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Quick Start:

• Remove Character Card

• Shuffle Deck
• Draw 7 cards
• Account for your characters Life

Turn Structure:
Draw Phase (Skip on 1st turn)
1. Draw a card
2. Play Ability (lower health goes first)
• You pay activation costs
• Opponent has chance to cancel your ability
• If canceled, discard cards that were just played
• You may play more abilities
• Opponent may play their abilities after you are done

Combat Phase
1. Play face-down card (or play no-card. Opponent can pick a different card to play face-
down. His card always wins)
2. Reveal cards simultaneously
3. Apply mandatory Ace cost if applicable
4. Determine combat winner
5. Losers may play bluff card or Joker (can still use if you played no-card)
6. Winner plays combo/pumps if applicable
7. Reveal Joker/bluff card
8. Discard all combat cards

Power-up Phase
1. Discard pairs, 3-of-a-kinds, or 4-of-a-kinds; then search for Aces
2. Search for Aces if you hit a chain combo

Bonus Info:
Power-up info for discard: Lum (Poker Hand) Info:
• A pair for … 1 Ace Poker Hands:
• 3-of-a-kind for … 2 Aces Straight – 5 cards in row
• 4-of-a-kind for … 3 Aces Flush – 5 cards of same suit
Full House – Pair and 3-of-a-kind
4-of-a-kind – Self-explanatory
Power-up info for chain combos: Straight Flush – 5 cards in a row of same suit
Card Values:
• 3 normal attacks in a row … 1 Ace Joker – 21
• 4 normal attacks in a row … 2 Aces Face Cards - 10
• 5 normal attacks in a row … 3 Aces Aces – 1 or 11
• 6 normals (Valerie only) … 4 Aces Normal Cards – Their own number
Cards in discard go in descending order from combo
Revealed cards can be used in poker hand

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