drift, a
small bay, creek,
and sand, sand kovesand which was made and later
Kousanus Couiza. This bend provides, in effect, a true
resemblance to a small bay and is located upstream of the
bridge leading to the Couiza railway station. The sand
heaped by Sals at its junction with the Aude, have been the
cause of this particular provision of the course of the river.
The long train of radelier, engaged with its square in this
troublesome elbow, was soon due to the difficulty, and the
train continued slowly floating journey to the point where it
was to land. Carcasonne was the place where the square
usually abandoned the waters of the Alder, because the bed
becomes wider, the rafts were having more difficulty large to
float. This city could be a storage timber, however, as it was
also the market for the sale of swords, axes, manufactured
by Atacini latter pattern was particularly weighed in the
balance Neimheid Gaul, and he earned the name of
Carcassonne, cark, care, concern, - axis, ax, - to own (we)
have -.
We have just seen the industries of our ancestor listed in
indelible characters in the names of cities and Gallic tribes.
By studying the monuments of Celtic Rennes-les-Bains, we
are forced to admire the powerful organization Neimheid,
allowing it to apply to various parts of saplings, very distant
from each other, identical names, based on the similarity
The Redones of Armorica are causing the name given to
Rennes in Brittany, and Languedoc Redones we gave
Rennes-les-Bains in the department of Aude. One might ask
why the name of Rennes is applied to our spa and can be
found easily because when you look closely this strange land:
indeed, its rock-capped mountains form an immense
Cromleck of sixteen or seventeen eight miles around. Strabo,
in his history of Galatians Tectosages or Asian, reported that
the Gauls had always "drunemeton" or central Cromleck. It
was the place to meet members of the scholarly society
known as the Neimheid. It is quite instructive to see the term
used in conjunction Neimheid Ireland and Asia.
Decomposition of deep throws drunemeton light on this fine
institution Celtic. This name, including the first syllable of
Drouide trow, and also the word nemet, tells us with
certainty what were the members composing the Celtic
Academy. The verb to trow (ORT), as we have already seen,
means: think, believe, imagine. The second verb name (nth),
has the sense to appoint, call, and head (hed) results the
head, brain, mind, chief. It is the same meaning we gave to
Neimheid Irish and is the head of the nation, weighing
carefully and intelligently names whose composition is
subject to its science, and applying them with the authority
that has a Chief universally recognized and obeyed. Caesar
place on the confines of Carnutes where Druids pronounced
their judgments in disputes and disputes within their
authority, but the central Cromleck drunemeton, where the
assembled neimheid to fulfill its scientific names you create
special or general, he was also on the borders of Carnutes?
We think not, the central Cromleck was fixed naturally by
the scholarly stones and these stones were erected in the
tribe Redones. Drunemeton the North had to exist in
Redones of Armor, embracing a wide range of rod for the
work of the illustrious assembly. However, another central
Cromleck drunemeton or was needed in the south; certainly,
it was impossible for members of neimheid Celtiberian
scattered around the region, to meet other members from
northern Gaul, and this impossibility may have given
thought to build a second Drun -Meton at the foot of the
Pyrenees, on the heights of the valley watered by salsa and
now also by the fact Redones stones or scholarly. Redones If
the expression should appoint a full set of stones and needles
natural and artificial it is in Rennes-les-Bains that rightly
belong. Cromleck The entrance is located at the confluence
of Rialses with salsa. The Rialses - real (rial), real effective -
cess, tax, - running from east to west in a valley whose fertile
land could certainly allow people to provide the tax which
the Celts beat the grounds of a easy product. Sals or dirty
river, flows primarily from east to west, and after the
junction of blanque towards the center of the Cromleck
Redones, continues its course from south to north to the
entrance of the gorge where start to draw the first natural
needles. Upon receipt of the Rialsés, she turns back towards
the west, and headed for the alder will dump its bitter
waters. Near the midpoint of Cromleck in tearing of the
mountain and built on the banks of the River Sals, you see
the spa of Rennes-les-Bains, well known to many patients
who have found a cure or at least ensured sensitive to their
relief rheumatism. Looking at the map of Rennes-les-Bains,
you can easily follow the contours drawn by the hands of
natural or artificial. Their position is marked with red dots
for Meniri that still exist, and also red lines for the ridges
where Meniri were largely reversed. Cromleck At the
opening on the right bank of the River Sals, is a mountain
called Cardou: towards the top, begin to compile natural
tips, known in the country as the Roko fourkado. In Celtic,
access to the gorge was probably very difficult, because a
long barrier of rocks plunging into the river defended the
entrance. In addition, extreme slope of mountain slopes
should inspire fear in some members of Neimheid scientists,
responsible for giving a name to this part of the land to look
so wild. Also, have they asked how she and so he could travel
by wagon, by engaging in the parade almost inaccessible?
They left their descendants remember the exact thoughts
and their momentary embarrassment, calling this mountain
Cardou - to cart, travel a tank - how (Haou), how? how? -
Carthow -. They were not too far behind in civilization, these
good Gallic early days of the occupation, they were
concerned about traveling by wagon and on hillsides with
slopes very dangerous. Reflected by the difficulty they
carthow, was not insurmountable, however, they were able
to cross the crossing Rialsès opposite the village of Serres,
and building their road so that trucks could pass above these
rocks . At the turn of the road and at certain point where
they were involved in the parade, the Celts must have a
Meniri draw on a rock that bears a stone cross. This cross is
placed at the exact spot where the stone was formerly an
engraved Greek cross similar to those that currently exist in
Cape Rights, and near the rocks loose. After rounding the
base of the mountain Cardou, and have passed the small
creek that separates the hill Cardou Bazel, the path begins to
rise gently sloping. He must have a definite width, as the
Gauls knew to give it to their roads. It was not, in fact, mere
narrow paths and dangerous, but excellent roads having a
width measured exactly. Bazel does not mean anything. By
making this term pronunciation hard enough that he should
have used, we would have to say Passel. Now, pass means a
road, and ell length measurement to be used by the Celts. At
the top of Bazel, we see very strange stones, which help form
the circle of Cromleck on the eastern side. It is almost
impossible to describe in detail these large stones are in
considerable numbers, and their sum can easily be extended
to three or four hundred arranged in order on the crest or
lying confusedly on the slope looking south. One of these
stones measuring over eight feet long, two wide and as high:
this mass of about thirty two cubic meters has been raised,
angled in a desired direction, and clamped at one end so that
its enormous weight did 'entraînât point on the steep slope of
the mountain. We must see with his own eyes, this gigantic
work, which causes amazement no description can give an
accurate picture of this prodigious work. On the left bank of
the Sals, Cromleck begins at the rock Blancfort. Point nature
of this rock was removed in the middle ages, to allow
construction of a fort used as an observation post. There are
still some remnants of brickwork demonstrating the
existence of the fort. This white rock that strikes the eye
first, followed by a layer of blackish rocks, extending Roko
Negro. This peculiarity has been given to this white rock,
placed at the top of the black rocks, the name of blancfort -
blank, white, - forth, forward -. By following these rocks
look, the eye is soon stopped by an isolated Meniri , whose
tip is shown above the oaks that surround it. It is in the
register the name of Sharp Rock: he faces another natural
rock attached to the side of Cardou and adorned with
several very sharp needles. This latter rock, separated from
Cardou and offering several tips runies by the base,
presented to our ancestors the idea of little people making up
a family and still retained from those who have given birth,
and they named these needles Lampos poetically. This word
derives from lamb, lamb, or lamb to, give birth, in speaking
of the sheep. Between the Rock and sharp Roko Nigga, we
distinguish among the other Oaks Meniri for construction of
drunemeton. At the Following Roko Nigga, we still see very
well the various foundations that served as support for
Meniri but they were overturned and scattered here and
there on the flanks of the mountain, in the greatest disorder.
On reaching the brook Bousquet The foundation rock
disappears and goes back into the mountains towards the
source of that creek. On this point very high, we see a
meeting of high rocks named Cugulhou. This mass is not
entirely natural, the work of the Celts appears very clearly
in the eight or ten large round stones carried and placed on
top of the megalith. One might doubt that the Celts have
wanted to make Meniri, if a small Greek cross engraved on
an extension of the base only notify its presence to the
meaning attributed to such large stones. The locals are in the
persuasion, very wrong indeed, that the Greek crosses
carved into the rocks represent the points of demarcation.
The real stone marker indicating the separation of land
Coustaussa and Rennes-les-Bains, is stuck in the ground
twenty feet away, toward the northwest. This terminal is
very curious and concerned, on the side facing Coustaussa a
crest, perhaps one of the lord of this village,and on the
opposite side, another patch, the lord of Rennes, charging
very large differences with the first. It is useless to insist on
the assertion of the inhabitants of the country, compared to
those Greek crosses, because the very name cugulhou to shed
light on this subject. These rocks are real Meniri, but ugly
and not having much the ordinary form of the other stones,
to cock, face, rectify, - ugly (eugly), ugly, deformed, ugly, - to
hew (Hiou), cut -. TO From Cugulhou, reappears a
foundation of rock grit, heading towards the stream of
Carlat. This stream whose banks are steep, is filled with
boulders that barred its course and form of drops increased.
It would be more than difficult to draw a carriage road
along this small stream, our ancestors showed their grief
naming Carlat, - because, cart,- To loathe, hate, have a
repugnance -. They built their way in another direction, this
path still exists and is paved with boulders and lined Meniri
before reaching the plateau of heather. That is not a Roman
road, but a Celtic path, leading people to the center of the
board of Cromleck Redones.The ridge from natural
Cugulhou, continues to take shape after passing the Carlat.
The reversed Meniri are numerous on the flanks of the
mountain, and excite surprise by their mass very legitimate.
On the ridge, extending from the stream until
Trinquebouteille Carlat, there are easily visible traces of
human labor, the Celts used their care to make less wide
continuity solutions for this natural ridge. Opposite the point
where the spa and the parish church, the curved line made
by the foundation of rock is named after Cap rights. A
Meniri was kept there, and we were at the top, carved in
relief, a beautiful head of the Lord Jesus, the Savior of
mankind. The sculpture, which has seen nearly eighteen
centuries, has been given to this part of the plateau called
Cape Rights (head man), man par excellence, filius
hominis.It is unfortunate that we have been obliged, in
December 1884 to remove the beautiful sculpture of her
place, to escape the ravages produced by the peak of an
unfortunate young man, who was far to suspect the meaning
and value. (1) Left Meniri watching this spa and its parish
church, was discovered on the rocks surrounding the Greek
cross deeply engraved by the chisel and measuring from
twenty to thirty and thirty-five centimeters. These cross with
equal arms and the number five on this one point, had to be
engraved by order of the first Christian missionaries sent
into the country. The sacred sign of redemption and diverted
for the benefit of pure truth, respect traditional Meniri
which were the object, whose traditional respect Meniri
were subject, respect that, in the deplorable moral state
where the gains of the Roman republic had plunged the
Celts, perhaps directed to the stones themselves. All hands to
the ridge were probably reversed at that time: we find a
considerable amount of Meniri broken on the sides and
sometimes the bottom of the mountain, and some remnants
are still seen in the walls supporting the slopes of vines and
cultivated fields. One fact about similar happened in Britain,
where the Gospel was brought in Redones armoricains. The
Meniri have not been overthrown, but was placed at the top
of the sign hello. A sixth Greek cross to a large rock, is far
enough from the Cape of Man, on the edge of the ridge to the
south, leads the field said ceiling of the coast, after it crossed
the creek las Breychos. This small stream was named special
stone, metal like molten iron, many in his bed. They are
usually small, which led to Celtic to use the verb "to bray,
crush, to express this small size, and the noun shoad
(CHOD), vein stone, metal to denote the stone of iron, or
rather iron carbonate. We see two additional Greek crosses,
still etched in stone, along the edge of the board until the top
of the hill bearing the name of Illetas - hill, hill - head (
HED), head -. The huge rocks piled on the latter excite
genuine admiration.At the southern end of the Pla de la
Coste, on the edge of the plateau, are placed two stones loose
or Roeselare. How they are raised with evidence indicating
an objective pursued and achieved, that of allowing a slight
jolt to produce a marked and trepidation sensitive, but not a
deep swing shift the center of gravity, and throw the rock at
the bottom of the mountain. Next to the first of these two
Roeselare, a Meniri rears its small blunt: Meniri other two
are reversed right and left. They were simply placed on the
ground and not buried in the earth because the plane kept
their base of small white stones, clustered by the effect of
weight and time, and gravel similar to the land on which
they weighed. To the right of Roeselare, putting themselves
southward, the eye can follow the contours of the ridge that
surrounds the stream of toasts-bottle, and is lost gradually in
the land of the dead man. The stream of toasts Bottle runs
constantly, even at the height of summer heat, and it was
always free to draw from and to quench thirst, - to drink,
drink - bottle, bottle Close to where Toast-bottle pours its
waters into the Blanque, many points were to rise on the big
rocks along the road Bugarach: Meniri there is one on foot,
having lost the sharpness of its summit . On the right bank of
Bottle Toast begins the tenement called the dead man. It is a
marshy land, producing an abundance gramen whose long
pipes are perfectly smooth and free of knots: this gramen
door, Languedoc dialect, the name of paillo Bosc, and Celtic,
the straw or marsh haummoor - Hauma, straw, - moor (die),
marsh -. The name of Haumea-moor, applied in the whole of
Gaul, the marshland was all distorted and disguised to be a
dead man. From the top of the ridge that carries the
Roeselare, looking south, one sees draw a long line of sharp
rocks of all shapes and sizes, well directed, moreover, from
east to west, and extending from the Col of the Sals up to
and beyond the Blanque. The number of needles is
considerable natural, nevertheless, among them a host of
other rock cut to a point picked up by human hands and are
real Meniri, as can be convinced YOURSELF In examining
the installation of these large stones, which are of easy
access. The fatigue is indeed a little felt by climbing the
slopes of Serbaïrou by unfrequented paths, - to swerve
(souerve), climb, - by-road (baïrôd) unfrequented road - but
it is largely compensated, when we are in the presence of
enormous work done by our ancestors. That is, indeed, the
work of giants, and it is hardly surprising that the Greeks
invented about these enormous stones, which they knew the
meaning and placed on hilltops, their tale of giant long-
haired, wild-eyed, trying to climb the sky, and on Ossa
heaping Pelion on Ossa and Olympus. The edge of the hill
bears the name of Languedoc Sarrat Plazént (hill kind), and
at the same time the name Celtic Goundhill which Sarrat
Plazént n is that the literal translation - good (Gouda), good,
sweet .- hill, hill -. Why Celts named this eminence
Goundhill? Certainly, it is not because of the natural beauty
and fertility of the land, because the ground is covered with
heather across the north slope of Serbaïrou, while the
southern slope, very steep, offers to eye lean a copse, done
little to inspire the scientists of Neimheid a name as good as
that of Goundhill. This Hill, bristling with sharp rocks,
could be kind and gentle, because it reminded Gallic
goodness of Divine Providence, distributing in abundance,
its people, the essential nutrient, an ear of wheat. In
Southern Goundhill, the eye is arrested by the mountain
Garrosse - werewolves (gareuce), salty -.A horizontal line
crosses the north slope: this is a road leading online direct
SOUGRAIGNE and salt fountain, where the river begins its
course Sals. At the foot of the Garosse, runs a small valley
watered by the Goundhill Creek, and on the banks of the
Blanque, a farm fixed attention. The barn located near the
dwelling house is built on the foundations of a very old
blacksmith hammers which were certainly driven by a
hydraulic motor, as in the Catalan forges say. One can easily
convince oneself by inspection of the roof lowered, leaving
the upper basin of water flowing in a river. (1) A ford is very
convenient in this place, and allows the traveler down the
Garosse directly sue his way without turning away. This
farm is known as La Ferriere. Skillfully combined in this
appellation, including the Celts, or the ford is the forge of a
blacksmith who lived in these parts, car ferry means a place
where you cross a river, and farrier (farrieur) denotes a
farrier. The Gallic farriers did they make themselves the
iron they need every day? It is highly likely, and it would not
be unacceptable is a hypothesis. It is still possible that the
small Catalan forge had succeeded in the latter days, that of
a farrier Gallic. What sets us thinking this is the fragment of
wheel arm in cast iron , removed from the ground November
26, 1884, by workmen, below the new-Borde, the
construction of the road to Rennes-les-Bains Sougraigne. (1)
This part wheel, probably melted at the Ferriere, is slightly
concave and measures fifteen or sixteen inches in radius. It
was unfortunately shared by the instrument of the workers
who put in day and has a fracture similar to that of cast
iron, but iron more porous than existing blast furnaces. This
wheel was grinding corn in a perfect manner, and had no
need, because many of its pores, to be transplanted, or even
in its molding surface furrowed by grooves angular. The
rides on horseback with heavy wheels were later replaced
burrs arm, and so their descendants might not ignore, the
Celts have written the way they do in Milizac, a village in
Brittany, - to mill, grind, - to ease (ize), lighten - hack, horse
- and in Millas, a large village in the Pyrenees Orientales. -
To mill, grind, - ass, donkey -. The line of Meniri Goundhill
does not go beyond the neck of the Sals. At this point, the
curve Cromleck runs northward through the megaliths
arranged on the side of Menies and back up the hill. The
existing natural rocks at the top of this high place, are
abruptly interrupted in their uprising, and form a very keen
edge, arranged by the Celts to be included in the
construction of their drunemeton. We remain amazed at the
work of these men to members steel, and one wonders what
were the machines that could dispose of the Gauls to lift,
shape and determine the masses alike. With some Meniri,
which have the traditional form of cones and pyramids,
others offer as shapeless rocks, a resemblance to those of
Cugulhou located to the west of Rennes, and received the
same name as weird Cugulhou, - to cock, bend, - ugly (eugli)
deformed - to hew (Hiou), cut -.The east side of the
Cromleck is greater than three points Cugulhou, the Fajole
and Montferrand, joining the Col de Bazel adjacent to
Cardou. All the stones to the formerly erected Fajole are
now reversed, and look like glacial erratics, if sharp edges of
the stones did not show clearly their original destination.
These stones were too close to the village houses and Celtic
that could leave them up because they were placed above the
Bugat, part of the Gaulish village inhabited by the poorest
people. A small cave or cavern is fairly close to the Fajole
Meniri reversed: it is located to the north and looks
Montferrand - to AHF (FADJI) agree - hole, hollow, cave,
small housing -.Latest Meniri completing Cromleck on the
eastern side, are on the ridge whose highest part supported
the fortified castle of Montferrand. Stones, hewn from the
angle determined by the slope of the rock mass uprising,
there are many. Besides, all this part of the mountain to the
creek Coural is full of these large stones, some still raised,
others lying miserably on the ground. This land is known of
the Cross .- Cross, Cross -.the edge of the crosses were
burned. Unfortunately, the owners neighbors have gathered
a huge pile of stones forming a wall, and it has been
impossible to discover. This imperfect description will
suffice, at least we hope to capture the respective position of
forming the vast myriad Meniri Cromleck Rennes les Bains.
Cromleck A second, to a lesser extent, is locked into the one
we have tried to trace. Starting from the hamlet of the
Circle, about the middle of the mountainside, it follows the
creek until Illetes Trinque bottle, then emerges on the slope
of Serbaïrou the earliest of rivers Blanque and Sals, resumes
at Roukats ending in front of the hamlet's Circle, its point of
departure. One might rightly wonder not meet any of these
Celtic monuments dolmen. We found seven and five on the
slopes of Serbaïrou, and two Roukats. The most remarkable
is located opposite the Borde Neuve, near a large square
stone, strangely poised on a rock. This dolmen, closed at one
end, offers the image of a cave. Putting themselves on the
path to Sougraigne, the eye easily distinguishes the structure
of all its parts. Absolutely at the top, directly above the
dolmen, a rock ridge bears a Greek cross engraved in stone:
it is the largest of all those given to us to recognize. In
approaching the old path Bugarach at the same height as
that of the dolmen, a huge rock is decorated with a fairly
strong with the stone round bread. II SERVICE OF
ROESELARE . The circles drawn by the stones, the Celts
had a profoundly religious. Druids, as the ancient
philosophers, the circular figure looked like the most
perfect: it was their divine perfection, immense, infinite,
having neither beginning nor end. Zeno taught that God was
spherical, that is to say perfect, and if recommended award
of Empedocles, that God is incomprehensible and
intellectual sphere whose center is everywhere and
circumference nowhere, does nothing but excellence and
perfection of God's infinite. King David exclaims in the same
vein: "The Lord is great and above all praise: there is no
end to his greatness. "(1) The symbolism of the circle was
not, as can be seen, especially the Celts. It must be said
however that he was familiar, as evidenced by Cromleck
prevalent in all countries inhabited by our ancestors.
Cromleck The center of Rennes-les-Bains is the place
appointed by the Gauls themselves The Circle - to circle
(cerkl ') surround, surround - the focal point of Cromleck
Redones, and thus containing a small circle within a larger,
Druids wanted to express the clear idea that they possessed a
single God and existing in human beings. God is Being itself
in essence, it is in all things in the most intimate, as is the
cause of all that exists. The created world is represented here
by the small circle enclosed in a larger, and this great circle
with its spherical shape, has in mind the essential idea of
perfection God, in whom all things live and move, which
contains all things and exists in them, not as part of their
essence or accident, but as an agent is to be present on which
he acts and he reached for his virtue. It is not surprising
beyond measure that the Celts had very extensive religious
knowledge, they had brought from the East the most
accurate notions on the Divine Being, and they fixed in the
ground using stones, their thought and belief in God, in
whom everything lives and moves on God to men by
distributing its generous welfare, the staple food of the living
body, wheat and bread. That is indicated by the Meniri and
dolmens that enter into the formation of stone circles, of
Cromleck in Rennes-les-Bains, we see two stones also appear
shaky or Roeselare. This is the sign of the power of God
judging and governing his creatures. Men can not escape in
no time at this divine authority, whether it provides rewards
or she exercises the rights of a vengeful justice. He never
entered the minds of any people to deny this action of God
the Creator governs his creatures as the Celts being of all
people except the old people Hebrew, who had preserved its
traditions in the purest doctrine, they should carefully keep
this essential truth of God's government over mankind. All
this knowledge is primitive, later, driving home because of
their revolt gradual cons about teaching, that of the Druids,
and when, as a result of this revolt, the unit of government
and leadership no longer existed among the tribes, the
dominance of the Roman Republic was established by
weapons in the midst of this proud nation, and worse, by
multiplying his religious cult already altered people's
idolatrous errors conqueror. Pagan ideas, the fruit trade
with foreigners, had almost destroyed the ancient druidic
teachings, and had led the people to respect idolatrous
against Meniri and dolmens, of which only included more
high sense, and this is what has forced the early Christian
missionaries to reverse all these stones, and engrave deeply
on these big rocks crosses, a sign of the redemption of
mankind by a God Savior. We don has not forgotten the
literal meaning of Meniri, dolmen, roll and Cromleck. The
interpretation of these names pushes far the idea of a
regular burial in dolmens and at the foot of Meniri, or even
the belief uncertain human sacrifices offered on the tables of
stone. III Human sacrifice in Gaul. Caesar, in his comments,
(1 ) asserts, without determining time, that human sacrifices
took place in Gaul. "Druids, he says, president of sacred
things, offer the public and private sacrifices, they interpret
religious doctrines ... they shall issue the rewards and inflict
punishments, they exclude from participation in those
sacrifices, simple individuals or public figures refuse to
submit to their judgments. This penalty is for the Gauls most
serious of all: those to whom it is imposed, are ranked
among the wicked and defiled: it prevents their conversation
and their presence: it puts them outside the rights of
common justice, and they no longer receive honor. "
In these words, yet nothing reveals the practice of human
sacrifice, and we understand that it is first question of
animal sacrifices in use worldwide. Caesar followed this
narrative, the description of oral teaching of the Druids,
then it reports that the order of knights or lords Celtic was
entirely devoted to war, and that the number of their vassals
was related to wealth more or less considerable lords. Only
then he adds: "The whole Gallic nation is very superstitious:
and for this reason, those with severe disease, exposed to the
hazards of combat and other perils, or immolate men as
victims, or vow to slay: they use Department of Druids for
their sacrifices, they feel they can propitiate the gods, that by
giving life to a man for the life of a man, and they have
publicly instituted sacrifices of this kind . They fill with
living men of huge statues of their gods, manufactured using
the flexible branches of willow: it ignited and men die
surrounded by flames. They think that the punishment of
those who are caught in theft, robbery or some other crime,
are very pleasing to the immortal: but when the culprits are
missing, they also come to torment the innocent. "(1) Two
very different thoughts emerged from the writings of
Caesar. The Gauls were offering animal sacrifices, sacrifices
surrounded by such respect, that the ban to attend the
religious ceremonies was the most severe of all punishments.
That was the true sacrifice public, similar to the traditional
practice of nations and universal, and offered to recognize
that only God the Druids and the Gauls. The authority of
Neimheid with much weakened in recent times, popular
superstition will, perhaps,made sacrifices institute where
criminals were slain as victims. In this period of weakness,
druidic order, not wanting to expose the last remnants of
their influence, have not dared to resist the foolish ideas of
the nation, dropped gradually in the polytheism of the
Greeks by trade and Romans. It has sacrificed the criminals
whose punishment was a tribute to true justice, then, the
sick, the shy, naturally selfish, have abused the executions of
the guilty, to vow to immolate human victims,where public
justice is unable through lack of criminals, put itself into
practice immolation. These sacrifices, born of ignorance of
the people, the weakening of the authority of Neimheid and
attendance of foreigners, have formed perhaps the special
sacrifices. But it should point to think that all criminals and
perished in flames, and even Strabo tells us that ordinary
criminals were hurled from the rocks above. The assertion of
the geographer writing after Caesar, testifies to the rarity, or
rather the non-existence of human sacrifice. We can notice
in this regard, that Tectosages Rhine, the Danube
Tectosages, the Gauls and Galatians Sordiques Asia have
never sacrificed human victims.
Caesar says the belief that the misinterpretation would cause
these abominable practices, "They say," he said, that one
can propitiate the gods by giving life to a man for the life of a
man . The Roman general, more concerned with himself and
his military glory than the religious teachings of the Druids,
says, without noticing otherwise, a belief he does not
understand the depth of. Ourselves accustomed to watching
our ancestors as ignorant savages, because we did not even
examine the monunments they have left us, we are
astonished at this speech of Caesar and the Gauls this
mysterious doctrine, arguing that the life a man must
redeem the life of man to fully satisfy divine justice. The
world has always been imbued with these truths, however,
"that man is degraded and guilty," one of humanity
satisaction Divine justice is absolutely necessary, "a man pay
back the merits of his atonement on the head of his
brethren" That's life of humanity redeemed by the life of a
man, and heard in this sense, the words of Caesar express
the secular tradition of the redemption of mankind through
the blood tradition that the Celts had brought from the East.
"Gender human could guess by itself that the blood he
needed, was that of a Dying Savior, because he did not
suspect the immensity of the fall and the immensity of love
repairman. "The real" altar was erected in Jerusalem, and
the blood of the victim has bathed the universe "(1) The
doctrine of the Druids on the redemption of humanity
through the blood distorted by Caesar, had
of Neimheid, it is certain that if the error had come from the
body Druidic practice of human sacrifice would have been
engraved in Celtic names like other beliefs received. Even in
times of decadence, the Neimheid never ceased his work,
imposing new names in connection with the knowledge or
mistakes made by foreigners, and yet the learned society,
drawing on the genuine traditions, refused to write these
sacrilegious abominations on earth Gallic. We vainly sought
in the composition of all the Celtic words it was possible to
know, evidence likely, any probability of the truth of stories
about the sacrifices of Caesar humans in Gaul, but our
attempts Neimheid persuade us that has not left to posterity
the memory of these abhorrent practices that may not exist,
or were based on the popular error and not on the truths
possessed and transmitted in their entirety. The punishment
usually reserved for criminals, is written on the ground
Celtic, and we find ourselves in the Fangallots term
designating a property located in Rennes-les-Bains, in the
steep which is at the bottom of the spa's built-Soft Bath.
Fangallots means disappear from the gallows - to faint (slot),
disappear - gallows (galleuce), gallows, gallows. - The
descendants of Tectosages, keeping the Gallic customs, have
always used the gallows against criminals, and Even today,
hanging is the Anglo-Saxons, the only practical way for the
punishment of criminals sentenced by the courts and
sentenced to death.
Large stones erected throughout Gaul, contained a religious
sense of undeniable truth. They were symbols of pure
religious knowledge by evoking the memory of that God
creates the world, ordered the earth to produce the grain of
wheat, which is fed its privileged creature, by his providence
vigilant distributes the goods necessary for human The
government and the governed by the laws of infinite justice.
If the religious system of Gauls was merely the knowledge of
a creator God and profitable, without deducting any
practical consequence for the actions of everyday life,it
would not be complete. The Druids were too educated to
ignore or overshadow the conclusions consistent with the
principles issued. They also have short, somehow, the harsh
consequences of their doctrine in the meaning imposed on
the polished stone. The polished Celtic stone axe , made of
jade, serpentine, or diorite, takes various forms. In the
Languedoc dialect it is called the stone hole. It represents
what to believe, that is to say, the necessary lessons inscribed
in large stones - to trow (ORT), believing -. Hole stone figure
with honor on the mantelpieces in the homes of our
mountains. A vague religious idea still attaches to this stone,
in the minds of some, it preserves the lightning, others
incline to believe it excludes certain misfortunes. These
fantasies are different, in fact, a faithful remnant of the
original meaning of the stone hole. The polished stones
found in abundance in the Cromleck Rennes-les-Bains and
deposited at the Museum of Narbonne, are usually made of
jade and present always an edge blunted. The flints are not
estimated in our mountains, except as fit for stones shoot
sparks and ignite the fire. We have in our possession a flint
fourteen inches long and three centimeters wide, with
numerous indentations on the edges, found in the field of
Hauma-moor, near the site of an ancient Gallic house. That
is not for us, a stone hole. polished jade stones, not very well
known everywhere, it is quite possible that the religious idea
attached to the stone hole has also affected the simple flint
cut, which, in turn, would have been still in mind the core
religious beliefs. This thought is suggested by the discovery
Pressigny-le-Grand, Department of Indreet-Loire, the
manufacturing center of Flint. This discovery is due to Dr.
Leveille, local doctor. (1) "Indeed," writes Louis Figuier is
less than a manufacturing center following workshops
scattered throughout the region circumjacent Pressigny. At
the time of this discovery in 1864, flints were thousands at
the soil surface in the thickness of topsoil, over a range of
five to six acres Abbe Chevalier, reporting on this curious
discovery to the Academy of Sciences in Paris, wrote: "You
can take a step without stepping on one of these objects."
Workshops of Grand Pressigny have a large enough variety
of instruments. It shows axes at all levels of implementation,
since the draft until the crudest weapon perfectly polished.
We also see long bursts, or flint knives, removed at once with
surprising skill. A strange objection was raised against the
length of axes, knives and weapons of Pressigny. Mr. Robert
Eugene argued that these flints were anything other than
siliceous masses who served at the end of the last century,
and especially at the beginning of this century, the
manufacture of gun flints! Abbe Bourgeois, M. Penguilly the
Haridon and John Evans have had little difficulty in
showing how little basis for such criticism. In the
department of Loir-et-Cher, where the industry is still flinty,
the residue from the manufacture do not resemble in any
way to Pressigny nuclei and are much less bulky and do not
exhibit the same forms constant and regular. In addition,
they are never re-cut on "Edges, like a large number of
fragments workshops Touraine. But a very compelling
argument is that the flint Pressigny-le-Grand, precisely
because of its texture, would be unsuitable for
manufacturing flints. Also the archives of the artillery depot,
as noted by Mr. Penguilly the Haridon, librarian of the
Museum of Artillery, did not they mention that the locality
of Pressigny has never been exploited for this purpose. This
last remark by Louis Figuier prevents assigned to Flint
Pressigny the Great vulgar use of a flint. What was their
purpose? What was their purpose? Note that these were
manufactured in Flint Turones, and the very name of this
tribe - round trip - hone, stone - says they were already cut
by a given shape and in order to take them with Travel in
itself. Nevertheless, the word Turones not disclose why the
flint of Touraine were to enter the crew of the passenger.
Pressigny The town, which popular tradition has attached a
sense of grandeur seemed absolutely out of question, naming
Pressigny-le-Grand, the resort of Pressigny we say, declare
openly that do not express Turones, ie, that the stone cut
trips made Pressigny represents, signifies the prayer request
and s 'raising to the heights of heaven - to pray (pre),
request, request - to sign, represent, signify, - high (hated),
above, high -. The Flint Pressigny-le-Grand, as well as our
polished jade stones, excellently deserved the name Hole
stone or stones of belief, because they contained in their
meaning the most essential act of religion by which man
recognizes his entire dependence of God, the Sovereign
Ruler It was not enough to believe the Gauls the immutable
truth would shatter their belief in the external actions of life,
addressing the prayer to his eternal principle. The Celts
would not have always and in all countries, before their eyes,
large stones to excite their desire for recognition to the
Creator, bringing them to seek and to thank, while stones
Hole, a harbor easy, warned persistently religious duties to
perform, of divine assistance to be implored incessantly,
especially in travel full of adventures and dangers they liked
to take.It is hardly surprising that prayer has formed as the
central point of religion among the Celts, since it is an act of
practical reason and consequently, the characteristic of the
reasonable man. Druids prided themselves on science and
logic in their teaching, and did not hesitate to put their
actions in harmony with the established principles of their
religious philosophy and traditional truths. The presence of
flint and polished stones in the tombs of the Celts , fully
confirms the religious idea attached to stones hole. In the
peninsula of Tombelle Rhuis (Morbihan), alongside a human
skeleton, probably that of an arch-druid, and under the
stones of a dolmen was collected thirty polished jade stones.
We can, on this, invoke a very interesting passage of
Memory Leguay on Parisii Burial, Memorial City by Louis
Figuier. (1) "All of these stones," says Leguay, common to
all three types of burials were for me a votive allocation, ie
they represent, for that time, the crowns of immortal or
other objects even today we are introducing the graves of
our parents and our friends, according to a use that is lost in
the mists of time. And we do not laugh too much of this idea
that I think is fair enough. Men can change, they may
disappear, but they always pass to their successors, to those
who follow the customs of their times, which are changing at
the same time disappear causes that produced them. It is not
the end of the man who does not change, and that always
comes with its attendant sorrows and regrets. At any time
whatsoever, to any degree of civilization he arrived, he feels
the urge to show his regret, and if today some money just to
express our own, those distant times each shaping its
offering, carving a flint, and was himself.This explains the
diversity of shapes of flint and placed around the graves,
especially the hardiness of many parts, all manufactured
with the same subject matter, reveal a unique way, variously
practiced by many hands more or less performed. It was
probably this idea that we must attribute the votive deposit
in the burials,these beautiful pieces that adorn the
collections only major axes cut raw, and knives of the second
period, are in the third period, replaced by polished axes,
often with handles, as well as knives much more great and
worked better. These explanations Leguay are truly
remarkable. For us, we go much further into the meaning of
the stones cut or polished in Celtic tombs. In our eyes,
Pressigny flint and stone polished hole, placed in a mound
beside human remains highly proclaim unshakable belief of
the Gauls, the immortality of the soul, and excellence of the
prayer God for those who preceded them in eternity.
The Celtic standing stones have yet another secondary
meaning that we have already stated, and it is worth
remembering.The priestly order of Druids was invested with
important functions, and its members filled them as
ministers and representatives of God among men. "The
Druids, Caesar says, ministers of the divine, president of
public and private sacrifices, interpret religious doctrines
and retain the deposit. "(1) In their capacity as scholars, as
part of Neimheid, they were responsible to find, imagine the
most accurate descriptions and apply them to all parts of the
Gallic soil. To govern and to administer justice, were their
most difficult homework, and loose stone, roll, beautifully
balanced and placed on all points of the Celtic country, is
their government, their exact and impartial justice, not
allowing himself never influence or corrupt in his actions
and decisions.But their most laborious was to ensure the
people's staple food, wheat and bread, and under-Feid
Neimheid, Meniri, dolmen and Cromleck, all relate to this
charge of their department. The Celts were so accustomed to
see their spiritual leaders, the Druids, their distribution that
food, that when Christianity was brought to Gaul, Christian
bishops found themselves responsible for virtually the same
function, so changing spiritual leaders, the people did not
change their habits. Besides, the Druids, already educated by
their strong traditions of the fundamental truths of the true
religion, were the first to embrace Christianity, whose
doctrines were complementary to the truths they had
preserved intact, and came as a result of their conversion
into the Christian sacerdotal order, they liked to keep their
functions distributors of wheat, which allied itself so well
with the precepts of the Gospel of charity. In their new
position of Christian pastors, they even kept the vestments
they wore previously, that is to say, the white robe and
headdress known as the Eastern miter. It is quite interesting
to find the miter under the name of Eubates worn by the
Druids, when they presided over religious ceremonies - up
(eup), above, - hat, headdress -. The Department of the
Druids among the populations was so overloaded with heavy
work, they were obliged to ensure the food body, the duties
of justice, education religious and propagation of natural
science. All their lessons were formulated in oral and worms
that reached the number of twenty thousand. Also, their
followers were forced to spend many years with them, to
acquire the full knowledge that they were custodians. Many
authors believe that it was twenty years of continuous
studies to come to possess the whole druidic science.
BAINS. - THE COLD iron springs Cromleck Dion
Chrysostom attributes to Druids the science of healing arts;
this art, "said another author, was not much in the
prescription of some baths, and Pliny described
complacently names of medicinal plants which Celts were
using, with the bizarre practices used to collect them. One
can readily admit that the Druids knew the art of healing,
and the bathroom were auxiliaries of the safest and best. It is
quite remarkable, the speaker of Cromleck Rennes-les-
Bains, encloses all the mineral springs, hot and cold the
country. The Celts had been happy to meet any one country,
lending itself perfectly to the construction of a Celtic
monument complete in all its faces. What faith, what
symbolism veiled these secret springs of water, maintaining
at all times their volume , temperature, and escaping without
a sound from the bowels of the earth? Was this the picture
that favors continuing the generous pours Providence on
these creatures, or else, having represented by standing
stones, dolmens and Meniri, the essential gifts of wheat and
bread God gave them to appease hunger, Celts voulaitils
show their gratitude that the Lord also gave water fountains
clean and clear, designed to quench the thirst? The stone
wall surrounding the mineral springs, she indicated that
God, nourishing its people, still awake to the relief and
healing of bodily ailments by the beneficial properties
contained in these waters?It is difficult to say with certainty.
However, we are far from attributing to primitive Celts
occupation of Gaul, this veneration for fountains idolatrous,
that alone could have the Gauls of decadence, deceived by
the doctrines of the pagan Greek and Phoenician merchants.
Fountains enclosed in the enclosure of Cromleck are very
numerous: three hot to varying degrees of temperature. The
source said the Bath-Fort, has a temperature of 51 degrees
centigrade, while the other two, called the Queen and the
Bain-Sweet, reach + 41 and + 40 degrees centigrade.It is easy
to appreciate the extreme depth of the trap leading to the
surface the water mineralization and the high degrees of
heat. It is generally known that the temperature varies in a
manner very sensitive to the interior of the earth, according
to the different depths that can be achieved. Taking as its
starting point the cellars of the Paris Observatory, who at
twenty-eight meters below ground, where the thermometer
registered 11 degrees centigrade + constant, we find an
average one degree more of heat for every thirty meters
deep, penetrating deeper into the interior of the earth. The
water-bath Fort marking + 51 degrees centigrade, which
reduce to 40, since we must subtract the constant one
degrees by the thermometer marked twenty-eight feet below
ground, in the cellars of the Paris Observatory, the point of
extreme depth the trap would be about twelve hundred and
thirty meters, excluding however any waste heat produced
by secondary and incidental causes. As for the sources of the
queen and the Bath-Sweet, their degree of temperature
accuse nine hundred and thirty nine hundred meters deep.
These hot springs are principles mineralizing iron oxide,
carbonates of lime, magnesia, chloride of soda, magnesia,
and sulphate of soda, magnesia, lime and iron. We,
moreover, under the eyes, as a mere curiosity, the array of
tests taken at the Academy of Medicine in Paris in 1839.
Bathroom Fort. Queen's Bath. Soft Bath. Temperature. . . . .
. . . . . . 51 ° c. 41 ° c. 40 ° c. carbonic acid. . . . . . . 162 cc 155
cc 148 cc Hydrogen sulphide. . . . . . "Traces of lime
carbonate. . . . . . 0 gr. 250 0 gr. 120 0 gr. 140 - magnesia. . . . .
. 0, 070 0, 100 0, 030 Sodium chloride. . . . . . 0, 071 0, 285 0,
181 -, potassium. . . . . . Traces. Traces. Traces. - Magnesium.
. . . . 0, 280 0, 320 0, 244 Sulphate of soda and magnesia.. . . . .
. . . . . . . 0, 090 0, 200 0, 120 - Lime. . . . . . . . . 0, 162 0, 170 0,
180 Silica. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alumina. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0, 049
0, 040 0, 037, phosphates of lime and alumina. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Carbonate and iron oxide probably crenata. . . . 0, 031 0, 006
0, 002 Manganese. . . . . . . . . . . . Traces. Traces. Traces.
Organic matter. . . . . . . 0, 040 0, 020 0, 020 Total. . . . . . . 1
gr. 043 1 gr. 261 0 gr. 954

This analysis, by revealing the principles of thermal waters

ferruginous ore Rennes, she says the effects will occur as a
result of their use? Certainly not. Extracted by analyzing the
elements of water, but it took, using reagents, separate,
separate them, force them to take combinations that are
known and they can easily distinguish. Before their forced
separation , she was the true combination of acids and bases
in these mineral waters, which gave them the secret principle
effectiveness noticed in them? It seems impossible that the
definite. We can only make guesses and assumptions that the
effects will often contradict. The observation of results
achieved by the use Water is a guide to safer and more
accurate, which we must rely with some confidence. It also
results in curing rheumatism, that the thermal waters of
Rennes-les-Bains attract so many patients each year.
Without doubt, many other human infirmities may
disappear under the influence of these healing waters, but in
general, we see rushing of rheumatic at all levels and in all
forms affected by muscle and joint rheumatism.This quality,
this property of thermal and mineral water trapped in the
Cromleck Rennes-les-Bains, she was known to scholars of
Neimheid? What could be the source in this busy time?
Escatados the term, applied to land between Bath and the
Bath-Sweet-Fort tells us nothing certain, because this word
means only warm water. The name of the Queen,
distinguishing the hot spring located between the Fort and
Bath-Bath-Sweet, might well be supposed that it was the
largest source estimated the true fountain of Redon - Rennes
Queen - without tell us the healing power of these waters,
according to the thinking of members of Neimheid.
However, we hardly admit that the effects achieved by
immersion in water and mineral spa, have escaped their
insight. Rheumatic pain should not be rare among the old
Celtic warriors, because of their constant fatigue, because of
their injuries also increased, so they did not withdraw from
combat without signs of wear resistance from the enemy. Is
it credible that, with a cure so effective, so as to give them
new vigor by the easing of suffering, they have neglected or
despised? It is unfortunate that the names of Celtic
mineral springs, hot or cold, do not come down to us by
tradition. Only one has been preserved, and it applies to a
source of cold ferruginous Cromleck. This fountain, located
on the right bank of the Blanque, is the distance of one
kilometer or less south of the spa . It is referred from a few
years under the name of Madeleine, but her name Celtic
reproduced in the cadastre, is the fountain of Gode. The
water of this spring, emerging with plenty of fault with a
lower large sandstone rock, is very ferruginous, and a highly
pronounced taste A few meters from the fountain, on the
same plane, runs a second source, scanty and saturated with
an iron salt is iron sulfate peroxide. We found this chemical
salt deposited on the ground, dried by evaporation under the
action of air and produced by water seeping along the
sandstone rocks under which this fountain arises. These
rocks contain abundant sandstone plots iron sulfide. It is
easy to see the work of decomposition of iron sulfide, a large
rock whose base immersed in water of Blanque, and located
on the right side of the fountain. In some respects, the rock
splits easily by A few meters from the fountain, on the same
plane, runs a second source, scanty and saturated with an
iron salt is iron sulfate peroxide. We found this chemical salt
deposited on the ground, dried by evaporation under the
action of air and produced by water seeping along the
sandstone rocks under which this fountain arises. These
rocks contain abundant sandstone plots iron sulfide. It is
easy to see the work of decomposition of iron sulfide, a large
rock whose base immersed in water of Blanque, and located
on the right side of the fountain. In some respects, the rock
splits easily by
A few meters from the fountain, on the same plane, runs a
second source, scanty and saturated with an iron salt is iron
sulfate peroxide. We found this chemical salt deposited on
the ground, dried by evaporation under the action of air and
produced by water seeping along the sandstone rocks under
which this fountain arises. These rocks contain abundant
sandstone plots iron sulfide. It is easy to see the work of
decomposition of iron sulfide, a large rock whose base
immersed in water of Blanque, and located on the right side
of the fountain. In some respects, the rock splits easily by
scales, and we see the iron sulphide in ferric sulphate
changed from a beautiful green color, on other points, we
still see the iron sulfate peroxide already formed, with the
appearance of a coarsely crystalline white salt . These two
were cold iron springs Celts called Gode - to goad (god),
goad, incite, animate -. When giving a mineralized water by
iron, such a name is that properties are well known, and we
know without a doubt, in which specific cases of illness, must
have use this water to goad, incite, animate the whole
economy. One can not sufficiently regret that the names of
sources du Pont Circle and warm waters, are completely
lost: they would have surely known about the degree of
medical science of the Druids, as regards the therapeutic
waters of the two Fountains of Madeleine or Gode have not
yet been analyzed. They are much closer to the kind and the
Pont Circle, which follows the analysis at the Academy of
Medicine in Paris in 1839.
CIRCLE. PONT. Carbonic acid .........................
Undetermined. undetermined. Carbonate of lime
..................... 0 gr. 060 0 gr. 140 - magnesia ................. "" 0,
070 Sodium chloride ..................... 0, 050 0, 060 - magnesium
............. 0, 140 0, 150 Sulphate of soda and magnesia ... 0, 100
0, 120 Sulphate of lime .......................... 0, 084 0, 025 - Iron
............................... 0, 150 »» Phosphate of alumina and lime
...................................... ..... 0, 017 0, 050 iron oxide and
carbonate probably crenata ............................. 0, 002 0, 003
organic matter ........................ Undetermined. 0, 003 Total
............................ 0 gr. 603 0 gr. 648 This table is ample
information on the composition of cold water, and suspect
that the activity they must have in several cases where
people are known to use them. On the occasion of fountains
Cromleck Rennes les Bains We would like to give, in a very
different vein, a striking example of the advantage we offer
valuable names.
Celtic Springs, to discover many facts lost tradition of
darkness and hidden in local histories.
We are fortunate to have in our region, one kilometer north
of Limoux a shrine to the Blessed Virgin, visited assiduously,
and surrounded by a reverence that has never wavered.
Very near the banks of the River Aude with calm waters,
and placed on a hillside overlooking the valley, the shrine
strikes the eye that easily binds with complacency on this
blessed place, where the sweet Mother of the Saviour and
distributes its consolations assistance to all the worshipers of
His Son, running beside her asking and begging.
Supplications were never empty, and exvoto hanging around
the venerated image, testify to the joy and gratitude of the
unfortunate who received the favors requested. The shrine is
guarded by the children of St. Vincent de Paul the saint
whose heart belonged to orphans and the needy, and under
the direction of these pious and learned missionaries, worthy
inheritors of the virtues and charity of their founder Blessed,
the temple has seen a privileged crowd, larger than ever,
kneel and pray in the sacred precincts. A short distance up
the ramp (1) leafy green leading to the shrine, leaving a
fountain dripping clear water in a marble basin. By heavy
rains, the water drop continues to fall with consistency, and
times of great drought dried up the only point. The countless
Christians who will pay homage to the Blessed Virgin, stop
for a moment at the fountain, and after a prayer, draw a few
drops of water that they wet their eyes. Why are they doing?
Most do not know, but the mother teaches her son, and those
they send their children to the pious practice used at the
fountain of Our Lady of Marceille. Thus it refers to the
fountain, the old chroniclers, however, are known as
Fountain of Our Lady of Marsilla. At the time of the first
occupation of Gaul,this fountain, flowing drip, had to make
the ground muddy, and then filled with reeds and grass that
found in all moist soils: that was what the Celts called the
Hauma-moor , a term they have written on all points of the
Gallic countries, wherever their eyes showed a more or less
marshy ground. The small source, unnamed as all those
whose water is too scarce to form a small creek, barely
enough to make a lot Hauma-moor, however, traced to their
mind a precise meaning and venerable. Later, when the
Gauls, gradually losing their pure belief in the disastrous
influence of foreigners, had fallen into the cult idolatrous,
they began to love what was once just reverence, especially
the fountains, which were making their eyes obscured the
attributes of a beneficent Providence.The first Christian
missionaries, including difficulty defeat away from the heart
of this people idolatrous veneration for fountains, did what
they had done for Meniri on which they had carved the sign
of redemption. They placed among sources, crosses, statues
of the Blessed Virgin thus seeking to make the purity beliefs
by enlightening minds. Marceille The fountain had to, like
others, be adorned with a statue of the Blessed Virgin. Is this
the one that lost in the turmoil of the Saracen invasions, was
later found and placed with honor in the sanctuary for the
receivable? That seems likely. This image of the Virgin
Mary, holding in her arms her divine Son and carved into a
black wood from its eastern states: its position with a
fountain, and it is in a nearby field of the little spring that
was found, we designate the early days of Christianity in
Gaul. These probabilities take an even more serious if we
seek to penetrate the meaning of the name of Our Lady of
Marceille or Marsilla. The new Christians, trusting in the
kindness of the Mother of the Lord Jesus will come to ask,
kneeling at the feet of his image placed near the fountain, the
cure or alleviation of their suffering injury, and the Gauls,
have expressed in the word Marsilla the sum of the most
common favors obtained from the goodness of the Blessed
Virgin: it was for them Our Lady of Marsilla, or eyes
spoiled, damaged and closed by the disease - To mar, spoil,
damage, - to seel (Brazil), close your eyes -. Ignorance of the
pronunciation of words Celtic could only lead, in the course
of time, say marseel (Marceille) for Marsil. We could also
mention the name of another sanctuary of our shores, near
Caunes and called Notre Dame du Cros. Again, above the
beautiful fountain gushing at the foot of the mountain, it was
marked with a cross - cross, crosses -. A statue of the Blessed
Virgin was later replaced the cross beside the fountain, and
the shrine built at a little distance, has received the name of
Notre Dame du Cros or Our Lady of the Cross.
fountains enclosed in Cromleck of Redones could not aspire,
like Marseilles, to the honor of seeing a large sanctuary with
them, and the healing powers of its waters was quite natural.
Their reputation was however a great extent, since the
Greek and Latin geographers, speaking of the Narbonne
Gaul, never fail to point out in this region a very salty
fountain. Catel Wilhelm in his memoirs, wonders if this is
indeed the fountain that empties into the lake of Leucate.
"From Leucate, he says, just great quantity of large eels that
are sold by the Languedoc, called eels Leucate, I do not
think that this place yet found in searching the fields land,
fish that old fossil called Pisces, however, that several
authors have noticed as Mela, Strabo, Athenaeus in Book
Eight, for me being informed that of the country, they told
me not to have seen, the earth had dried due to extreme
heat.The reluctance of William of Catel IS Quite Legitimate,
sincere it is Not The Fountain of Salsa, close to the Lake of
Leucate, Which must enforce compliance of the Ancient
geographers, But The Sals, salty river crosses Cromleck
Rennes-les-Bains. The Valley of the Sals Indeed Shellfish
and contains fossil polyps in prodigious numbers, and
Malthus We Can Understand That The Salt Fountain Cited
by geographers In The Region pisces fossils, Is The River In
The Sals current Cromleck Surrounding icts dolmens and
Meniri thermal and mineral waters of Rennes-les-Bains. At
the time of Strabo (20 AD) and Pomponius Mela (43 AD),
wrote their treatises on geography, south of Gaul was part of
the Roman Empire as the Provincia, and mineral waters of
Redones were heavily used by the conquerors, which
explains how these geographers spoke of fossils found on the
banks of Salt River. IX the sacred mistletoe. Treatment
certain diseases by the waters of Redones was too simple and
too easy to not being familiar to the Druids. Scientific
knowledge of Druidic included remedies related to the
limited number of infirmities of men full of vigor and health,
and the baths were a valuable resource for them, which
certainly they used intelligently. Nevertheless, the baths
would not have been, for the Druids, a good remedy in use,
whether to give credence to the writings of Pliny,which
implies their little medical science to believe they would be
right for all human diseases through the simple use of
mistletoe, omnia sanantem. (1) Mistletoe, keeping the heart
of winter's dark green leaves, while trees are bare, it was
just in the eyes of the Druids the symbol of the immortality
of the soul and future life, or had it really in their minds
some efficacy for curing diseases? His Celtic name we learn,
while rejecting the findings ventured far and singular of the
Latin writers.It was usually in February that the Druids
were in the research. At the news that the precious plant was
struck eyes the people came in crowds into the forest
surrounding the tree is preferred to keep vigilant, and the
sixth day of the moon of Mars, (the sixth day of the moon
March opening ever month, year and century) a druid in a
white dress cut with a pruning knife of gold, the sacred
plant, lest he should touch the ground while falling and was
not contaminated by contact layman. The ceremony was
reproduced in each tribe.The old custom of running the
streets, the first day of the year, the cry of the mistletoe the
new year, was connected with the worship of the Gauls. "(1)
So they sacrificed victims (two white bulls), praying to God
to make its present beneficial to those who have the
advantage of possessing (2) The feast began then, and the
rest of the day was devoted to revelry "We find," said Abbe
Monlezun, (3) part of this ancient use in the district of
Lectoure. Only, crossing times and Christian countries, he
had s'empreindre Christianity. Few days before Christmas,
young people come during the night before each house,
singing Aguillouné, the mistletoe the new year. "The
celebration of the aguillouné occur also in Provence and
mingle in the festival of Christmas. England on Christmas
day (Christmas) presents all the famous plum pudding tables
decorated with a sprig of mistletoe. In Britain, the famous
cry was eguinané which is synonymous with gifts, because it
is signal distribution of gifts. (4) "This cry,"Henri Martin (1)
was kept with the same sense in parts of France where the
Celtic language disappeared for many centuries. M.
Augustin Thierry told us at Blois, he still heard the children
name the aguilanlé a holiday where they search for coins on
an apple stuck on the end of a wand enrubanée. "According
to the author of Latter Britons, or rather Eguinané enghin-
year-eit, mean wheat germ. The term aguilanlé, heard to
Blois has no idea in mind, while aguillouné sung Lectoure
gives us, despite a slight change in pronunciation, the true
expression of which is used by our Celtic ancestors.Mistletoe
is a parasitic plant Viscum named by the Latins and
mistletoe (mizzlto) by the Anglo-Saxons. Gui is only part of
the word aguillouné, and in this last expression is enclosed
all beliefs of the Druids on the virtues of this plant famous.
They attributed it wrongly or rightly, the ability to prevent
or cure the ague, and the precious quality of the surround
was a special favor. Aguillouné breaks down as follows: -
ague (Éguiou), intermittent fever, - nay (born), no negative
adverb - éguiouné -. According to this interpretation, the
mistletoe was a condom absolute intermittent fever, and it
was used as an infusion in water, herbal tea, no doubt,
greatly extended. Mistletoe does not freed from all evils, as
advance Pliny, but only a singularly dreadful disease for the
Gauls, for the hardships of war prepared, so to speak, their
bodies in the invasion of intermittent fever. Thanks to the
support enjoyed by this plant, and this favor was perhaps
not undeserved, we preserved the syllable éguiouné means
mistletoe mistletoe from the Celts today.Allow us to make a
simple observation that Pliny tells everything about the
sacred mistletoe. This author, very concerned about the
Greek word meaning the thick oak where it was probably
derived the name of Druids, sees that all the oaks in Druid
ceremonies. Druids are the men of the oak, their sacrifices
are carried out under the branches of this tree, except in
countries where the oaks are replaced by trees or beech, and
the mistletoe must absolutely grow on an oak tree, though
nobody, not even Decandolle the famous botanist, has never
been able to discover.In addition, the relationship of Pliny
the viscum faces a physical impossibility. Since this plant
delivered from all evil, and a plant of mistletoe growing on
oak was such a rarity, we instituted the public celebrations
and sacrifices for the collection day of this extraordinary
mistletoe, that It was also found in every tribe, because in
each place had the same ceremonies, the Celts were
inevitably doomed never to be cured of their diseases;
course, a single plant of mistletoe by tribe, was not enough
for the millions of inhabitants locked up in Gaul. It is
therefore necessary to seek a further explanation of druidic
rites on the mistletoe, sacred words.The ceremonies
mentioned by Pliny, the festivities were reserved by the
Druids to the appointed day, the sixth day of the moon of
Mars. T hey thus appear to relate primarily to the opening
of a new year, and second, gathering mistletoe. The Druid in
white robes, which cut the mistletoe pruning its gold did
nothing but give the signal for a very valuable crop, and
then, could the Gauls, in the expanse of the country, look for
it, gather all the trees that feed it, and make provision for the
unfortunate cases where intermittent fever would seize them
and reduce them to impotence the most distressing. This
interpretation is losing its sacred character to mistletoe, but
it retains the virtue that the Gauls attributed to its infusion
for healing or maintenance of intermittent fever. We don '
look at it, if medical science of the Druids was in default,
when dealing with intermittent fever sticky liqueur obtained
by the mistletoe long soak in water, we just see that this
plant was not known, as Pliny says, a universal panacea, and
that the Druids knew very well apply to a particular disease
a particular remedy, opposing the mistletoe to intermittent
fever, and baths with other diseases as fearsome.
CART. In the seaside town of Rennes, the hot spring, which
the Celts were the most used is that of the Queen or Rennes.
By following the chain of tradition on the effectiveness of
Redones waters, the Romans felt they had to build their
baths from this source, and then constructs gorgeous, he still
remains, rose in the valley the Sals. Long before the
possession of the country by the Romans, the Gauls were not
home, like today, grouped close Hot Springs, and were built
on the slope appointed Artigues - hearth (Harth), home - to
eke (ike) -. The term upgrade of Tribe - Tribe (traïbe), tribe,
tribe -; designating land south of Montferrand, shows that
the bulk of the population lived in the valley where the
stream runs Coume. Alby Brook - hall, home, - by (bai) next
- which empties into that of Coume, crossed the Gallic
village. The Celts took advantage of the steepness of slopes in
part to build their houses in the soil, which they gave the
round shape. They were, say the authors, very spacious,
built of wood and mud, thatched with straw or chopped and
steeped in clays. It is possible that the poorest houses were
well covered, but it is difficult to believe that the Gauls might
know only point the use of tiles, which they left us in the
name rajol - rash, rash, and Languedoc dialect, flow - hole,
small apartment - which today means the brick. Artigues All
Around and above the Bugat, some of the ground is called
scarrajols - square (skouère), square, - rash, runny - Lobby
(Haulli), house -. It is there, the tile square brackets, which is
in substantial quantity, at several points in the Cromleck
Rennes-les-Bains. Tile channel is also seen among the debris
of tiles hook. Without doubt, the point Scarajols no
indication the time more or less distant when these tiles were
manufactured, but why would you refuse stubbornly to the
Celts the slightest degree of civilization and assign, without
reason or cause, an ignorance that constantly contradicts
their language? Numidians, the ratio of Sallust, they not only
covered their mapalia tile channel? It matters little,
moreover, that the scarrajols was a tile, or a house covered
with tiles, it suffices to note that the Gauls could be used
interchangeably with thatch or tiles for the flow of rainwater
on the roof their homes.We arrived at the Gaulish village by
road drawn at the foot of the mountain of Cardou and rises
gently up across from the spa where she will arrive at the
center of Artigues. This road had a width determined, as we
learn the name of Col de Bazel, and trucks could reach well
into the interior of the village. Constructions made of wood
and clay were not, certainly, very costly, as they existed in
many told. In the middle of the eastern slope of the mountain
that looks Rennes-les-Bains, and a point fairly close to the
hamlet of the circle, there are a large rock, cut deeply to
form three sides of a square house. The terrain in which the
rock is understood, is known Gléizole - clay (key), clay - to
ease (ize), issue - Lobby (Haulli), house -. This house, cleared
the clay commonly used in house construction Gallic,
accused by its square shape the Gallo-Roman times.
Northwest of Borde-Neuve, Foucilhe between the hill
embarrassed - was (Feuss), embarrassment, - hill, hill - and
the Roucats, the portion of land called Siala, - to see (if), see -
hall, house - had no doubt, as its name indicates, some homes
Celtic. The word Artigue, assigned to the houses of the Celts,
still exists in the dialect of Languedoc, and when a farmer
clears a portion of a timber, it says it does artigot one,
although he now intends to establish a field, rather than to
build a house. At the foot of the Celtic village of Artigues
and near the stream of Coume, we see a circular location
called Salasse - dirty, market, - axis, ax -. It was the market,
the public square or were ordinary exchanges, sales and
purchases of domestic trade. The Roucats - (to ronghcast)
sketch - that we have cited, speaking of Siala, extends up 'to
the right bank of the River Sals, Meniri is filled with blanks,
tables of stone superimposed on each other, and part of the
inner circle contained in the Cromleck Redones. On the
banks of the Sals and the Roucats, there are a part of the
path that led to Celtic Bugarach. We can easily measure the
width of the road by Meniri that border again. At the point
where the path along the river enters the woods Roucats, we
see two rocks, placed to the right and left of the road Gallic
several small Greek cross, covered with moss, and make
known, Undoubtedly, the importance of many Meniri
scattered on the slopes of the hill.
Gauls, the report by some historians, fed on the fruits of
hunting and fishing, which they added acorns and beechnuts
probably beech: they cultivated wheat, when the
Phoenicians' s were imported into the West. It would, we
believe, impossible to prove such allegations. The Celts came
from Asia Minor, where wheat, was certainly not unknown:
their communications with the East were the continual flow
of new tribes moving steadily toward the setting sun: the
Neimheid this learned body which governed the running of
Celtic migration, was entirely composed of Druids, Caesar
does not invalidate what he writes: "We think Druidic
institution found in the island of Britain was carried away in
Gaul. "(1) Is it acceptable that integrates Neimheid,
distributor of wheat, essential food, had the boldness to give
Meniri, dolmens and Cromleck their names and distinctive
individuals, while the Gauls had only acorns and beechnuts
to replace wheat and bread? Acorns and beechnuts beech
may well have been used formerly as now, food for pigs, and
there's not surprising therefore, but to ensure free and
without evidence, that these forest fruits entered in the
ordinary food of the Celts, is to misunderstand entirely the
real conditions of material life of our ancestors. We can say
with certainty they cultivated wheat, since the food was
being distributed impartially and kaïrolo - key (ki) key, - ear
(ir), ear of wheat. - Hole, hollow, small house - the attic and
maybe the underground silo or containing the precious
grain, was still among the Celtic population centers. There is
little, indeed, a village which has a field of this name: kaïrolo
of Redones was south of Montferrand near the road leading
to the creek and Coume Artigues. Wheat production was
even very abundant in some privileged regions, were
resorted to foreign hands in these countries to reap more
expeditiously. The Redones hesitate to praise and their arms
to the important work of the harvest, and the name attests
Montferrand their periodic trips to this effect - to mow (mo),
harvesting, - to own (on), claim, - to fare (fere), traveling, -
hand, hand -.Flocks of sheep were very numerous in the
village of Redones. The Campbell = to camp, stay, - bell, bell
=, = to the Berke bay (be), bleating, barking, - to heark
(Herk), listen = on = to graze Grauzilhou (Grez) - graze
grass to graze, - hill, hill =, denote rather the presence of
herds in the country. In the absence of written evidence on
the ground himself, he remains in the idiom of Languedoc, a
phrase stating the possession of sheep among the Gauls. The
flesh of the sheep was even their most ordinary food, because
hunting and fishing were not enough to feed a large
population. The sheep, in the Languedoc dialect, is termed as
Fedo, - to feed (fid) feed -: this food was ok, and they rated it
probably chunk, because the term chick, marking the
smallest dimension of a song in the same dialect, language is
Celtic chick (tckick) chicken, lean portion, indeed, the
appetite for these men to gigantic size. Greek mythology had
noticed in Hercules, the personification of the Celtic people,
some voracious eater and had known of oxen. She says that
doing the Argonauts sailed to Colchis to win the fleece gold,
took first Hercules with them, but when they were witnesses
to his robust appetite, they forced him to abandon ship,
fearing to see him eat alone, all their provisions. She also
relates that the hero ate in one meal, a beef taken from a
farmer. What a pitiful mine had done so in front of Hercules
miserable acorns to assuage his hunger! The food of the
Gauls was not to be despised their drink, and tell us their
Allobroges delicacy on this point. Moreover, throughout the
Celtic country, the manufacture of beverages peculiar to the
country, is engraved in the name of various cities. Normandy
cider does not date from yesterday, and Rotomage (Rouen)
in delivery - to rot, spoil, - to owe (O), duty - to mash (mash),
crush, mix, - Rotowemash -; City of Vindomage among
Arécomiques Volkes, well knew how to make wine - wine
(ouaïne), wine - to do (double), make - to mash, mash - and
bizarre movements fullers grapes are very accurately
reproduced in Sostomage (1), a small town not far from
Toulouse - to Soss, waddle, - to do (double) act, to action - to
mash (mash), trample, crush -The Gauls had even
Languedoc pushed the art of making wine to a remarkable
degree, since it was fullers grapes together as a corporation,
near Carcassonne, in a city whose inhabitants still hold
today the same profession . This village is called by its own
inhabitants Bilomacho, - to goodwill, desire, want, - to mash
(mash), crush, mix - and it is known in French as the
Villemoustaussou, simple translation into the Romanesque
Celtic Willmash .
Ghass III
hunting was a distraction for Celtic in relation to their
physical activity, rather than an occupation necessary to
provide an absolute way to their livelihood. The Gauls were
using in their hunt for great hounds , needed to monitor and
harass wild animals in their forests. The Coume das houn -
Hound (haound) hound, hound, - and the fountain das Huni,
guarantors of this assertion, are located north of the moor
Hauma, very nearly two Roeselare Cromleck of Rennes-les-
baths. The inhabitants of the country, somewhat
Celtiberians, had not lost the habit of hunting the bear, as
indicated by the clot das Hourc, very near the Borde
Newfoundland, and called today Loubatière. However, this
beast has become quite rare, did much the hunted favorite
Celtic. Gallic preferences were reserved for wild boar,
widespread across the country including hunting and Celtic
had serious dangers. The boar, harmless when not attack
point, becomes dangerous when it recognizes the aggressor,
and turns against him furiously. The feeling of strength
makes him confident, and boldly faced the danger. However,
he flees when it senses the impossibility of successful
resistance, reserving his revenge for when, pressed by a
strong pack, he stands up,pierces its ranks and rushed to the
hunter and hit his terrible battering. Despite the number of
hunters, hounds and seasoned staff to the hunting of this
animal, accidents have been frequent. The weapon Celtic
boar hunting was the spear, and that weapon, rather short,
making the hunter face to face with the beast, would expose
him to all his rage. "Fouilloux of Jacques, who wrote in the
sixteenth century and was a brave fighter, does not seem too
reassured when dealing with the boars. It ensures that
having driven a slew of itself in a few moments, forty dogs in
fifty. In short, it does not advise to run a good pack of "such
kinds of beasts, for, he said, if other species esgratignent or
bite, there are ways to correct their bite, but the boar, s it
hurt a dog's tooth to the trunk of the body, it does not cuida
million escaping. And yet he adds: "If a pack of dogs is once
pitched for the boar, they no longer want to run the small
beasts, because they wont have to hunt around and have
great sense of their beast. "(1). The Gallic predilection for
hunting wild boar was known to the ancient Greeks, and
according to their habit of personifying the qualities of the
Gallic nation in Hercules, they have included, among the
twelve labors of the hero, his battle against the boar of
FYROM. What concerns about Greek mythology of
Hercules is too informative not just to quote a few lines. It
can be seen the unspeakable terror that inspired the Celtic
nation of Greece."Eurystheus, king of Mycenae, jealous of
the reputation of Hercules, the relentlessly persecuted, and
was careful to provide sufficient employment outside their
states to take away the means to disturb his government. He
exercised his great courage in companies also delicate and
dangerous: this is called the labors of Hercules. It is said that
Hercules became so formidable to Eurystheus, that despite
the empire he had sweats that hero, he dared not appear
before him and had prepared a ton of brass for them to go
hide if necessary. He made no entry in the city Hercules: he
brought the monsters were left outside the walls, and
Eurystheus sent him his orders by a herald.
"(1).Erymanthus mountain of Arcadia, was the asylum of a
boar whose fury filled him with horror the whole country.
Eurystheus asked Hercules to free the country from this host
feared. Hercules goes wild boar, is alive, and the load on his
shoulders to bring it to Eurystheus. It receives such a fright,
he will hide under its famous bronze vessel. The history of
boar Erymanthus painting is fabulous hunts boar so dear to
the Gauls.The Neimheid did not leave the memory in the
shadow of these dangerous hunts, and all the mountains
covered with deep woods, which can serve as safe retreat for
wild boars, we find land called pijole or pijoulet, - pig, pork,
- to Jole, hitting his head with -. The Pijole Rennes-les-Bains
has a place in Serbaïrou, south of the two rocks Roeselare or
trembling. Despite the strength of the Gauls, weariness and
despondency invaded their strong limbs, especially when
accidents increased soil in a mountainous country, added to
their difficulties fatigues of a laborious hunt itself.Back
home home, they took a rest absolutely essential on a pile of
dried leaves which served as their bed. According to
common assertions of historians, this pile of dry leaves was
the only sleeper of the Celts. We dare not believe, however,
that the Gauls had previously pushed their indifference to
the health and vigor of the body. We know in the Canton of
Limoux, a mountain grown, in part, and crossed by a road
leading from the village of Saint-André chalabre decorated
mountain named Matalin, - to mat, cover with mats - hall,, -
to inn, housed in a hostel -. The floor of the apartment where
travelers settled down to rest in the inn of Matalin, was then
covered with mats. Can you imagine that this was an isolated
and individual to a house built on a mountain, in a country
of also very poor and infrequent travelers? It's more
accurate indication of the use of mats and matting for the
rest of the night in the homes of our ancestors, benches and
seats leaning against walls used only for meals. The Celts,
endowed with a generous nature, were not prone to theft
and robbery, and they were few who were guilty of such
misdeeds. Besides, justice was swift and severe, and the
Fangallots Redones - to faint (slot) disappear - Gallows
(Galleuce), gallows, gallows, - reminded people of the region,
hanging was the just punishment of criminals .The names of
various sports fields Cromleck Rennes-les-Bains, evoke the
memory point of Celtic funeral, because they are already
written to the country Sordes at Caucoliberis and Illiberis.
Julius Caesar praises the magnificence extreme.
Unadulterated belief in the truth of the immortality of the
soul, drove the Celts to deploy a large pump in the religious
last duties returned to their parents and their friends. They
bury the dead in tombs formed of earth and stones, and high
cone known as Barrow - Barrow (Barro), grave mound - IV
the explanation of the monuments of Celtic Redones
southern Gaul, what were the religious beliefs of the Celts.
When foreigners, under the veil of trade and alliance, have
set foot in Gaul, these beliefs began to weaken in the minds
of the population. The chiefs of various tribes, liberating us
from the supreme authority of Neimheid, advanced decay,
and when the nation, defeated by Caesar, is now part of the
Roman Empire, ancient and pure religious beliefs taught by
Druids, gave way to the idolatrous cult propagated by the
victors. The temples of false gods have sullied your Celtic
land, and people fell to perverted worship Teutates, Belenus
and Ogmius or Oghan. We can not bring ourselves to study
the names of these false gods and idolatrous beliefs of
degenerate Gauls. The abyss into which they were incurred
is too horrible for us to dwell on the probe. At that time
miserable that preceded the arrival of the necessary and
immediate Saviour awaited by the people, the true meaning
and religious Cromleck disappears all the memories. The
countries of southern Redones had long been part of the
Provincia, and the Romans built a temple in the valley of the
Sals, and the baths at the source of the Queen. A new village
was built on the plateau overlooking the spa Villanova's
northeast side.The Romans left many traces of their
prolonged stay on Cromleck, medals and coins of gold, silver
and bronze, from the triumvirate of Antony, Octavius and
Lepidus, until the reign of Emperor Gratian whole
amphorae, fragments of statues carved in white marble
capitals and bases of columns carved inscriptions in stone
consular. Redones The South has had a relatively short time
in foolish superstitions of paganism. The proconsul Sergius
Paulus, a disciple of the Apostle St. Paul was come to bring
the Gospel to the south of Gaul and had established its
headquarters in Narbonne. Christian missionaries sent by
the illustrious and holy Bishop for the truth to win hearts
and minds of the Gauls of Narbonne, understood, entering
the Cromleck of Redon, the respect with which they
surrounded the stones cut or lifted, was respect become
idolatrous, and they did burn Greek crosses on all points of
this circle of stones at the entrance of Cromleck, the Crosse,
Roukats at Serbaïrou on the crest of the Pla de la Coste de
las Brugos Cugulhou and the sunset. So at the edge of the
cape of man on top of a Meniri, opposite the pagan temple
converted into a Christian church later destroyed by fire,
was a beautiful sculpted head Savior looking the valley, and
overlooking all these monuments Celtic had lost their
teachings. The cross of triumphant paganism, has not ceased
to reign in the Cromleck Rennes-les-Bains, and still
maintains, engraved in the hearts religious its inhabitants,
the precepts of life given to the world by the Eternal Truth.


I. Précis de l'occupation première des Gaules... 1
II. Langue Celtique ............ ................ 5
III. Le dialecte languedocien et les Tectosages... 12
IV. Le dialecte languedocien et la vraie langue
celtique .................................. 17
V. Le Neimheid ................................ 23
I. Les noms divins .............................. 27
II. Les premiers hommes. – Adam jusqu'à Noé .. 38
III. Noé et ses enfants ........................... 48

IV. Abraham et les Patriaches ................ 56

V. Moïse et les Hébreux dans le désert ...... 69
VI. Josué – Jésus Sauveur. – Goliath et David. 77
I. Afrique. – Puth. – Numides et Maures ........ 82
II. Les généraux de Carthage. – les rois Numides. 91
III. Langue Kabyle................................ 98
I. Gomer et ses fils .......................... 106
II. Tubal et les Ibères ........................ 108
III. Langue basque .............................. 112
IV. Les Cantabres. – Les Ibères. – Les kjoekken-
Moeddings du Danemark.................... 126
V. Les Gascons. – Les Occitani. – Les Aquitains
et leurs tribus.– Auch. – Bordeaux. 137
I. L'Armorique et ses tribus.................. 150
II. Les Redones. – Les monuments celtiques.–
Les Druides.
III. Le Rhône. – Marseille. – Les Allobroges. –
Lyon. – Les Arverni et Vercingétorix............ 174
I. Les Volkes Tectosages et Arécomiques. – Les
Belges. – La Garonne. – Toulouse. – La
Gironde .................................... 187
II. Le Languedoc. – Las Wisigoths et les peuples
dits Barbares .............................. 196
III. Les Francks. – Leur origine ...................... 201
IV. Les premiers rois Franks ......................... 208
V. Le roi Bébrix et Pyrène. – Hercule. – Les
Sardanes. – Gaucoliberis. – Illibéris.–
Les Sordes ................................. 213
VI. Les Atacini. – L'Aude. – Les radeaux sur
l'Aude. – Carcassonne ...................... 219
I. Description du Drunemeton ou Cromleck des
Redones du sud gaulois,– ménirs, dolmens,
roulers ou roches branlantes. – le Goun–
dhill ou Sarrat plazént ....................
II. Signification religieuse du cromleck, des mé- 224
nirs, dolmens et roulers.................... 245

III. Les sacrifices humains dans la Gaule ......... 24

IV. La pierre de trou ou hache celtique .......... 255
V. Signification secondaires des pierres levées.–
Les Eubates ................................ 263
VI. L'art de guérir chez les druides. – les eaux
Thermales et minérales de Rennes-les-Bains.
Sources ferrugineuses froides du Cromleck.
VII. Fontaine de Notre-Dame de Marceille........... 276
VIII. La rivière salée et les mollusques fossiles... 280
IX. Le guy sacré.................................. 282
I. Les habitations celtiques.– La route pour les
Chariots................................... 289
II. Nourriture des Celtes. –Boissons Gauloises. 294
III. La chasse au Sanglier........................ 298
IV. Les Romains et la source thermale de la Reine.
– La croix dans le cromleck des Redones. 304

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